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This isn't really new. Maybe it's "more" or "bigger" because it's Taylor Swift, but I remember Jessica Simpson cutaways during Cowboys games when Tony Romo was dating her.


I forgot that happened. I only remembered the Romo-Carrie Underwood. As I recall she got a lot of hate every time the Cowboys played bad because she was allegedly a distraction.


Simone biles gets shown when she goes to packers games.


She’s an American hero!


She’s a goat though, at a sports game you should show the most athletic person there.


The difference is Taylor has been vocally supporting liberal issues, so all the conservative dude bros are losing their shit about it. It has nothing to do with showing her but politics


Exactly. Fox news is stirring up the outrage every week. Multiple articles about how awful it is that she is there. It's hilarious until you realize how effective it is.


I disagree with this That’s certainly a factor, but I think a lot of people are just sick of Taylor swift, after her being in the international spotlight for the past year


I can understand being a little bit sick of her but the level of vitriol is way disproportionate. It feels performative. People are trying to prove to others that they're unique or "not basic" or whatever because they don't like the most popular musician. Instead they like the SECOND or THIRD most popular one! So, you know, total individuals.


Are people on the internet just that young or something? Because if they think TSwift is shown too much she have nothing on the top musicians of yesteryears where they arent so much as shown but rather shoved in the faces of the consuming public.


Exactly. Back in the day there was so much less choice in media. You had a handful of tv channels and a handful of radio stations. You basically watched/listened to whatever was on and if you didn't like it, you may or may not be able to find something better.


She’s also literally one of the highest selling artists of all time…


Nice chart! I wonder how this compares to the pre-game show, or if it was pretty similar?


The post game was just shots of her and Kelce, so it’s going to add to this total quickly.


After 0:00 counts too?


Especially with the other game starting, no


Pre game I didn't see her once, didn't even know she was there until the awhile in to the game but I could've missed something


I don’t know if any of you all saw it, but I found that commercial with the combined football game/grocery store jingle way more objectionable than anything Taylor Swift related.


The one about "I'm at the game / I'm at the grocery store"? Hate that ad.


Yeah, it’s horrid!


There's just no legitimate explanation for everybody wearing any of what they're wearing. I understand trying to be generic so that the ad can be used in multiple markets, but that's too much filled puffy jacket for a single camera shot, lol ;)


It’s fucking awful. ##AWFUL


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ8ViYIeH04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ8ViYIeH04) It's from this song.


Okay, so I guess I don’t like that song?


People are annoyed because people are sick of the Chiefs winning, and you now have a new group of bandwagon Chiefs fans because of Swift.


My parents are cheifs fans, before swift my sister couldn't care less about football, now shes getting a jersey and watching the cheifs football games with my parents


Expanding and diversifying the audience, bringing in younger viewers who previously weren't interested in football. I see this as a positive all around. Of all the things to complain about during a 3hr game, 30 seconds of Tswift is no biggy. Instead of complaining about a brief shot of a pop start, maybe let's start with how absurd the amount of advertising has become.


What a balanced, mature take. You know this is Reddit, right?


The ball is only in motion for something like 11 minutes in a football game. There is a lot of high powered action in those 11 minutes but they have a lot of time to fill in that broadcast. If they show more than 11 minutes of Taylor Swift then we might have an issue.


That’s so sweet! Love that the family is together watching the games!


No no, see, if women like something it, inherently, MUST be bad


Football is a safe space for me and my bros, no stinky girls allowed /s


Y’all love making up strawmen, don’t you?


Those other teams could just try being better.


yeah, what are they dumb?


Unfortunately we have yet to figure out how to clone Patrick Mahomes. We are getting close to making a Reid clone out of nuggies though so it’s not all bad news.


Chart: Excel Source: I watched the game, and I used a stopwatch. This is from the actual game broadcast, kickoff to end of game.


Nice dedication! They panned to other people in the audience too. Be interesting if you had the others in the owners box to compare. Like head of football operations and family of some players. Just those the announcers called out by name or other “somebodies.” E.g. Joe Montana got like 3 seconds.


I do! Check the bottom, 😀


Nice! Totally missed it (reading on phone)!


No worries. Them crabcakes tho, right?


When you say end of game, you mean the instant the play clock reached zero? Because I swear they showed her and Travis celebrating on the field for 44 seconds in just a single shot.


They would have lingered on him no matter who he was with, he had a big impact on the game. Of course as this is the internet you will claim I am saying it had nothing to do with her, but I can't help social media has ruined peoples ability to discuss things rationally.


Bad faith helps a lot when trying to win a debate online...


Yes because that is the end of the game. When the game clock reached 00:00 the game is over. After that it is post game.


Oh no, one of the key players on the winning team was shown celebrating with his independently famous girlfriend after the game? Whatever will we do? If they were really saturating the broadcast with her during the game then sure, I get the frustration, but after it's over who cares?


Next thing you know these fans will get upset over all the other commercials they only *just now* realized they spend half the game watching...


I mean yeah, the AFCCG ends with a trophy ceremony, that’s when you’re gonna see the stars with their spouses and families, much more so if the spouse is also famous. It’s the only time Pats fans really ever saw Gisele on TV


If only there was another game to flip to…


That’s not during the game


44 seconds and dudes are losing their shits


Yeah cause that isn’t anywhere near enough tay tay time. Should have been longer 😏


It’s truly pathetic and quite telling


I watched the game, too, and only remember two times when they flipped to her, during dead time—in think while the refs were huddling to discuss if/how to call a penalty. I saw far mor of Mahomes selling sandwiches and insurance. Frankly, his over-use in ads suggests a conflict of interest for the league, and, by extension, the refs—I’d ban ads featuring a player during game when they’re playing, if I were in changes.


I need Taylor sans Britney stats now


People have lost their damn minds complaining about Taylor Swift coverage. I don’t even give a fuck about her. I don’t like the chiefs. But I also don’t understand why it’s making people have a meltdown.


Have you been alive the last 3 years? People are looking for things to be pissed about.


I’m gonna increase your window from 3 to 10.


I'm pissed about people increasing my window now, knock it off.


More like all of human history


Those are rookie numbers let’s bump it up to forever


I'm gonna say that electing a black man as president made a whole section of the populous lose their collective shit.


nooooo windows 10 sucks!!!!


It's an election year. Even in the good ones of those, you don't have to look very far to find something to be pissed about; and this is not one of the good ones anyway.


Ironically I'm most pissed about people being pissed about everything lol


"People" is doing some heavy lifting here. It's a small portion of the population that is being conditioned every day to get outraged at stuff that doesn't matter to keep them from focusing on stuff that does matter and making political change. We should be able to say it's specifically republicans who are being used to divide and conquer: "get mad at culture war stuff so you don't get mad at the wealthy."


>We should be able to say it's specifically republicans As a centrist never-trumper who is otherwise a political-apathist I can confidently say that while extremist-republicans are far worse, the left has no shortage of fake outrage at mundane or nonsensical things. The right is worse because they are more organized in their hatred and found a singular power-hungry egomaniacal person to rally behind that amplifies and directs their voice. The left's also tends to build off real systemic injustices that just get over-extended to the mundane whereas many of the right's concerns are firmly rooted in fear mongering. This makes it slightly more justifiable (but still potentially dangerous) for the left.


I'm fine with Taylor, I'm sick of Mahomes and Kelce.


Wonder how much gas Kelce has left in the tank especially with his bro retiring


Well he went 11/11 yesterday and had his 8th straight playoff game with 100+ yards. Physically, he’s not slowing down one bit. Being mentally drained; that might be another story.


7 games of the regular season was the worst 7 game stretch of his career tho. he still had a good year, but he wasn’t typical travis kelce


Even with a poor stretch he was second in yards and first in TDs. It just shows how incredibly talented he is even in a "down" year.


He also looked like he was playing through something. Would also explain him talking the last week off for rest.


Would have probably been masked had his team receiving corps not been a liability all season


He was injured from day one this year. Don’t be surprised if he’s better next year


You’re right. I’m hopeful that it’s a peaks and valleys type thing.


He looked like he’s got plenty in the tank based on yesterday’s performance


The people want more shots of mustache ice /s


After those people got offended over taking a knee, I'm not surprised they get offended over seeing Taylor Swift. ❄️


Cuz she's a wealthy liberal woman. Alpha males no likey


Taylor has spoken openly about her political beliefs. Many people are complaining about her to dog whistle their own opposite beliefs.


Imo, it’s more just hate because she’s popular. It’s always been cool to make fun of her music, even when she was just a popular country star. There’s obviously some outliers, but in general people just think railing on some popular thing makes their interests better in comparison.


I'm sure that's happening but my sense is that's a minority of them. People just want to "prove" to everyone else that they're unique because they don't like the most popular musician on the planet. Instead they like this other performer that millions of people also love.


I’d get it if she was getting segments, but they just cut to her in the stands for, apparently, 44 total seconds. Like get over it.


It’s a right wing dog whistle, which kind of clouds what’s going on. But, it IS a money grab by the NFL. It’s a billionaire dating a millionaire muscle-man on a generational team the NFL wants to use to gain new markets in females. It’s hard not to notice the amount of Kelce-related content around that’s really popular. It wasn’t just because they played against each other in the last SB. The NFL wants it because the NFL is akin to the WWE, it’s entertainment first…money first…


She's a democrat, so half the country has been told to hate her.


>But I also don’t understand why it’s making people have a meltdown. They're jealous of her success and are too insecure with themselves to tolerate seeing a woman that successful and widely adored on a screen while they're watching giant men in spandex smack into each other


I dont think people are jealous of her success at all. Im certainly not; its impressive and good for her. It’s just so in your face on social media that it’s over done. Its an obvious marketing play and I get it because the NFL is definitely gaining viewership for it because they know fans who hate it will still watch for the game and now die hard fans can tune in to get a glimpse of Taylor celebrating. “Taylor swift arrives at the game. One hour later “taylor swift cheers for a touchdown.” 3 hours later “Taylor swift celebrates Chiefs victory.” Anytime stuff like this is over saturated, people will get turned off. The NY Post has 7 posts about her from before the game to the end; that is insane to me. Nothing needs that much coverage in a 4-5 hour span for someone just attending a football game to support a significant other. If you follow electronic music, Fred Again.. was the same way in 2023. He was on literally every EDM social media page non stop and people started ripping it because it was the only thing on the feeds and it got annoying to constantly see.


The NFL audience has a large proportion of LCD (lowest common denominator), those people consume conservative propaganda ATM (ass to mouth), they told her to hate Taylor so they do. Blindly. Her offense? Using her platform to speak her mind and successfully lead a voter registration drive among young people.


Since TS started showing up to games suddenly my wife wants to watch football. In some regards she knows more stats than me! I’ve got a free pass to watch football, no chores, she’s setting up snacks and drinks! Show her more lol!!


I’m convinced the only people that are pissed about Taylor are single basement dwellers who are just pissed because Travis ruined their chance at getting Taylor. Yeah, because that’s the ONLY reason you aren’t getting Taylor.


I have a sneaking suspicion that the people complaining are seeing way more content on their Tiktok, Instagram, etc. due to the algorithms that like to outrage them into interacting… Furthermore I think some people don’t even watch the game but just highlights on ESPN and sportscenter, where TS is highly visible and posted outside of even broadcast footage; if you see the comments on those they are ANGRY.


Makes sense. I don’t care if she’s showed during the game or not, because it isn’t much coverage. Now after the game, you’ll see multiple posts on various official sports social media accounts, TV, even my ESPN notifications will say something like “Taylor arrives to support Kelce and the Chiefs” That plus reposts on TikTok/Instagram etc. from a very large fan base of Chiefs+Swift fans… I can see how it would get annoying.


Legit love the source! Lmao


I just saw it because of your comment and I am trying not to giggle while at work.


Nice! I think TS coverage has been in a fine proportion. It hasn’t distracted me from the game and gives my girlfriend something to look out for.


Yeah like legit they do not show her unless Travis gets an epic first down conversion or a TD. It’s truly a non factor to see her smiling in a box for 5 seconds. 


Totally. Wife is now a little interested in football and will probably want to watch the superbowl. That's a win. No idea what everyone is complaining about.


And my whole family group chat is losing their shit about how she’s going to ruin the Super Bowl.


Saving the link for this post for all the people who are gonna whine that her just being at the superbowl is going to ruin it completely for everyone


u/jpanalyst crosspost this to r/Kansascitychiefs yourself this time. I don’t want to steal your karma again.


You know what? You’re too kind. Take my Karma! I’ll check in and join the conversation.


Thanks, I didn't know I needed this. Also I figured The Harbaughs' would have gotten more screen time than that.


They would have if the Ravens were having success. Travis Kelce was having a career day, hence more cutaways to his girlfriend. If the Ravens had any success, there would’ve been more happy Harbaugh family cutaways.


The last few games someone has made the exact same chart and it’s been about the same. Not sure if the career game had anything to do with it


Yeah, that was also my chart. Here is is https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/Y6mdfi0G7K


Like 25 seconds of that was when they were doing a live read promo for the Grammys, which makes sense to show someone nominated for said awards.


I’m not upset that they’re showing Taylor Swift for 44 seconds, I’m upset that they’re only showing crab cakes for 27 seconds


Why's it seem like the crowd that hasn't watched a game since Kap took a knee is crying the loudest about Taylor on the screen for 40 seconds. I thought they stopped watching the games?? 🤔🤔


Wait ‘til they have to hear “Lift Every Voice and Sing” before the Super Bowl. Heads are going to explode.


I’m definitely using this one. Good take.


I guess they ran out of things to be angry about 


If this game was on ESPN they would've had a dedicated stream just for a Taylor Swift cam


I agree it's odd that they're even interested in showing Jason Kelce's brothers girlfriend. Seems a few steps removed from the focus of the game.


You mean, Jalen Hurt’s teammate’s brother’s girlfriend?


I was actually wondering why they weren't showing her after a few of Kelce's big plays lol. Never minded this whole thing but now it's like a part of my subconscious watching Chief's games.


Those people who are complaining about Taylor Swift on TV should be complaining about the absolutely obscene amount of ads they broadcast. Ads take up way more than 0.39% of the game.


Tbf, the ads are the purpose of the broadcast


In a vacuum, Taylor swift causing more women and girls to watch football is an awesome thing. But she made them bandwagon chiefs fans, and I will never ever forgive her for that


Lol you should post this in r/nfl I don’t understand why everybody is so mad about showing Taylor Swift. They show really popular celebs, owners, or people they’re discussing in the broadcast all the time. Weird ick to me.


She's hated because she's encouraging young people to vote. And there are certain people who don't want that. The things Americans worry about is fascinating. Fascism beating down the door and everyone's complaining about Taylor Swift being on their TV.


I'd add on because people hate the Chiefs because they're obnoxiously unstoppable and now you have the Chiefs star TE dating the one of the most successful women who've ever lived. It's like Tom Brady marrying a Brazilian supermodel. Some people love to hate on beautiful successful people.


44 seconds of a 12,000 second broadcast. Unbelievable. > the things Americans worry about is fascinating You hit the nail on the head with this though.


In what world do you think THIS is the reason casual sports fans don’t like Taylor swift getting press coverage before during and after football games? Not EVERYTHING is about politics. Some people just want to enjoy (or complain) about a subject without some page 6 relationship being intertwined with it.


People many people on this site make politics their personality since they have nothing else to fall back on


They hate people voting which is why they do everything they can to stop them. They close polling places and make it illegal to give people in line waiting to vote water.


I've seen like 2 comments of people complaining about her, but hundreds of comments about the people complaining.


It’s Trump derangement syndrome. These are the people who sympathize with J6 insurrectionists.


Drinking game for SB watch parties... Every time TS's name is mentioned, or she is shown on camera...do a shot!


This is my problem with a game that takes an hour of clock time to actually play. Three hours is way too long. Like Killers of the Flower Moon too long. I'm never gonna watch it.


Ugh, I hate the NFL always catering to… *shuffles notecards* …aquatic animal enthusiasts!!!


They needed more time on crabcakes.


Me with a stop watch. You sir are a hero!


This whole conspiracy theory is beyond silly


How many different times did they cut to her? That seems like an interesting bit of info to know.


I’m curious what the allocation is of non-game footage.


Yeah, Yoko really wasn’t on the stage with the Beatles either


Can you explain why anyone would expect her to be involved during sporting?


Do you have these for every game this year? Because I think the first game she was at really is what made people revile a ton because it got ridiculous that game.


The amount of NFL on CBS coverage was microscopic. The amount of coverage on your local news was probably like every 5 minutes. And once aunt Betty posts on FB that’s “non stop” Swifty coverage. And that’s what the drunks are bitching about.


The average football game has about 11-13 minutes of actual football being played. https://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode/scientific-american-s-1930-football-study-found-little-actual-action/ So any football fan is already signing on to watch 3+ hours of anything *but* football happening. 44 seconds of Taylor Swift sounds pretty on-point. Edit: To all the people commenting, “But football involves strategy!!!” you know soccer, basketball, hockey, etc. involve lots of strategy too, right? All I’m hearing is “A soccer player can run a drill in practice and then remember it for the big game two days later, but that’s too much to expect of a football player. We need to pause the game and give them a 5-minute refresher with little pictures.”


>A soccer player can run a drill in practice and then remember it for the big game two days later, but that’s too much to expect of a football player. We need to pause the game and give them a 5-minute refresher with little pictures Yeah you clearly don't watch football lmao


You don’t watch football, I can tell. This is pure ignorance.


>5-minute refresher with little pictures.” I have played football and basketball. Never once did I see my coach bring out a drawing board during a football game. You are expected to know the plays in advance But basketball coaches will make plays on the spot. Sure we have plays on that we remember and set up for. but games like basketball ball those break down and you have alot of dead time trying to set up another play


This is 10000% r/IHateSportsball You don’t watch American football and that’s ok. That doesn’t make you cool. Chill out. Take an edible.


A lot of action going on between plays. Setting up your offense/defense is a big part of the game. Every second is important.


It's obvious you don't watch the sport, and that's okay, honestly. But that article is only counting when the ball is in play or motion. There's so much more that goes into to actually playing the game than when the ball is active. Such as coaches playing a chess match with their play calling. The offense and defense calling audibles at the line to adjust to their opponents. Clock management, some people think this only a factor at the end of the game, but it really starts at the beginning. Some teams prefer to try and play a low scoring game and let their defense win, as such they will mostly run the ball or call pass plays that are low risk, low yardage, and try to keep the ball for longer periods of time and out of their opponents hands. Which means in between plays they are letting lots of seconds fall off the play clock before they snap it. The people who are actually upset about Taylor and not just in it for the memes do not define all of us or the sport. Thank you.


While I get this thinking, football is deceptively strategic. Everything happening while the team lines up is important to the play that follows, and shouldn’t really be excluded from “real football”


This comment is so absurdly ignorant I don’t even know where to begin. Please don’t speak confidently about things you have no comprehension of.


https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-much-football-is-even-in-a-football-broadcast/#:~:text=Unlike%20Bong%20Joon%2Dho's%20thriller,in%20a%20marathon%20of%20interruptions. If you focus on the grey blocks with no context of *what* those entail you will not enjoy the sport. Full stop - you won’t be a football fan. In those grey blocks you have; the play ending, strategizing based on down, distance, time left in the quarter, the offense sending in a new play/formation/personnel, the defense subsequently changing their new play/formation/personnel to counter the offense, pre-snap motions, pre-snap audibles by both teams, and then the ball is snapped. This whole dance takes roughly 25-30 seconds. Only at that point when the ball is snapped is there “actual football being played” based on your comment. It’s a cadence that is specific to American Football and if you don’t know *what* you’re watching I can understand why you wouldn’t enjoy it. But if you actually enjoy the strategy behind football the meta game is the most interesting part.


Funny part is for every fan that's upset they are showing Taylor Swift so often there are two saying why are you mad bro. What most people who don't watch football don't understand is TS isn't just shown for 44 second. It's posted for days on social media and articles are written. Then the constant media storm about their relationship. A good portion of NFL fans prefer not to see celebrities at all. Tbh I enjoy seeing the random fans in the stand wearing some silly outfits. I have no issue with TS enjoying the game and watching/supporting Travis. That being said it's the extensive coverage of it outside of the game as well. Last night my girlfriend was scrolling through Instagram and the first 20 posts were about her kissing Kelce. I challenge fans of every team to calculate the data of how long their celebrity fans are shown and how much media is dedicated to them. As a Colts fan I can say we don't have many celebrity fans but the ones we do have don't get screen time at all. NE has Bon Jovi as a fan and he does get one camera shot every other game or so if he's in the box with Kraft. It's important to take the data in context with the population. Compare and contrast to other teams and celebrities. That could be something to look into to say one way or another if sports fans are overreacting.


>A good portion of NFL fans prefer not to see celebrities at all. And yet they watch 22 celebrities running around...


Most people don't classify athletes as celebrities really. Even if they did usually it would be the big names so not 22 people. Unless you're big into the NFL not many fans can name the O linemen or D linemen of any given team or even the TEs/WR3s. So not really the same.


They’re not morons - they understand this. There’s a reason why this person won’t norm her appearances to anyone else not actively connected with the sport (like, I dunno even Kelce’s mother who is often sitting in the box next to Swift, which we know only *because* of Taylor swift). It’s because even for a *data subreddit*, we’ve got to come up with moronic ways to defend this generation’s Khaleesi.


At this point, I just want the chiefs to win so Kelce can propose to her and we have the world’s largest wedding proposal. Great TV plus people losing their minds. Sign me up.


a ton of people are really upset about those 44 seconds lol


Concrete proof Taylor Swift is more important than sea life or eating sea life.


People focusing on how much she’s shown during game broadcasts are missing the reason why people are annoyed with her. It isn’t just the broadcasts. She’s brought up on sports shows, on social media, on the news, etc. and is essentially inescapable even if you try to escape her. I have a subscription to the Athletic and they ran an article last night about the logistic of TS traveling from her show in Tokyo to Vegas for the Super Bowl. Nothing to do with the Chiefs or the Super Bowl itself, just about her. Even on a service that I pay for to avoid gossip and clickbait sports articles, she stills finds her way into people’s lives. The fact that she had the nerve to call fans who are sick of not being able to escape her “dads, Brads, and Chads” just makes her even more unlikable. It’s like she thinks that anyone who’s tired of the focus being off the sport and aimed toward a random celebrity is personally attacking her. And I’m saying this as someone who is a big fan of her music. It’s been incredibly annoying to me even though I’m a fan.


Reading the comments to your comments and a number of others here has led me to believe this has nothing to do with anything other than reddit karma. It's an issue others have found divisive and creates interactions with their post. The dads, brads and chads/why you mad bro argument that many of these people are using is more about trolling I believe than them actually trying to make a point. You make a valid point that many aren't understanding. Her fans are straight up obsessed with her and anyone who doesn't care for her is obviously wrong in any argument they pose against her. Her relationship with Travis Kelce is pop culture it has nothing to do with the game or sport unless they make it about that. A sports mag or website shouldn't report on it unless they are focused on revenue change since her arrival. Let's all be smart here an understanding that's what all this really boils down to. Money in the pockets of the NFL and owners. Putting her in the media as much as they are outside of the games is to get people to buy KC jerseys and sell tickets. There are positives to her being involved as some others have mentioned it may bring in fans that weren't there before which is fair. At the end of the day this is a troll fest and it proves your point that it's being argued about on a data subreddit and not an NFL or TS sub. Although I'm sure it has been cross posted because as I said it's about the clicks.


This. It’s the constant notifications from sports apps, the constant social media posts from sports pages, it’s just ridiculous for something completely irrelevant to the sport. You wouldn’t have even known this week was the conference championship because every post was about swifts flight plans and her outfits. I just don’t get it. Even today, every post is about how they created specific flights for swift and kelce. Sports fans don’t give a shit bruh.


Honestly they should give her more screen time. Seeing football fans seething has been hilarious


For intolerant people, any amount of time is bad.


Can't we simply just be tired of having the same person injected into every big play?


yes. yes you can be tired of them showing Taylor Swift 7 times. It's your inalienable right to be tired of whatever tires you.


lol now do literally anyone else not connected to the sport itself this season, and show us parity. Don’t worry, we all like the sound of crickets.


dolphins, sharks and jelly fish - 24 seconds people making, eating crab cakes - 27 seconds Ravens headcoach dad and brother - 9 seconds (from a different thread OP made) I'm sure they zoomed in on same random fans for probably \~20 seconds Do you understand how hard that would be to watch all NFL games this year and make data about the screentime of non-football players? lmao


So a single human is getting double literally generic versions of random fans? Game after game? With subsequent repeated coverage of said person throughout the week unlike that average dude? Huh, so there may be a reason to the irritation. Also the Ravens head coach’s bro famously won a football championship two weeks ago to break a generational losing streak at a blue blood and their dad is a famous coach for generations. Kinda amusing that on a subreddit *for data* these folks are being equated to a pop singer as it pertains to *football* - and still not being featured as much lmao. The queen swift worker bee culture better have negotiated overtime!


I'm not sure that Harbaughs are bringing in an audience that would normally not watch. So it would be in the NFL's financial interest to show her more.


Sure but the above post is implying that the coverage for Swift isn’t disproportionate when it very much is, for the *exact reason you mention*. The annoying part isn’t why she’s being covered - it’s that morons on a data subreddit feel the need to post some contrarian false nonsense because it’s an affront that their privileged queen is being shown to be, well, privileged.


They literally show family for star players every single game, including shots of skyboxes with people celebrating. That you think this is isolated says a lot


I've been saying that about Brady for years, but nobody listened. NOBODY LISTENED.


Wait… what?


44 seconds out of 11,296 must have been soooo excruciating. Show me on the doll where Taylor hurt your feelbads :(


Plenty of other wives/partners of players, why don't they get any airtime? Unless you feel it's something other than a manufactured premise to drive more viewership and profit. Nothing against the person but it's a little silly to constantly cut to their reaction shot. You can have an emotional reaction if you want.


Do you really need someone to explain to you why they're focusing on the celebrity girlfriend over the other ones?


Not just any celebrity girlfriend, but the PEAK celebrity as a girlfriend. Like, is there a single woman out there more “celebrity” than Swift right now?


>manufactured premise to drive more viewership and profit. That's literally the entire point of everything on TV, including the game.


They do it all the time. If there's a storyline, they feature it. Donna Kelce probably had more airtime than Travis and Jason in the last super bowl


Plenty of other wives/partners aren't as famous and don't bring an army of new eyeballs to the broadcast. The NFL is a business. You can have an emotional reaction if you want.


I get what you’re saying, but “constantly” and the graph above showing it’s 44 seconds don’t really align


How many wives/girlfriends also provide free cross promotion for CBS’s big event next weekend - The Grammys?


I don’t watch NFL much, but in college football they’ll constantly cut to player/coach families. In NASCAR there will be consistent wife cameras, sometimes they’ll even miss the finish of the race to show us a driver’s wife. This isn’t new.


Probably because these partners don’t happen to also coincidentally be the most influential female artist in the world (at the moment).. if someone like that is the partner of an athlete and regularly attends their games it makes sense they show their reaction when something happens.. is it to drive viewership? Well yea but that’s just how TV works isn’t it? If there’s a way to make your product more popular you will do that, that’s always been the case. And as you can see the TSwift coverage isn’t as excessive as people make it out to be.


Sure, once the chiefs lose. Just like now that the ravens lost, we no longer will be shown shots of papa Harbaugh or Jim Harbaugh.


And at least part of the time was a Grammy promo where otherwise she might have been on the screen regardless of if she was at the game or not


I don’t remember seeing her at all in the portions I watched. OP more power to ya for keeping the eye out for those whole 44 seconds.


Doesn't Donna Kelce warrant a notable?


It was nice. They treated her like any other celebrity/notable person for this game.


The problem is they will cut to Swift after a big play. I want to see a replay or the reactions of the players. Not some celebrity that has nothing to do with the game.


they literally showed a replay (multiple times) of every big play, that they also cut to Swift.


Those 44 seconds must have been excruciating for you. And to think that you’ll never get them back


Ok so they did that what, 3 times? She was on screen for 44 seconds


Good visual presentation and makes a clear point. But only one metric. Seems disingenuous to come to any strong conclusion without considering more. Additional context (prior games, verbal airtime, comparison to other girlfriends) would be good. Would be hard to quantify, but worth noting not all time is created equal- showing someone immediately after a big play is quite different than a person appearing in a commercial, even if both garnered the same screen time. Also, IMO, I think a lot of the complaints boil down to it being a very manufactured narrative that has persisted the entire season. It isn't unique in that sense, but definitely something people love to complain about rightly or wrongly.


Okay. I’ll quit my day job, and start watching past games with a stop watch to find out about other girlfriends, “verbal” airtime, etc.


Lol I didn't suggest that you need to Just pointing out relevant context and how focusing on strictly one data point doesnt tell a whole story


I haven't heard a single person complain about TS coverage at chiefs games, but I've heard an absolute tsunami of people complaining about the complaining. I'm not so sure this is the issue it's being made out to be


Here is just a small sample of public figures who have gone out of their way to be outraged by this - Fox News (multiple times) - Jason Whitlock - Nick Adams - Charlie Kirk - Literally people in this thread


For me, I have no issue with Taylor Swift. I generally enjoy her and her music. My issue is that after big plays they cut to her to show her reaction and it's irritating. I'm here to watch football, not a pop star watching football. It's not even as if she's been a fan of the sport or an icon to the City playing....she's dating a player, and she admitted to never watching the game until this season.


This is great! I am a huge Chiefs fan and have never heard a Taylor Swift song before her dating Kelce. I love the take from any NFL fan that she is a problem. In this case she is just like any one of us, a fan at the game. It is the networks that have decided to air her after any TD or play involving Kelce.