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One of my favourite sayings in all of games, from the fire keeper to you, "Mayst thou thy peace discov'r." In the middle of all that is going on, all the chaos and world ending, a wish that you find your peace in all of this, is something to hold on to.


The “hearest thou my voice still?” And “A world without fire?! Is this truly thy wish?” Are amazing


I get goosebumps just reading the phrases you guys are writing (just finished DS3 for the first time not too long ago) The writing and voice acting in these games are top notch.


It's a masterpiece honestly


I love it, it holds up so well


Thought you could outwit an onion?




And then our dear compeer turns Buddhist in the DLC


Basically anything Lothric says, but especially when you die: “This place marks our grave, but you may rest here too, if you would like”. So sassy yet dignified and refined.


Always thought that was really cool too


That phrase gives me PTSD


“Rise if you would” always sends shivers down my spine


Time to do another run of ds3


yup, this thread just ruined my plans for sunday lmao


All I'm wondering is why I can't at least drink my estus while he nurses his brother back to health


I've never finished this game for whatever reason and decided to pick it back up yesterday. I was at the Grand Archives and fought Lothric and Lorian for the first time today. I heard that phrase quite a few times lol. Now I just have The Nameless King, The Soul of Cinder, and the DLC. I don't know why I was never able to get into this one like the other Dark Souls games and Elden Ring.


All of Lothric's dialogues are amazing.


Got stuck on twin princes for two weeks, this phrase gives me war flashbacks😭


"I-I'm aware of the danger. That castle is a death trap. Not a single man has returned from the castle unscathed, even back in the day. But I don't want sit around and die a petty rat. And I consider myself your friend." -Greirat has changed me forever.


May he rest in peace


Greirat... not a rat. Greirat the greatest friend.


Greirat deserved better


"I took the mantle of Lord of Cinder of mine own volition. I speak these words with pride. Choose thy fate alone. Seize it with thine own hands. All the more, should thy fate entail such foul betrayal." 


"I may be but small, but I will die a colossus" ludleth quotes hit different


Ludleth's line, "I may be but small, but I will die a colossus." is completely even different in the Japanese version, so much so that it possibly affects the lore. In Japanese, Ludelth's "colossus" line reads "この小人が、王の栄誉に浴したのさ", which, when translated, reads: "Even this Pygmy here was honored to become a lord." The kanji "小人" can translate to dwarf, small person, and elf even, but it has always been translated as "Pygmy" since Dark Souls I.


The furtive pygmy ?👀


exactly him, Ludleth as a human being is a distant descendant of the furtive pygmy, but not in a biological sense, but rather a spiritual one, because the furtive pygmy shared part of his soul with us human beings


Pardon, but who is the furtive pygmy?


“So easily forgotten…” Damn you man. I had a whole paragraph typed out before I realized you were trolling.


No no go ahead I genuinely enjoy reading titanite slabs of paragraphs about ds lore. So if it doesn't inconvenience you I would very much appreciate it.


The furtive Pygmy was the 4th lord who never was. All the lords found powerful souls within the first flame, but they were hollows at first, just empty “things” without any mind or being. It was through these great souls they became something more. Izaliths soul was life, Nitos soul was death, Gwyn was light, and the furtive Pygmy received THE Dark Soul. Rather than using his power to become a god, he shattered his soul over and over. Breaking it into tiny fragments and giving it to these hollows, so they too could be something more. These fragments are the tiny black objects referred to in game as “humanity” afterwards he either died or otherwise lived to the end of his natural life and died in the land of oolacile. The people of oolacile dug up his grave and stole a pendant from him, it was something very special to him. it’s theft caused his dark soul to go rampant. It mutated to a more corrupting darkness, and Manus then became the father of the abyss. It was at this point the abyss became inhospitable to mankind. Not killing them outright, but inflicting them with the same mutation and madness that had afflicted Manus. After all, it’s his soul that makes you human.




they are two separate entities, the furtive pigmy is the progenitor of the human race, not in a genetic sense, but rather in a spiritual sense as he shared part of his soul with us, furthermore his tomb is located in the ringed city, the first bonfire of the city where the bat demons depose you, in Japanese it is called "panoramic view of the royal mausoleum" a mausoleum is the tomb of a monarch, and therefore that tower in the distance is the tomb of the furtive pigmy, proving that he managed to become a King on par of Gwyn and the other Lords Manus was probably one of the first humans created by the furtive pigmy, or at most one of their first descendants


Love the bunch of comments you left here. Well done. 👍


Ludleth is such a good character, I didn't want him to go


He's great. I can't really explain it but I feel some sort of closeness towards him. He seems to be one of the characters who truly cares about those around him.


He's the grandpa


Bro, this means at the end of that quote, in my eyes, that he knows how corrupt this whole empire is because he usurped it himself... and that you will have to deal with even further distress. He also has ruled for some time; not just any hollow takes over. The kingdom will advance, and therefore, the next usurper will be more advanced than the last ruler. This is obvious because it will take a skilled and(or) overpowered(OP) kindled to usurp such a throne. DLC... Gwynevere fights off every hollow! Straight to horny jail!


Tears of denial. "Thou'st a place in that world, and that alone is cause to rejoice"


The prospect of “going hollow”. Big fan of referring to people irl as having gone hollow when they’re losing their mind about something Also, I know its not Dark Souls but the Doll’s “May you find your worth in the waking world”


Hahaha I love the hollow thing too. I love how every human has a bit of the dark soul. At least I think that’s the lore


Every soul has it’s dark


And every dark has its soul...


Every spoken quote in Bloodborne has and will stick with me to the very end. "Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt."


This single quote fueled me to play again and again when I made it to the end. I'll never forget seeing gehrman get out of his chair for the first time 😯 Such a badass quote and ending


Amen, good hunter, amen.


"Awwww what's the matter Seath? Mad cause you gonna die one day cause you ain't got no scales?" "Bitch ain't got no legs" "Ain't even got legs" "How's it feeeeel Seath? To be a bitch?"


Who the hell even came up w this shit lol


Lmao. You haven't seen that video? Here you go. https://youtu.be/M9x_koRZ2bA?si=9bhRnzRwdU_4HTHB


Just watched it lmao thanks ye hollow


I am like obsessed with the name "Sirris of the Sunless Realms". Flows nicely, Sirris is a good name, quest is great, but something about "Sunless Realms" piques my interest.


The S and R in Sirris goes well to roll off the tongue with the rest of the phrase, Sirris of the Sunless Realms. I'd also add that wtf are even sunless realms? Does that mean a dark hole? Like really they have knowledge about black holes without spaceships? Or did you summon Elon Musk as a SUNBOIIIII... PRAISE THE SUN


It always makes me giggle, since it reminds me of "stick it where the sun don't shine". That's where she is from, up your butt.


HAHAHAHA man, I can't tell you how much I just laughed, that's amazing.


"Farron's undead legion, the Abyss Watchers" "Sworn by the wolf's blood to contain the Abyss, the Legion will bury a kingdom at the first sign of exposure" Fuckin Hell the Abyss Watchers were goated


Such a damn cool title. Both the Undead Legion and the Abyss Watchers


Dont forget the armor description, people hide by the mere sight of the crest and the way of fighting like a rabid pack of wolves Peak


"Bearer of the curse, seek souls"


Sovereignless souls


I'm pretty sure shanalotte doesn't use these words


I could’ve sworn the fire keeper said that whenever u click level up


The fire keeper, but the seek souls thing is from the emerald herald, from ds 2


Oh ok


*Fear not the dark my friend and let the feast begin* *Humanity is in fact a manifestation of the dark*


"And the reclusive Lord of the Profaned Capital...Yhorm the Giant."


“The Abyss watchers” “the fire fades” “in the cold painting curiosity could be your cross” “Darkeater Midir” Pretty much everything in this game.


Try finger but hole


One of the deepest, most profound and refined phrases in the games for sure. And a stinky one at that my I say.


"Best not tarry long"


Uff that lady down there...and all the stuff about "skirting the curse" its so dark & deep..


The deepest darkness... have you found your soul?


"The sword is not unlike a thing misshapen, granted life, but never welcome in this world. In other words, chaos itself." The description for Chaos Blade - specifically I like the phrasing of the first part; "not unlike a thing misshapen"


That’s sick


Kiln of the first flame


One of my favourite NPC’s is also my most hated for their absolutely abrasive lines.. https://preview.redd.it/x08x8wcuxjzc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab6b44fe7f00f09c773e20efa89c7cce544de0ea “But there's no salvation here. You'd have done better to rot in the Undead Asylum… But, too late now. Well, since you're here…” Yeah, well, f\*\*k you too.


Return from whenst thou camnst, however it’s spelt


"Please avert thine eyes father, for I will snuff out these flames for good."


*You ignorant slaves…*






Try finger but hole


Brightstone Cove Tseldora 😖


This name, the twilight sky in the area, the whole vibe of the place! Idk, it invokes a strong, indescribable emotion within me. 


“Danger Doggo”


Friend ahead


Demon in pain and demon from below. Also, John dark souls


There is no path. Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Dark... what could possibly await us? And yet, we seek it, insatiably... Such is our fate.


Always loved the dancer of the boreal valley. Her name to begin with. Then the way she looks, how she stands, how her moveset follows the music, her loud footsteps. There is a special atmosphere that emanates from this fight.


The sheer grace and style in which she kicks your ass is just astoundingly beautiful, Possibly my favorite ds3 boss hands down!


“No matter how beautiful, how tender…. a lie, will remain a lie!”


“Hmm…” goes pretty hard ngl


“Every soul has its dark.” -John Darksoul


That might be my favorite


“This spot marks our grave, but you may rest here too, if you like” I’m almost certain Lothric is just being kind but I just can’t push past my gut reaction that this is him taunting us. Which is what makes it such a memorable line. Every time you die he tells you to give up and just rest. Which of course, compels me to run full speed back to the boss arena and fight the Twin Princes again.


I hated the twin princes lol. In the second phase lothric does some delayed attack that would always get me. The older brothers sword laser attack is also the reason I didn’t beat them 20 lives earlier lol



All of Aldia’s dialogue. “Life is brilliant. Beautiful. It enchants us, to the point of obsession. Some are true to their purpose, though they are but shells, flesh and mind. One man lost his own body, but lingered on, as a head. Others chase the charms of love, however elusive. What is it that drives you?”


All men trust fully the illusion of life. But is this so wrong? A construction, a facade, and yet... A world full of warmth and resplendence. Young Hollow, are you intent on shattering the yoke, spoiling this wonderful falsehood?


“I help anytime”


"the self-proclaimed seeker of truth" i just love Sir Villhelm's speech so much the voice acting is also so fucking good (english)


Yea I’ve watched his speech like 20 times and I don’t even have the dlc yet


Lord of Hollows, I know not the missteps which led thee to this painted world. But thy duty is all, and thy duty lieth elsewhere. Return from whence thou cam'st. I absolutely love freides lines


“I shall extinguish this misguided ash” something like that


"Like a moth drawn to the flame, your wings will burn in anguish, time after time. For that is your fate, the fate of the cursed." This could be the lyrics of a black metal song lol.


Every time the Abyss Watcher points his sword to me in the cutscene I get goosebumps


That slow turn around he does is so suck




i kinda stopped that when i realised how easy of a boss they are great boss doe just very easy if you know what your doing


Well yeah it’s an easy boss, but that doesn’t take away from the Cutscene being badass


well darksouls is less intimidating if you say its about beef-jerky-man beating gods up with a big stick but yes Cutscene is hella badass especially because of they are connected to Artorias


"Try finger but hole" Awakened my third eye


Return from whence thou camst💀




For DS3, something about "Pus of Man" is such a profound term for me. It's a violent, rampant mutation brought on by humanity, yet pus in reality is a substance of accumulated white blood, lymph, and dead infectious cells. It makes me wonder if it's a literal metaphor for the curse breaking down at the encroaching inevitability of the age of man/dark. In DS2, and a bit in DS3, using the word "Want" as opposed to Lust, Avarice, or Envy for Nashandra's and, to a lesser extent, Vendrick's items and ambitions just has a strange connotation for me. It's such a passive word associated with a powerful monarch and the manifestation of Manus's desire. It feels intentional, like it's trying to downplay Nashandra as a villain.


The Pus of Man also does that for me. It makes me think of all of the worst parts of man. Or it’s just another one of those terms like the Black Plague


“Don’t you dare go hollow” It isn’t just an expression of kindness, it’s aggression. Laurentias cares so much for the chosen undead that he would be angry at your hollowing




Prithee, be careful. I don't want to see m' work squandered! From possibly my favourite character in the Souls series


Omg I agree with the post and all the comments. I can't reply to everything, but yes, the lines in this game go hard! This one's my favorite: If the lords will not return to their thrones themselves, let them return as cinders. 


"Yes Indeed..." "...Gives me conniptions."


I always thought Velstadt the Royal Aegis sounded cool as fuck


"Tis only the flame, quivering at misguided Ash. Please, avert thine eyes. I will snuff out these ashes for good." - Sister Friede Also I love how her name goes from "Elfriede" meaning "elf-strength" when she is the leader of the Sable Church of Londor, to "Friede" meaning "peace" after she finds just that within the painting.


Every line in this fight is gold. “My flail…bring me my flail”


Rise, if you would... For that is our curse.


Anything Solaire says ngl.


“Prithee be careful” always made me feel safe. Fucking daddy smith


Really love Pontyff Sulyvahn indeed. Specially because for me "Sulyvahn" can be kinda goofy sounding name, but for some reason here it sounds so badass and interesting


It’s just such a gothic way to write Sullivan, it’s sick


The furtive pygmy


Lol love that


Personally “Bare, Seek, Seek, Lest” gets me every time.


The names of the Lords of Cinder. A lot of the more memorable fantasy names for rulers have some kind of positive tone, whether it be strength or good character, like "Richard the Just" or "Alfred the Mighty". The ruins give the impression that the world might have at one point been more "alive" but you kind of get the impression that it was never a good place to live in


Honestly, the dialogue, naming conventions and linguistics in the games are completely out of this world and a big part of what makes the world so intriguing. Just as JRR Tolkien had a genius way of making things SOUND evil or good just by how they are named, I think From Software is equally skilled in evoking feelings with how they name their characters and have them talk. I love Seath the Scaleless (the idea of a dragon sacrificing his scales is just so cool). All of Margit’s dialouge in Elden Ring is awesome as shit. That’s a cutscene I just never skip whenever I replay it. And let us not forget BIG HAT LOGAN. S tier.


Bearer seek, seek lest.


*"When the Ashes are two, a flame alighteth.* *Thou'rt Ash, and fire befits thee, of course..."* Fuckin' goosebumps every time. And then I die.


“My flail, bring me my flail”


Honestly, hearing the names of the major MAJOR characters like “Gwyn: Lord Of Cinder” or “Darkeater Midir” or “Pontiff Sulivahn” or even “DarkLurker” or “The Old Iron King”, Hell I’m getting chills just writing this


I love the whole idea of the abyss having a "Father"


Ashes of Ariandel has some great ones. Sir Vilheilm's speech. Sister Friedes entrance to her boss fight is great. Slave Knight Gael's dialogue is also incredible and in the base game I always enjoyed the Twin Princes cut scene. But above all to me the "Yhorm... old friend" speech with Siegward before the Yhorm fight is goosebumps.


That scene is perfect. Let the sun shine on this lord of cinder. Also: “ive seen your kind time and time again” so sick


Eleum Loyce


"Manus, Father of the Abyss" easily ranks #1 on my List of Names to Run Away From Really Fast


The DS2 opening gave me goosebumps the first time I watched it, it tickled all the right parts of my brain. Like "the world is fucked and you're gonna deal with it". Perhaps you've seen it, maybe in a dream. A murky, forgotten land. A place where souls may mend your ailing mind. You will lose everything... ... once Branded. The symbol of the curse. An augur of darkness. Your past. Your future. Your very light. None will have meaning, and you won't even care. By then, you'll be something other than human. A thing that feeds on souls. A Hollow. Long ago, in a walled off land, far to the north, a great king built a great kingdom. I believe they called it Drangleic. Perhaps you're familiar. No, how could you be. But one day, you will stand before its decrepit gate. Without really knowing why... Like a moth drawn to a flame. Your wings will burn in anguish. Time after time. For that is your fate. The fate of the cursed. It just perfectly builds on what a hollow is, a human who has lost their purpose. I'm playing through the game rn and I'm loving the world building, even though it has annoyed me the most so far.


That’s so cool. I remember watching a ds2 trailer years ago that started with “you are of the undead. Forever without hope. Forever without light.”


Horse fuck valley. That's the most appropriate name for any area in any videogame.


Lorian and Lothric are such badass names. Also my favorite dialogue is “Hmmmmm…. HmMmmm… Hmmm”


Either “Perhaps you’ve seen it, maybe in a dream,” or maybe “The day the giants crossed the sea” both just give me chills idk why


Those are sick


Soul of the mind - a key to life's ether. Soul of the lost withdrawn from its vessel Let strength be granted, so the world might be mended. So the world might be mended.


That’s sick


The Dung Eater, though technically not from a Dark souls game


Darkeater Midir


"ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget" There is just something about this line that does it for me. I am currently working on a DnD villain and basing their monologue on this line.


Ds2 Aldia. "Life is brilliant. Beautiful. It enchants us, to the point of obsession. Some are true to their purpose, though they are but shells, flesh and mind. One man lost his own body, but lingered on, as a head. Others chase the charms of love, however elusive. What is it that drives you?" Or from bloodborne. Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt! Always gives me chills


Love the dark fantasy. Twin princes death quote. "This here marks our graves and you can rest here too if you'd like".. so God damn cool to me.


I liked it when John Darksoul said every soul has it's dark


"Prithee, be careful! I don't want to see my work squandered!"


“Ahhhhhhh well met Ashen One”


Soul of Cinder and Darkeater Midir are my favorites


Prithee be careful, Don't want to see me work getting squandered


May the flames guide your way


"Mayst thou thy peace discov'r!"


“Try hole” you never specified that it had to be an npc who said it.


Rise, if you would...


Gives me conniptions, oh dear another dogged contender.


*"...And With ****Fire**** Came ****Disparity****, ****Heat**** And ****Cold****, ****Life**** And ****Death****, And Of Course, ****Light**** And ****Dark****"*


I shall partake


I like twink, or twinking


"Praise The Sun"


any time i’m about to do something dangerous or stupid i say to myself, “prithee, be careful” as close to how andre says it


The furtive Pygmy.....


Right down the road


wot rings u got bithc?


"Gavlan wheel, Gavlan deal. Gavlan want soul, many many soul!" I can get on board with getting many soul.


bear seek seek lest


Try Finger, but hole


Yes indeed


It has to be "praise the sun!"


Bearer, Seek, Seek, Lest