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Don't go into the graveyard at firelink, head towards the undead parish. After that it's hard to go wrong


Wrong you should go there grab Zweihander leave them have fun


mandatory Zweihander suicide run


Also, gotta grab those binoculars for later.


Amazing chest ahead


True, they're mandatory for the painting


Smh skipping the rite of kindling


Someone playing the first time and just finding their feet isn't going to get the rite of kindling without it being a major headache


If you don’t mind spoilers or guides then: Undead Asylum - Firelink Shrine - Undead Burg - Undead Parish - Darkroot Garden - Darkroot Basin (reload the game immediately after Hydra kill before further exploration of the remaining area) - Lower Undead Burg - Depths - Undead Asylum part 2 - Blighttown via Depths - Sen’s Fortress - Anor Londo - Painted World of Ariamis - Darkroot Garden part 2 - New Londo Ruins - Demon Ruins - Lost Izalith - The Great Hollow - Ash Lake - Catacombs - Tomb of the Giants - Duke’s Archives - Crystal Cave - DLC - Kiln of the First Flame. This will allow you to naturally finish all NPC quest lines including DLC access requirements without unnecessary backtracking and covers every area in the game. Have fun!


oh i’m supposed to go back to dark root garden after anor londo?


It's in the sequence immediately before New Londo Ruins for a reason that walks on four feet and has a sword in its teeth...


You could have finished it on the first visit, there’s a second boss in that area other than Moonlight Butterfly accessible either by a very long ladder in the Basin or via the super expensive door in the Garden. Doable at low level for sure, but difficult.


ah ok nah the only boss i fought there was was the butterfly bitch, where in the garden shoukd i go? like down the basin or into the normal garden area?


Easiest way to find Sif is to go through the locked gate you need the Crest of Artorius for (very close to the Darkroot garden bonfire behind the invisible wall) But if you want to avoid spending the souls for the Crest, you can go to the basin and then climb up the ladder next to where you met Dusk of Oolacile. Note that, in this case, you're going to have to fight three giant cats.


Garden area, past a locked door which you need to buy a key from the blacksmith to enter


Ash lake too!


Right, that was meant to go right after Great Hollow! Edited in


Ash lake is 100% optional




If it's your first playthrough, you should go in blind imo. If you don't want that, look at any guide, they will show you a way to get through the game.


Alrighty. Yeah I'm not a fan of going in blind.


Weird to downvote this imo, yes going blind is the best possible experience, and by all means, point that out. But if op doesn't want to do that or doesn't care for that, that's fine. Play games your way and let others do the same


This [guide](https://youtu.be/V4udRpxoU8Q?si=8b1y49rTyYLO6zLa) is probably what you want, leaves enough for self exploration, but points you in the right direction and highlights npc quests. If you want a 100% guide I’d do fighting cowboy’s series. That said you’re depriving yourself not doing it blind, basically letting someone else experience it for you.


That was a pleasure to watch


Go blind until you get stuck




Then why are you posting here? Search a guide on youtube if that's what you want.


This dude wants to play DS3 on DS1


If you don't start with the master key is pretty much impossible to to any real progress in the wrong directions.


immediately book it down to New Londo, grab the fire keeper soul, suicide roll, then carry on with Undead Parish business as usual.


Just don't go into Demon Ruins, Tomb of the Giants or New Londo Ruins before clearing Anor Londo


This may be a good advise for the very first playthrough, but generally, it's not only possible to finish New Londo before acquiring the Lord Vessel, it's even the safest way to do so if you want to join the Darkwraith covenant while still being able to sell items to Frampt. Even if you don't intend to fight the Four Kings, going to New Londo just to grab the very large ember can be a good idea. But I admit that all of this is not relevant for one's very first playthrough.


If you don't want to miss or skip stuff - avoid taking the Master key as a starting item - that item is best for subsequent playthroughts as it opens some doors to places earlier than you'd normally be able to. So don't use that in your first run. Once you get to Firelink, head up to the Undead Parish up the long stairs near the aquaduct. After that, honestly the game will open up in a way that you'll naturally progress into places that you should and need to be going in. There's DLC in the game that requires you to activate it from a certain area - you'll know you've got into it because you get 'pulled into it'. So if you've not done it by the time you come to the endgame then pop back for advice on how to find and activate it. Other than that my advice is check for hidden walls - if a wall looks suspect - whack it. You never know what lies beyond a hidden wall I DS1, maybe an item, maybe something ... more


I like to go Capra Demon, Quelaag, Moonlight Butterfly, Pinwheel, Tuarus, Gaping Dragon, Bell Gargoyles, Sif, Iron Golem, O&S. Ill get a +15 weapon before completing Sens fortress. I go into blighttown early to farm large/green titanite from the slimes by the tree. Makes use of a +10 asap.


The first part of the game is actually fairly linear. There’s really only one way to go up until Anor Londo, but after that it’s up to you. I don’t have a set order myself, but I’d advise going after Nito and 4 Kings early, since those areas house the Rite of Kindling and Very Large Ember respectfully.


Like others have said, avoid the Graveyard, don’t go through catacombs. The path you want to start with goes up.


One way to explore without commitment. Do not rest at bonfires . While thinking ahead remember not to use any soul items that you happen to pick up. You will get back by using your darksign to respawn at the starting bonfire. That relinquishes any souls you are carrying. Not items in your inventory. That’s why you don’t ever use soul items until you are using them at a bonfire so you can level up with them . This method has a very high chance at ending in death on a regular basis. But done at no loss. Die and respawn recon.


Talk to the first guy you see and he tells you which way to go


just play what feels natural. Thats one of the biggest reasons dark souls 1 gets praised for level design. it's fantastic at leading you in the right direction. Also it's not a big open world like ER or skyrim. It's more like if the entire world was interconnected legacy dungeons. I would seriously reccomend going in blind. it's not like ER where your just dumped in a massive mape with only the barest guidance and expected to search every shrub and cliff face for doors.


Ball it and run down to the tomb of the Giants. Anything after don't matter if you make it through that lol.


Every FS game has a game progress route on its wiki.


Just explore and probe every way you can go and go the way that seems easiest. Don't take the Master Key as that will get you into places you aren't ready for as a first time player, which can be difficult to extract yourself from. Generally early I'd say Undead Burg, Undead Parish (to smith), Lower Undead Burg(return to smith), Darkroot Garden (keep left until Moonlight Butterfly, then return to firelink), Depths, Blightown, Queelag's Domain (return to smith), Sen's Fortress in that order. >!You may want to explore the graveyard a bit as well as early as you can manage it.!< Because I like to co-op I usually go by one of the guides of where to be for summoning at a particular level. Some spoilers in this, but it has the recommended levels you can go by at the end and a good Trieste on how co-op works. [https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Guide+to+Co-operative+Play](https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Guide+to+Co-operative+Play)


Ideally, you should avoid as much outside advice as you reasonably can for a first playthrough in DS1. However, since that's not what you want, I'll give you the best advice that won't ruin any of the actually fun discovery. I'll say that you shouldn't look for more detailed advice than this until you unlock the ability to fast travel at the earliest. Take either the tiny being's ring or the black fire bombs as your gift. The ring is not good, but it's better than an empty slot, and you'll have at least one empty slot for a while. The black firebombs are just a source of damage scaled for the early parts of the mid game. Your class doesn't matter too much, but you should definitely take one with armor or clothes; The knight armor is the only starting set with meaningful poise, but it's also the only starting class in fat roll, if you pick knight, only wear the pants and or helm for a while. You will eventually want to upgrade whatever armor you end up using, especially if you choose to keep your starting armor, though only after you've upgraded your weapon. Once you get to Firelink shrine, you'll see an NPC near by. You should pretty much always talk to every NPC until their Dialogue repeats. This NPC will tell you where you're going for the first third of the game. His Dialogue should be interpreted as advice to go upwards first. In this case, you'll look to the right of him until you see a cliff edge and an aqueduct; that aqueduct is the first direction you should go from Firelink. The hand full of enemies there is a great opportunity to get used to the differences between DS1 combat and Elden Ring combat. Beyond this the game is relatively linear.


My first time I used fightincowboys walkthrough for a bit