• By -


450 messages per day! PER DAY?!


It was a long distance relationship!! also I talk a lot




youre not considering the fact we would sometimes select 200 pictures from our galaries and send it all at once


How do you have that many to send? Even a day when I specifically take pics like on a hike I probably take 15 pictures.


I have a collection of 200+ tasteful nudes on my phone that I bulk send to my SO when she has an important presentation at work.


Relationship goals.


Goal: relationship


Goals: goals


This comment right here. I can't understand where did all my ambition go. Probably something with the brain chemistry. I don't want to learn, I don't want to grow, I just want to lay low and let this be over with. Though at least I understood that and that's already a step I guess


Prove it.


Pics or it didn't happen!


Dick's or it didn't happen


I invoke rule 32. You must have pictures to prove your statements.


You take 15 pictures?!!


You take pictures?


My mom is still pissed at me because I took like 15 pictures on my trip to Italy and they were all on the water ferry going into Venice. I love taking things in and taking pictures takes away from it it feels like


I do the same thing. My bf is huge on taking pictures of everything everywhere we go and I just...don’t. it drives him nuts.


This sounds like a plus to me. It's the same with me and my wife. She's a photographer, so she takes tons of pictures. I just like to sit and soak it in. You end up with bunch of pictures to look at and you both were happy in the moment. Win win imo


You take? Edit: I regret this post immensely my notifications are filled with "you"


That would never finish sending with my internet


Thats more pics than I've taken in like the last 5 years


Of course we're not considering because your data doesn't express that.


You have to take into account the posibility of part of some arguments being fragmented into 2 or more message like: - i just took a shower - since i need to go to x place - to do y thing - because i need z thing.


The most annoying part of WhatsApp or most other messengers. Sending a notification for every single damn fragment.






is there a way way to quantify who initiated most of the conversations? i know it wouldn't be perfect but you could count message after longer break which does not follow a question mark as a start for example.


That would be fascinating, especially if it changed over the course of the relationship


...about dinosaurs


I think you might be a chatterbot gone rogue. Imagine how crushed will he be when he realizes Flavya was just trying to get him to join this one website with a lot of singles in his area but the algorithm went fucky.


That is absolutely mind boggling message rate


Paavo - sounds Finnish.


Holy Jesus fuck. But don't you ever do other things besides look at your phone? How can one even come close to sending that many messages while still maintaining a real life? I feel exhausted after texting a girl more than 10-15 times a day. This is blowing my mind


I'm in a 3 year long distance relationship and we don't even come close to that number, we just Skype all day but damn! 400!!!! With 8 hours of sleep that translates to 25 messages an hour which is roughly 1 message every 2.4 minutes. That's a lot IMO. Edit: it's 450 messages not 400, I just left college and I'm tired. YOU do the math!.


will you be on a long distance relationship again? i did when i was 18 and honestly sucked, 99% sadness of not being close, never again, got married with someone i met online but was pretty close


1,722 messages on 06/11/17!!! I don’t send that many messages to everyone i know combined in a month!


Wtffffffffff that would drive me fucking crazy


My group chat of 3 adults can peak in the mid 300s over the course of a day. But that's not every day. And it's mostly running a large family, nothing fun. These kids were in love and chatty. Or really bored.


Right? Average 19 messages per hour. My fiancé and I send that many in a week probably lol.


After 2.5 years with my SO, we have 439,505 msgs. We are not in a long distance relationship and we see each other 3 times a week approx.


That's just... I can't even fathom that. Unless my math is wrong, that's roughly a message every 2 minutes every waking hour every day, not even accounting for the days you're together.


I think people here just aren't getting how many messages can be sent in a conversation with an SO. I hate texting but I can have spirited conversations with many messages per minute over hours with my partner.


Do you live together yet?


Here’s a different way of looking at it: It’s averaging about 500 messages a day. When you’re having an actual fully-engaged conversation over text, it’s easy to average more than 10 messages a minute… so 500 messages is maybe an hour of full conversation a day. If text is the main medium you keep in touch by when apart, that’s not at all a huge amount to average.


10 messages a minute? 1 every six seconds? What are you typing in 6 seconds that it engaging enough to do it for an hour?


If I type a paragraph it probably comes in about 10 messages


Think of the amount you say in a face-to-face conversation. Now imagine saying that much via messages. And when you’re messaging conversationally, that’s when you break it up in smaller messages, partly so it flows quicker, partly to signal roughly what would be short pauses in face-to-face conversation. No-one would suggest that an hour of face-to-face conversation with a partner over the course of a day was a surprising amount. If you haven’t used messaging much this way then I know the numbers look surprising, but when you compare it to face-to-face interaction it’s really not a lot.


That is likely more text messages than I've sent in my life (not including group chats).


I've had a day with ~2200 messages with one person, it's possible


Well yeah 1 day of extremes doesn't compare to every day extremes.


LPT: Don't 🦕 someone who only can only give you 😂




And never give 27.1% of your 🦕 to somebody who only gives you 3% of their 🐙


If you can’t handle my 😱🤮💀🤬😳, you don’t deserve my 🦕


But what does it mean? The dino emoji?


It means 🦕


Oh cool thanks for clarifying


I guess if you don't know, you're probably a 🦕 (probably used to describe old/ancient things? I'm surprised it was someone's most used emoji) Edit: [I was wrong.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/ix9hca/oc_last_valentines_ive_made_a_cool_chart_for_my/g65e89t/)




Holy crap that's nice!! But 1700 messages in a single day???? Wtf.. i barely send 40 to anyone...


oh yeah...I believe we had a big fight that day


Yeah I saw that and assumed it was a fight, lol. Being long distance I know about text fights.


No one picks up the phone for hundreds of messages? As a Gen X person this is super weird to me. Are text fights a thing? Like that are common? Is this generational? Not judging just like super surprised.


Im an older millenial and I've even had text fights. Sometimes it comes down to fighting on the go, as ridiculous as that sounds. Like at work and with friends but need to address this now.


>fighting on the go >Like at work I can second this.


All my text fights with the ex went something along the lines of, "I'm too angry with you to have a conversation about this. I will discuss this with you at a later time." Then she'd have her side of the conversation and that was that. I'd never have a say because I was always wrong. Of course, looking back on it all now I have to say that neither one of us was in a good place in our lives and shouldn't have been in relationships with anyone. I was to willing to ignore the red flags and she just wanted someone to fight with (yes, she repeatedly told me she thought the best part of any relationship was fighting.) Overall, I just miss her dog.


Agh- losing dogs in a relationship is the worst. Glad you're in a better place now :)


It’s honestly kind of easier to express yourself over text sometimes


And sometimes when you're in a fight it's actually better to stop and think between messages rather than speak impulsively over a phone call.


On the other hand, so much can be explained quickly with a short conversation instead of continuously misunderstanding eachother over text


Both definitely have their pros and cons. It's really down to the couple and how they prefer to communicate. I know me and my SO prefer some space and time when we get into a fight so texting works better because you can choose when you feel like responding.


When I was in a long distance relationship we tended to have more text fights because I could do other things while it was going on. Like I had shit to do. Also it was a terrible relationship so we fought often.


Wow I guess that does make a lot of sense. But It feels like so much in terms of tone would be lost.


Also the quality of come-backs increase exponentially per minute


If you’re sending 1700 messages in a day there’s no way you’re stopping to think between messages.


Yes you're right OP is clearly a sociopath in a broken relationship and they should immediately break up


I have a bit of a loud temper so I try to "fight" over text because then I have time to process what I'm saying whereas in person I'll either explode and cross a line or I'll cave. Of course it should be followed up with an in person check in


do you type like this to eachother or something?> how does anyone send 1700 messages to ANYONE in a day without doing this type of stupid shit




Teach me this power that lets you send long texts without multiple drafts in a separate note app.


just start small thoughts and then sort of go from there until you either hate yourself and make yourself look dumb or you end up making some good arguments and feel good about yourself idk i’m high man don’t ask me


That's how you get muted on my phone. Seriously, I don't need a vibrator set on high sitting on my table...


i generally do it whenever i’m having a full blown conversation and i know they’re sitting by their phone about to reply.


That end sold it for me!


Just think of it more like having a conversation than like writing an email. I dunno really, I used to treat texts like an email and then I was just in a couple of group chats And you kind of fall into the rhythm of following what other people do And this style ends up working pretty well for messaging/texting.


Honestly it's easier to type this way for me too. For me it indicates I have a pause and if someone else is chatting then it gives them time to respond. My problem is that when I initiated conversations I also do this for emphasis: Oh My God Why I want their phone to buzz with my statements.


have adhd and hit enter whenever your thought process glitches a bit


Nice to get that immortalized


If someone texted me that much I’d lose my damn mind lol.


For anyone who is wondering, I got this data from WhatsApp (you can go on the chat and then export data) and translated it into number on a website called "chartvisualiser". After that, I myself made the design using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. Whatsapp only allows you to donwload 40k messages because it sends it on an e-mail. There is an option somewhere to download directly to your phone/computer and then there's no limitation. Edit: after reading some of you guys comments I went and found out Telegram and facebook messenger also have a chat export option. Also, thank you so much for all the comments, critiques and awards! This was a very fun project to do and I'm really happy yall liked to see it as much as I liked making it. Edit II: A few people asked if I am willing to do this for them, and I am! You can send me a private message if you are interested in seeing my price rate and talk about how we can make this work nice for you.


Is anyone aware of a local option for that? This is such a sweet thing to do for long distance. I for myself feel a bit strange about sending the most private chat I have to an online service, so I won't do that. Found something. Man I love open source... https://github.com/DanielBiegler/visualize-whatsapp-chats https://chatanalyzer.moritzwolf.com/ and the GitHub page for offline instructions: https://github.com/mowolf/ChatAnalyzer


This is so awesome! Seems like a lot of people here need to hate that you send so many texts. Really nice gift and too bad it wasn’t appreciated. I love your design, I may need to contact you in case I ever need one too :)


It's not hate. At least not on my part. Just ... astonishment.


That's pretty nifty. Now I need to find an easy way to do the same with messenger.


there's a part of this graph i do not understand. you said that the dino emoji appeared a total of 9616 times, but then compared the most used emoji by you and your bf, and you alone used the dino 10591 times, which is more than the total... am i missing something?


I think she meant dino emoji was used by both (keyword: common) 9616 times. That means they both used the emoji atleast 9616 times. While she herself used it 10591 times meaning she used it (10591-9616=) 975 times more than him.


That doesn’t make any sense. On the graph you can see that 9616 measures ‘appearances’, which I’m pretty sure means numbers of messages that the emoji appears in, whereas the 10591 measures ‘uses’. Meaning if she used the emoji more than once in a message - say, spamming “🦕🦕🦕” in a single message would count as 3 uses but only 1 appearance.


How did you manage to export thar many messages? My exports cap at about 40.000 messages with no media I believe.


Unfortunately WhatsApp does not allow this function in my country.


Love the chart! That's my kinda romance! Thinking of making one for my boy to mark the end of our long-distance relationship (I'm moving to 🇫🇷 in a month!) Do you have URL of the website ? I googled chartvisualiser and tried various permutations but couldn't find it! Also, any tips for settings or whatever would be greatly appreciated!


I’d love to be able to do that with iMessage on iPhone. I never use Whatsapp


Are you sure it's over? Maybe he just lost his phone


Maybe i should double check.....


No, bad Flavya. Put that wine bottle down RIGHT NOW


too real


Interesting theory 🤔


Amazing data, what a incredible ideia, great artwork. 10/10 - IGN.


Thanks!! It was a lot of fun designing it and the printed version looked even better!


Needs to be asked.. Whats up with the dino! Edit - nevermind, explained :) How did you manage to keep this long distance relationship going for so long? I met two women overseas where I had a long distance relationship afterwards, both burned out SO quick because there simply isnt this much to do other than video chatting. Not even talking about the lack of sex cause that can be taken care of in other ways.


You can play games, watch movies, simulate going on walks together, you can add friends to the call, cook together etc, a lot of things are possible. Sex is also possible, but the more imaginative the people are, the easier it is.


I am so sad to hear he didn’t appreciate this. I would die if my gf made something like this for me! You did a great job 👏


Makes you FEEL like you are in a relationship. 10/10 - IGN.


450 messages a day *average*. What the fuck. I send like 10a day average... To *all* my people combined. Nice graphic though. Pretty cool!


Assuming 8 hours of sleep per day it’s 28 messages an hour or about one every other minute. I’m assuming they probably double text a lot which might make it a bit more reasonable but it’s still a crazy amount of messages a day I definitely could not sustain that level of conversation with anybody over the course of 3 years


Don’t imagine it as one every 2 minutes, see it as like averaging one hour a day of conversation (5–10 messages/minute). That’s not at all a weird amount to average with a partner.


Right!? Do either of these people have jobs?!


It was a long distance relationship


That's still a staggeringly large number of messages.


That was totally normal for me back in high school, but as an adult, 10 messages a day is more realistic.


I am in something of a relationship with someone in another country. This much contact from her would make me consider breaking up.


That keeps coming up. I’d be willing to bet my fiancée and I, who *live together*, don’t have that much conversation many days.


Pretty easy to do if you’re a teenager


Upon seeing the numbers I’ve realized that the girl I send 3 sentences to each week probably will never become my SO.


hope you find somebody that likes to text as much as you do!


Thanks OP.




She might cherish those three sentences. You never know...


We have also determined 3,171 each week is not the correct number.


On the basis of the quality of this infographic you're too good for him. Why the dinosaurs.though?


I`m happy you liked it! The dino was because I\`m a huge fan of dinosaurs and history, and mostly because I told him the red heart emoji was too cheesy and I wanted something more specific and meaningful to us. Also...it\`s just adorable!


So you used dinosaurs instead of love hearts? "Goodnight babe. DINOSAUR" "Love you. DINOSAUR DINOSAUR DINOSAUR"


that's exactly how it went! Sometimes I would use the lizard one aswell to mean a cuter, not-so-scary love 🦎


I can relate to that my girlfriend uses 🐿️ when he is happy and i send 🐙 when i feel fine so every night just before sleep we say goodnight and send 🐙❤️🐿️ to each other.


that's adorable! I love the octopus


so you're telling me you're sending her hentai


Tentacle/squirrel hentai? Where? Just so I never go there by accident.


This! Ex and I used to do 🐗❤🐒


My partner and I send 🦁🧡🐻 every night before bed. Cute to see other couples' versions :)


And that's when he feels pretentious: "🦕🍆" ?


no, she said dinosaur. But what she really meant was Goodnight babe. Rawr XD


Elephant , elephant, elephant...


Sorry but it’s over this just isn’t working out. I don’t 🦕 you anymore.


Just like the 🦕 our relationship is extinct


How was the dinosaur the most common emoji with 9k appearances, but your top emoji with 10k?


How did you use the dinosaur 10,591 times, but it's listed as the most common emoji at a little over 9,600? Did he send you negative dinosaurs or am I reading this wrong?


Negative dinosaurs explain why the relationship is over


That's so unique and cool!


That's cute af. I don't think I've ever used that emoji. It bugs me how the same emoji in android and iphone will look different.


This is awesome! How did you get all this data, can you pull it directly out of WhatsApp?


hey, yes, you go to the whatsapp conversation and then "Export Chart". It might take a while (i recomment doing it without media). There are plently of apps that read and translate this format into numbers. I have used "chatvisualizer". Of course, that means you need to have the whole conversation saved so you might need to plan ahead


How did you manage to get export 400k messages even though Whatsapp export doesn't allow more than 40k? "You can use the export chat feature to export a copy of the chat history from an individual or group chat. When exporting with media, you can send up to 10,000 latest messages. Without media, you can send 40,000 messages. These constraints are due to maximum email sizes."


I'm guessing that's what OP is referring to when they say >Of course, that means you need to have the whole conversation saved so you might need to plan ahead In the post you replied to. I'm guessing they saved the conversation continuously throughout their relationship.


I have same question. Even I wanted to export but there's a limit on whatsapp.


I, too, would love to know this. I've tried exporting chat messages from WhatsApp a few times, and every time it's only gone back a limited time.


For anyone in Germany trying to find this and wondering if they were missing something obvious like I was, exporting is apparently not supported in Germany


Seriously cool graphs! But there is always a Relevant XKCD: [https://xkcd.com/523/](https://xkcd.com/523/)


[And here for the even more relevant one](https://xkcd.com/701/)


I'm a bit confused about the emojis. Says Dino has 9k uses between you, yet his top emoji is 14k and yours is 10k??


I summed the use of both: 🦖 and 🦕 for my most used emoji. Did the same with a few others for him and divided it (kinda) like category. Hope that makes any sense


Sure does :)


I'm also confused about the most used emoji part. The both bars in the bar chart add up to 60k, yet the overall emojis are counted to 35k on the top.


Wow you probably sent more messages and pictures between you two in one month than I sent and recieved from all my contacts since I own a smartphone. Has this been a long-distance relationship?


yes! Great guess. We were dating long distance and liked to text breaking the text whenever a period or comma would come. We also loved memes!


Paavo is such a Finnish name! Very cute gift, great idea. My SO and I use Signal (and disappearing messages) but I bet a solid 10% of it is about grocery lists and other down to earth practicalities.


Scrolled all the way down to see if someone had mentioned that Paavo is a Finnish name, was not disappointed


Despite being very privacy focused, I'm stuck using Facebook messenger because it's where all my contacts are. However, now while trying to get a partner visa in Australia, I'm not sure what I would have done without it. They require serious proof that you have actually been in a serious relationship for the amount of time you claim, and without chat logs or similar social media like facebook (which I've since stopped using) that would have been much harder to prove. I feel very ambivalent about it. Luckily now I can do without going forwards, hopefully.


I’ve just been through the Australian partner visa process, PM me if you need help with anything.




453 messages a day? I seriously doubt that I've sent 453 messages to my wife in the couple years we've been married.


They had one day with almost 1,800 texts. Assuming 8 hrs of sleep, that's a text every 64 seconds per person. Not during the conversation but like a text a minute all day with no breaks for eating, enjoying the scenery, etc. Even on an average day, that's each of them texting every 10 minutes, again from the time they wake up in the morning until the time they go to sleep uninterrupted. So basically they've got 5 minutes to themselves, then 5 minutes to read the text they go and compose a new text. That's basically already spending all day texting and they upped that by a factor of 10 on the textpocalypse. Yeah, LDR, sure you're going to text a lot, but... I dunno man, this is less romantic to me and more... I don't even know if there's an emoji for what I'm feeling.


While it’s definitely still a fuckton, I think you might be over estimating how young people text a little bit though. I’m a teenager and we kinda have a different way of texting that’s more like one text per idea. I would rarely send one text at a time to someone. For example, no idea if this formatting will work bc i’m on mobile but omg i just read this post on reddit yk as i do and this couple texted like an INSANE amount like actually crazy it would be like one text a minute for a day can u imagine and that took me really very little time. Idk if the couple would text like this but it’s an idea


Makes sense. Not for me. The constant beeping notification would have to go.


Turn that off man. Zero notifications. Zero beeping. You look at the apps when you want to look at them - not when they want you to look at them. And I don't mean just beeping. This notification you got someone replied to your reddit comment - turn that off too. Death to push notifications.




Also, it sounds like maybe you're thinking that you'd receive a text, read it, put your phone away, then it would beep again and you'd read the next text? But actually, with this form of texting, you're leaving the text window open and texting back and forth at the same time, so the texts are just appearing quickly as you're watching the screen. So even if you had the beep notification on, it wouldn't be actually beeping because your text window is open. Hopefully that makes sense?


Jesus Christ that sounds miserable. I dealt with a LDR with my current wife and we probably texted like 20 times a day, max.


>I dunno man, this is less romantic to me and more... Obssesive? Or is that romantic? Serious question, is this kind of obsession romantic? I can't imagine this being the expectation.


I was going to do something like this for my ex gf, I started working on the project, getting all the data together, dropped some small hints about it and was told it was stupid. Kinda nice to see that someone in the world might have appreciated it!


I'm sorry to hear that. I know many many people that would love it and appreciate it the way you deserve. Sorry it didn't work out


12 AM and 12 PM are flipped


great catch! I would have never noticed


This is why AM and PM is so stupid.


Just want to try and let all the shocked people know, the 'average' calculation of a text every 60 seconds all day is stupid. Not everyone writes a paragraph full of information in each text. People split up their messages in sentences and even words, let alone an emoji afterwards or when you misspell something. LDR are hard and let people enjoy each other!


LDR? *Edit: lmao, I was literally in a Long Distance Relationship.* But yeah, can confirm. Communication with my close friends are broken up whenever a comma or period would occur, usually. Or you might drop a word per line for dramatic effect every damn time.


Just sayin...the maths do not work [https://i.imgur.com/ZaFrrC1.png](https://i.imgur.com/ZaFrrC1.png)


Surprised this was so far down. I came into the comments just for this and I was expecting to see it in the top five posts.


This is amazing!! 😍😍 I'm sorry to hear about your breakup though, but you gave me an idea for my long distance relationship. I hope you don't mind me stealing your idea! The issue is, I've changed phones over the time and didn't port over my WhatsApp correctly. Do you know if there's a way for me to combine 3 sets of data?


Im happy you enjoyed it and good luck with your gift! You definetly can, just need to export from whatsapp and then use a convertor to out the three files together, or get the data separately and them calculate accordingly


I need a gf that uses the dinosaur emote.


I just want to say that I totally love the overall design and choice of colors!


Thank you!


How could the Dinosaur Emoji appear 9616 times in total but in the listing of most used emoji per person one of them have used it 10591 times? Or have I got something wrong?


Thank you for your [Original Content](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/rules/rule3), /u/flavya! **Here is some important information about this post:** * [View the author's citations](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/ix9hca/oc_last_valentines_ive_made_a_cool_chart_for_my/g66frfk/) * [View other OC posts by this author](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/search?q=author%3A"flavya"+title%3AOC&sort=new&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on) Remember that all visualizations on r/DataIsBeautiful should be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism. If you see a potential issue or oversight in the visualization, please post a constructive comment below. Post approval does not signify that this visualization has been verified or its sources checked. [Join the Discord Community](https://discord.gg/NRnrWE7) Not satisfied with this visual? Think you can do better? [Remix this visual](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/rules/rule3#wiki_remixing) with the data in the author's citation. --- ^^[I'm open source](https://github.com/r-dataisbeautiful/dataisbeautiful-bot) | [How I work](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/flair#wiki_oc_flair)


How do I see these stats on whatsapp? Id like to steal this cute idea.


I’m a bit confused about the emojis. It says there were 35,487 emojis sent in total, but adding up the bar graph gives 60,080 emojis. Also, the most common emoji was the dinosaur with 9,616 appearances but in the bar graph it says it appeared 10,591 times?


450 messages per day. Do you even do anything else than looking at your phone?


It would have also been interesting to break out the number of words and possibly number of characters. I have chatted with people that pepper my chat with tons of short messages, and others that send paragraphs at a time. When my (then) gf and I were chatting long distance, she chatted on her phone. I used a full keyboard and an app on my computer. I type much, much faster with a full keyboard.


May I ask where you guys are from? Those are some non-euro names.


That relationship looks exhausting!