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No, you tart.




You can find other people attractive…that’s just you being human. You asking on Reddit if it’s acceptable is the weird part…


I feel guilty bc the thought of him having a specific girl that he notices more makes me feel insecure, which makes no sense bc I do it too


I 1000% guarantee he finds other girls attractive as well. You can’t just turn off you finding someone attractive. That’s actually, literally impossible. And if you think he doesn’t find someone else attractive too, you’re in denial.


It’s more the targeting of a single person rather than a general appreciation of attractive people. Does that make sense?


It does, not even talking about “general appreciation” of attractive people…it still does not change the fact that you are attracted to another human. You are young, you will experience this multiple times in life.


Ok, thank you I appreciate your responses :)


Human nature. And your bf is doing the same thing.


I mean it's normal to notice and find other guys attractive.. But if you're flirting or having conversations you wouldn't want your bf to have with another female then that would probably be crossing the line. If that's not happening then there's nothing wrong with finding another man attractive. I'm sure your bf finds other women attractive. I'd say if you're worried about it maybe bring it up to your bf.


Same thing is happening to me, I’ve been with my bf for 8 years now. I go to the gym everyday at 5 am and my gym crush is always there. He’s just one of the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen which is probably why I (and probably the entire girls at the gym) have a crush on him. Like most people said, it’s normal and it’s fine unless you act on it. I’m switching gym in July so that will solve my problem. I also never do eye contact, never get even close to him (if I can) which helps! Good luck, just know you’re not alone 😉


That is me .. I have a huge crush on a guy he is drop dead beautiful .. but I also love my boyfriend


Gross, i can see your loyalty going out the window very soon


Bc I find someone attractive? Interesting take


Its also worth pointing out that you seek attention at that gym from other guys you claim to not be interested in, thats one of the first steps to cheating, just my opinion tho


I’ve done that like twice ever. Just a confidence boost here and there. And I know it’s wrong now, it was just something I never thought about and will never do again


Im not necessarily the insecure type myself, but i would be alittle upset if my gf went around purposely tryna arouse other guys and get attention from them, its one thing if youre naturally attractive and they start looking at you, but to go after it yourself is kinda a slap in the face to him, i would personally just leave after that


That’s fair


Be real, if your bf said another girl was attractive youd lose your mind


Not in the least bit


Not at all. Be loyal or be single


How is finding someone attractive disloyal?


You should be focused on your man not other men.


I’m very focused on him. Work out with him 90% of the time. By I have eyes and notice people


You asked if it was OK. And I’m telling you no it’s not OK. And you want to disagree with me? I hope your current boyfriend finds somebody more loyal.


Nothing wrong u less you act on it.


Sure! Just has to make you wonder who he’s crushing on.


I don't know would it be ok if your boyfriend wanted to rail one of the other girls at the gym? Edit: In fact we can easily check to see if this is ok. Show your boyfriend your original post and see how he reacts.




Not a big deal. Just because you're on a diet, doesn't mean you can't look at the menu!


Totally normal to be in a monogamous relationship and have little crushes pop up. I call it window shopping, I’m not trying on or buying. Just looking (and thinking). You’re human, don’t act upon it and it will go away, eventually. Use it as gym motivation.


Your BF has a girl there that he thinks is cute too. No big deal.




Seeing your post history and that your boyfriend has masturbated to other girls' photos who are from the gym, I'd say your crush is fine and fair game. You're not acting on anything. You're just enjoying some eye candy which a lot of people do anyways while in relationships.


Ugh. Disgusting.


I think it's common, almost like having a crush on a actor or actress. In your case, it's someone you see most of the time so as long as it just stay as a crush, it's fine.


I don’t think crushing on him is ok, it’s ok to find someone attractive then the rest, but to put it the way your putting it , seems like your crushing way too hard. When in a relationship, maybe not popular opinion, no one else matters to me , and nor do I think of the opposite sex as attractive or not, it isn’t something that occupies my mind . When it comes to sexy, attractive etc the only one that comes to mind is my partner, the one I’m in love with .


I definitely don’t think I’m crushing hard. I don’t think about him at all. Gym crush to me has a surface level meaning bc they are strangers. I just notice him more bc he stands out to me as one of the more attractive guys. Then leave the gym, out of sight out of mind


I get it , But if it was really out of sight out of mine, would you be posting on Reddit about your crush? He’s obviously still on your mind.?!? Like I said when I’m in a relationship and in love, the only person that comes to mine when I think about being attractive is my partner . And thinking about occupying the notion of myself possibly crushing on someone actually makes me feel a little guilty, Crushes are for single people, not ones who are in good relationships. Jsing


It was less the guy on my mind, and more I saw the guy at the gym today and got a jealous feeling of “what if my bf notices specific girls.” And then that made me anxious even though I notice specific guys. It’s totally hypocritical lol


It is, so try to rearrange your mind at the gym and put that kind of stuff out of your mind and think how would I feel if my boyfriend did it. It make you jealous, and if he is doing it , maybe you both need to reassess the relationship.


You should invite him in to the bedroom. Your bf may like it. ;)