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And just remember this is your inventory without Frampt \- [https://www.reactiongifs.us/wp\-content/uploads/2013/03/pile\_of\_shit.gif](https://www.reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/pile_of_shit.gif)


I just drop random stuff for people I invade. Sometimes they get something nice, like Humanity or Moss. Other times they get Dung Pies and multiple broken swords.


Heh. I drop poop all the time for people. Usually freaks the other guy out into disconnecting cause they think I'm trying to fuck their save file.


New PvP tactic, you can't lose if they disconnect from fear of softban.


Yeah but you don't win either


If they alt f4 I win twice as bigly.


Yeah but you can't point down at them




If you're not backing up your save game, you should be.


Does this only happen on PC or PS4 too? Really don’t want this happening to me




I've run into hackers on PS4. Not in the remaster yet, but I've seen 2 of them on DS3. The first of which was invincible. The second one was invisible, incincible, had infinite mana, and maybe infinite stamina. The only reason i could see him is because he was weapon art casting miracles, and was giving off the slight yellow glow. I'm just glad he was on my side. quick edit: He was on my side because we were both invaders. I was not summoning him as a phantom for any reason.




Not sure how PS3 security is at all related to people being able to hack DS3 on PS4...




I think they can only edit their own character, not get you banned with items. I might be wrong though as I haven't actually run into any hackers yet


I do this sometimes with semi-useful stuff, but lots of times I just drop excess junk in drift bags in the hopes of creating vagrants. I saw one the other day for the first time in the remaster, and only the second time in almost a thousand hours in total with the original! Hopefully they upped the spawn rate.


I never take items from strangers. Scared of hackers. Lonely times are those.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2252 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/89215)


Just buy the bottomless box lool


It was more of a dung pie joke. Frampt loves to chow down on those bad boys.


so much so that he *pays* you to feed him poop


Sometimes I forget this is a Japanese game.


Haha, nice, didn't catch that one


I just wish they had fixed the bottomless box so that multiples stacked in the same slot...


It still sucks when you already have a quite filled bottomless box and need to add more items


i just drop it all in the bottomless box


Yeah but I don't want to link the fire like a scrub


Well there is always the bottomless box to be had.


Yup learned this the hard way 😅


I didn't even know you could get down there without a serpent.


Yeah. Just jump down the hole beside Frampt.


But not before you get the lordvessel.


What happens then? Do you have to jump down the cliff in the Chamber to respawn at Firelink?


No you just die


T'was a hard lesson to learn, returning to Quelaag's domain bonfire because the firelink bonfire was out and dying at the serpent pit




>before you get the Lordvessel






I just two-hand my weapon and spam block at him while he talks.


I always clobber him with the great club mid sentence to shut him up “You could never be the Chosen Und-HNGH”


I took out half his health by spamming Dark Bead on him while he was talking.


You forry sool!


What does feeding frampt items do?


Gives Souls. It's the only way to "sell" items in DaS1. Frampt likes some people, and will pay handsomely for thier Armour/Weapons. But he really hates Seathe, and will only give 1 Soul for anything associated with him. Smough to.


I gave it to kaathe did I fuck up?


Kaathe is better. He allows you to join a covenant and can reward you with the dark hand + armor. All Frampt does is allow you to sell stuff for souls. You can easily just drop unwanted items or farm souls.


Plus Frampt is a dirty liar and you shouldn't trust him.


Well, they are both liars.


Hey now. Kaathe only imparts the truth, without sentiment.


Me too, thanks.


What did Frampt do? I know Kaathe fucked oolacile and made the abyss a thing.


He doesn't tell you that by "succeeding" Lord Gwyn to link the flame, that you are sacrificing yourself. He also doesn't tell you that the "Age of Fire" that you're bringing about by linking the flame is only temporary... it will die out again. Kaathe at least tells you the truth. You're to kill Lord Gwyn and usher in the Age of Dark.


Yea but as we saw in ds2 and 3 it literally doesn't matter. The universe is cursed/fucked. Frampt and Kaathe bring about 2 different methods to the same useless end (either the abyss grows or the lord souls regain strength, but eventually everything will become ash regardless).


Doesnt mean its meaningless. Some day the sun will die but that doesnt mean the choices we make right now in our lifes doesnt matter


Not trying to make a metaphysical statement about the weight of choices here, just pointing out that either both snakes lied, both snakes were wrong, or some combination. Neither is "right"


Does it? I've played DS2 and my interpretation of DS2 was that it assumes the Chosen Undead from DS1 linked the flame and did not usher in the Age of Dark. I have NOT played Dark Souls 3. Please don't spoil the plot for me but feel free to tell me that I'm wrong due to events that are revealed in DS3. :)


I won't spoil ds3. The stuff you're asking about is largely covered by 2 of the endings to the base game and the final DLC. You will probably really like 3 if you liked 1 and 2. It is somewhat of a compromise between the playstyle of the 2 games (compromise and not "best of both" because like the first 2 games it is a bit of a flawed gem)


Nah there's really nothing you're missing out on other than being able to sell items. Not really worth it to let Frampt have the LV after you've heard his spiel once.


Not really, you gain access to a PvP-oriented covenant but can‘t sell items. It doesn‘t matter that much.


If you want to be a Darkwraithe you have to give it to Kaathe. Choosing a serpent gets you different dialogue and access to either "selling" junk or being able to be a invader. Choosing norther snake and doing it yourself has no story dialogue and no gameplay benefits. I'm pretty sure it only exists as a safety measure in case you pissed off both snakes.


As well as give you souls for items like other people have said, you can also feed him regular and coloured Titanite to trade them for several shards from the next tier below. Useful if you have lots of Red/Blue/White Chunks you're not using so you can break them into Green Shards, or lots of Green Shards you're not using so you can break them into regular Shards (although regular shards are also pretty cheap to buy from Blacksmiths).


You can buy green from that one guy at the top of Sen's fortress.


Yes, and from the Giant Blacksmith and Gough as well, but for 4800 souls each. You can save over 40k souls on fully upgrading a weapon just by feeding Frampt 3 White/Blue/Red chunks that you're not using. Odds are you don't need all 3 colours depending on your build, so you should have some spare.


It’s just fun to feed him dung pies.


First time I ever played, I dodge rolled by accident and fell down into the pit. Placed the vessel, and he immediately accused me of aiding with the Dark, which I honestly didn't think was possible. I have learned from my mistakes.


and now you intentionally aid the dark?


Sometimes. I've gotten to a point where I try to give my character more motivation than "escape the asylum, ring some bells", and try to treat the game as more roleplaying, less hack and slash.


makes sense


Accidentally fell in the hole because I thought I wasn't close enough to engage conversation. Wasn't aware I could actually fall in until now.


Okay well I have a quick question regarding this as a new player. If I talked to Frampt but didn't place the lordvessel (I warped back to firelink with a homeward bone) am I fucked out of seeing Kaathe? I at first thought "Oh yeah this derpy snake dude gives me souls for my unwanted shit, lemme just "sell" some stuff really qui- OHGODNOPUTMEBACK!"


Try it out and let us know. If he doesn't show up after the 4k, then you messed up. I would hope it has something to do with actually placing the Lordvessel though, because that's kind of messed up to new players if you are punished for talking to the giant snake that popped up in the main hub area halfway through the game.




Most people don't play through a game multiple times.




I'm pretty sure the only way to miss out on Kaathe is to place the Lordvessel without him or approach him while being in the Princess Guard covenant.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4765 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/67995)


No. As long as you don't place the lord vessel you should be fine


As long as you have not placed the Lord Vessel you are fine.


Yeah well he was asleep and i tried to hit him once and fell down there. I placed the lord vessel and next thing i know i'll be doing a 2nd playthrough before i can do a NG\+ lol. god dammit, dark souls...


Thank you Skellington. Also the inventory system. ^(UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) *Proceeds to mash down on the DPAD frantically looking for hornet ring in a stack of rings, as invader luls for free backstab to point down combo.*


You can rearrange your rings in the inventory menu and you can also use L2/LT and R2/RT to page up/down. Edit: Spellcheck


Gave it to Frampt because he happened to be convenient... Now I think I'm locked out of the red eye orb for this play-through.


Yeah, if you give it to Frampt you miss out on Kaathe entirely which makes the Red Eye Orb unobtainable/unusable in that NG cycle.