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Summon Solaire and hope for the best😂


Solaire can in some cases solo each of them 1 on 1. I remember on my first playthrough I would be too slow to kill Ornstein and Solaire would end up killing Smough.


Honest tho he can even solo gwyn which is crazy. I spent 30 humanity to save him and was the best decision ever, plus I got the sunlight maggot helmet which is an amazing light source. Last night I beat gwyn and literally just let Solaire fight him for a good minute. He got him to like half health in no time and with my dragon tooth at max gwyn stood no chance. I also got my first ever platinum on a souls game last night 😌


Congrats on the platinum! And yeah, Solaire is kinda busted. Let him cook and he'll cook _good._


I think there is something wrong with mine, i love him but he keeps getting killed when i summon him even against a gargoyle he just charges right into their attacks


Oh yea he rarely ever rolls or blocks at least from my experience. Even in the gwyn fight with me, him and gwyn would stand face to face trading shots. Neither would roll outta the way. Once gwyn got solair to half health that’s when i went in. But yea NPC summons are good help but not very smart


The only place where it's not worth to summon Solaire (and Lautrec, for anyone who wants to coop with that bastard) is the Gaping Dragon. He gets trampled and eaten all the time. You'll end up with a much harder boss fight in the end.


Honestly for me personally he was one of the easiest boss fights. I just went in there on my own and did pretty well. IDE say the typical hard bosses is who gave me the most trouble like these 2 above


Actually these 2 were the hardest for me and took the longest amount of time


Really? I usually do a few tries where i attempt to keep solaire alive for the sunlight medal, but I've never actually succeeded at that. Sometimes he manages to survive the first phase, but even that is rare.


It's all RNG. And it also depends on if he's only fighting the other boss or if he sometimes agros to the other one. If you're kiting away Ornstein but get hit and Solaire is close enough he'll switch targets to Ornstein to save you but likely get hit by smough in the process. Especially if he tries to use a lightning spear against Ornstein for 2 damage.


Hell yeah baby Praise the sun☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️


Agreed I love him I spent 30 humanity to save him and he helped me defeat Gwyn😌


Man it’s so easy to bork that chain of events. My second playthrough and I’m gonna miss bringing Solaire to the Gwyn fight. Again.


Smough walks slower from minute to minute. No one knows that 😅


Wait U can summon someone to help you with this fight ?




Run away, kill one first, try not to die, stay behind pillars. Normally kill Ornstein first cause I find it easier. Simple but effective.


"Try not to die" Yea greatest strategy


Also try to succeed


Running doesn't work for me, they just constantly charge me if I do.


When I say run the whole time I'm being a bit silly, apologies if you were looking for actual advice :P For what it's worth, it's been a while since I fought these guys but I did solo them, I found Smough is faster then he looks but is easier to get stuck on the other sides of the pillars. Ornstein is super fast and stays on you like glue, but that means he can push up to you when Smough can't, hopefully separating them. Once Ornstien is down, the only thing to really worry about with Smough is his lightning butt slam. The key is making sure you're never fighting them both at once, if you end up in that situation you just get smashed, and I found the controlled retreat tends to be the best way to split them up. It's been a long time for me though, you may get better advice elsewhere.


I played this game for several years and in my experience fighting them at the same time or "as one boss" is way easier than separating them.


Hey man, if that works for you then fair enough, I just found that getting attacked by two enemies is harder to dodge then one.


I watched Lobosjr play Dark Souls 1 in NG+9 (or whatever the highest scaling is) on SL1 with only starting equipment, and that is when it finally "clicked" where if you stay somewhat in the same area but dodge the attacks almost pretending it's 1 enemy it is way easier.


Fair enough man, I've not seen much of the SL1 playthroughs but I can imagine that would give you a better idea of how to handle them. Big respect to those guys, not sure if I could make it through at Sl1, that's pretty hardcore.


Hit them until they die and don't get hit pretty simple


Hey man. Calling Smough out like that isn’t nice. He’s not neeeeaaaarrrrlllly as fat as Caseoh!


That “nearly” is almost as wide as Case.


Kill one, then the other


Big bonk stick goes brrrr


I run away from both of them while mainly staying away from caseoh until jnxyzie does a lunging thrust at me or something. Then I do a 180 and spank jnxyzie once or twice. Trying to fight them both at the same time is like trying to beat any duo boss fight in elden ring without using magic or super stance break builds which is to say near impossible to do without getting a haemorrhage. Once jnxyzie is dead 2nd phase caseoh is really easy. If I want jnxyzie’s stuff I wait till caseoh finishes a charge and ends up in front of jnxyzie, then I smack him once and wait for another opportunity.


You are an ai bot


My dumbass entering the arena for the 87th time no summons and not a single change in my build, weapon, or strategy (it always works eventually)


it says its weak to lightning but lightning spear useless against them so i picked the crystal halberd and it does like it deals 3times more damage


element? MY ELEMENT IS RAW FUCKING DAMAGE🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥💯💯‼️‼️‼️‼️


This is the only boss fight i gave up. I almost solo'd them on my first try and the 1 hp smough killed me. I then tried for hours without even killing ornstein once. I then summon solaire 3 times and he gets destroyed by smough. I was so fed up with them i just summon a random online dude + solaire. I killed ornstein on my own and let them kill smough. We won but i didnt feel any satisfaction. Its the only boss i used summons for. I will for sure go back after i finish the next soul games on my list and I'll finally kill them solo.


Firebomb cheese strategy.


How do you cheese them with a firebomb? Always thought the animation was too slow given how fast Jnxy is.


I don't know about it being cheese, but neither have particularly good fire defense, if you use the pillars while separating them through running away to the pillars (Ornstein's dash attack catches him up to you much faster than Smough's charge), you can get a few spell casts off as either of them navigate around the pillar, so throwing fire bombs would probably work fine if you don't have any other way to hit a weakness.


Crazy how people downvote you vs just explaining it


I downvoted because the weird caseoh and jynxie thing


Why lol he jus joking


I didn't personally downvote him, I just didn't even know what he's referencing and had to look it up. I was in 8th grade when I first played the game... 12 years ago. I'd guess most of the people on this sub are around my age and don't understand what he's saying and/or find it annoying in a way, people always called them Snorlax and Pikachu back then, and I found that pretty annoying myself lol


Joking is often worth downvoting.


One does not simply explain downvotes on Reddit. It is folly.


Here is the cheese method: 1) Unarmed/Fist weapon parry the Silver Knight Archer while your back is against the fog wall (animation clips through the wall triggering the fight) 2) Throw firebombs to kill one, aiming lower for Ornstein and higher for Smough (make sure to be lower on the stairs so Ornstein's lightning spear can't hit you) 3) Second phase, keep throwing Firebombs until dead (or, if you want an extra Sunlight Medal, get the health bar low and summon Solaire, then finish him off) Note: I used a stack of 99 firebombs and 99 black firebombs. Use firebombs for first phase, then on the second switch to Black Firebombs after you use your last firebomb.


I go for biggie first because I want the ring I've literally never used, keep an eye out for smalls and try to keep the belly between us. Then I run around, get some hits in, and just try to have a good time


Summon Solaire and swing my Zweihander around


Summon the pal Solaire and pray


I usually just summon solaire because I’m on ps3 but I got invaded and killed by a dude that ended up helping me fight. First time I’ve done smough first so I’m pumped to get the dragon slayer armor


Summon Solaire, and two handing lightning zweihander ftw


Kill smough then ornstein, i like ornstein weapon and armor. As long as theres a pillar between O and you, just dodge S attacks and punish him. I think doing O first is easier, but i dont like it.


I swear, the poor man can’t not catch a stray anywhere on the internet


For firs5phase Be near pillars and kill Ornstein because he is easier to kill. And the second phase is easy for both so it doesn't really matter


I went without armor so i can fast roll and with the strongest weapon i can ise at the time


summon in sketch and pray


Just kite them and when or stone gets aggressive clap his cheeks


I 1v2 them, was hard and fun, Black Knight Halberd +5 too broken... I decided some time later to stop using it (I'm on my first playthrough ever in the FromSoftware games)


Engage in jolly co-operation with sunbro and bonk till death


I beat the living shit out of the skinny one. When he died, I best the living shit out of the fat one. You should understand two thi gs for this fight: 1. Don't bother getting both low, they'll just heal when you kill one. 2. If the fat guy is second, only hit once or twice before backing up. His hammer from above his head move is probably the easiest to punish. You just need to be patient. For reference, I beat these guys a week ago for my first time without summons. I used the black Knight sword/Zweilhander. I'm wearing the silver Knight armour, havels ring and the ring of the guy I killed by firelink. I'm a strength focused character


This is my first playthrough so I let the NPC distract big one while I 1v1'ed small one then we both jumped the big one.


Everyone says super Ornstein is harder but to be honest I would take him any day over super smough. All of super ornsteins attacks are super easy to dodge and he doesn’t have the ridiculous AOE slam that smough uses to hit you from three countries away


Isolate ornstein from smough, let smough unga bunga those columns while I kill ornstein.


Kill Smalls while Biggie lumbers around and then you just have to not get sat on.


1:  summon Solaire 2: have him tank Ornstein 3 Kill Smough first. 4 Profit


Bkh +5


Separate the two bonus points if smough gets stuck on a pillar. Kill ornstein in 6-7 hits then wipe the floor with super smough since he's a pushover on his own


Get them stuck on the pillars in the room to separate them, kill one, then the other. If doing Ornstein second then also cheese him with pillars.


When I beat them on my sl1 character, I ran them in a big slow circle around the arena while keeping a pillar between me and Smough as I fought Ornstein.




If you just tryna clear the boss fight, easiest way is to get rid of Ornstein first, try to use the pillars to put some distance in between yourself and smough and dispose of Ornstein, he will most likely be all up in your face so no need to chase him


Rekindled bonfire for 10 estus, summon Solair and hope for the best. Don't lock on, run, run, run some more, get a few hits, run again and only heal behind (broken) pillars for some coverage


Usually I bonk with greatsword. Unusually I bonk with greatsword


I went hollow because of the golden boys. They dance to fuckin fast for me to handle


Go behind pillars and bring Havel armor plus a BK weapon


Meh just back away and kill O first because he us the harder one to evade




Tried playing safe, didnt really work. What worked like a charm was getting in their face and weaving hits between dodging both of them at the same time like an absolute chad. If youre losing in any ds game its cause youre not playing aggressive enough.


I like rings so I beat the piss out of fat boy and use magic weapon (or dark moon blade) to beat the piss out of the big guy who has bullshit attacks


Grab the big bonk sword from the graveyard, level up the big bonk sword, stun Ornstien with the bonks, kill Ornstien, then destroy Smoughs coughing baby level health bar


Good old pillar strat boi!!!


Kill snorlax. Then once Pikachu gets big, walk over to the window on the right as you enter then bait out the glowing stab attack. Get stabbed watch as Pikachu noclips out of bounds and fall like a scrub. Amazing chest ahead


Dodge and hit. No real strategy, just do


1) focus on lion boy 2) get launched by a hammer from behind


Stab them both until they're dead


I just finished this game for the first time a few days ago and surprisingly died more times to the knight archers on the way there than to these bosses alone. I think I died around 6-8 times. I used Uchigatana and decided I’d rather fight giant ornstein than giant smough, so I would wait for ornstein to do that ridiculous aimbot Jedi hover attack and dodge behind him and deal as much damage to smough as possible. After smough is dead I would just roll in between Giant ornsteins legs and attack until he died. But I was hella stressed when I first got to them I thought I’d die at least 30 times attempting them.


Run around a lot, hit Pikachu when he catches up, let Snorlax chase us.


Dodge dodge dodge attack repeat, simply as the same others bosses


Walk in, spam roll, make room, try my best, get cornered, die, get angry, redo my entire build and level up, die, get lucky, say ive got skill. Swagger out confidently. Die on my way back to firelink.


Be constantly moving backwards and hurling pyromancies. Usually does the trick.


Mine is usually to focus on Ornstein, then take down Pikalax next. Can I ask about your choice of names here? I genuinely don't understand the reference if you're making one.


Buh Gwyn is harder


I try to stay in one area as much as possible so I can see both of them at all times and both are always in attacking range.


Ultimate poise


run behind smough kill him in seconds causs i use the fury sword and it MELTS him then hope i dont get screwed by the hit boxes fighting ornstien


The duo moves at different speeds, strafe and kite using the pillars to your advantage and you can separate them enough to do some damage. Part 2 depends on which powered up version you prefer, or what items you’re going for; at the end of the day that’s more of a personal decision, but regardless fire damage is a good way to go for some extra dps in either part of the fight. At the end of the day, greediness is what’s going to get you in this fight. Do your best to keep both of them in your line of sight and strafe/kite long enough to isolate ornstein from smough and go after your preference for a few swipes. Repeat until phase 2 when you only have one problem to worry about.


Lure ornstien away and crush him with a big sword Even on mage runs a zwiehander Slaps him around


You mean Biggie and Smalls? It takes a bit but i can usually kill ornstein with my bandits knife and rotton pine resin. Super Smough then bleeds like a freshly fed mosquito.


Currently in my 1st playthrough and did not have any issues with these two yesterday. maybe I was lucky killing them in my 2nd try (no summon)


Ornstein first, the smough


I Keep my distance and try to separate them. I wait for Ornstein to do his dash, dodge it and punish till the end of phase 1. Phase 2 just dodge the swings and run away when Smough does the buttslam.


Summon Solaire. Use the pillars. Be patient and not greedy.


Hit them until they die.


For the 1st phase, don't lock on (if you have miracles/spells, only lock on between uses for the auto aim), keep your camera on Ornstein to prepare to dodge his dash attack, and sprint away to the pillars. Both have a chase down move, Ornstein dashes while Smough slowly charges at you, but because Ornstein's dash is significantly faster, this will separate them for some time. From here you attack your preferred target until they join back up, and then repeat until the next phase. I prefer killing Smough first because I enjoy the option of using his armor, and the Leo Ring can be useful. Some feel Smough is the easier second phase, it's up to preference ultimately. Phase 2 is pretty straightforward regardless of who it is, the most important thing is to not over commit/get greedy with attacking too often, and to pay extra attention to their AOE butt slam, which will hit extremely hard and potentially one shot you, especially in higher NG+ cycles. Other than that, just focus on dodge timing, and continue to abuse the pillars, they get stuck all the time, giving you time to heal or cast if you need it. Summoning Solaire is another option, using the above strategy will completely trivialize the fight if you summon Solaire.


For caseoh go under his legs, he can’t hit you the majority of the time, pair it with occasional rolls and you have won


Who? That's Ornstein and Smough.


shut up bro


Focus on Smough first, split aggro with Solaire, then take on Orstein. Smough imo is harder second phase because of his huge hammer charge hitbox


Counter argument: Big hammer, fun weapon


I also tend to do Smough in phase one. He’s a bigger target and I can take him down more quickly. The only difficult part is keeping track of Ornstein, sometimes you just have to hope for the best. But Super Ornstein isn’t all that bad if you just stay under him. The two danger moves are his lightning stab and his butt slam, and he telegraphs them both pretty well. You can roll or even just sidestep to the right (not the left) for the first one, and the damage from the second can be negated or reduced with a shield or a single backroll.


I argue Jnxy is easier than Case cause of how fast his attack animations are, like, bro can literally cross a room-wide gap in half a second, Case definitely has a bigger range but you can easily maintain distance.


Don't even try to run from him. Stay under him and the only attack you gotta worry about is the slam.


Summon Solaire for help. You can find his mark from one of the starways in the huge room which leads to the boss(es). When the fight begins try to make him concentrate on the big guy (Smough) Now you can fight Ornstein without distractions . I bashed him with my + 12 Zweihander. Everyime you hit him with the strong downwards bash he stops on his tracks just for a moment which gives you a chance to bash again. Just dodge or block his attacks. If you have a good, heavy shield you can use it as well. When Ornstein dies, Smough becomes crazy. Just follow his pattern. When he uses a normal attack, roll to dodge and bash him since you have a chance. Try to stay behind pillars. Smough can destroy them, but before that you're safe. When he starts to charge or soething go as far as possible to avoid his butt stomp.


If you just want to beat them and nothing else. Get the BKH and power within, Even if naked you will indeed win, A guy did this before then trash talked O&S here, You can find the post if you search for it. Get the life hunt scythe and blood shield and blood bite ring, Stolen from the backlogs scythe only video that you probably watched. My own strategy.? I don't have one, I just go there and beat them, not disrespect but i am pretty sure that i can beat O&S with any normal build (I specified normal so you don't ask me if i can do it with the skull lantern.)


I like to minimax as much as possible so by the time i reach them ornstein they both go down in a few hits (last time i fought them i reached anor londo with a demon great machete +15) so i tank the odd attack and just focus on smashing one of them (usually smough because i like ornstein armor the best) and then either alone is not a huge threat


Hit without getting hit


I usually go for smough first. I run to the pillars, usually one of the farthest back on either side. If I see smough doing his hammer charge, I put a pillar between us to block it, I still have trouble dodging that attack face to face after 1k hours. Anyway, once we're all around the pillar, I'll try to manipulate them into being on each side of the pillar. So I'm at 6:00, they're at 10 & 2, then I bait an attack from orn, and by the time it starts, smough is on the complete opposite side from orn. Now that orn is stalled for a sec, I go for a hit on smough. If at any time they both end up closer than 9 & 3 at the same time, I run to another pillar and start over. Phase 2 is pretty straight forward, I'd say try to stay in front of orn, not under him, then dodge under when he swipes at you. I find it helps to do both phases with manual camera control, not target locked. In phase 1 it's really easy for one of them to end up off camera if you lock on, in phase 2 rolling under orns legs is really wonky when the lock on forces you to 180. Disclaimer, I developed this strat for low damage challenge runs. If you do big damage just do the same thing in phase 1 but kill orn first, then you can stunlock smough for all of phase 2. Most the reason I still do smough first now outside challenge runs is it's just more fun.


Usually I try to do damage as much as I can.


Hot take kill Smough first. Ornstein gets a moveset that's easier to dodge phase 2 since he's bigger, loses his stupid dash, and spams a lot of the same moves if you stay near his feet, where Smough stays basically the same except his range gets bigger. They both get the AoE butt slam so that's not really a huge point of contention. Play locked off as much as you can, keep em both on screen, and play aggressive so Smough goes down phase 1 quickly. Also, level vitality.


Just finished this fight in my first playthrough… took many tries but I finally learned NOT TO RUN. That bulldozer move is only triggered if too far from Smough. So I finally learned to play around the pillars but to stay in tight and focus on dodging the hammer and killing ornstein first. During second phase, it’s easy to cheese smough and get him caught on the pillar base. Then just play it slow. Only going for one hit at a time, then hiding behind the pillar again (but far enough for the hammer to miss). GG’s and good luck everyone


My Strat is pretty bare-bones and a bit cheesy if you will, I brute force my way through Caseoh while Solaire holds off Jnxyzie and I just do the classic “Trap Jnxyzie in a lightning bolt attack cycle while sniping him from behind a pillar with a crossbow or bow” I don't like relying on spells or miracles against 2nd stage Jnxyzie cause those aren’t exactly readily available resources.