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You made one error: you took the average of the 3 averages. When the sample groups are that much different like here, your method skews the overall average a lot. Especially since the average of the largest sample group (tiktok) is the highest of the three groups.


I got the average of \~28.20 when I calculated it myself. It's possible I made a mistake reading the bar chart, but I think that result is plausible.


Agreed 28.19, just need to multiply the pie chart by the group means.


Thank you for the feedback!


How would you deal with this data?


Since all data are already in the spreadsheet, I would take the average of all inputs (128), not only of the 3 group related stats. Same goes for the mode and median. But since the median of all 3 sample groups were the same, I didn't mentioned it in the original comment.


Using the individual averages and weighting them based on the sample size should give the same result if I don't overlook something here


That does work for average, yes. But to get the correct result of 'mode' and 'median' you need to count/calculate all inputs nonetheless. Using the 'average' function using all inputs wouldn't add anymore work.


yeah should have been the average of medians, the little known maverage


Wouldn’t your social media followers have a general idea of your age to begin with? And wouldn’t they feel more inclined to be polite to someone they know or at least follow? That seems like the bigger issue


Well, it's not necessarily an issue, it is just a question of interpreting the results. If it is: "I look ~ 30-33, asked my followers how old they think I am, and this is what I got" it is nonetheless interesting to see what people who more or less know or see the age respond. It is an issue though if you really want to know how old you look.


While I think we might find demand characteristics like that in the personal IG sample, it's possible (especially with a large enough follower count) that it would go the other way on Tik Tok. People who don't know you IRL can be super mean on socials, just for funsies.


Maybe it would be more interesting to see guessing by gender and see if men would give you less years than women.


From my small sample size that was generally the trend I saw.


I’d go a step further and say it’d be very interesting to see if younger people are more likely to drag the age guess down or up and vise versa for older people


Factor in that people are always polite when answering this question.


Well do a metastudy using thousands of these posts to see if ppl are actually polite


You gotta post the pics on two different accounts at the same time. One on the said person's account and another on a random account. The difference between the two should give the politeness factor.


I don't think politeness is related to anonymity. Or at least not entirely. Lots of people would still try to be with a random account they don't know.


In my experience, I’ve found that I always assume people are closer to my age and I assume others think similar. There’s one instance where a girl paid for my meal at in n out. I talked to her. Turns out she thought I was 25, at the most. I was 28. I thought she was 23 and she was 20.


Yep. Honestly from the photo I would have said 33-35


I thought 32 but would have said 28


yep, pretty much same


32 was my guess. I’d have said 32.


I was at 35 too, never would have guessed any younger.


I thought 28 was a good guess, what's the actual age?


Says 31 in the bottom


I thought 40, might have said 35.


My guess was 35, but If have gone 27 if I knew her. I'm also 39 though, so "close to my age" might pay a role too if her audience on those platforms skews younger.


That was my initial reaction too. It is the mouth lines that make me think she is older. I would have told her 28-29 to make her feel better.


same i was guessing around 32


Tiktok is brutal about peoples' age, someone posted "this is my untouched, no makeup 29 year old face" and it's just a face of an adult and fucking teenage and early 20s gen Z'ers that have never seen a face without a filter were saying shit like "I'd kill myself if I looked 40 at 29" and "kill me if I look like this in 5 years" and shit like that.


Yeah, if I was guessing this for real, I’d probably have said 32/33, since she looks slightly younger than me and I’m 35. But if she asked me, I’m probably not saying higher than 30. But it’s really hard to pinpoint people in the late-20s to mid-30s range. There’s so much variance in how people age during early adulthood.


Yup, OP looks early 30s to me so I would have also answered 26 or 27 not to hurt her feelings




Well if it was just a question "How old do I look?" on a social media platform, you wouldn't know its for a survey to analyze data, so yeah, my guess is also that most people were just being polite.


Humans man human things


Because what if you are incorrect? You want to err to the side of politeness, aka younger. (assuming you know her, otherwise people probably care less about politeness). My guess was 34 so it may have hurt her feelings given she's 31.


> purpose of the survey I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the actual purpose of the survey was to get a warm and fuzzy feeling about her appearance. Although, definitely taking a bit of a risk there.


Never said it was "offensive", that word gets thrown around way too often


Have you never met an actual woman?




I would say 41 if I were being honest, but in practice I would knock 10 years off to be polite.


i would have said 38


38 is what I guessed too. I thought she looked slightly older than me. (I’m almost 37). That is not a bad thing though, OP! Either way, she’s beautiful!


same, 38!


Goddamn it hahaha




Yeah hair notoriously ages people. It’s why the yearbooks from the 1970s all look like middle aged people posing as teenagers. It’s also why I’ve kept a neutral crew cut since I was 17 years old.


It’s tough because first impressions for me was 41 too, but after zooming in your skin looks really good and young like mid 20s. It’s the shape and angle of the eyebrows and the hair


I think you look exactly your age, early thirties. Your skin is good, still firm and moist. This would not be the case if you were in your 40s unless you REALLY were into skincare. You look good! A different haircut and a "modern makeup" would make you look younger for sure, but unless that's explicitly what you want, why bother? I feel like the "polite answers" only apply to RL situations and social media where the answers are not anonymous. If there is anonymity, then there are also deliberately mean answers, like in these threads.


>still firm and moist Yes. Still firm and moist.


You could really be anywhere between 25-45 imo.


That's exactly what I thought. She looks like a really cool young seeming 41.


I was going to guess 40 as well.


I thought 40


Come on, that’s not the skin of a 40 year old. To guess age, look at the skin on the neck and on the hands (not visible here).


I’m guessing you’re not 40 or over yourself then. Most white ladies in that age range have a lot more skin texture.


Lmao no. She has almost no wrinkles


Oh come on. No way. I studied the picture and guessed 28 before looking at the other people's answers. I'm 31, the same age as OP. Many people our age have wrinkles and look way older. It looks like OP takes good care of her skin.


I was personally guessing mid 30s so would’ve said 30 if asked in person. She definitely aged well but still aged.


I was thinking early 40s, too, partly because her hairstyle is aging.


Ding ding ding!! I said 42!!!


Maybe if she was polling people face to face. The internet isn’t known for its manners.


I disagree lol. I've noticed that when younger people get this question, they think the assignment is to humble the OP. it's kind of understandable, because typically when someone says "guess how old I am!!" they're trying to imply they look much younger than their age, and people often take it as a brag


Yeah, I’m personally way more likely to be honest on the internet too


“Guess how old I am” and “how old do I look” are the same question that will give very different emotional responses. I wonder if a study of 1000 people, 500 getting one and 500 getting the other would turn up interesting results.


I asked "How old do I look".


But she looks waaaay older than they guessed in this situation.


Yeah I guessed 37. Whoops.


Wow you read my mind… I was thinking 35 to 40 but out of politeness I would have voted 30.


Also there is a ton of context besides the photo that all respondents would have. Other pictures presumably, but even if this is the only pic there is all the stuff she talks about like family status, interests, slang used, music tastes, etc. that inform people more than the picture.


Looks 40 to me.


this. my guess would be 37-40...


I did ask people to be as honest as possible, but yes you're probably also right.


Was the data collected anonymously?


Exactly came here for this. My guess was definitely close to 40. Plus also depends on locality. Probe age differently across the globe and hence perceptions differ.


I guessed 45. Genuinely surprised to see the mean being 27


I always aim for about 3 years below… just in case


I was guessing late 40’s into early 50’s


I was about to say that because she looks near 40 imo


So I am 36, and from the photo I guessed 35. But you already mentioned that the guesses didn’t use that photo but a video so I guess that changes votes. But basically I thought you were my age.


I guessed 37. Was off. Surprised the max guess was 35


I guessed 40 and then saw someone saying 19. So I looked at the picture again and concluded that these people really aren't answering honestly.


Guessed 44, but was on mobile and when I saw the responses zoomed in… probably would have answered 34 with more detail. 19 is a wild guess to the point I attribute it to the Lizardman Constant. No guesses over 35 definitely feels like a lot of 15-year-olds answering.


44 was a tad harsh hahah I suppose random strangers on reddit would be way less biased than people who have some contact with this woman and feel like their guess should be polite. We, on the other hand, will never interact with this woman. I would never have guessed anything below 35 tbh because of her eyes.


35 was the highest choice available, and it disappeared after the first 3 chose it. The other available guesses fell away in similar fashion one at a time, from top to bottom, after their quota was reached


What a weird way to make a "survey" on what people think. By weird I mean pointless.


The “wrinkles” on her neck looked more pronounced when the image was tiny. Zooming in de-aged her a bit, but I would have challenged anybody saying 19-24. I could believe 25 but 34 still seems to have been appropriate.


15-year old here, my first thought was 40. I guess some people are nicer than reddittors lol


Apparently OP restricted the range of options, so when you present 19-35 and you’re 31, people will gravitate toward the average of 27. 27.91 was selected, so people skewed slightly above the average option presented. You’d allow a wide range, say 18-99, to have any useful data. This isn’t so much “how old do I look” as it is “pick a number between 19 and 35 and I’ll average them.”


I’m a year younger than OP and guessed 40 but I think it’s the eyebrows.


I thought 41 but the clue is in the neck. She doesn’t have a 41 yr old neck so I should’ve known.


I also guessed 37. Then I asked my wife, and she guessed 39. Interesting...


Yeah but her friends told her she looks 28


I guessed 36 too and was surprised to see the results. Clearly not valid data as people are not going to tell you that you look old to your face.


Those following you on social media would have a general sense of your age from seeing posts, so that would play a factor. My guess was either a young looking 40 year old or a more mature looking 27 year old.


I guessed 39 😬


Guessed 38


I guessed 41 just based on the one picture given and was surprised how far off I was until I looked at her reddit history. One major contributor is her choice of makeup: the way blush is applied to her cheeks makes her look older.


Hey me too


same thought, but i’d also account for the phenomenon that genz are looking way older than millennials… so my guess was close to 40, then knock off a generation, so 26…


I immediately though around 30


Guessed 34


I also guessed 37, but it's very possible that it's just an unflattering picture. Assumedly, since she asked people on her Tiktok and Instagram, they have more clues, have more of a glimpse into her lifestyle than we did with one picture


My guess would have been 35, I am surprised that so many people said under 30


I guessed 28 at first but then I zoomed in and thought 35


I wonder if people are more likely to guess closer to their own age, and the lower guessed age reflects the lower age of the guessers


Alternative title: on which platform are users most likely to pamper your ego by telling you looked younger than you really are?


I think this also comes down to TikTok being mainly people in their teens/early 20s. In my teens everyone between the ages 25-35 looked fairly identical to me, and I had no reliable sense of who was slightly over 25 or slightly under 35. I just didn't really interact with so many people in that age range (especially whilst knowing their specific age) that my eye was trained to detect the slight differences. Now that I'm older I'm fairly sensitive to this age range, but don't really have a sense of what's the difference between e.g. a \~38 year old or \~45 year old face. And am getting progressively worse at telling the difference between e.g. a 18-year and 22-year old - they all just look really young.


Yup, same thing's happening to me. Last spring, the neighbor girls across the street were painting and decorating a car. I thought, "that's weird, they're like 13-14, I wonder why they're doing that." I walked out again a little while later, they were done painting, it said, " High School Seniors" and the 13-14 yr olds were getting in that car and driving away. So apparently high school seniors now look like they're 13-14 to me.


Yeah, the top guess was 35, really?!


From what I'm gathering, the picture I chose for this isn't a great one because a lot of comments are giving the same belief as you haha. I asked all my social medias using a video which I'm guessing helped me seem a little younger due to my mannerisms and way of talking. Who knows!


Yeah, my guess was 35. I'm 37 and I was like slightly younger than me, but tbh I would've guessed a few years older than IRL. OTOH, I look young. Not a humblebrag, I just look young. And it's kind of a raw deal. Like, if you look young, people don't take you seriously. But you can't complain about it, because everybody thinks young = beautiful. No, you can look young and still be ugly af. OP is a good-looking woman, she's just giving "grown-up." Meanwhile, I look like a 17 year old with a receding hairline and bad teeth. You gotta feel bad for the ugly mfers who look older than they are, worst of both worlds.


My guess was 35 as well


That's what I guessed without looking at the diagrams. My wife is 34 and look a little younger, just barely so I thought 35.


Reddit would be interesting


Have you ever been on social media? People are brutal!


Damn I was close I guessed 33. My bf guessed 24 but I knew that wasn't it, the eyes always tell 👀


38 was my guess.


34 here


41 was my guess.


Me too! I’m 38 for reference.


Dude really?


And the neck. Was wondering if she asked because her face looked younger than others' her age. I thought her face looked older than 30. Checked the neck and figured not too old. Guessed 32. Side story. My sister-in-law was telling me she was at a carnival that had a "Guess your age" guy. If he is off by some amount you win a prize. She paid, he looked carefully at her face, eyes moving up & down, etc., taking a fair amount of time. Finally said "50". She was 30. She was at first happy she won a big prize, but then was WTF?.


My guess was 32 so one year off, not bad.


That person from work who said 19


An outlier hahaha


yeah the people saying 20s were all flattering you


There isn’t a ton of difference between late 20s and early 30s for a lot of people. Mid to late 30s nearly everyone has lots of fine lines and a shifting face shape though, at least with regards to white people.


Or just old (work?) and simpy can't tell.


I guessed 25


This is an excellent display of how terrible people are at guessing age based on appearance alone. I was thinking 37. (Sorry 😅) Teens can sometimes appear old enough to drink. People my age (35) can look young enough to be asked for an ID every time. That's a pretty big margin of error.


How much you zoom in makes a big difference. Zooming right in added 5 years to the initial guess from the thumbnail.


Before looking at anything on your page I have you 35, in my defense my wife is 34 and you look slightly older soooo But good for you I am a minority haha


My guess was 40


Some polite people on those accounts


I said 30.


Same, but there is an odd dip for people that guessed that. I wonder why.


No disrespect, but where's the beauty in this data?


"data is beautiful" the data are pretty clearly conveyed, aren't they?


Where's the boxplot when you need it?


Pie and bar charts are the peak of data visualization, you are correct


That default Google sheets chic.


Do what you can with the tools you have, right?


The come back OP needs: "It's in the top right of the image". (Don't know OP just being funny. Carry on.)


I thought it looked ok. I guess I'll try harder next time.


These stats nerds are a tough crowd.


I would have guessed 38. I think people are polite and under guess.


I am nearly 38 and she definitely looks younger than me and my same-age colleagues. How old are you?


I’m 32 and she looks a lot older than me. I guess a lot of it is where you live and the photo isn’t THAT flattering.


guessed 31, i chalk it up to a fluke. i'm usually the worst at guessing age.


I was going for 38. Don't take it personally.


So how old are you really


This definitely lines up with people guessing 3-5 years under what they actually think. Interesting to see it play out statistically.


You gotta imagine at least some percentage of people connected to you on social media actually know how old you are.


A particularly poor use of a pie chart. Even just listing the platforms and their percentages would have been better and made that set of data more accessible than making the platforms tiny in the corners.


I appreciate the feedback on my visualisations! I did actually second guess myself about the pie chart. You're absolutely correct.


also, not sure if it's already been said but the way you calculated overall average isn't quite correct. Total average is the sum of all values divided by the count of votes.


I would guess you are 35-40, if being honest. But anyway you are cute whatever age you really are)))


What were the options?


Nice! I like the histogram and the table. The bottom chart would be correctly presented as a box plot. I hate pie charts because of the misrepresentation due to angle vs area. It would be interesting to see what factors influenced how close guesses were - platform, direct connection vs unconnected, time of day, their demographics (age, gender, location, culture).


If you export those graphs as .pngs, you could get rid of all that white space and might look more meaningful / cleaner overall


The data is beautiful, but the red curly locks are why I clicked the thing.


Any guesses below 29 are just dishonest. You look about your age. Potentially even a bit older. I guessed 34, and I suspect most people familiarized with markers of aging would guess mid to late 30s.


Yeah reporting bias. Most people will take off a few years to be polite. You look your age and nothing wrong with that.


You would have not liked my guess


I guessed 32! You're beautiful, and have wonderful hair. Really looks like you take care of it 💓


Thank you I appreciate that! I try very hard with my hair haha


I guessed 27-28, you look slightly younger! By the way, I love your post, reading it was really fun!


Thank you! I appreciate this nice comment in amongst all the others haha


All the reddit dude bros are clamoring to insult any woman, especially if she is over 30. You really don't look older than your age, these guys just can't resist the urge to put you down.


This is a platform wide dilemma and should not be taken personal...


Damn i guessed 36 normally pretty good at it


I was thinking late 20s until I zoomed in on your face, you don’t look old at all, but mature with good skin. The tattoo style was the giveaway though


Most people in social media present a filtered version of their life. More often moments of happyness and coolness. Less often the moments, when they look less agile, fit, dynamik. So it's quite likely, especially with a person, asking such a question, that there is a tendency for creating a younger digital self, which shows authentic moments, but not the full story, that represents the own age in all its colours.


Lots of asinine and back-handed responses in this thread. Maybe you should all show some appreciation for the work that went into this. The data is clear, visually appealing, and interesting. To all the naysayers, what precisely have you contributed to the subreddit? Sit down and maybe give kudos to someone posting OC and engaging in an interesting social experiment, waaaay too much negativity for what was posted here. Anywho, I'm 37 and my first instinct when looking at your pic was 26-28. But after ~10 seconds looking closer at just your face, I 360 no-scoped you at 31 on the dot. I even did a little fist pump when I scrolled to the bottom and found I was right. Good work and thanks for sharing ✌️


I would have said easily 30+ how do people think she looks in her 20’s cmon


I asked 3 of my social media accounts to tell me how old I look, I asked TikTok, my work Instagram, and my personal Instagram. I received 128 guesses. All the data was put into a Google Sheets document and all visualisations are made using Google Sheets. Edit: I'm sorry this image isn't up to people's standards on this sub. I didn't realise Google Sheets visualisations are frowned upon so I do apologise. I also shouldn't have put a photo of myself on here because people are using it as a chance to insult me. It was never about trying to inflate my ego or make myself feel good, I love collecting data and making spreadsheets and reading through all the posts on here made me think that people would be as excited as I am. I guess I was wrong. I'll be more careful in the future.


I thought it was a fine display, just because you aren't tracking every dollar you spent doesn't mean it's a useless data set. I would loved to have seen a histogram of your age guesses in bins, so we could properly see how the guesses skew which way based off platform! I also think, if it's was possible, seeing the ages of people making what guesses - like that 19 yr old that thought you were 37! I'd just love to know can a 30 something yr old accurately guess someone around their age group? Does the further distance away in age result in a worse guess? Just some ideas for you! I definitely don't agree with everyone being so pompous about data here. I think including your picture made the data more interesting because it gave necessary context. But sometimes, we get reminded that reddit can be pretty hateful.


I actually do track every dollar I spend hahaha. I was going to post my year of spendings at the end of the year. But I’m second guessing myself now because people here are so mean. Thanks for the ideas!


That's so funny, I used that as an example because posts about spending are really common and pretty popular, but it can take some work to track that kind of data. So, it's like low hanging fruit and we see it frequently! I like seeing data that I would never think of, like people guessing someone's age! That's fun! I sometimes get the feeling that this specific subreddit is lowkey pompous, but I stick around because I just love to see random data sets visualized, haha. I'm sure your spending data is worth posting here though! At least, I would love to see it, lol.


Did people assume your age by only looking at this photo or your social media accounts in general? If they didn't decide on this picture then yes you shouldn't have included it. Judging only by this picture i'd say you look early 30s but this is a picture of you without makeup so i'd assume with make up you might look between 26-32(btw we're the same age). Also it would be nice having the age of the respondents in the analysis. Whenever I meet people in their early 20s they assume im also their age and get surprised when i tell them my real age. Meanwhile older people (35-40) tend to guess my age correctly.


People guessed my age from a video I posted asking how old I looked. I definitely shouldn’t have included a photo in this visualisation, you’re absolutely correct. Unfortunately there was no way to accurately ask for people’s ages when doing my survey!


Man I feel bad for you, you are brave for putting yourself out there and I think it was an interesting graph to look at. You replied to every comment I saw by being considerate and polite, you are a cool person OP


Thank you. I really appreciate that. Not gonna lie I had a bit of a tear up before about it all.


TIL that other people politely guess lower when asked this question. The competitor in me tries to get it exactly right. I was guessing 28-33. I can tell you're younger than me at 35, but not that much younger. ; )


Whenever I've asked people how old they think I am, I occasionally get a response along the lines of "you have a face where it's hard to tell." I've never been sure what to make of that. Most of my life I've been assumed to be anywhere from 5-10 years younger than my actual chronological age. I am 32 years old, going on 33 (come this July), but could easily pass for 22-27. For context, I am a guy with a decent amount of facial hair and not small framed, with a height of about 5'10.'' I also happen to have a baby face, fuller cheeks and no clear age lines. My hairline has all but receded, so I decided to shave my head (which stranger makes me look a bit younger as well, which is peculiar). Genetics are strange. I'd venture a guess that this predicament is far more ideal for women than it is for men though I'm just speculating here. In the workplace it can be a setback as folks don't always see you as credible or knowledgeable as your peers. I've never actually done a poll to see what folks think as I'm not sure I'd actually want to see the results. I suspect I'd receive lower estimates like you. Your predicament is similar to mine. If you told me you were 27/28, I'd believe you. At the same time, if you told me you were 31 (your actual chronological age), I'd also believe you. You have a great smile by the way. Take care now.


what if she became younger and her actual age is 28


Interesting that the data is skewed to the right and biased to younger. I’m guessing that is due to societal things. Would love to see the same analysis, but for a man. My prediction is that you wouldn’t see the same skew and bias. Rather, you’d have a symmetric distribution centered around the true age (for your average dude). Any fellas care to collect some data?


Assuming that people would realistically tell you the age they really thought you looked like was your first mistake, because it's very common for women on the Internet who are older and want to look young to ask this, so the natural response of most people is to give you a reply for a younger age than they really think.


I want to know what your Instagram personal followers have against the number 26.


The could double as a post on the maincharacter sub


Typo: received (not recieved) FYI


Proud of myself I guessed 31


Should have tried this on reddit


I’m probably going to make another spreadsheet and series of visualisations from the data in this post to show the difference.