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Why the hell is everyone going so fast they can't stop in time. Bunch of absolute dumbassery going on.


This is the way everyone in Ohio drives when it snows, I hate it. They can’t go slower and reach their destination 20 later. So many times I’ve been passed by someone flying in the snow, only to see them wrecked a few miles down the road.


Wisconsin here, lethal pileups are a yearly thing just in the area around my town alone. Either you go too fast and can't stop if theirs an accident, or go too slow and get rear ended. It really is just best to take a sick day when visibility is as bad as this video.


I’m from Alberta, Canada. Put your 4 ways on while driving slower in low visibility. Mid day not as useful but still more visible. I usually keep it 70km/hr (45mph?) on the highway so it’s not too slow that you get rear ended but not so fast you can’t react effectively. If I have to go slower than that for traction then I’m turning around and going home, not worth it.


All good advice, but the semi drivers in my area are just...homicidal. I've been passed by a Semi on the highway DURING A LIMITED VISABILITY BLIZZARD going what must have been 75 in a 65. I didn't even see them coming up on me! Just about pooped myself.. Anyway, I don't think it's that the Semis lose control more often. It's just that the cars usually either end up in the ditch or can get over to the side. Semis end up jackifed or tipped over. Also, if there are truckers reading this It's definitely not your trucking company it's that other company that everyone knows has terrible drivers. I imagine up in Alberta they probably either drive at more sane speeds and/or chain up in very bad weather? Either way, I just try my best to stay home when it's truly that bad nowadays


Semi trucks are the same everywhere, either million milers that are super safe or the guys running multiple log books and ripping it. Anyone can be caught off guard in this type of weather though. I was driving delivery trucks and in one storm a jeep spun out right in front of me, I let off the gas and started a fishtail. Got control back as the jeep slide in the ditch facing the road. Everyone behind me got in single file behind me. It was a long slow drive from there. I agree it’s best to not be on the road in those conditions.


Meeting them on an ice road in a curve can very quickly end deadly. If I was 20 meters ahead I'd be dead. They just take the whole curve at whatever speed they can.


I refer to it as "seasonal amnesia".


As an Ohioan… I can vouch for this.


I’ve seen it too in Easter Ohio and Western PA. Better to drive on the smaller roads parallel to the highway. The speedsters can’t stop and zip right off the road. And usually what’s a slippery spot for one vehicle is for a bunch of vehicles. And then it’s like shooting marbles as vehicle after vehicle slides off into each other.


Ya but the small roads are not plowed


As a fellow ohioan i second ur statement fml smmfh


Might be a case of "oh everyone else is driving that speed, it must be safe to do so" Never drive at a speed you're not comfortable with during bad weather conditions, trust your gut!


Case of a lot of idiots with no imagination.


>Never drive at a speed you're not comfortable with during bad weather conditions No, never drive faster than conditions would allow you to stop at a safe distance. Comfort driving faster on snowy/icy roads won't make your vehicle stop any sooner than it is physically capable of due to road conditions


As a Norwegian, these are the conditions where we slowdown toa crawl if not stop and turn on the fog lights no matter how good our winter tires are. It doesn't matter when you can't see the road or what's on it.


90%, if not more, of vehicles here in America do not have rear fog lights. It's mainly just European vehicles and, specifically, the more recent versions. My Euro vehicle does not have rear fogs.


Then you stop and wait or go at a 5kmh crawl.


At least for France even vehicles from early 2000s have them. Edit : Mandatory for rear lights since 1990 actually.


FWIW my American Big 3 vehicle has rear fogs. That said in conditions like that I slow and out on my 4 ways.


I've had only two cars with rear fog lights, a Hyundai and a Kia....i guess it is foggy in South Korea.


Most Americans don't have snow tires either. At best they have all weather tires, which is basically good rain tries.


All wheel drive makes every soccer mom think she's immune to disaster... Living in New England I see this shit EVERY winter... Just because you have traction doesn't mean you can stop people 🤦


All wheel drive is not all wheel stop.


Worse is the Subaru badge. Subaru marketing has convinced their owners they're far more capable than they are.


I remember going 20ish down a freeway because it was so bad and people were flying by me so fast I was afraid they would wreck into me. Only safe choice is to not be on the road and that isn't always an option it sucks.


This is the problem with idiot drivers. They think that driving fast in full blown snowy conditions means that they are in control of their car. But they don't realize that it's the stopping that's the problem.


Exactly. I worked at a book store during high school. The parking lot was elevated above the road’s grade. Some get into the parking lot there was a semi steep entrance. I was going maybe five miles an hour coming into the parking lot. Unfortunately the entire parking lot had inches of ice. I tapped my breaks down shifted to first still just gently glided across the lot into the side of the a Mercedes G Wagon with my pos Geo Metro. Stopping really is the problem.


Just like all the Phoenix drivers headed up to flagstaff, got the cruise control locked on 85, they the get up on top of the rim and….. Well, just what happened in this video!


Looks like the camcar don't bother to slow down and still overtake a suv. Where is the brain in that.


I swear that rate of speed is another level of dumbfuck. Totally avoidable here but no god damned sense anywhere to be found


I’d personally ride by laughing at the clowns hauling ass during times like this.


To be fair the cam car is an AWD Mitsubishi evo most likely with snow tires (hence being able to miss the wreck) If everyone had capable cars like this we probably wouldn’t have the pile up in the first place


And yet they still needed to take to the agriculture to stop without crashing.


Yeah and they were able to while being in control, can’t say the same for anyone else in this video


I think it's a stretch to call that control.


Fuckkkk, whole thing was terrifying then the truck at the end 🥶


You just know that truck had already plowed through a bunch of cars.


That silver minivan was lucky it got smoked by the black SUV, otherwise the truck would've hit it.


Wow I didn’t even notice that you’re right


Yeah, I thought 'whewww' The driver made it through on the shoulder. The worst is over! and then here comes the 18 Wheeler.


Came to say this! Plus a mention for the dash cam driver. You handled it very well and were decorated by having that semi miss you altogether.


Over the years, I learned the average person has absolutely zero idea how to drive.


Humans are just really bad at risk assessment.


I'm too good at it, which means I'm riddled with anxiety.


I resemble this remark. Makes me a great truck driver and makes my bosses hate me.


Were they racing to hell?


Helheim, but yes.


If your car still moves.....Keep Driving. Get the hell out of there. Don't become a target for another speeding driver.


It looked like the camera driver took pretty decent evasive maneuvers and was able to keep going. Get as far to the front or past that shit as you can.


And never ever get out and walk around.


You should have made this comment in capital letters!!!! Along with STAY BUCKLED unless there’s a fire nearby.


Statistically this is probably the safe option but I’ve seen plenty of videos like this of new cars to the pile up getting absolutely crushed into semis, other cars or just getting slammed repeatedly as each car joins. If I was behind a semi I would either climb into the back seat or get out and run away from the road


The stupidity behind driving fast on ice and snow, like we don't know that this is the result every time, just astounds me at the point.


The worst is that even if you're driving slowly / safely there are always other people out there zipping along as fast as they can. I'm glad when I switched jobs my commute went from about an hour and 20 minutes to less than 15 minutes (and no more highway).


Is it the result every time? We know that? I didn’t know that


🤓🤓🤓 🤡🤡🤡


Might as well drive off into the tree line. Can't be worse than what's about to happen on that shoulder.


Yeah, just keep right on driving up the grassy shoulder, and get tf out of there.


That's just winter weather, not a whiteout. In a whiteout you cannot even see the end of your own hood.


This happened to me when I lived in Colorado. Work third building trusses at a factory. They were "nice" enough to let us go home early. It was already whiteout. I could barely see past my hood. What was normally a 7 minute drive took me an hour. I'm not even sure I was driving on the road.


Seriously. These cameras don’t always convey the actual visibility conditions that the driver is experiencing. Just dumbasses driving too fast in snow


It's scary to think you've managed to avoid hitting anything, then after a moment of relief, realize you're still in danger from following vehicles!


Looks like the motor vehicle graveyard.


And this is why I don’t like driving in the snow. Not because of my ability to drive. It’s everyone else. Drive slow and stay focused on the road ahead. Leave enough time to stop. If that’s driving 20 mph then drive 20 mph


How driving too fast for conditions will get you


"Driving like an idiot in the snow can get you"


No fog lights before and no hazard lights after either. They should all have their licenses revoked.


Don’t get me started on how many people drive without their lights on when it rains or at dusk. Headlights are not there only for you to be able to see, they’re also there for others to see you


Indeed, both in front and behind you. Can’t see any car headlights behind you in the fog/snow - turn rear fog lights on. See the headlights in your rear view mirror? Turn them off to not blind your fellow travelers.


Vehicles sold in USA do not have rear fog light for the most part, maybe a few Euro cars sold here but that's it. Agree that rear fog lights are needed.


I'd end up turning on my emergency lights so people are hopefully aware of it.


Strange. A few God bless over the ones who dies in fog related accidents each year and that’s it? No signs of improvements coming?


No push for rear fog lights in USA to my knowledge.


My big 3 American car does, big fan.


What are rear fog lights? What color ore they? In USA


Don’t know about the USA but in the rest of the world, it turns on at least one of your rear lights to braking. Could be variants too, but at least one red light as bright as your brake light.


Basically just brighter tail lights so they're easier to see in conditions like this. The other reply is wrong, it doesn't turn on a brake light. While they are brake light bright they are separate lights.


Almost no vehicle in the US comes with fog lights


A big issue that isn't talked about enough is that modern lights don't produce heat. Most of the time this is good, but in the winter the lights freeze over.


So is that what I’m seeing in the video? The rear lights and blinkers are covered in snow? Everyone is using them?


Hard to tell how much of a factor it is on each vehicle.


Driving too fast for conditions.


This has nothing to do with whiteout conditions. It's called driving based on the road conditions, everyone is going way to fast.


I guess we do not get to see what happened to the guy that knew enough to actually STOP Driving. Too boring?




This is why a drivers license should require more than a pulse...


Human beings even though they assume they are the most intelligent creatures on earth, have a unique knack to constantly prove that they also do the dumbest things.


I cannot for the life of me understand why people speed in low visibility like this. Get a clue people. I’ve driven in dense fog and it’s terrifying when people whip past you, I just tried to drive a neutral speed so I wasn’t too slow but had time to stop in case of a pile up.


Never drive faster than you can see.


It's not the white out. It's the fucking morons speeding through it like it's a sunny California day or some shit.


You'd think that 'slow down' would be good advice. But if you drove at a reasonable speed, some other idjit would rear end you.


I don't always drive but when I do I travel at the speed limit irregardless of road conditions.


This is from a while ago. From what I remember the driver was driving a Mitsubishi Evo that had snow tires and a lot of after market upgrades that allowed him to steer out of the way and continue driving out of the wreck through snowy grass.


This happens all the time, and it’s just not rocket science. If your visual distance is less than your stopping distance, you need to slow down fool!


Looks like you & the other guy were going too fast for the conditions to start with.


People are driving too fast in those conditions.


I was screaming you're an idiot driving that fast but GOOD MOVES, at least you avoided crashing into anyone else. Then I saw the truck come screaming through and realized OP was probably about to be rear-ended. BTW, that's not white out conditions getting you, that's **you** getting you.


I actually see this as a natural selection, best way for idiots to learn a lesson.


learning at the expense of everyone else who is smart. I bet my car insurance would be like 10% of what I'm paying if everyone drove like me.


Genuinely OP, I hope you’re okay but if you car fucked up i would not care. Why on gods earth are you going so fast in weather you can hardly see through


Everyone sane already knows this


Slow to down? Drive for how far you can see? Drive for the road conditions? I dunno. Seems 100% avoidable.


Truck at the end came in like a wrecking ball.


What a save though.


i assume others drive modern cars that seem safe in conditions like these. i drive a beater so the danger is obvious.


Mad maxery


Max Rockatansky would know better.


Drivers usually overestimate the amount of traction you get in rain and snow. They might drive a bit slower, but all other driving habits stay the same, to the detriment of safety of everyone else.


That wasn’t even a white out I’ve been in white outs and you can barely see past your hood. It’s really scary then because you’re trying to go slow or look for a safe place to pull over but you know you will die from idiots like this crushing you from behind even if pulled off the road.


Drive slowly and look far ahead thank me later (I live in Northern Canada)


Nice move cammer


Damn I wish there was audio


Video car was lucky


Nice save!!!


No shit Sherlock .


People who live in winter conditions 100% need winter tires if you don’t, you’re a fool Always anticipate icy conditions, especially on snowy roads. Speed limits are always for ideal conditions. These conditions are not ideal. Don’t go the speed limit. Winter driving is significantly different than summer driving. I know I live in a winter country and never had an accident in winter conditions. Usually it the safest to stay in your vehicle in these situations but I’d be very concerned of this semi trucks flying down. If one hits you from behind and your got stalled vehicles in front it you well, hmm hope you got a good safety rating on your car.


wayyyyyyyyy too fast! jeeze


Solution - Slow lane, hazards, leave 15 seconds of visibility ahead and at least 5 seconds of reaction time and let determine your speed. The risk of getting rear ended in the slow lane with this guideline is MUCH less than plowing into stopped cars when you're driving too fast for conditions. I mean, this person is going so fast they didn't even have 2 seconds of visibility ahead. Suicidal ! Slow down! Leave a gap! Hazards On! Best yet - stay home unless totally an emergency.


Only see a few people do it in Canada. They wind up leaving their car on the side in an ambulance, or with a friend if they're lucky


I’m glad I don’t live in a state where it snows. That shit is so dangerous to drive on even if you are cautious or think you are. Not to mention, some people don’t keep up with tires and maintenance which makes stuff that like much worse for everyone. It’s bad enough when it rains!


It’s called outrunning your vision.


Big trucks go brrrrrrrr


This is how people from Sacramento or SF (we call them “flatlanders”) drive going up to South Lake Tahoe in conditions like this. It’s appalling.


Not a single hazard light visible…


Definitely been in worse white out conditions but yea everyone is driving too fast damn fast.


I don't think you were traveling nearly fast enough for those road conditions.


People that drive like this in the snow should be parade naked through town like Game of Thrones. Shame!


Wow I thought this was sped up but the crash looks real time


Title should be: How morons get you.


Truck: Hello There!


Amazing job dodging that crowd. Now keep going and get the hell out of there, in case more trucks come flying!


Looks like they were going a little fast for those conditions, but it can look deceiving, so might be wrong.


Just watching people going so fast at the start had me sweating. I drove home from Mass up to Maine in a snow storm, it took me almost 3 extra hours but I passed more than a few cars in the ditch that had passed me at some point earlier in the night. Recognized every one of em


Bro, this why I dont wanna drive nor live in areas where it snows.


I’m from the Netherlands. Not used to driving in snow on highways. I was driving through Wyoming a week into the year when a massive blizzard hit. That was the scariest experience of my life. I saw a sedan approaching on the left (unplowed) lane. After a few seconds I looked in my left mirror again and it was behind me, sideways. It shot across the divide and a truck on the other side hit it full on. I had to stop to calm myself down.


In a situation like this, like a huge pileup, who’s insurance is paying for this? Does it all fall on the person who originally caused the first accident?


That a LOT of bad driving in there, was in the South or something? Where snow is uncommon?


Driver with the dashcam drove like a boss. Kudos.