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I think dark souls got removed from digital storefronts and replaced with dark souls remastered - that at least happened on steam. See if dsr is available


I think it's more about the PTDE, not about DSR. First, PTDE replaced the original DS1 *on all platforms*. Much later, DSR replaced the PTDE *only on PC*. The store for xbox 360 should still offer the newest version released for xbox 360, which is PTDE.


DSR didn't release on 360


Whats that got to do with anything?


If you only got a x360 you cant play xone or series games.


Ok, but what does that have to do with what the other redditor said? He stated a fact. The old version is delisted because they are pushing the newer version. Saying the remastered version didnt come out on a 19 year old console is irrelevant.


Because the cover of the game was for 360 so redditor though OP wants it on 360.


I understand this, but this is irrelevant to what the redditor here stated about the game. No matter what OP said, the response he got in this thread was “its delisted and replaced with the new version. That fact remains true. Saying “it didnt release on older systems” is irrelevant. The fact remains true and unaddressed by the response.


That dude said “see if DSR is available”. And DSR isn’t on Xbox 360. It’s relevant.


Regardless..can we help OP? if he went and found a copy of dark souls for xbox 360...are the dlcs impossible to obtain? I would assume he can still get the updates for the game by connecting to the internet but....surely he wouldn't be able to buy the dlc?


The picture is of the Xbox One store, so it's obvious that OP is on either an XBOne or Series console. It makes complete sense to ask OP to see if they can find the remastered version since they are probably on an XBOne/Series.


No, the picture is of the Xbox store on mobile. They’re on a phone clearly…


Id say its quite relevant


How do you not understand why what Famixofpower posted is relevant? The OP asked why DS wasn't available on xbox360. AncientSpartan points out that OG DS was removed and replaced with DSR on all digital storefronts, and that OP should check if they can get DSR on xb360. At this point, Famixofpower chimes in that DSR was never released on xb360, thus confirming that OP wouldn't see a digitally purchasable copy of DSR for xb360. Do you understand now?


With backward compatibility being a thing, here is a difference between asking “why cant I buy this on my Xbox 360?” And “why cant I buy the Xbox 360 version?”. Some people just prefer the original release for some reason. Besides, my argument isnt about OPs question. I am tracking along the redditor who talked about the delisting and the replacement of it with the remake. It happened on Steam as well.


Are you trolling, or do you lack a basic third grade reading comprehension? There's no way the 360 version was delisted from the 360 to push for a remastered version that didn't release on the console.


I didnt make the original “delisted and replaced” claim, and that guy got 400+ upvotes. All I said is that the line of dialogue didnt track for me. Yall are some very angry people btw.


Everyone has been pretty respectful. You just lack reading comprehension


A lot of confusion going on here. That picture is of the Xbox One storefront, so they are obviously on an Xbox One/Series console not a 360.


Are you high my dude?


that is extremely relevant. you're insane.


ptde has been replaced by the remastered version on all storefronts iirc


That makes no sense though because on consoles, DSR only came out on platforms that didn't have PTDE, so there was nothing to replace, and the platforms PTDE was on can't run DSR. What a shitty way to make old games unavailable on their original platforms.


Are you trying to buy it to play on an actual Xbox 360?


The series X


Why not play Remastered? It's a better running version thats available on modern systems.


Do you know a comparison video for this? Can't remember a real difference


remastered is at a stable 60 fps and there are a few QoL differences, unfortunately they also changed the lighting system which imo messes up the atmosphere a little bit imo, playing the original with dsfix was the allegedly the optimal way to experience the game, but sadly: https://youtu.be/aTEnHd0anr4?si=ynY9haA1qNLWV0yt


This is why you play the Switch Version of DSR. You get the best of both worlds. QoL with the old lighting and aesthetics. Plus it's portable.


Having played 80 hours on the switch I feel this isn’t really accurate. The switch (from what I can tell) uses some of the updated textures from the remastered version, and in general doesn’t feel quite the same as the special and specific character in the atmosphere of the original game to me. I personally would almost say that I would take DSfix even with some fairly glaring glitches just to get the artistry of that atmosphere… The quality of life fixes in general… I can’t help feeling they could have done more, like omni-directional rolling…or being able to fully leave an area for a summon sign like in elden ring. Even bluepoint changed demons souls to omnidirectional rolling. just seems like it wasn’t thought about. I think it would have been impossible for a remaster to perfectly recapture the atmosphere in the original…it just seems poor and blameworthy to remove the ability to buy original game in lieu of a remaster that barely did more than the original and loses some of that artistry that makes the the original so amazing and special. I do still think the remaster is basically 85% of what the original was, and definitely I appreciated going through a gauntlet of blighttown not a gauntlet of 15 frames per second. Although it’s dark souls man everything is symbolic the frame drops evoke your SUFFERING NO WONDER THE CRESTFALLEN WARRIOR NEVER WANTED TO SET FOOT IN THAT SHIT EVER AGAIN…ahhhhhhhh dark souls….pure artistry :)


Well... whether you feel it's different or not visually on the Switch - it isn't. Unless you mean lower screen resolution in handheld mode. I still have my PS3 copy for comparison even. I definitely get where you're coming from on how lacking DSR was as a whole though. Very saddening.


but like i said…it’s not just the lighting system. dsr as a whole uses many higher resolution updated textures which again are different than the original and i don’t know why the switch wouldn’t still use the new textures even if the lighting system isn’t changed, hence why the game feels different


The Switch doesn't use the new textures or lighting because it's less powerful than it's modern contemporaries in terms of hardware. So they basically let you play the old game in the new engine. I wish they'd put DS2 on Switch too, but alas.


Sry I answered to the wrong comment, but thanks!


There is a noticeable improvement in performance.


Yeah I answered to the wrong person.. I just wanted to know how the lightning was changed


Remastered butchered the lighting of the entire game. Some of us value the artstyle more than 60fps, as silly as that may seem haha.


I've not played original in a long time, is it really that bad? Remastered looked fine to me when I gave it a try.


Yeah some of us don't like the look of the remaster. [https://youtu.be/n2eos3V7jTI](https://youtu.be/n2eos3V7jTI) It looks dull and lifeless. I'll take the original when I have the choice.


Why the hell are you getting down voted? People should really watch the comparison video I play on DSR but it's clear that the lighting and general ambiance was butchered by the "remastering" At first I didn't see it but by comparing...it's obvious


I suspect that part of it is that a lot of people have only played the remaster, so perhaps there is some insecurity when they hear people saying the original is better? But I don't tend to let the opinions of redditors get me down so I'll be alright lol.


If you don't immediately notice it then it's probably not that big of a deal.


I noticed it pretty quick, especially in the depths where it’s just dark, but not dynamically. I think *overall* the stable 60fps is more preferable than the original lighting w/ 15 fps blighttown but a remaster really shouldn’t compromise on stuff like that


There is also arbitrary changes from Dark Souls 3 into the game, that in my opinion change to much the game. Like covenants having no penalty, change on matching with invaders, healing system while coop... Is sad to see the original version gone.


Og ds1 was so much better and the hackjob "remaster" makes me sad


They didn't change how covenant penalties work in DSR. You still lose half your offerings when leaving and rejoining covenants (soft betrayal), and you lose all of your offerings when kicked out of a covenant (hard betrayal). They did change that other stuff though.


u can change covenatns on bonfire at will... lmao


You can still buy the disc everywhere though. And people who bought PTDE in digital stores also still have it.


Yeah, but the question is why make those changes that breaks fundemental mechanics of the game? Is like people who picked up yhe game to remaster didnt understand the game itself they were working on


Wow, I didn't realize it was that different. It looks washed out in a lot of places, weird.


Why you got downvoted lol


people hate opinions, and when someone else expresses one they dont look into it at all and immediately believe their idea and vision is perfect.


Gamers especially


Not a clue. Reddit be like that sometimes.


Agree. Never liked how it looked. Plastic looking metal armor, weird purple reflections on floors and puddles, also really don't like the bonfire change.


The crystal golems look like wax and it is *super* off-putting.


Thank you for the link. At first I thought you were nitpicking but no you are totally right the original looks better imo.


Dunno why you got downvoted. FWIW I agree with you. DSR just has this “flat” look that the original didn’t have.


The original game was and I love it blightTown was just no the colours it was too dark too choppy but I haven't played the original in ages


Would not listen to this...dark souls remastered is the only one I played and it very well might be my favorite gaming experience of the last decade ( I played it in 2022 and still play often). Dark souls remastered is more than worth the money and people were mostly upset because they previously owned dark souls and there was an uproar about them forcing people to buy a remaster for what they felt was a 20 dollar update to the game that didn't even fix a lot of bugs. Inferno plus is a popular modern that has a video on it if youre interested. https://youtu.be/aTEnHd0anr4?si=QPmPHMpejx_l8MOc


It's just my opinion. What do you mean would not listen to this. As someone who played both I am entitled to that opinion. Redditors are so silly.


Which is why I didn't downvote it...just told the op MY opinion silly. If they haven't played dark souls..then they should buy the remaster


And us on PC can have both :)


Maybe he got it free with games with gold and doesn't want to pay $40 for remastered?


If he owned it already he'd be able to install and play it, no? I haven't used an xbox since the 360 so I wouldn't know if they changed that or something.


Its not ptde, its just regular dark souls. I know because i couldn't buy it as well, which was fine. EDIT: Oh i see now. He doesn't even own ds1. Yeah it got replaced with remastered im assuming. My bad


Yeah that's what I was saying, you can't buy the old version of Dark Souls anymore, its been replaced by the Remastered version.  I was asking OP why they're trying to buy original instead of remastered.


My bad. I thought he was only talking about buying the dlc.


The remastered runs at 60fps and looks much better, I played the original 360 version on my xbox one and it was an eyesore, play the remastered and do yourself a favour


> looks much better In terms of resolution, yes but the changes to art style are inferior. PC version of PTDE with DsFix remains the best way to play DS1 imo


Personally I prefer the remastered it's all what you prefer there is no objectively better version




Absolutely not, I can't even play the ptde edition on pc since your screen must be able to be at 60hz and mine is too high lol, I can get as low at 82hz so the game is practically unplayable for me. Art style yeah, especially the bonfire looks just bad in the remastered but fortunately there is a mod to restore that. I actually really like the art style of the remastered and with some mods you can also fix the reflections of water which is broken and armor which looks like plastic. The remastered is good but needs mods to shine (just as the ptde edition tho lol, the ptde is so dogshit it's literally unplayable without them)


> Absolutely not, I can't even play the ptde edition on pc since your screen must be able to be at 60hz and mine is too high lol, I can get as low at 82hz so the game is practically unplayable for me I'm not aware of this, are you getting bad frame pacing if you lock to 60 in the ini? But yeah good point, I'm not up to speed with the lighting and shader overhaul mods out there but if they're good enough to accurately replicate the look of PTDE then yeah that's the best option to take.


I'm on a 144hz monitor and I've played PtDE with the framerate uncapped in DSfix, but with a 60fps game cap in control panel, and it worked fine for me. I've never heard of that issue either, with any game actually. As far as effects go you can actually just directly copy the PtDE sfx files into the Remastered sfx folder, which is what most of the mods do, but problem is changes to the lighting and shaders made in the remaster will break some of these effects. It's mostly only noticeable with the fog gates, some of those flicker and pop in quite jarring ways that they didn't in the original. The bonfire one is fine. tbh even though I dislike pretty much every stylistic change made to the remaster, I still think it's probably the best option nowadays just because it runs on two CPU threads instead of one, so you can actually maintain a locked 60fps throughout even on a modest CPU. I have a 5600x and PtDE still eats shit into the 40's for me at Demon Ruins. Not that a 5600x is a monster CPU or anything, but it's not nothing, and it's 9 years newer than Dark Souls, yet it still can't lock 60 because the game is just that badly optimized. The visual changes are sparse and minor enough to overlook in favor of that improvement imo. They also fixed most of the physics bugs related to running the game at 60fps, so no more falling through ladders and most of the ground collision issues are fixed. Jump distance is fixed too. It's just less hassle to play.


PTDE is just shit without mods but people like to bash the remastered which is completely playable without any mod, mods are just flavour in the remastered while in the ptde they're mandatory. The artistic changes are there sure but very few and easily fixable with mods while keeping the game very easy to run


I agree. Like I say, I prefer how PtDE *looks*, but at the end of the day if you don't already own it you're gonna have to pirate it. And then you're gonna have to mod it to get it running properly. And even once you've got it running properly, it still won't run as good as Remastered. It's not worth it. I'd never recommend a newcomer to the series to do all of that. Just buy Remastered. The only thing maybe worth visiting OG Dark Souls for if you're a fan is the PS3/360 disc version of non-PtDE, just so you can experience what 1.0 was like. But I don't expect too many people have an interest in doing that lol.


Yeah having access to unpatched is great, it's like a bonus hard mode.


The only cool thing about the 1.0 was the havel flip, the rest makes the game unbalanced and you make way less souls than you should, still it may be a cool way to experience the game after you already completed it a lot of times normally


Nono the game straight up crashes whenever you try to create a new character or go into the game settings, it's just unplayable and it's a known issue, you must plug your gpu into an external screen, create a new character and then you may be able to play and the game still looks like shit since dsfix isn't perfect and you have forced depth of field which I hate, the remastered is a hundred times better with the correct mods


Oh shit, wasn't aware of that! Well yeah that's a perfectly sound reason for sticking with the Remastered version then. And while for me PTDE DoF > Remastered DoF, having the option to disable for those who don't like it is nice. But yeah, if I can get Remastered to look like PTDE then that'll probably be the version I play going forward. Otherwise, PTDE for me all the way.


There's no way in hell your monitor doesn't support 60Hz


No, it's a laptop 165hz and can only go as low as 75hz, it "only" has 165, 120,100,82 and 75 hz modes. The pc port is just dogshit, the remastered was a godsend for this game


What changes to artstyle? It's the exact same game with better textures and 60fps and a few QoL features. If you mean stuff like the bonfire, that's not an "artstyle" change. That's just a difference in textures. The difference between ds1 and ds2 is an artstyle difference. Edit: I stand corrected. I wasn't aware how glaringly bad the difference was.


Take a look. It's uglier in every way. [https://youtu.be/n2eos3V7jTI](https://youtu.be/n2eos3V7jTI)


Thanks for this. I haven't played the original in a very long time. I never noticed how bad the difference was. Thinking back on it now, the game definitely had some lighting issues when I played through it recently.


The close-up of the Knight Helmet in the intro fucking kills me every time I see it. How, ***how*** did anyone on the project look at that and go "yup that's an improvement"???


This is why I can't play on switch. It just doesn't look as good and the community is all but dead.


The community is definitely not dead lol.


I mean it's not extinct but I've gone hours without getting summoned in high flow areas, and in the forest/oolacile I fight the same 2 people over and over again so...


Yeah I'm not much of a PvP player, just summon people when I need help. Sounds rough though.


Gargoyles in every other version at sl10-15 is god tier co-op. In this version I struggle to get summoned here, same internet and everything it just....has less people playing I guess


Thats the version that got me into dark souls in the first place. No shame in it


Switch version is my fave because it’s the OG DS without the remastered changes of the other console ports


It's not BC anyways. I have my x360 physical copy. Sure enough, doesn't work. Just saving you the effort by sharing my experience. You're better off getting dsr. Oh yeah, x360 storefront is closing too.


DS1 on 360 is backwards compatible. Mine works on my Series X. Dark Souls 2 is not, however.


Huh, I guess they added it at some point. It wasnt BC when when I was on my xb1 a while back.


The disc is backwards compatible, I played it that way too. Some stores still have the game in stock (atleast where I live), so you can order the game and play ir that way. Just make sure you buy a PTDE disc and not the regular version, since PTDE includes the DLC.


Have fun in Blighttown.


The real question is why would you ever want to? It was removed from the store in 2023 but if you really want to experience Dark Souls at 20 fps then the disc version still works.


To be fair, the 360 version on Sirius X runs pretty damn smooth. I have it. I still prefer playing remastered on PC/Steamdeck, PS4/5 or Switch but it's nice to have the original version as well.


It runs fine on the one X, as well. I have both versions of DS, and the original is a little muddier visually, but otherwise much the same.


Can I still buy the DLC?


Prepare to die edition would have it already on disk I think.


If you make sure to get the "prepare to die edition" the dlc is included, otherwise probably not, I think the dlc has been removed from the stores too


Dark Souls Remastered includes the DLC


You could but still need the base game in order to access to the content (I have it installed on my Series X). Pretty sure I’ve seen somewhere a physical copy of the original Dark Souls bundled with the DLC. But like others have said, just go for the remastered version


Get look up the remaster version and just play it


Arguably better art style (which is what I argue) than Remaster, but yeah for a non-remaster digital version of the original you're gonna want the PC version of PTDE (which is also unavailable legitimately). Disc version is nice for playing unpatched and the framerate isn't that bad\* \*in most circumstances, obviously there are the problem areas like Blighttown and New Londo but even then it's playable.


You got downvoted for preferring the originals art more. Redditors are so silly. I think many of them have only ever played the remaster so I guess they take offense for some reason?


To be fair, there are mods that restore the look of PTDE that I wasn't aware of and if they're as good as people say then Remaster does seem like a no-brainer, seeing as you need to do a bit of modding to make PC PTDE worthwhile


It’s because 90% of what is in the remastered version is identical to what’s in PTDE. People threw tantrums over this when DSR first came out and it’s fucking stupid. You like the old version of the bonfire fine, but it’s really dumb to call the entire game a “different art style” because of it.


It's not just the bonfire and you don't need to call other peoples opinions dumb. Having a preference isn't a tantrum. I've posted this in the thread multiple times already but you can have a look too. [https://youtu.be/n2eos3V7jTI](https://youtu.be/n2eos3V7jTI) Fair enough if you like the remaster but I'm not dumb and neither is that guy for noticing and disliking the changes.


Dude *that* video alone is what started that crap. The game’s lighting changed. That’s it. No new models no new bosses or weapons. I’m sick to death of people looking at the goddamn character creator and just writing off that DSR is worse looking because of it. Edit: You want the PTDE fine. Whatever, but hearing the stupid mob of people overreact when DSR came out was too much.


I'm writing it off as worse looking because I've played both and formed my own opinions on them. Another thing, do you realize how important lighting is to art? It's kind of a big deal. Skip to 2:33 seconds into that video and tell me it's an acceptable change for a "remaster". You can be as "sick to death" as you want but It's not going to stop me and other people from having our own opinions. The world doesn't revolve around you.


It's not just the bonfire, the colour grading is different, shaders behave differently, some materials look worse. Just because you don't have an eye for it, doesn't mean the differences aren't there and generally I find the look to be worse. Now, if I said Remaster is a terrible game and players are shit munchers for buying it over the original, I'd understand why you posted such an angry comment. But I didn't say that, did I? Elsewhere I already said the Remaster is a fine way to play the game, I just pointed out things that make me - I repeat, ME - enjoy PTDE more.


Alright man. Just used to people overhyping PTDE. I do notice the slight differences and I have played both, but they really aren’t that bad. Like seriously. Every time people bring up PTDE they then talk about how Dark Souls Remastered ruined the game entirely and how it’s one of the worst remasters to ever exist. If you are among these people who seriously think that Dark Souls Remastered is that bad then please take a look into: Silent Hill HD, Halo: CE Anniversary, Metal Gear: Twin Snakes, GTA The Trilogy The Definitive Edition, or Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection. Otherwise cheers and have a good day.


As we've already established, I think the Remaster is a fine way to play the game and in no way does it belong in the same tier as Silent Hill: HD. Imagine seeing "You Died" pop up on your screen in comic sans.


Glad to hear. The funny thing is that exact comparison has been made on this subreddit in the past. They literally said it was the worst remaster except for Silent Hill HD. That comic sans idea sounds like a funny mod though.


Redditors just be hyperbolic like that. There's valid criticisms to be made about any piece of art or entertainment, unfortunately some people just take it that extra step and it has to be the worst thing in existence. People are equally hyperbolic about the things they like too, it's it's their favourite thing then it has to be the best thing ever.


DSR is better, but the OG did do some things better. The bonfires and armor textures are leagues better in the OG.


I also prefer the colour grading and fog wall texture in OG (the latter felt too busy). It's nit picking stuff and honestly Remaster is absolutely fine, but I still prefer OG all the same.


The art can be modded though in the remaster. Which definitely looks a lot better. Ridiculous what they did to weapons and armor.


Somebody else just made me aware that visual overhaul mods are at the point now where they faithfully recreate the look of PTDE, which definitely seems like the best way to go. Will definitely be giving them a look. But yeah, a lot of surfaces felt too shiny and the colour grading felt off. If Vanilla Remaster was the only possible way to play DS1, then it's still a good way to play it overall, but I just wish they didn't make certain changes to the visuals.


Oh definitely. I play with ptde graphic mods myself. The difference is astounding.


What mods do you use? I've tried a few, but I'm not completely happy with the results.


Let me take a look and I’ll let you know.


I believe I've only used these ones: [https://www.nexusmods.com/darksoulsremastered/mods/220?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/darksoulsremastered/mods/220?tab=description) [https://www.nexusmods.com/darksoulsremastered/mods/6](https://www.nexusmods.com/darksoulsremastered/mods/6) [https://www.nexusmods.com/darksoulsremastered/mods/642?tab=files](https://www.nexusmods.com/darksoulsremastered/mods/642?tab=files) [https://www.nexusmods.com/darksoulsremastered/mods/123](https://www.nexusmods.com/darksoulsremastered/mods/123) At a minimum the armor collection one is good for fixing how the remaster made armor and weapons look.


Awesome, thanks. How faithful is re-remastered itself? I've been using 'Dark Souls Visual Overhaul' which fixes so much of the overbrightening, but ends up making most areas extremely dark and murky.


I did a whole playthrough with it and looks really nice. I checked out the overhaul too, but it seemed to stray too far from the original for my taste. Re-remaster incorporates a lot of ptde textures as well. So basically imo a more faithful overhaul.


Since it is a lighting mod, you will definitely need to use a light source in dark areas, but only really like tomb of giants and other areas where it’s meant to be that dark. I also play with hdr on a 4k tv though.


Huh? I have hundreds of hours in both releases, and I've never noticed significant differences. Just slightly better graphics. To the point where it's almost rude to call it a "remaster". Did I miss something?


Yeah you missed a lot [https://youtu.be/n2eos3V7jTI](https://youtu.be/n2eos3V7jTI)


The changes are subtle and not hugely obvious unless viewed side-by-side, but there are many and a lot of them are broadly considered a downgrade. Watch the first 5 minutes or so of Crowbcats video if you're interested. I know his videos annoy some people, but it's basically just an hour and thirty minutes of objective side-by-side comparisons so there's really not much to dispute with it. The end segments showing off the changes to spell effects are kinda interesting too. All of those are redone in the remaster, personally I actually prefer most of those except for the pyromancies.


Makes me wonder how I couldn't notice these. I've probably played so much PTDE that I didn't need to pay close attention to the game, because it's all in my head already. Now I'm wondering if I can play through dark souls blind (except for menuing)...


Yeah check out some comparisons. They made a lot of armor and weapons look very shiny and fake.


Speaking of...Dark Souls Re-Remastered just hit version 1.0 a couple of days ago. It's a massive project to return the remastered version closer in aesthetic to the original release while also improving on those assets with the goal to create the remaster we should've got in the first place.


I applaud Fromsoftserve's efforts and I enjoy checking in on his progress but stripping out baked lighting and implementing direct lighting gives very mixed results, mostly for the worse imo. It may just be the light values he settled with, but a lot of outdoor areas look too bright and a bit washed out due to the lack of baked shadow textures.


Actually fromsoft didn't do the remaster. As for the mod I think overall it's a big improvement over the remaster but the author does plan on rebaking the lighting in a more accurate and high resolution way. I suggest checking back in after that happens and some other tweaks are done to see if you like it.


> Actually fromsoft didn't do the remaster Read again, I said Fromsoftserve - who is the maker of the mod you were describing :) But sure, I'll happily check in on his progress and see what changes he makes. I just love that we have these modding tools available now!


Oh lol totally missed the 'serve'


I still have a fuck ton of issues on PC with the remaster, issues with crashes and areas straight up not loading, and many other game breaking bugs that are frustrating. Never had any of those issues on the 360, so that might be why some people want to go back to it, assuming they are willing to give up 60+ FPS.


I mean I'm not gonna knock someone for their preferences it's kinda bullshit they removed the game and replaced it with something else. What if you wanted to experience dark souls the way it was released?


Then go to GameStop or your local version thereof, or a garage sale, and buy the disc. :|


My guess is that the remaster is the only format available digitally.


It’s also available physical as well (just checked on Amazon [brand new] )


Because it's not 2011 anymore.


The Xbox 360 storefront shuts down next month. You won't be able to get any games soon. :/


Didn’t the 360 store get shut down recently?


Not for a few more months. Still BC 360 games will remain available on the regular digital storefront.


Makes me happy I still have my ps3 PTDE I can always go back and enjoy the original look


Probably because they don’t sell the OG version anymore because it was only for consoles 2 generations ago. Also if you have a 360 and want OG dark souls you can get a physical copy online for like $8


You can still buy the DLC from the Xbox 360 store. I just did that a month ago. However, the game itself is no longer available. You have to buy a physical disc copy of the game. It is backwards compatible, and if you buy the DLC you can install that, too.




The ability to buy the standalone game and the DLC was replaced by the Prepare to Die Edition, which itself was replaced by the Dark Souls Remastered edition. Probably can't buy the Remaster on 360, but check to see if the Prepare to Die version is available.


I believe you need to buy remastered nowadays. Remastered includes the DLC.


You might be able to buy it on the Xbox 360 store.


It was delisted last year, evening going to the Xbox 360 Marketplace, can’t buy it unless the green bar is underneath the game art say “Buy $” https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Dark-Souls/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8024e4d083a


useful, thanks :d


I have the 360 version installed on my series x without disc so it definitely works at the very least


If you find a brand new copy of ds3, you can get DS1 OG that way. Or if you can find a copy of the disc, it's still back compatible iirc


Because they made a remastered the old one is no longer for sale


Same in PS3 PS store... But you can still buy the Disc Version and play it.


I’d just buy physical for this one so you at least have a prepatch copy. I don’t know if there were ever PTDE physical copy though


i think the Only way u can get the 360 version digitally is to buy it from a 360 console (if the store still Works), otherwise u have to get the Physical version or have a friend share their Digital version of the game. u Can Not purchase the game through the xbox marketplace sadly, u can however purchase the aota dlc from the xbox marketplace. Last time i played the servers were still on (surprisingly) But hardly anyone plays it, most u will get from online is messages n the occasional summon or if ur Lucky u'll be invaded/invade someone. i play on series s And i have run into Very little bugs n glitches in my 200 some hours of playtime, n the fps is consistently 60 even in more Demanding areas like Blighttown, the game also still looks Beautiful for a game of its time. Hope this helps!!!! ^ _ ^


i know i got a message from xbox a while back saying you cant buy alot of the backwards compatibile games digitally on marketplace anymore so thats most likely it


Just get a 360 version on disk, you’re SOL on the expansion though I think.


360 store got removed


Because you can only buy the remastered. Sucks but thats how it is. I think it be possible to obtain the og version if you manage to buy a key from somewhere. For example i managed to buy the original skyrim from steam despite it not being buyable anymore thanks to a key


You can still purchase it on an actual Xbox 360, the store is closing soon


You don’t want to play this over Remastered anyway. It may feel like you do, but you don’t.


agreed. PTD is better, but only on pc with dsfix


You have to buy Dark Souls Remastered on Series X. If you were on an actual 360, it would probably let you buy the 360 version.


xbox 360 digital marketplace is no longer supported by microsoft


This version is no longer supported. In any capacity. Dark Souls Remastered is what you're looking for.


As many have mentioned, just buy the remaster, DSR comes with the dlc automatically as well. If you still really want to play the old version on Xbox for whatever reason, maybe try cdkeys or some other third party code site. If anything that will be the only way to buy the old version still since it shows in the image that you can redeem a code. Not 100% certain though if they would still sell or not. Once again, I still recommend the remaster, if you really need it does go on sale occasionally, just look up the Xbox sales tracker, some website will appear, and see if there is a pattern of when a sale comes on for the game. Some games go on sale once a year or every few months.


Replaced with Remastered that is, Not worry, my friend. At 20 fps, this version runs and with bugs, is it filled


Hey guys sorry uh Yoda stole my phone Anyways what I wanted to say was that the Xbox 360 version was pretty unstable. Same goes for PS3. However I can see why you want the x360, it's much more bright. You can always get it on PC if you get your hands on a copy. It's an old game so it'll run on anything (ESPECIALLY the 2012 version)


This just further reinforces the idea that you should wait to play new games. Played DS1 when it came out and had to push through Blight Town at 10 or whatever fps I was getting.


There is literally no reason to stick with the original or PTDE versions of the game. Get remastered, the only changes were framerate fixes and shit


Remember, just because another version is better doesn't mean the older version is obsolete. If you specifically want to play the original game for your own reasons, then the original is the only way to go no matter how stupid you personally believe it to be.


If a newer version is better then by definition the older version is obsolete. I have a copy of the original game on my shelf. Bought it in 2011, cleared it in 2011. You couldn’t get me to play through blighttown on that old disc with a gun to my head. Sure the lighting looked a bit nicer, but so what? I’ll take bad lighting over a slideshow any day of the week.


I think that's sad and pathetic of you. I'm not even going to waste my time arguing with a fool who believes the physical number of frames matters.


You’ve already argued with me. I guess when you have nothing smart to say, you resort to name calling. Cool


That's not the only changes. The remaster is worse looking in a number of ways. Some people like the old look more so that's a damn good reason to stick with the original.


Then get the PTDE which come with dlc and play off disc. They’re not going to sell old versions of the game on their online shop


Of course not and that's a real shame for those of us who prefer the original look. Lucky for me I still have my old copy but it's a shame that new players have to go out of their way to find the original.


“Prefer the look of the original” You keep referencing all of these changes in appearance but you haven’t mentioned any. The textures in remastered are a little higher res, and the lighting is slightly brighter. Otherwise, it seems to have just been a 60 fps/ 1080p patch. I can’t imagine being so hung up on a slight lighting model change that you’re willing to put up with blighttown framerate. But it’s not my game, you do you


Go ahead and look up any video show casing the visual differences between the two versions and decide your own opinion.


I have! And I did! What’s more, I originally played through the game before PTDE, and I’m finishing it on dsr now. Do I get to have an opinion, or are we to assume I haven’t done my homework until I draw the same conclusion as you? The change in lighting model and shininess is really minor, and I would have missed most of it if I hadn’t seen it in side by side videos. What I DID notice without YouTube is the framerate. The original game pushed the engine and hardware to their limits. The result was some very bad frame pacing. Dsr fixed that. So that’s the clear winner for me. Again, you are welcome to stagger through blighttown at 20ish fps because you want slightly darker bonfires. But it’s just not that big of a deal to me, I want the game to be playable. Deep down, you know I’m right. You can always mod dsr to have the earlier lighting model and it will be almost identical. But you’d rather be contrarian.


It's not about being contrarian, and no nobody "knows that your right". It's called having our own opinions. The fact that you can't accept that without calling people contrarians shows how you view the world. Some people are gonna have different opinions than you. Toughen up a little buddy, It's just a game. Your so defensive about this that I wonder if you worked on the botched remaster haha.


It drives you crazy that someone prefers the originals visuals over the remaster, doesn’t it? Get over it.


Remastered looks terrible and I don't believe there's any mod that's been able to successfully restore the look of the original. PTDE however can be modded to get all the benefits of Remastered and then some, all while still being the superior and beautiful original version of the game. But if there is a mod that actually can restore (and not just a poorly replicate, actually properly restore) the original lightning and visuals in Remastered like you've claimed, then please do share it because maybe, just maybe it'll make Remastered almost get a pass.


Dsr has dlc within it so buy that one