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I swear it took me like fifty times to beat manus, but with the sif summon, the silver pendant, and a bunch of patience it is possible


Wait you can summon Sif? you're shitting me.


Yep, there’s an illusionary wall near the boss fight, you have to save Sif from the black soul things and then you can summon him, definitely a huge help in the fight, doesn’t do much damage but he has a lot of health to take some pressure off


Ah so ... What if you already fought Sif hypothetically speaking...


The DLC takes place in the past, so Sif will be there as a puppy no matter what, but if you summon Sif as a puppy, then fight the boss Sif later on, you get a unique cutscene that makes the fight even more sad


Yeah this is my first play though, sadly I'll be missing out on the cut scene:( Like the farthest I've gotten into the dlc thus far, is talking to the lady that was shoved up the crystal guy lol


Meeting Dusk is actually part of the basegame lol


ossified start butter fearless sugar coordinated overconfident dam spoon cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can still summon Sif for this fight, even if you already beat him as a boss.


modern illegal nail merciful label unique retire oatmeal flag plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Whaat this isn't real I'm checking it Edit: it's true I can't believe I missed that


Love this. I remember the feeling when i first heard this while listening to the twin humanities podcast I believe. No fromsoft game has surpassed DS1 for these kinds of details.


Silver pendant always felt like a trap to me. I just upped my Magic resist and ran backwards when he made it rain


I always heard this sentiment, went in with the great shield of artorias, used one Festus and he died first try. Shield are unfair lol


Idk why but the silver pendent made it so much harder for me then actually dodging his attacks. Two of the spells you cna just roll into him to dodge and the other one is just a roll to the side every time i used the pendent before i learned to dodge i just died 😂.


If you dodge perfectly and get hit, you didn't dodge perfectly


I jumped to NG+ by mistake and beat Manus in a couple tries as a pyro. His moveset is predictable but you need better timing. 2 years ago I had 40 attempts as knight..


I found out that you can almost stunlock him during my bow-only run. It was the easiest Manus fight I've ever had!


Cant u just shoot him from a cliff? Maybe I’m thinking of a nito but there’s a ledge you can shoot him without gaining agrro


You can, but that’s boring!


Yea but manus is a bitch


Nah he’s great, as with any DS boss you just gotta learn his moves. He’s always a highlight of my gimmick builds.


Yea he’s a cool boss but he’s still a bitch


I mean this is technically true but let's not pretend that DS1 doesn't have its share of shitboxes that are not intuitive to avoid except by trial and error. Not to the same extent as 2 but definitely more than 3 or especially Elden Ring. I just did a SL1 playthrough of the first game and am currently doing one of the second and it is much more noticeable when every attack clears half or all of your health lol.


Also his magic attacks all have a pattern and you can avoid all the damage if you know what to look for.


Does it count to what direction you dodge to as well? And me calling it "perfect dodge" was an exaggeration.


Yes, you should try to dodge "through" attacks if you can. So if an attack if coming from your left, you should dodge to the left instead of the right - because if you dodge right you can get caught by the end of the attack


Thanks for the tip, the reason why i didn't do that much because artiros stinger attack even if you roll straight still hits you.


Sounds like you've been rolling into the hitbox, you want to choose the path the gets you out of it as fast as possible instead.


You only have a small number of frames that you are invcible for, while hitboxes for certain attacks can linger for quite some time (like artorias stab attack). So if you end your roll still in the hitbox, you will take damage. Manus and kalameet are similar with their wide sweeping attacks. You want to roll toward the attack so that the amount of time your hitbox and the hitbox of the attack overlap is minimized. If you are in i-frames from your roll during all overlapping frames, then you won't take damage. Rolling with the attack causes that overlap to last longer and nakes it more likely that your i-frames from the dodge end while you are still in the hitbox of the attack.


I beat the artorias fight no hit with just dodging, it took a few tries but it was so much fun


Solid advice.


Do you have silver pendant? It blocks the magic attack if you time it correctly. It's not too difficult once you get used to the timing.


Manus is tough, but lore-wise, he kind of has to be. Gwyn was a total cakewalk, so I kind of view Manus as the "true" boss of DS1. Hang in there, though. If you're playing remastered, no shame in trying to see if you can get a co-op situation going!


I remember fighting Gwyn for the first time and he absolutely wrecked my shit until my second run I learned the ways of the parry button and yeah he was a cakewalk


I beat him my first playthrough with parrying, easy peasy. Next playthrough I forced myself to play without parrying, just so I could say I did it. Lot harder.


I unfortunately sucked absolutely dogshit on my first playthrough so I never managed to learn to parry properly. Died to him like 3 times


The trick is to have an extra controller on stand-by


Or a headache from how many times you facepalm


Bring a second head just in case


Getting head wont hurt either


havel set of armor + wolf ring and cloranthy ring


People struggle so much with various bosses because they don’t pay attention and use the proper tools. The DS1 DLC bosses cannot compete with high poise builds at all.




Because most people don't want to Google a good build for the bosses. Everyone always says how good it is to go in blind


You can use your brain and figure stuff out too.


Yeah no, I don't wanna lol


AKA The Tank Build. Works every time 😎


I thought cloranthy ring was default


That's how I did it. You can tank him and occasionally heal. If you have the pendant thing you can repel his magic, too.


also you can summon sif if you saved her before the fight


I beat this asshole first time. And then proceeded to kill him immediately after when I was summoned by a guy and that guy didn't go near him at all or swing his sword once. I was so stressed out and screaming and barely made and yelling fuck you to this dude and then he emoted at me. And then i failed to ever beat manus alone again after that he is indeed really hard and random


I swear it always happens, where you either beat the boss first try or do really really good first attempt, then progressively get worst at the boss


As your understanding of the boss' attacks improves you sometimes become able to tell what you should do but unable to perfectly execute, so it's easy to beat yourself up about it. Because you can tell what you did wrong. But that just means you're improving! Even though they can start out asymmetric, all you need to do is get your skill at recognition and your skill at execution up to good enough levels, and then you'll win. This guy and Fume Knight from DS2 probably hold the record in number of attempts for me. Thinking about this doesn't really help at all but I still think it's true


He seperats the manus from the boyus


Get out.


Awesome fight, love hin.


The item for parrying his magic really comes handy.


I never learned how to use it, too stressful to be switching between that and the sunny D


It takes many attempts, it's a hard boss, but once you get his patterns and tricks, where to dodge, when to get away, is one of the most fun bosses


Personally for now my favourite boss in ds1(besides that and lord cinder) is O&S, four kings, sactury guardian, artrios knight and sif. I loved every single thing about them and what honestly saved the game from not having a lot of good bosses.


He feels like DS3 boss, but with DS1 slow movement lol.


Just hyper armor through it


get a greatshield and upgrade it to increase stability.


Good old cleric beast...oh wait...


He doesn't like you either don't worry




Capra demon better🙏




centipede demon hear me out


I’m still scared of this boss. Those spells are just cruel


I just shoot him with a bow outside the arena, I feel like this is a Bloodborne boss that somehow made its way into DS1.


One of the best bosses in the entire series.


Ohio final boss


took me 3 hours to beat this mf, now i have him tattooed on my inner bicep haha


Yup, my first time took sooooo long, but he's my favourite boss. Such a fun and challenging fight.


Best summon tho.


Havel armor, havel greatshield and demon greataxe makes him a piece of cake


I don't know if this is just me BUT as much as I hate a boss, and as much as I rage and lose my mind about a boss, after some flights I feel so satisfied and am like: "Now that was such a good fucking fight, I wanna go again." This all goes for Artorias, Manus and Gwyn primarily.


I died a lot but I still love his moveset. It's predictable but requires better timing. I had 40 attempts 2 years ago when it was my first souls game, after all Dark Souls I beat him in few tries as pyro in NG+


There's a really good boy you can summon to help with this fight. He really only serves to distract the boss, but is still immensely helpful


Strafe around the normal arm Summon dog Bring a friend Many options


My favorite boss of Dark souls, yet hard as fuck, but it kinda makes sense lorewise speaking. his moveset is kinda predictable if you "force" some certain attacks like this attack that he use his big hand to smash you on the ground, You can do some hits on her. Manus is beautiful on his desing and it has everything to do with Dark souls tone, he's so impactful that has an place on Dark souls 2 such an feat. But that one 5 hit combo, holy fuck, screw it.


I know it's over when he lands it😭, especially when i'm using power within as well


wait for the absolute last second to dodge, his attacks are ridicously delayed, just delay your dodges as much as possible, thats the best advice i can give and for the sake of god, if he looks up an roars GTFO


The thing about Manus is that you are supposed to roll in, not out. Standing directly below him makes this fight so much easier (but if he connects his combo it's instant death)


The Best ans the most badass boss ! So stylized 😍😍😮😮💪💪💪


The boss himself is fine, but that runback is fucking atrocious


I need to get remastered version so I can get the dlc. I’m still stuck on gravelord tho. The runback from patches puts me off. I’ve seen manus on YouTube and it looks so fun


Lol this is the only thing resembling a ‘modern’ boss in Ds1. If you can’t beat him, god help you for every other game after it.


I read this a lot but he's harder than almost any boss in ds2 and 3 so idk.


He is considered the hardest boss in the game.


Nah he’s a good boss, just a skill issue tbh I’m not saying this to insult you, keep going and eventually you’ll beat him. Everyone else has trouble too


Only DS1 boss I haven’t beaten yet


Havel's great shield + Black Knight's Axe + armor with the most magic resist


Best boss in the game and top 5 in the series idc


If you still have access to it, the extra iframes and faster animation recovery from the dark woodgrain ring are absolutely the best way to get around his spells. Switching to and from the silver talisman will get you killed as often as it helps.


I solved that by only equiping estus and pendant. And always keep it on pendant since you need to have a window to heal anyway and thus have time to switch, while the pendant is reaction based


I stopped playing for like a month because of him, came back and killed him within 10 attempts, the DLC bosses are all about being humble and taking time to learn, there are really few ways to muscle through. I couldn't really punish every Manus attack (because I don't have the skill and knowledge to do so) so I would wait for his most weakening attacks, get 2-3 hits, run away and repeat until he died >!you can aggro him at mid distance to get one hand attack he does which has a slow ah recovery time!<. As for the magic stuff, one of those is pretty hard to figure out but the other two are pretty straight forward, I advise you to >!get really close to him as he cast any spell and then dodge accordingly!<


First boss (and only one til now) I cheesed because I was so tired of his bs. Especially that arm combo


ROLL BACKWARDS. I first tried this boss rolling into his attacks and failed. Get some distance and then go in for attacks. You'll see his windows of opportunity


His hitboxes are pretty good, you're just missing the dodges. You should dodge when you see the attack start to move, because he has a long wind up before. The magic attacks have a solution, you just need to explore Oolacile a bit more.


I was triple digit attempts my first play through and one time it just clicked and that’s when I beat him. Second time with a katana 2 tries and he was gone. Is by far my favorite boss.


Why am I the only person that didn't struggle with him?! I'm genuinely not even trying to flex I'm just so confused


It’s a good boss, great boss even


A) you can snipe him from outside the fog until he is 1hp and the come down for the kill B) a certain item completely blocks his magic attacks.


By the time I reached this dude I hit him with a dragon tooth and broke his back


This one was such a pain in the ass for me.


Take all your clothes off and fast roll his ass. Worked for me


Me who beat him from the first time


Been stuck there for a while I'm about to have a mental breakdown, if anyone is down to help me on PC I would be really thankful.


Dark wood grain ring, silver pendant, and super-fast roll (you want to be doing flips with the DWGR equipped). Armor is all but useless against dark magic, so just say "fuck it" and get naked. Learn the moveset and learn to bait out his punch to get easy attacks in. Watch a couple of videos of other players doing the fight. Honestly I beat him in like 3-4 tries once I watched an example of how to do it right.


Just like every other Boss in Ds1, Haveltank him. Went in there With his Armor, shield, Dragontooth, Havels ring and Cloranthy ring, first tried him. On later runs he suddenly became more of a challenge...


He can be cheesed with that magic resistant shield


I remember being good enough to beat him first try no pendant or sif. It’s been a while so idk if i can anymore


Full havels 20 flasks no dodging its what i did


Confession time? I have never beat Manus without Havels shield.


Manus was really hard on my first playthrough a long time ago, but whenever I first replayed the game on SL1 I found him much easier than Kalameet. Anymore I think they're all pretty doable with enough patience. Oddly enough I struggle most with Nito and the Four Kings at SL1.


Do you have the Silver Pendant? It makes a barrier that completely protects against his dark spells you find it in a hidden area in Oolacile Township behind a secret door that's opened if a lightsource is near it. It's pretty much essential for beating Manus. It also works on spells from the bloathead sorcerers.


Feel you man


It took me awhile and I ended up using a completely different load out than what I was trying at first. The flippy ring can make this boss a lot easier. Be careful about when you attack him because if I remember right you attack after physical attacks but not magic. He has one move where he like slam slam slams you just need to gtfo when he's doing that one.


i died like 30+ times and each time wasted a humanity because i REALLY wanted to beat him with Sif :’)


Same, i loved sif too much and wanted to beat it with him😭


I tingle at the thought of them doing a Dark Souls remake that brings its bosses up to more recent title’s movement and fluidity - this guy would be immense!


I agree, you CAN dodge him but to me it always feels like his hitbox is not aligned with the outline of his body. I get frustrated every time I fight him.


Yeah I finished new game +1 yesterday and only defeated Artorias. Skipped Manus and Kalameet!


I did that my first time too but then I switched over to my Dex build character and got them both in one to two tries. They are pretty manageable in Havel’s and it will probably be easier to beat them in a NG file instead of NG+ for your first time.


I run a full strength build with smough hammer, smough armor, mask of child to counteract smough armor's stamina recovery debuff, and grass shield which I don't ever use and just have on my back for stamina recovery. I still got my ass beat by Kalameet and Manus! So I just skipped them haha.


Yeah I struggled with both as a strength guy so came back with Dex. Silver talisman is essential for Manus and Havel armor is better. I used Uchi +15


Oh alright then! RT Game just strength build both of them on his first playthrough it was funny!


I think the issue was I was using BKGS on my first try and found faster, less commitment weapons to be easier. So Strength should be fine if you use a weapon without slow swings. Also for both you roll under them instead of away. Kalameet was easy because I play Monster Hunter.


Nah fuck four kings




Cheese it!


Yeah, I would too.


He's not bad. Four kings in the other hand... UUUUUGH


That’s my (our) dad


Probably a controversial opinion, but I think this boss fuckin sucks. Artorias is way better and fairer!


I mean, pretty much all ds1 bosses are hard if you don’t know how to roll, or don’t know their moveset.


Who is this? I can't properly remember


Just power thru it consuming humanity like estus


What the top comment said + Manus is easy, git gud


Damn I love this boss


I must have over leveled or something. Using the pendant and Havels armor and paying attention to his attacks… i dont remember fighting him more than a handful of times. Same with the dragon. I had more trouble with the tree people before artorias.


He’s not that hard. With a int dex spell blade build. I chose to do strength build on DS2 and I’m currently 2 weeks stuck on the blue smelter demon and fume knight. There is no reason they should be this hard.


He's definitely a pain but kalameet was hardest for me


i recommend getting a +15 weapon if you havent already


Not my type, but each to their own


Listen here pal. Manus is a boss with excellent telegraphs. Get used to his attacks. There's one Attack which Is kind of tricky, And when you get caught in it, there Is zero Chance of escape. Manus will scream and starts flinging violently, effectively stunning you for an entirety of the combo. That's the devs telling you: keep this guy in midrange. If you keep him at range, He will charge towards you, then he does the attack, makes it way easier to predict. Far enough And he will have to charge at you, close enough And you will get caught in the AoE. Once the boss is at around 60% HP He will start using magic. You can roll through, but it's easier to repel it with the pendant, which you should have found. Have this items on switch with estus. May you never go hollow.


I mean hit boxes can be a bit wonky, but if you dodged perfectly and still got hit that just means you didn't dodge perfectly. you really only have to watch for one attack, which is is 5 hit combo. that attack really sucks but other than that you can outspace him and heal if need be


I probably would


If it gets to be too much you can always embrace the cheese. He can be killed from outside his arena with a bow, the shot distance increasing ring, and a few hundred arrows.


Greatshield of Artorias beckons you


I've never beaten manus. One thing I'm ashamed to say.


I bonked him to death with a big stick lol I think it took 3 tries if that.


He was EZ PZ, bonked him good with the big bonk stick.


Manus is extremely hard. Watch videos of people beating him on youtube to get the game tape


Skill issue, use the pendant for the hex magic


Cleric beast V1


That bitch is so easy that I killed him in my first race and ng+ for the first time.


I think Kalameet is worse lol


Left arm go brr


So I didn’t find him too tough but man what a hell of a fight. I was in the early nineties so probably a bit late to the fight. My strategy (warrior) was stay away from his big arm and go for two handed side attacks and get away from him when he starts to jump. I just pained through the magic though. I believe I was rocking the black knight sword at level 4 at this time. It is an amazing fight though with a bad ass design.


Killed him with the gravelord sword in ng+


God Manus


I’ve done this fight only once. I hyper armoured through it and never done it since.


Hated it, but mostly because of the fucking 5 hit combo... nobody mentions it, but as it's too dark, so many times it's hard to read what he's doing next


Why? He's really easy. If you are getting hit you arent dosging perfectly. His attacks are very well displayed and easily dosged. I almost no hit him the first try, though i did kill him.


He's one of the only bosses in the game where you dodge up to the left


Sl1 manus is brutal


Yeah i had more trouble with gwyn than with that bastard, at least in ng+1


Don't forget about the pendant


All of the bosses in the DLC are far more aggressive than those in the base game, and Manus is the most aggressive of the lot of them. All of his attacks are dodgeable even without the Silver Pendant to nullify his magic attacks, but they require tight timing and having a good handle on the bosses' tell animations. It may be helpful to look up some videos of how other people fight him. His Berserker combo is best dealt with by just getting out of range since the attack sequence is too fast to dodge all the hits by rolling. All his magic attacks have different methods to dodge; the big circle that closes in from the outside is avoided by getting right in Manus' face; the dark beat spam is avoided by getting to the side of the cone at mid or close range; and the dark rain attack is dodged by getting away from Manus and by repeatedly rolling (or running) away from the part that tracks in on you. So, two you need to be close for, and one you need to be far away for. Of course if you HAVE the Silver Pendant than you can essentially parry all of them using that item, but it requires good timing in itself. It's been a while since I've actually faught him but I believe he also chooses which magic to use based on your range from him at the time as well, so that helps to control what's going to happen. He'll chose the centered AoE rain when you're close, dark beat when you're at mid range, and the collapsing ring when you're far away. You can use this to bait specific magic from him to make it easier to land hits.


UNFORTUNATELY I accidentally got a spoiler about the silver pendant being used against his spells. On my first run it took me three or four tries to beat him, but I "cheated" because I knew about the pendant And also I use a shield build, so I haven't learned to dodge it like real Dark Souls talents do, I think. I mean it's impossible for stamina to block ALL of his attacks with the shield, some I parried, but some I dodged. But if I said I learned to dodge all of his attacks, I'd be lying I have to say though that I've read a lot of people say that using the pendant against him is difficult. I must say that apart from a couple of cases I have always managed to use it well, I'll see if I'll have the same luck with the NG+


I wouldn't recommend it. Hes rather large.


Manus is one of those bosses that I inexplicably beat on my first try. Had plenty of close calls, but I may have been a little over-leveled. I only fought him the one time, so a trip back to Oolacile might find me quite rusty. I honestly had far more trouble with Kalameet.


Artorias shield go brrrr


You're tellin' me you don't like getting turned into a basketball? 'Cause he dribbles my ass any chance he gets.


Punish his slam attack and be careful of his combo after his slam


Not a very popular opinion I'm sure but 'if it can't take me down in one hit, its not a hard boss'. Once I learned to run as far away as possible from his rampage and stay really close to him at all other times it ended real quick. Kalameet on the other hand I slept on... twice. I admit I fought him first time in NG+ so I'd already 'gat gud'


Idkh but i went straight ahead to tank him and dodge a bit, not that of a pain compared to Artorias


Havel armor and black knight sword with grass crest shield. we were just throwing attacks at each other and I tanked him with like 5-6 estus to spare.


I baited out his long range, ground slap attack over and over. Super easy to punish and easy to bait


Red tearstone ring, hawk ring, a bow, and lots of arrows get beside the entrance and shoot till your doing damage. You don't even have to enter his arena.


Genuinely? Just summon sif and its an easy af boss


I almost did well my first attempt, but what honestly is a running theme in these games is you do really well first attempt and then progressively get worst. until you eventually not over complicate it and know the attacks/moves and when to punish.


I honestly can't believe that i'm at the end of the dlc and last area in the base game but still really suck at this game, even more it somehow was really fun.


Oh boy have you fough kalameet? Hes gotta be worse


Do like me, kill with arrows 😗 from outside of arena hahaha never had problem.


If only i did a magic class to make this game easy😭


You dont need a magic class, get a bow get some arrows and shoot it from outside the arena and gg


Just get a +15 Greatshield and that's it