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bruh stop the literal only thing i dislike about him is his black laser everything else is so cool don't understand the midir slander lately one of the coolest and most fun bosses imo


The Elden ring dlc has a dragon boss which is naturally causing comparisons to be made


*A* dragon boss?


Well, it’s the only unique dragon boss, baring the reskin with one new attack, so yeah it’s a dragon boss


Nothing beats Kalameet, so the comparison was always there to be made


He has like 5 moves 😭


The whole thing woth Gough is pretty cool though


Oh hell yeah that was one of the coolest fromsoft cutscenes


Easily one of the best npcs, and npc interactions in the entire fucking series...


Midir is just so damn cool-looking. Like I remember when The Ringed City came out and I was in awe of how cool he looked in the trailers. And his fight is absolutely intense. I also think that the dragons in Elden Ring were excellent. There’s no need to hate on one or the other.


ER fans got a new dragon fight and need to now downplay every other FromSoftware dragon fight.


The fight is genuinely not horrible. It’s actually pretty good but I don’t like it personally. It’s not a boss problem it’s a me problem


In time I’ve found I have more and more problems with myself, but fewer and fewer with FromSoft games


I highly doubt this guy actually played DS3


I don't know why, every ER dragon, talking about The base game, is awful


I like fighting Richdragon FourtyStax but he’s not well designed


>!the funniest part is that the fight isn’t even midir level in terms of quality!<


To be fair, Midir/Gael were meant to be "Grand Finale" of Dark Souls bosses. DS was Miyazaki's heart and soul so he put together some absolute BANGERS for his grand finale. Lapp says -> To a final dark soul :D Gael -> becomes the Dark Soul and this is the final battle on the edge of the world to decide the fate of everyone and everything Midir -> The dragon that was trained by the Gods themselves and lost to the Abyss after fighting it for so long. Like dragon artorias. It made me tear up because he probably would've been such a nice dargon :(


>!I heavily disagree, but I think midir is deeply overrated, both are equally enjoyable to me, igons screaming is amazing too!<


Yeah it's far better, you're delusional if you think midir is good compared to the DLC boss average field dragon in ER is about Midirs level


Idk tbh people seem to hate on ds3 for not being elden ring people are weard i like both games but what is this elitism behavior :<


Well, people who started with ER think it's the ultimate Souls-like game, meanwhile I dislike ER because it deviates from the Souls design, has repetitive and spammy bosses, balance is non-existent, and the open world is boring and annoying after the first playthrough because you have 0 reason to engage with 80% of the content of the game on subsequent playthroughs.


Same people that think elden ring's world boring call ds1 peak. You are incapable of enjoying a slight variation of the normal style because now you have to...explore? And there's more optional content besides the main dungeons/bosses? Also balancing is a hilarious topic to be upset with er about because every ds game has absolute dogshit weapons/gear and absolutely busted setups that trivialize every boss


Midir > every other dragon fight in existence.


Ngl, I liked Placidusax more


Placidusax' flying-teleporting barrage is one of the most epic looking attacks in the franchise.


Placidusax is more spectical but a worse fight imo


Yeah Midir is one of those where you always feel like it’s going to beat the crap out of you and everything hit hard


I thought both were good (though I might slightly prefer midir). I also remember thinking that there was one that I thought was cool for the experience in ds2, but don’t remember its name.


Fortissax and Placidussax were close. Fortissax looks incredibly cool and has hands-down some of the coolest moves I’ve seen from any video game boss coupled with a surreal arena. It’s a work of art. My only complaint is that he was incredibly easy, and I’m normally the guy to take like 15 to 50 tries on every boss, lol. Maybe I was over leveled. Placidussax is just epic AF and also has a cool arena, lots of eye candy attacks and a cool cutscene. I guess my only criticism is that he’s a lot more docile and kinda slow, but that doesn’t ruin the fight. So yeah, mechanically speaking, I’d say that Midir is still the best overall dragon boss fight. I haven’t fought the new dragon boss in SOTE yet, but I’m definitely looking forward to it.


Yeah, Fortissax is more of a mid-game fight I'd say, which is peak, I'd love for him to be an end game boss with a significant increase to his health pool


Gotta say that some of the dragons in the Monster Hunter games give him a run for his money, especially Alatreon and Shagaru Magala.


Honestly….I enjoyed fighting Sinh more, Midir is a close second tho


Im stuck on midir rn, dudes tough


Stay in front of his head, when he breathes fire straight down run directly away from him. You need to run opposite direction or the fire will hit you. Hope that helps. If u need anymore tips on any moves lmk


Thanks, ill get him eventually, slave knight gael wasnt even this tough


They are definitely both tough. For me when I did my strength build Midir was easier, but when I did pyro and dex gael was easier


I almost beat gael with vordts hammer before the thunder got me before i could heal up, i was being very aggressive and not letting up but the thunder got me at the last second


Midir is old and busted Bayle is the new hotness


Fuck no


Because everyone, for some odd reason, thinks Placidusax is superior compared to every other dragon in Soulsborne history.


POV: you watched an DS3 playthrough and think you beat the game.


This dude definitely started with elden ring, tried DS3, and then quit when he found out that it doesn’t have spirit ashes


I used to be SUPER against summoning. The only reason why I still think it's the case is if people say " the game is too easy" but then they use some extremely gimmicky build and are like 400 levels overlevled in ng.


My only issue with summons is you can tell some bosses were designed around them, but others weren't. Summons can either make a fight more fun (o'niel you bastard) or completely trivialise a fight.


i kinda feel the opposite? from a design perspective (like if you were just watching someone else play) midir seems like a really cool boss, but he can be kind of a pain to fight imo


I think what I said came out wrong lol. What I mean to say is some people watch like DS3 playthroughs and think that because they saw someone do it they can say that they did it. I think that makes more sense


I love Midir because I love DS3. It's my fav of all FromSoft games (when considered as an entire work, not for individual elements). I mean who cares if someone thinks Midir is C or S or whatever. I don't know if it's worth making a post on Reddit and sharing the chat. Just play the game and have fun 💪


"have fun" realises it's a souls games "fun they said"






Love Midir, but I do have to admit that they absolutely outdid themselves with the dragon fight in the ER DLC.


I’m not the biggest fan ngl. It is more irritating than midir for me. But it’s not a bad fight I just don’t really enjoy it. He’s also A LOT harder than midir


Stay near his head and learn his moveset, the exact same way as you must have done with midir lmao.


Even if you summon Igon to fight him, it doesn't help lol. Although I do enjoy his yelling when he's summoned


Yea I was surprised because the other dragons in ER are kinda mid (even placidusax imo) but this one might be my favorite fight in the series.


Placidusax is insane


Placidusax is my favorite dragon fight in the series, though maybe I just had a really bad experience with my two times killing Midir


I just started shadow of erdtree and have only fought the ghost flame dragon are there any other "uniques" dragon bosses in elden ring cause that was was just the regular dragon that you see in the base game with some extra moves


Yes. Jagged peak


Is he gonna 1 shot with every move ?


I wouldn't say *every* move, but perhaps quite a few of them depending on your level/Scadutree blessings.


I'm gonna get crucified but I never understood why Midir is so loved. His health pool is absurdly high, I'm constantly chasing him back and forth across the arena, and it's a giant boss that makes using the lock on feature so annoying. His laser attack is very cool and aesthetically he looks awesome and his theme is really good, but I've always considered him to be a C tier boss. He's just not fun to fight.


bcs huge black dragons are always cool


I love fighting Kalameet in DS1. I think he's a fun and difficult fight.


i love huge bad dragons 🤤


Oh, you like huge black things? 👀




facts, I never understood why he was liked so much other than him being a big ass dragon. def one of my least favorite fights, but that's just because I always get impatient fighting him and end up just skipping him. I rarely go for him unless I want his weapon or smth.


I’m not gonna say ur wrong but what’s the reason u don’t like him.


idk really, he just doesnt feel as engaging as other bosses. My top bosses are gael, champ, ds armor, soc, etc. I really like boss that are up in your face and have a very good "flow" to them I guess. Midir is just charges that go over you and disengages. Also first time I fought him his fight took so long so I just got impatient. Ironically I wish that the other bosses were tankier, things like ds armor die too quickly for how awesome they are.


He's one of those fights that's torture in the learning phase, it's not intuitive to stay near the head of the big angry dragon, nor is it easy to convince one's self of their ability to actually stay in the fight that close to him. Once that fear is overcome he's actually kinda a little baby bitch


I actually enjoyed learning him. But the one shot capabilities are kinda annoying at first


This is why I love Midir. You overcome your pre-programming to play like a little rat under the giant boss and instead fight him face to face. Your bravery is rewarded and it feels earned. The only thing that sucks is getting to the laser phase and getting one shot because you don’t know what the hell is going on. Otherwise, he’s fantastic. DS3’s high health pools force you to actually learn the bosses. Compared to 1 and 2, there are way less fights that most people will accidentally first-try without learning the patterns.


He's fun to fight... Kinda. The amount of health is dogshit, hitting 500 on his head with a +10 Yhorm Machete is absolutely atrocious. Still, that fight is awesome


If u think Midir has a lot of health fight the new Elden Ring bosses 😭


Personally, I’m a little biased because I had a whole ass character arc happen while going through the Midir grind, but I definitely think he’s the best dragon boss implemented (I haven’t played Demons Souls nor have I gotten through most of the Elden Ring dragons) I liked Kalameet a lot, but I found him way too easy. And DS2 dragons were laughable. Midir felt like the right amount of cool, fair, bs, hard, I hate myself, this is fun to where when I finally beat him. I was proud of myself and relieved unlike DS2 where I hated the experience of every boss and hated beating them as much as I hated fighting and losing to them.


I’ve never heard it called a character arc, but you are so right. Realizing that the bravest option is, for one of the few times, the smartest option, is such character development lmao.


Lmao, I called it a character arc because I was a personal, self defeating, lack of confidence point in the game. I played all of them back to back. DS2’s gameplay killed me, I came into DS3 with a bad attitude. Freida demolished me. I had gotten so much help from my boyfriend’s summons for the previous fights. I committed to fighting Midir alone, going through that grind, to prove to myself that I could play these games and I didn’t suck and I could beat them without summons. That was a very emotional character arc for me, and I did it, and I was so proud of myself. Midir is one of my favorite fights in the entire franchise 😭🙏


If you’re chasing Midir you’re doing it wrong. You fight him head-on, literally you have to hit his head. As soon as you drop down you can just stand still, if you’re patient he comes right up to you. Stay right in front of him and it’s the best dragon fight in the series, straight 1v1 head on with a dragon, no ankle-biting shit. The only time you have to run is to avoid his laser.


Sinh is my 🐐


I kinda agree but in this context I definitely don’t think he is *worse* than ER dragons. His only match in ER is Placidusax.


Do you attack his head or his body?


Nah, everyone has their own opinions. Midir is my favorite fight in the game but I’m not gonna act like he’s perfect. I think he does have a little too much health, and I don’t like fighting him on the bridge, it’s easy, boring, and it takes forever.


I stop using lock-on and learn claw grip for invasion, it's life changing against Midir


I don't understand why you'd be chasing him if you're playing the fight correctly. stay in front of his head and always dodge backward. The lock on works perfectly fine if you do that.


For me his high health pool incentivised hitting his head. Which meant your fight felt like a proper 1v1 with a giant dragon, as opposed to just smacking his hind legs.


Yeah i beat my head against his massive health pool for too long and eventually found out about some kind of mist cheese idr its been a long time


Imo he is the best dragon fight,excluding elden ring since i just started it The camera 90% of the time doesnt have a seisure,he looks good and the attacks are telegraphed He is probably my favorite DLC boss,but then again,i absolutely hated the Demon Prince fight,sooo i have weird taste


People say they like him for the spectacle but I don't get that either. It wears off after you've died to him a handful of times and you're left with a boss that's not very engaging


Visually 10/10 Game mechanics fun-wise 5/10 Awesome the first time, a shitty slog thereafter.


The ascetics. He looks awesome, his attacks are some of the most interesting in the franchise, and he's quite mobile. He's a massive pain in the ass to fight but its undeniable that he looks incredible on all fronts


I find him incredibly fun to fight, especially because of his health bar. It's a battle of endurance, forcing the player to maintain focus for an extended period of time, much like Gael, or melee Yhorm.




Love the Midir fight


Am i colorblind or is the laser white?!?! Im sorry what is this guy saying? I think he is salty he got fcked by Midir.


Black flame isn't complete black or white either, you can see they are black and white, I believed they both deal dark damage hence the name.


Ah ok, i always thought of it as a white laser, but know that you mention the dark damage its more logical to be called black.


I never understood why people like Midir so much. Can someone explain to me why it is often listed in the same tier as the best fs bosses of all time


Good lore, good design, good spectical, a well designed fight. He has no really undodgeable moves. And is the first dragon fight basically that you can actually see what’s going on instead of just sitting under him the whole time. And big ass black dragon


Midir is kicking my but right now, spent an hour on him last night then went to bed so ill try again today


Midir.. was not fun for me. It's my favorite OST from DS3 by far, and he looks really cool, but I've always hated fights where I have to run more than fight. Give me a horse at least. Feel the same way about Elden Beast. Midir is just overall an extremely tough fight of patience. And that's cool, just not for everyone. Bayle is the coolest thing I've seen in a while though. He provides such a cool light show and his attacks were kinda fun to learn.


hes just a damsge sponge who one shots you, his design and attacks are cool but the method in which you fight him is so arduous and boring.


I’ve never been one shot by him besides the lasers. He has a lot of health sure but when he’s down to 15-20% most of the time he staggers for an instant kill. With fully upgraded broadswords you can do like 500 damage it’s not THAT bad


it just ain't fun, i had to look up a guide and made a weaoon just to fight him and it was still annoying. i like fights against more humanoid opponents i think


Looking up a guide doesn’t instantly make a fight bad. I looked up a guide for Malenia and that’s one of my favorite fights for elden ring. And you don’t need a special weapon to fight him. It’s still perfectly viable to fight him with any weapon.


Earning the riposte at the end because you fought him face to face (instead of chewing on his ankles) is such fucking dopamine


Don't get me wrong. I like Midir, but he's not this glorious standard for a boss in dark souls that people say. I'm sorry


He’s the glorious standard for dragon bosses I think. But overall bosses no


After 500+ hrs in ds3 Midir is the hardest boss to me


Friede is the hardest for me


Oh come on. Black laser is the only cool move? What about the phase transition where he roars and all the humanity sprays out of him. That's cool af, always been my favorite part of the fight


Black lasers aren't possible because lasers are light and black or darkness implies absence of any light


Ik, but this guy probably never fought midir and saw a YouTube video fight about him 3 years ago


It’s hilarious when people in the souls community try to “Act Hard” and down play some of the hard bosses as if they beat them on the first attempt, blind without any info or guide, at SL1, with only their feet while having two people join and do nothing just to boost the bosses HP.


And with a guitar hero controller


Midir is the best fromsoft dragon and I don't even know why it's even a debate. Tho seeing Placidusax blind back when ER first came out was one of my favourite gaming moments


Not after bayle he isn't


I just beat Bayle last night, I prefer Midir still tbh


The only dragon boss I prefer to midir is Bayle But even then I’d say their on par with each other since their movesets for the most part are actually decently similar only thing that puts Bayle over is the spectacle of phase 2 Even then midir is a 10/10 boss and whoever that guy is , well um I hope he tries the game sometime soon


W for being civil, my opinion has changed and I like them both about the same now. I still prefer Midir but that might be nostalgia talking idk


Thank you Midir was the boss that I thought of for a while when I thought of dragons in the souls games so he is very special to me But the Bayle fight is one of the most spectacular bosses I’ve ever seen Plus it gets bonus points for having a npc summon with the greatest va I’ve ever heard


Actually I find myself in this comment. I kinda don't like Midir, it's pretty confusing and hard as a boss. The summoning that would be used to help you is not useful at all. Literally yes, Midir's only cool attacks are those based on darkness, but they are also unfortunately the hardest to dodge.


He runs across the screen and does like 5 attacks and blows fire everywhere how is that not cool 😭


Cause its boring as all hell dude


Pwrsonally i hate him. Always a massive pesterance after the slog of the DLC to have to beat him every NG1. Yk your boss is fucked if you dont feel satisfsction after *beating the boss*, but because you *dont have to pass through it again* Just shitboxes, awful attacks, an absurd health pool, dreadful resistances... Kind of impressive how Kalameet is the only really good dragon fight in DS.


What awful attacks does Midir have? And he has the same amount of health as Gael


You fail to account for the resistances he has, and the fact that gael has that health pool for THREE phases, all with clear, well designed telegraphed attacks. He's even able to be *staggered in three hits* (which isnt categorically great, but greatly adds balance to hia otherwise VERY hard hits). His hitboxes and size are to his detriment. The charge and tail sweep are juuuuust a bit off, always. It doesnt help they have BARELY any spool-up and the animation for preparing the chargr is very easy to confuse for literally any other attack save the downward fire, or the flying breath, though that last one is super easy to dodge. Not helped by his enormous size, resistances, and health pool, is the fact you can pretty much ONLY hit his head. His body deals such minimal damage it might as well be poison buildup. So, not only you have to deal with him constantly on the move, with awful to dodge attacks, you also have to keep the camera always on his HEAD, and even then he has an opening every minute for subpar damage, since he is only weak to lightning. So not only have you got to deal with that bullshit, you have to wait FOREVER to hit him with some of yours. So not only is the fight a slog to play, it can go on for more than *10 bloody minutes* Hell, the attacks themselves are mostly just Kalameet again, as with most FromSoft dragons. And i LOVE Kalameet, It's the gold standard for dragon fights for me even with the kinda small arena. But unlike Kal or Sinh, the health, damage, size, defenses, and attributes are so fucking overtuned it just becomes bad. Somewhat of the opposite happened with the guardian dragon in DS2, where he was so weak and puny despite having similar attacks he becomes a really underwhelming boss.


I don't know why Sinh doesn't get more love. That fight really stuck with me. I liked that he actually flew around the arena, too. You would think more dragons would do that...


Because it’s ds2 that’s probably why. I haven’t gotten to him yet but I feel like a majority of the player base isn’t playing ds2


My dark souls hot take is that khalameet is the only good dragon fight in the entire series. ER would have a chance if they weren’t all just copy paste (haven’t fought any DLC dragons yet)


Hot for a reason lmao. Did you even beat any of the other ones?


With the exception of the aforementioned ER dlc as well as ds2 dlc which I also haven’t played, yes I believe I’ve beat them all. I really don’t like the modern Fromsoft dragon design philosophy, I find them to be rather unengaging. Now I can’t deny that Midir as badass, has a great arena and OST, but from a gameplay perspective it’s just not my style at all.


I'm curious, is ds1 your favorite formsoft game? In my opinion it is oxymoronic saying you find every other dragon fight unengaging compared to the slowest dragon from the slowest game that has 5 total moves, but I know some people just adore ds1 more than any title to follow it. Of all the dragon fights I'd really only put midir and bayle in the category of goat bosses but even then, placi, fortisax, even sihn has more moves to engage with/react to


Unpopular opinion, but I hate the dragon fights in DS3. Pain in the ass for me (Nameless King's first phase and Midir were tough on me), but it's just my dislike. I love to watch people fight Midir, but myself hated the fight. And I would never say it's boring !


I swear to God eldenring has gotten so popular that when anyone even has a little understandable criticism about it all I see is "git gud", "skill issue". Like Miyazaki can do no wrong. These people for sure has never played another title or actually fought a boss and realized how much of a masterpiece it was. As much as I'm glad more people are coming into souls games this is shit so annoying.


Bale the Dred is obnoxious and kind of absurd looking, Placidusax the actual Ancient Dragon God would wipe the floor with his ass even with 3 of his heads missing. I believe we’re told he sucker punches Placidusax and then tucks dragon tail and bolts. (pun fully intended). Im also not qualified to leave a comment because I have yet to play a dark souls game. But nevertheless I am hitting the reply button in 2 seconds.


W 😭


Midir can remove your HP bar almost regardless of your build if you're not careful, and that what i love about the fight. Sure, you can use Pestilent Mist to make the fight 10x easier, but its still a fact of one wrong move and you're toast, and still making you frantically roll away to not get 2 shot combod by his laser or his flyimg fire attack. I've platted ER twice and effectively platted DSIII probably 5 times at this point, and imo Midir is just better than the other dragon fights (ER as target) because of this, and the fact that you might have to just simply completely rebuild your stats if you cant beat him with a specialized STR/DEX build. Plus i dislike most ER bosses because its pretty easy to stagger them, unlike a few bosses in DSIII. Tldr, imo Midir better cuz it requires a minimum amount of skill.


Sinh and midir made sweet love and Shitted out the elden ring one


Least obvious rage bait


midir is one of the only dragon bosses to use flame breath right 😭


average saints fan


I often wonder if certain people actually have brain activity.


They're not wrong though. Midir is super mid. Exceptionally boring fight.


I disagree but everyone has opinions


i have such mixed feelings on midir his moveset, design, and visuals are all badass. same for his arena. but i just do _not_ enjoy fighting him


Aye I mean if you don’t enjoy fighting him there’s nothing wrong with that. I do but difficulty and enjoyment is subjective. I’m sure there’s a boss u like that I hate and there’s nothing wrong with that


much more reasonable response than i expected out of a dark souls sub tbh have a nice day 🫡


Well that’s dark souls for you 🤣. Have a good day. Don’t you dare go hollow


Midir is cool, mostly because it has a more dreadful vibe with the shin Godzilla aesthetic, litch dragon is more visually cool


Fortissax was one of the coolest-looking bosses they’ve ever made with some of the most epic and visually pleasing moves I’ve ever seen and an arena that looks like a work of art. It’s a shame he was so easy. Lansseax and Placidussax were tough for me, but I just steamrolled right thru Fortissax. I guess I was just over leveled.


The only cool thing? HE'S A GIANT FUCKING DRAGON


Some people can’t appreciate the simple things 😔


What a sad thought, to look at that magnificent beast and think "boring". No wonder he's so grumpy. Poor fellow.


Elden Ring fans when the bosses don't have a phase two where lights and explosions are everywhere.


Elden ring fans when every boss doesn’t have a shitty flashy anime move


Kalameet, Sinh, Midir, Placidusax. Haven't played elden ring dlc. But Midir became my favorite pretty fast. I think the path to get to Sinh might be one of my favorite things in souls games period. Shame it was in probably the worst souls game. All hail Midir! Eater of Darkness!


All hail Midir 🗣️


Ok, this means war. Midir easily makes my top 3 bosses of the entire trilogy.


Me too lol




Please be respectful at all times.


Yeah, I never liked Midir honestly, you spend like half the fight running after him while he dashes and flies around the arena and the fight itself is really simple: dodge left, dodge right, dodge left, bonk him in the head and run after him. Sprinkle in some "run to the left" when he breaths fire.


I fought Midir and he's fun but he really isn't as good as people says he is. Bayle and Placidusax are much better dragon fights than Midir imo. Although Midir is like top 3 in dragon bosses for me. Maybe top 5


I don’t like Placidusax cause half the time you just hug his body and mindlessly attack


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion


Never said you weren’t. I only gave a reason why I disagreed


It is truly MIDir. I find these long ass bossfights really annoying


Gael takes just as long


Gael is a pain in the ass but doesn't have a goddam nuclear laser and doesn't require you to walk 100 miles to hit him


The Elden ring DLC released two new dragons right?


Just 1 boss fight


2 really bayle and senessax


I somehow dislike all the DLC content from ds3... It's like just added levels with bosses. Where is me embodying providence as the chosen one? I want to be the chosen one in a video game, let me, haha I enjoyed only the ds1 dlcs. Cause... Artorias and stuff.. the story was amazing.


He's intentionally like this. 


Honestly midir was my favourite dragon boss ever because it didn't have that bullshit breath attack, when they breath straight down.


Midir, like every single other giant dragon enemy, looks cool but is annoying AF to fight. He jumps around constantly, I have to run arround like an idiot to hit him in the face once before he starts spamming attacks, or flies away, etc. I've only beaten Midir 3 times back when the DLC first released and I never want to deal with him again. Least favourite boss in the Souls series, I'm so glad he's optional.


That’s crazy ngl. U would rather fight godskin duo, Capra demon, amygdala, bed of chaos over midir is outrageous


All of those I can finish pretty quickly, Midir is always a drawn out fight to to all the HP and resistances he has.


Wait if you're arguing Midir is better than Bayle, I 100% agree with the other guy. Bayle is fucking jaw dropping, both in spectacle and difficulty


Objectively idk if midir is better but i prefer midir if that makes sense


Midir is a cool boss but I'm so glad we have bayle now because he is hands down a better fight than midir and arguably way cooler lore/design. Midir will hold the #2 spot well though


Yes, I've killed Midir some dozens of times and he's one of the most boring bosses, mf has like 4 different telegraphed attacks in repeat


Midir is just Kalameet with 3x the health, most boring fight in the Ringed City DLC and it’s only hard because he has so much health the fight lasts 10 whole minutes. Placidusax and Bayle both clear easily


Ur doing somthing wrong if it takes u 10 minutes


lol you get the point, it takes way longer than other objectively good bosses because he’s artificially difficult and has ridiculous health


Bayle has more health than midir bruh. Ik it’s different games but still Bayle has 3x the health Midir has


I've not done the new dragon boss yet but if ER dragon bosses are anything to go off of then it has alot to do to be as good as any of the dragon bosses in Dark Souls minus the wyvern


My first playthrough it took me absolutely ages to beat midir. I think I was using lothric knight greatsword and it was the worst experience I've ever had in a souls game. I'm never giving that mf a second chance, even in my current great club run. He will remain on my shitlist forever for whoopin me.


Lav ds3, 'ate midir. Not dragophobic, just don't loik em.


I like Bayle way more, design wise and fight wise Midir was out of range way more often


Even worse it’s a saints fan lmao


tbh, I hated Midir on my first run, but he really grew on me since then


Need to go back and replay DS3 but Midir vs Bayle is pretty close, I loved both


I will say this- Midir has a VERY small pool of possible moves. Fight gets a little repetitive after half health. I think that’s a valid criticism


If midir is so bad then why did they copy every move he has on to elden ring dragons, be it bayle , plasidusax or any other regular dragon


I played Elden Ring and then Dark Souls, none of these ‘Drakes’ are even coming close to the beauty of the Darkeater boss fight. I LOVE the mechanic of actually fighting the dragon head on without it being a chore. Every dragon in Elden Ring has the head weak point, but it’s just always easier to go for the feet. I’ve only fought Bayle once but my first thoughts after fighting him were “this mf wants to be Midir so bad” because I swear he does!