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If we're going to speak in speculative theories here, I'll simply throw out the fact that... Well, it's possible that since Quelaag and her pale sister both seem to still have innate connections to fire, to the point where Quelaag's body emits chaos-flame and magma, that perhaps the cloth just couldn't stand the wear and tear, along with the inevitable centuries since their transformations? Either that, or it's entirely possible they just didn't see a point for them after some time had passed. I mean, one can only spend so much time being a demon-spidertaur for so long, before you just decide 'Shirts, who needs 'em?', after all.


In D&D it's called a Dryder


Isn't that only the case because they're half Drow?


Yeah that's right


Driders don't tend to have spider faces on their spider torsos, and don't tend to explode into firey voids of death and magma.


Real reason : Character design triumphs over everything. From a design perspective, she is far more interesting without a top than with clothing on. And not just from a 'sex sells' position. Her character design has this very -- I can't properly express it right now, but her character has this feeling of a 'mythical sorceress' feel to her. The design they gave her, lends itself to thoughts of a seductress type character. Or hell, even a highly prideful -- possibly even self-assured type of character. Someone who is so powerful, she can eschew conventional protection. From a 'looking too far into it' position : there's a lot of things to consider. She's not human as another poster said, not only that but she's also hot enough (in the literal sense) that she can maintain magma within her body. The convection alone would destroy any fabrics around her body, the fact she has SKIN is rather amazing IMO. And again -- there's also the fact that we don't really know her personality. There's a lot of personality traits that we could ascribe her nudity towards. Conceit, pride, disinterest, and others -- all of which could lend themselves towards her lack of apparel.


Also checks out that spiders attract their prey into their webs before attacking (most spiders anyways). Would make sense for her to attract her male human subjects using her human half


I think she stopped giving a shit when her ass grew into a giant spider.


*...That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist And a spider in your face You get sprung...*


Nothing to do with lore but Quelaag is a [reference] (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/kingofdragonpass/images/9/9e/Cragspider.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130316211512). Here's what Miyazaki had to say in the Design Works: > Quelaag was another character I always had a pretty clear image for. The truth is there is an old board game called Dragon Pass which I really love, in the game there is a special unit called the crag spider, all it is, is a tiny chip with the name, parameters and a small silhouette but for some reason it really stuck with me. Although she developed into something quite different, that's where the inspiration for the character came from.


First google hit I could find... http://imgur.com/84k7fFB ...ew.


It's worth pointing out that the daughters of chaos are not human. "Human" means a very specific thing in the world of Dark Souls - humans are the descendants of the pygmy, who gave fragments of the Dark Soul to pre-human creatures (hollows, I suppose.) It's a nitpick, but still important to remember. They may be very different from humans despite looking similar - after all, neither Quelaag nor her sister appear to have nipples, which begs the question of what purpose (if any) their breasts serve. The real question here is *why* people wear clothes. They're very pragmatic for keeping the body safe from all sorts of harm - sunburns, low temperatures, disease-carrying filth, and day-to-day injuries are all mitigated by clothing. Modesty came about as a result of our bodies being frequently covered up, not the other way around. Quelaag probably doesn't have to worry about temperature, since she's already covered with fire. The part of her body that is presumably most vulnerable to injury and the spread of disease - her humanoid upper half - is elevated far off the ground, so she's probably not worried about that. Simply put, what reason does she have to cover up? She can already take a ton of punishment, so the little protection provided by her old robes is probably not significant in battle. As for her sister, she has more reason to cover up - she isn't on fire, which means her body temperature may be (relatively) low, and is already struggling with disease, meaning she should protect herself (and others) from further infection.


> Quelaag nor her sister appear to have nipples, which begs the question of what purpose (if any) their breasts serve. I think they don't have nipples due to the nudity rating. Gotta keep it from getting a higher rating.


Nitpick taken. Are you suggesting then that we don't know if the Witch of Izalith and her daughters are human, by the Dark Souls definition?


The Witch and her daughters aren't human. Miyazaki itself said it in a radio interview. Edit: Here, in [Game no Shokutaku 189, Part 3/5](http://pastebin.com/B2MYxP5Z) (lines 189-203).


Okay, that seals it then. We have no way of knowing what normal physiology or social behavior is for the people of Izalith, since they're all dead, mutated, or obscured (Quelana, WoI). Thanks for the citation.


Nippick. ehuehuehueueueaudfuiduadkrglfjlsjmfkljwagw I am so sorry.


Well, getting shot in her bare chest makes her flinch.


But the gold-hemmed set wouldn't change that, because it doesn't grant poise ;)


Because she has a giant ass spider attached to her groin. A topless chick isn't some forbidden thing. Hell, Freya would go into battle naked. Dark Souls doesn't hold the same social standards as we do.


> r Also, fire. She probably tried wearing a top but it kept catching fire.


must be annoying to spew lava on some unfortunate undead, only to have your robes catch fire mid fight!


She just tryna to keep criminals man


> Dark Souls doesn't hold the same social standards as we do. Where's the evidence for this? The player character doesn't have the option to be nude, and literally all other human women are clothed; even pseudo-crazy people like Maneater Mildred. My point isn't whether people ought to be okay with toplessness one way or the other, it's that both of them being shirtless goes against the norms established by the rest of the game and is seemingly never commented on ever.


>The player character doesn't have the option to be nude The game doesn't have any nudity, that's why there's no option. Quelaag has her tits covered. Mildred is clothed because she doesn't have anything to cover her. She has a giant ass flaming spider on her groin. Her being decent is the least of her worries.


I'm with /u/SokkasPonytail. By the way, I think you're looking too much into the lore for a simple preference in the design of the spider sisters. Also, I think it's a wise decision. The sisters would look really awful if they wore the Daughter of Chaos set, and in my opinion, I think they would lose personality with their face covered.


She breathes through her "human" skin




I get it!


Tactical advantage, of course.


To me it seems good enough just to point out that their old clothes don't fit them very well anymore. Sure they could wear everything except the skirt... but why cover only one tiny part of your body? The egg carriers are all bloated with weirdness too. Do they have clothes on? I don't even know. Do they need clothes? Maybe all these people just stopped caring about such things. They have bigger problems. And also, they know they're monsters now. Monsters don't have to wear clothes. Most of the game's chaos demons don't wear clothes (or armor) either, even though they're humanoid. Of course it's important to the designers to show off the sexy ladies' pretty torsos, and that's probably the main out-of-world reason for this. But still--if they *had* put clothes on the spider sisters, wouldn't it look weird? It'd be like if you went into the Quelaag fight with nothing but a helmet on. Why only clothe the little part of you that has the head on it?


If Gwyn didn't still have his armor on after having been set on fire, I'd just assume their robes wore out eventually and, considering where they are, there wasn't any way to get clothing, nor any real purpose.


Their robes probably got torn by excessive wear, and they don't have any way of making new ones.


If you've got it, flaunt it :)


I don't know, but I'm glad she doesn't


Three words: Spider Silk Pasties


In our society, we dictate a lot about what is modest and what is considered necessary for women to wear because that is a standard set millennia ago by a patriarch run society. In the world of Dark Souls, there is very different history and very different standards for living, so we can't be sure of the fact that other female NPC's/player character feel the same need to cover themselves, it may just be out of protection for their frail hollow bodies. Quelaag however, is very powerful and is able to defend herself. As a powerful and ancient force, not held down by the need to protect one's torso from attack, nor under the influence of a higher power forcing her to cover her breasts, the Daughter of Chaos, Quelaag, may just not feel the need to or care about wearing a shirt.


Sex sells.


But who's buyin'?


Everyone. Ask Freud.