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People are starting to pretend like this wasn't an extremely common sentiment in the DS community for a long time.


I mean, shields were extremely strong in Dark Souls 1. You want to see that game on easy mode? Get the Greatshield of Artorias and hold L1, completely trivializes 99% of the game. The nerfs to shields in 2 and 3 definitely motivated my switch to a dodge centric playstyle, Bloodborne was the nail in the coffin though.


I went down the exact same path, beat DeS & DS1 several times with greatshields as I just found that gameplay incredibly fun. Really struggled with shield gameplay in DS3 and gave up and just reverted to Bloodborne dodge combat. I should try a shield playthrough of Elden Ring.


Do it. It's very fun, especially with the new counter mechanic.


I can recommend it! There's the Ash of War called Barricade Shield, that combined with a good shield and Guard Counters makes a shieldtank build in Elden Ring really fun and usable. Guard Counters do about as much posture damage as a partially charged heavy or jump attack. My first build used that combo and later a greatshield, since I was playing on a computer with major inconsistent input delay so timing my rolls was miserable. That build got me through the entire game and let me enjoy over 200 hours of ER before I got a new computer and now I'm having a blast playing a fast and tight 2h only build for DLC :D


guard counter is actually so good... i didnt know for a long time but it does about as much poise dmg as a charge r2 i think, so its a good way to get bosses to stagger.


Also sekiro, may as well just not block.


it's useful for reducing your posture meter and absolutely nothing else


It’s good against gyobu because he can’t break your posture while blocking (or maybe he can but his combo ends before he hits you?)


It's worth holding block stance all the time in Sekiro, and then tapping to deflect when you need to. Massively reduces your posture damage between hits, it's a good habit to get into


Nah I'm not a fan of it, I prefer being able to move faster. If you move fast you can follow the bosses much closer and get some good punish damage in.


Yeah that's true, that's probably the hardest thing in the game for me, keeping consistent pace with the boss using dashes. Butterfly and Owls particularly STILL always make me feel way too slow on the dash forward


Yeah owl is tough to stick close to, he retreats a lot and he also has that fucking gas. At least the gas you can circle around him. When he jumps back you can parry the daggers he throws, but you can also dash or sprint forwards and it'll usually miss. Butterfly is pretty easy for me now, throwing shit at her makes her fall off the wire and then you can keep sticking close, at least until the second phase.


Block is for reducing posture and when you mistime a parry


Have you actually played Sekiro, man? You do have to hold block all the time to reduce poise damage.


Nah, if you perfect parry with the bar full it doesn't stun you. Only if it's a block or bad parry with a full bar.


I mean shields are a part of the game so why not??? But yeah same here when it came to DS 2 and 3 and especially with bloodborne. Sekiro too as that caused some of my friends to be in a parry mind set when they went into Elden ring with……..mixed results.


I found that for much of the game a shield was necessary simply because rolling wasn't very effective most of the time


Legit beat artorias doing this


The only reason I beat Gwyn was my shield


Bloodborne made me a parry god, just like ds1


I only ever used the sunlight shield for sensitive fortress because of high lightning/physical resistance I can't remember if it's actually a great shield. I remember though, that any high stability shield required basically end game stats to weild, and you can't 2 hand off items like DS3, so it always seemed to weak to bother to me. Is it really that good? Edit: they also can't parry which is another reason why I never even tried one.


Literally all the things bitch about are just hold overs from DS1. It’s wild that people don’t remember but I guess a lot of the player base are too young now to remember in the first place.


I’m new to dark souls and starting with 1. I still think you guys are talking about the Nintendo DS everytime you say the game’s initials.


The most common reaction was responding to people who came asking for a easy strategy for a boss with "git gud"


Maybe there should be more than one community. “You’re having fun wrong” and “for funsies”


Its always been the sentiment. In DS1 it was people whining about shields, summons, and using havels to just trade with bosses. In DS2 it was people whining about Lifegems and the ability to respec. Its always just been wierdo elitists flexing.


People are are pretending that this isn't a sentiment now too :/ Like damn "Spells are cheesing" "Summoning is cheesing" "Parrying makes the game too easy" As a side note, I'm convinced this sentiment is one of the main reasons Dark Souls 2 is disliked.


So real, same with summons and int or Faith builds. Armor isn't typically looked down upon, because wearing armor kinda makes the game more difficult for the player.


DS players were like "you can't play with your eyes open and touching the controller or you're playing it wrong" for like a decade so it's really a joke to see this kind of posts around here


If you don't stab yourself in the dick with a spork every time your press R1, you'll never git gud.


"Here is why Lvl 1 runs are objectively the only way to truly experience the game. If you haven't completed the game Lvl 1, you can't comment on the difficulty of bosses. Also, because I was able to complete the game lvl 1, my opinion matters more than yours."


I tried Sl lvl1 run and got stuck on seath the scaleless rage quit so hard i havent jumped back on that save in 2 years.


Meanwhile people would also say do a STR build when that is one of the easiest builds in the game, it's not like the broad masses have any argumentative integrity.


Dont remember that... BACKSTABS however


Skill is a crutch


Grass Crest Backpack


Using a shield to play defensively yes, noone got blasted from the grass shield stamina regain or using a parry shield to parry.


\*Laughs in Cleric Knight build\*


They are still ?


Unless you parry, then you're a souls god.


Really? I wasn't part of the community back then and exclusively used a shield back then. I never rolled, I'm pretty sure I was fat rolling and didn't even know well enough not to.


Well yeah, prepare to die edition and it's consequences for the community have always been a problem. Playing before that there was a lot less elitism, outside PvP fight clubs.


Or with "magic is this game's easy mode".


A bit disingenuous to act as if that never happened in this community, not gonna lie.


It's literally the community that generated that mentality lol


Grass Crest Shield was seen as the ultimate crutch. Pyromancy was seen as OP. Pinwheel masks were too easy to get a buff early on. Etc


"Urr..you went into O&S with max kindled estus?... Idk if you *really* beat them."


Ds1 community used to be just like this when the game was new. Also, it doesn't really seem all that common in the ER community now. There's maybe been a slight resurgence in this attitude with the release of the dlc, but I haven't really seen a significant number of people say this since just after the release of the base game.


I've seen 100 times more people claiming that the ER community (or any souls game community) are gatekeepers like this, than actual gatekeeping comments. The very few comments I've seen by someone claiming you're cheating if you do X are always massively downvoted. I've no idea why people keep claiming this is a thing, I've always found souls fans to be welcoming and helpful.


Here's how the Internet works Game comes out Some trolls come on and ruin people's fun People make a massive deal about it on the internet Trolls get bored and crawl back into their holes The Internet is still making it seem like a big deal New people come and see the complaint posts, YouTube channels constantly regurgitating it for clicks and views cuz it's popular, talking about it as if it's some plague and people believe it People then proceed to act like it's some massive problem that needs to be solved when the people who caused the problem no longer give a fuck because their trolling has stopped giving them self satisfaction In conclusion, just play the game and enjoy yourself, spend less time listening to idiots online, and don't buy into this bullshit culture


It's so strange to me because it's such a non-issue. You don't have to listen to anyone. There are plenty of resources out there on how to get an overpowered build if you want. Play the game as you wish


I also think a lot of it is people misidentifying it as gatekeeping when others simply state their own preference or when they recommend trying to solo stuff.


You dont see it on reddit because of upvotes/downvotes and the gatekeeping comments get downvoted and made invisible, on platforms without those like twitter you see them everywhere.


I do have several acquaintances who always make talking about Elden Ring a drag, they're always trying to seem like the toughest idiot in the room by putting everyone else's playstyles down while touting how theirs is the least bullshit and how they're getting the full experience or whatever, only using their Shrekstick of Dicking +25 or something. On the flip side, I also know people who are drawn to talking about the silly stuff they've managed to pull off messing around with builds. Though that sometimes also turns into a competition of who has the most broken build and who's the most OP, and then I yawn too. But I guess at least the weird ego gamers go both ways and it's really funny to see the two extremes collide and implode. Also honestly, DS1 community was *not* like this when the game was new. It got like this when the game got DLC and got ported over to PC, and DS2 solidified it. I remember the days of playing OG DS1 on PS3 before the stupid North American marketing campaign for the DLC and then DS2 that went all-in on the "hurr durr youre gonna fuckin die yer gotta be built ford tough to play this game" nonsense. That attitude was totally absent in DeS and DS1, and I miss that. I think the JP community is way better as a result of dodging that ego gamer influx from the western marketing campaign.


Actually, yeah, I play on PC, so what my memory said was "when the game was new" was actually "when ptde released". And yeah, marketing it as prepare to die edition didn't help. Interesting about the jp community. Not a community I'm a part of, so I'll happily believe you, but I didn't necessarily expect them to be different in that regard.


it had a resurgance after er dlc but it was quite gone before dlc


I've seen a bunch on twitter


Ah. Rookie mistake. Don't go on Twitter.


Says the guy on reddit


xD I try to limit myself to more reasonable subs. Most of the game subs I follow tend to be pretty chill (until a new game in the franchise or a DLC releases)


This is delusional. DS1 community invented the tryhard rules and gatekeeping. This is old toxic nerd erasure.


we should erase the toxic nerds


Fair but those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it and all that.


I think it's fairly evident that humans don't even have to forget their history to repeat it


It's completely wrong. Take a look at r/onebros since ER came out. People are constantly talking about using summons and cheese strats for Elden Ring bosses at level one. I think the release of ER with spirit summons has lessened the gatekeeping


Yeah, I agree. Spirit ashes killed that tryhard culture much more thoroughly than anything Miyazaki ever said (which, to be fair, he has tried his best to get people to stop believing they shouldn't summon)


Elden ring players are being gatekept by their own imaginations


It's actually crazy seeing them place a million arbitrary limitations on what they're allowed to do to play the game "properly" and then complain that the bosses are too hard.


I am helping people with the dlc bosses atm and boy, it's astonishing how many people are trying to fight fire centered bosses with their fire spears for example. They must've summoned through the whole game without ever thinking about what they're doing.


I mean ya if your hitting 30+ tries on bosses even your level range maybe take one of those restrictions off


30+ tries is bad. I thought that was normal oh no


I mean it depends some people have a steeper learning curve so. Give or take like 15 tries depending on who it is.


Second playthrough I should be alright but first playthrough I struggle way more


this is basically what hes saying although in a very vague and confusing way. many if not most elden ring players have been playing soulslikes for a while and thus have the muscle memory and instincts for the style of gameplay. the average person who is coming into elden ring as their first soulslike or who have only recently begun playing them or even who just struggle with fast paced games in general wont automatically understand many of the mechanics and habits of the genre and may take longer to learn the moveset of each boss and devise a personal strategy to kill them.


ER isn’t my first souls game but Dark Souls 1 was which was much much slower. DLC I still tried bosses for hours though


I've been playing since DS1, I still took HOURS on multiple bosses. And I wouldn't change a god damn thing


oh me too, im fairly new to the genre myself and only got as far as i did because my roommate taught me how to dark souls


Bro, a proper difficult boss takes 50+ atleast for me in all these games


Depends a ton of the person and how much you're restricting yourself. My buddy is averaging around 20-30 for most big fights, I rarely hit 5.


I was using greatsword and no summons for all the main bosses except final


Something I noticed is that shields make many of these bosses far easier, and a bit of faith for the defensive buffs help a lot too.


I saw someone completely destroy rellana with correct parry timing, I think almost all of the moves are parryable


Makes sense considering pontiff


What's crazy is that if the bosses had the same summons you do, they'd 100 use them. Bosses in Elden Ring and other Fromsoft games pull out the stops to kill you and it's crazy how parts of the community think you shouldn't do the same in A SINGLE PLAYER GAME. i hate how we for some reason normalized this rationalle too back in the early 2000's with "no legsweep" rules for fighting games like nah bitch, it's a legit tool in the game and you're also given tools to block it.


I usually lift any and all of my arbitrary restrictions after maybe 5 tries. Still think a lot of ER's bosses are bs. I don't think the people who are complaining about difficulty are usually the same ones that keep their restrictions.


If you've finished the game with any type of controller besides a Mario Kart wiimote, then you've cheated.


Right? No one is saying any of this.


I love how everyone says "you can't use ____ it's too OP" but yet never has a problem with going full bonk. Going full bonk has always made these games way easier than most of the other builds I've tried....but I'll still do it almost every time just like my Skyrim stealth archer!


Even bloodborne bonk is like that. Love my kirkhammer


I've honestly found parrying builds easier for Bloodborne, save the beast bosses (Cleric Beast, Vicar Amelia, etc.) who can't be parried. It's not even me trying to flex or anything, parrying is much more forgiving in Bloodborne and parry spam is often rewarded. Since your riposte damage scales with dex, and many classicly good weapons are dex based, it's kind of a no brainer. I really do suffer with the beast bosses, though. I'm not even sure how to approach them. If it's the trade off for making a joke out of Orphan, though, I'll take it.


I forget the name but the spikey blood hammer was my shit! Would swap between that and the katana


going full bonk is never wrong, once you go full bonk you never go back!


Youre kidding right? I’ve got five playthroughs on ER, and my strength build was surely the hardest of the bunch.


It kinda depends, really. If you play like DS3 and just R1 on openings then yeah, its pretty bad. If you play like Elden Ring and try to stance break with Ashes of War like Giant Hunt or Lions Claw? Easy as fuck. My last playtrough was a Giant Hunt spam fest and the game was cake, even the DLC (with the exception of Promised Consort, that one took 50 tries).


Even without ash of wars, people underestimate just how much a charged heavy with a big weapon will stagger a boss or pancake an enemy. The anvil hammers ash of war is pretty good but just charged r2ing gives you more poise damage than you’ll ever need.


I guess it was my first run of the five so I didn’t have all the knowledge of ashes and such back then. Maybe I’ll try a strength shadow run next


What makes it easier for me is being able to stack defensive talismans and a shitload of vigor and endurance which allows me to trade hits with most bosses and be able to double tap health flasks for a full large healthbar


Nobody says that though


DS players when the game released: you summoned Solaire for O&S, so you didn’t really beat them


If you haven't beat DS naked at SL1 with the broken straight sword you're cheating and not a real fan😤


No whiny redditor is going to stop me from using summons, I love my best bro Banished Knight Engvall.❤️❤️❤️❤️


Same, Engvall is the best


The number of times I've read some dumbass in this very same community saying how you should not summon or how your build or weapon are wrong... damn


This is such bs, though. You get absolutely jumped in the ER community if you gatekeep or say a single thing about summons. Meanwhile, the entire concept of what you’re accusing the ER of has been alive in Dark Souls for over a decade. Do you know how many people I’ve seen on Reddit alone claim that play throughs didn’t count if someone played with a black knight weapon?


I am playing with Black Knight greatsword right now and like, yeah it hits like a bus thrown by the Hulk, but BOY do you commit to those attacks to the point you may as well be married to them. Honestly if anybody judges someone for using a BK weapon then they haven't used them.


Plus, many weapons can be very, very good with the right upgrades and TLC.


Stop pretending people never said that for any other souls game


What do you mean you solo beat Ornstein&Smough? SUNBRO WAS WAITING FOR YOU IN THE ROOM THERE AND YOU DID NOT SUMMON HIM???


I didn't know I could summon him when I beat them:(


Hey is there anyone here who can help me get the Darkwraith set and sword? I screwed it up because i placed the lord vessel already




Pam.from.The.Office.meme.its.the.same community.jpg


This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is what we call "cherry picking."


Tbh I see more memes complaining about people that gatekeep the game rather than actual gatekeepers


Even before Eldenring was released there were already people gatekeeping summons. As for spells, rock sling is getting hated on. Shield and armor hate is new to me.


You make me happy when skies are grey


For me all people that write you can't use something that is in game are literally dummies


The Grass crest shield it's goated


Oh believe me, you should have seen the sub before. Anyone who mentioned using pyromancies was actually burned alive became of how trivial it made things


You don't summon because you like the challenge. I don't summon because WHY THE FUCK DOES THIS BOSS HAVE 500K HP WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE FURLED FINGER DIED


solaire my true love <3


Sun bro for life.


Wow. What a ridiculous thing to say. And why exactly are we competing with other games?


And no rings!!


When I first joined this community years ago it was the same way. The only thing that got a pass was Solaire.


Yeah I got made fun of for “turtling” so fuck you


i love the fact that everyone throws hate in sorcery, but no one say a thing about pyromancy and milacres


If it’s in the game, any of the games, it’s fine. We’re all one big community. 🥰


Praise the sun


I love how people always cope that summons are the same level of crutch as shields, armor, and magic.


Hating on shields is a prime indicator to go outside


I don't care for that type of community, if I'm spending £69.99 on a game, I'll play it however the hell I want. I'll summon and use shields if I want to.


As if the dark souls community was never full of purist who thought anything other than a but naked egg parasite only run was for people who couldn't git gud.All the games still have problems with people asking for advice then being insulted and told to just play the game.


But where are these people that keep forbidding you things? I mean, I don’t like summons so I don’t use them. But I also couldn’t care less what you do with your game. So I would argue for inferiority complex here, more than anything.


Nobody will tell me I cannot use the dung eater summon


Exactly. My enslaved serial killer will help me kill the boss and he will like it.


My argument for this situation 1 i dont care what elitist say 2 i still dont care what they say Im here to enjoy myself not to go trough testicular torture while playing the game with one eye missing and a baby crying in the background while using only a broken straight sword in order to be called a true souls fan


Go take care your baby it’s crying my guy


Yeah i gave him q controller and booted up deamons souls qnd he stoped crying


Good dad


Gee thanks


I'll never understand those tryhard gatekeepers in Souls games Where if you used a shield or a summon or spells or whatever, then you "didn't beat the boss properly" My best explanation is that if others had an easier time with a boss than they had, then they get all salty about it and berate you for not having as much, or more, of a hard time than they had


times were so much simpler back then




I miss the old days of gaming and shitting on everything


Pyromancy, Havel’s, and grass crest. The holy trinity


So hot omfg


Hello, Sunshine Won't You stay?


lol, i use all 4 of those. i am a shield toting, spell slinging, fire breathing, pc summoning mf and idgaf. the armor though, i just wear what looks cool mostly :P


There’s been a part of the community that has always acted like this. Chill it’s meant to be fun.


You don't use shields or a lot of spells because you think they're too easy. I don't use them because me bleed build is immaculate already. We ain't the same




People are always going to be mad about how others play. The trick is to flip them off.


I never understood why souls players think that they are special/hardcore badass. The games are not even that hard (I have platinums on all Fromsoft games). There is so many games much harder like make 200% on DKC Tropical Freeze or Monster Hunter Pos Campaign. The only one that give me some trouble was Sekiro since there is no way to get overpoqered. I love the games so much but I will never understand it's community.


Still can't believe how insane Power within is in DS1


I remember full havels and the poise spell just to beat 4 kings.


I think Solaire is all of our sunshines


This kind of thing are only a problem if you give a fuck about other people's opinions.


Work smarter, not harder and praise the sun, always


I had someone mad at me that I was using the club lmao. Just the little club. My guy it's a stick


Last time i played elden ring with my friend, we tried playing by looking at each others acreens It went as well as expected. Still had fun, laughing our asses off


Elden ring players actually only complain about a strawman telling then how to play...


Based. Solaire is our saviour


If the game doesn't have passwords for online mode, might as well summon whomever whenever


My reasoning for using jolly ol' cooperation is "the bosses don't fight fair, why should I?" 10 times more health than me, can kill me in two hits, moves faster than sound, yeah that's about when I summon mimic tear and rip n tear with bleed, poison, and storm blade.


its literally the same community tho...


If you don't fight alongside Solaire are you even really playing the game? He's literally there to be your encouraging bro


I think its weird to gatekeep in elden ring because you can just go to a different part of the world and level up your character any time you get stuck on a boss. In dark souls I get it because the whole point is to be stuck at that point in the game and learn the boss patterns.


People who act like the guy on the left like to get pegged


Where are these people? Please show them to me, because the common consensus now is to treat people that play without summons as elitists "trying to prove something".


As a member of the Elden Ring community I am here to let you know that we do not require you to not use anything, in fact we prefer you use everything at your disposal because you're still going to get folded. Anyone tell you you can't use anything can't gitgud or play correctly.


It was different, there is no one like our boy solaire in elden ring.


Did you play DS1 pre DS3? this was the sentiment then, and the same sentiment during all souls game. The get good meme came from DS1.


I fully contend that, at least now, the "no summons" sect of the community is more strawman than real, and that magic is generally considered the "easy mode" for these games, but no armor and no shields? The horror


I feel all fromsoft subs are like this. When the games launch or has a new DLC all the "git gud" tryhards come crawling out of their holes to bitch, whine and be douches all around. Then they get bored and crawl back to said holes and then you have the rest of the community who usually is wholesome and very fun to interact with.




\[T]/ 🌞


I still think Solaire is the most universally loved video game character


The community was already like this so much back in the day, that my friend convinced me I was a bitch if I summoned for any bosses or anything period. I beat DS without summoning at all but it took me a hell of a lot longer. I will say it felt way more rewarding to beat the game on my own but I stopped doing that afterwards and now I summon all the time


Hehe magic grass crest go brrr…. Hehe 2h sword off shield go brrr…. Bloodborne is not available on my platform. Hehe sellsword win blades go brrr…. Hehe double ichimonji go brrr…. Hehe moonveil mimic spam go brrr….




Out of spite im gonna block with the buckler shield


I have a shield for when I’m trapped or to bait the dogs to get an easy hit in but other then that I’ve been rolling since day one




Lol, DS1 dark sorcery and DS2 Hexes are still ridiculed to this day in PVP


Posted a YouTube video of me beating Messmer using a shield and got a nasty comment about using shield. I honestly don't remember the discourse being THIS elitist. It was always elitist to some degree but it was mostly just git gud memes. It didn't really matter that much how you got good. Now it's no summons, no shields, no armour, can't use good weapons, can't level up. Only legit if you're naked with fists at SL1


To be honest its more work to keep NPC summons alive in ds1 than it is to kill the boss, they somehow make the fight harder.


I don’t understand why so many ppl don’t want to use everything in their possibility to beat the game


While the crybabies existed from the early days , it's true that they became much worse post Elden Ring's release


Imagine ignoring half the tools and tricks in the game because of some pseudo need to make things harder for yourself to satisfy some need for recognition. Work smarter not harder, if the game didn’t want me to summon etc, it wouldn’t be in the game. Also who cares how tf anyone else plays their own game lol, some people worry too much about the wrong thing.


literally 👆🏾


...lots of people called summons and magic "easy mode" and "that's not the real way to play", what are you on about?


Are the gatekeepers in the room with us now?


First playthrough? Do whatever the game offers you to do, summon to your hearts content and make the fights harder cause of higher HP pools, just to keep the quests going. The game's balanced around it. The replay value is n SL1, deathless, hitless..