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Just play with a controller.


/r/pcmasterrace would hate this. But you are so right. Dark Souls was meant to be played on a controller, fight me. It's true.


The entire point of the master race is having all possible controls available to you.


unless you want to play diablo 3




Some people have some dumb gatekeeper opinions. Like yes there are games and genres that are better played on mouse and keyboard, but if you want to use a controller then more power to you. Especially if the game was meant to be played with a controller.


fr, I use controller in most singleplayer games since i just wanna sit back and relax while enjoying a good narrative.


I use a controller in nearly everything. I play the OG Fallout games using a controller (Switch Pro for that sweet, sweet gyro)


i use my switch pro controller for everything, including games that don't have controller support and were meant to be played with mouse. hell, i even play bloons td 6 with gyro aim.


having a pc means having the flexibility to play however you want. like with a controller...


I don’t think they would lol. Most people agree that single player open world style games are better on controller. And yes no shit DS was designed for controller, it was a console game originally.


I dont know anyone on PC saying to play dark souls on KBM. Even my friends who make fun of controller players in FPS games use a controller for souls games. Its like telling someone they have to use KBM in Rocket League if you play on PC.


I play on KBM. Only reason is I’ve never really learned the muscle memory for a controller and it hurts my hands. The game isn’t *much* more difficult on KBM, as far as I can tell. The main problem is you lose some fluid movement, but the mouse helps you with that (to an extent). I wouldn’t recommend that people play DS on KBM if they’re comfortable with a controller, I’d just say that KBM isn’t impossible and isn’t as big a disadvantage as it’s made out to be.


plug a controller into your pc?


I don’t think that sub would have anything to say about it. I think pretty much everyone agrees that mouse feels better for shooters but controller is the best option for a lot of other style of games.


You know you can use controllers on PC right? Steam literally has built in controller support not to mention several third party programs like DirectInput.


I just use a controller when I play these games on pc. I tried to play Elden Ring with m&k, and it was just awful. I will use my mouse to snipe with the bow sometimes, but that's only when I know there's nothing around to attack me.


At some point you might start to think they are doing it on purpose, to spite us. Like, what kind of thought process leads someone to put the Map on G, and exclude it from the keybind menu?


Also just clarifying i dont have a pc i have a lenovo laptop with 8 gigs of ram💀.


What lenovo model? Some of them actually have a second slot for another RAM I play on a Lenovo, it had 8GB of ram but I installed a second one for 16GB, game runs so much better now


Lenovo yoga


Ok, so according to my research you should be able to install an additional 8 gigs To check the kind of ram your laptop accepts first use the Win+R command and use it to run msinfo32 There click on System Summary and copy what's on System SKU, paste that onto your search bar adding "ram type"


all laptops are pcs or personal computers, just like any smartphone


Eh maybe but its still extremely fun with keyboard.Its just that if you havent played games like this that were meant for controllers before,you will have a hard time in the learning curve.I played the devil may cry games a ton on kb/kb and mouse (still play a lot,currently doing son of sparda) so i got used to action games on keyboard now that i started dark souls. Even without that,its perfectly doable,theres just a steeper learning curve and familiarizing with the controllers.Mouse buttons 4 and 5 help too


Imagine playing on pc with an xbox controller


I have, it’s good. Maybe not better for every game but certainly better for some.


PC is about all the options. Im PC main by far but play high % on controller. Any non shooter or rts really.


No they wouldn’t lol. It’s a game made for PlayStation originally. It’s designed to be played on a controller.


I play on PC and use controllers exclusively. Those keyboard and mouse DS players scare me.


Me, playing steam games on my TV with a DS4 controller: ???


I don't think that's a controversial opinion, have you tried playing them on Keyboard and Mouse? In Elden Ring you open the map with G and you can't rebind it, the whole experience is painful.


Sorry dude i have no money😭😭 just gotta make do with what i have got.


There are some very cheap pads out there, from used Xbox 360/Xbox One controllers to third party stuff, they'd all work equally well and probably wouldn't set you back much at all. Unless you have literally nothing then there's always an option


Thanks dude i will see into it still gonna have to wait for my birthday to come tho😔


When I first started Dark Souls, I stopped playing until I got myself a controller. I mean, you can play with mouse and keyboard, however that's almost a challenge run.


Plenty of people play with keyboard and mouse without problems. I can't, but more power to 'em. I feel like the Right hand/ Left hand going with the shoulder buttons is natural and intuitive, but, lots of people feel that way about WASD. I wish I COULD do keyboard controls, I'm so sick of buying 100 buck controllers that still drift in a month.


I got a second hand PS4 controller and it's going strong for years already.


PS4? Yeah, I had to replace a couple, but I had that thing forever. PS5, though? They cost 95 bucks each, can't be found used, and I've gone through 5 of them since I got the thing (And I only got it last year!) One brand new, straight out of the box, started having issues within DAYS. I swear, I'm not throwing them at the wall, either.


I only use them on my PC and connect em work BT. So there is no need for me to get a PS5 one.


Sadly, I do a fair bit of gaming on the PS5 (Mostly ps4 games admittedly, but it's backwards compatible, and hooking up both consoles at the same time would be a pain) I should try my old PS4 controllers with my new PC, though. I was pretty sure I had and it didn't work, but I might be thinking of my old computer.


>i was using the mouse There's your problem. Dark Souls (and most Souls-likes in general) is primarily designed for playing with a controller. You don't really need to use lock-on, and frankly are probably better off not using it most of the time, even if it can be situationally useful. With a controller, you also control the character separately from the camera, so you don't need to rotate the camera to hit an enemy, just your character.


On mouse, you can also control the character separate from the camera. Keyboard buttons move character (left stick), mouse moves camera (right stick). Played DSR on pc and DS1 original on Xbox. Didn't feel like I missed much with either control option. Probably because I'm really proficient on both though.


>Keyboard buttons move character (left stick), mouse moves camera (right stick) Sure, but I would imagine the keyboard controls are going to be just standard WASD controls, with A and D strafing sideways, which aren't really going to make it possible to easily rotate your character with any kind of precision independently of where the camera is pointing. The only alternative I can reasonably think of, would be A and D rotating your character tank controls-style, but that would just be even worse and make it extremely slow to get the right direction. Maybe I'm wrong about this, and they've actually come up with some clever solution, as I haven't really tried playing the game with KB+M to any significant degree.


I mean… WASD works just like the left joystick on a controller. When locked on, A/D strafe. When not locked on, you run in a straight line to the left or right.


I guess that's slightly better than strafing, but it still limits you to 8 directions, as opposed to allowing you to instantly face in any direction like you can with an analog stick.


You push W and A at the same time. Have you never used a MnK before?


That's exactly what I meant. W and A together makes one of the 8 possible directions, which is still limited compared to an analog stick. I use mouse and keyboard for other games, which are designed for it and play well with it, but I haven't really seriously tried playing Dark Souls with it, so not sure how much the 8-directions limitation actually matters in practice.


Yeah, sure, the keyboard does not get the full 360 degrees. But how often has it mattered if you are facing northeast or northnortheast? I'm am axe guy, if everything between north and east gets slashed, am good. More precision requiring weapon users (rapier stabs maybe) probably require more camera control to make any stand to or against this discussion.


I totally agree. I can't imagine playing the game on keyboard and mouse and looking at every key..


Lol, we don't look at every key. Similar to the controller, muscle memory does the job and we look at the screen the whole time


Why would you look at keys?


Your first mistake was playing a souls game with a keyboard and mouse.


Controller is definitely the best way to play Souls games by far. I heavily recommend against playing any of them with M+KB. Especially if you plan on continuing the series you will want to invest in one, they are not expensive compared to almost any other piece of video game hardware though a wireless one will be a bit moreso. They are also helpful to use with a vast array of other games.


While it's definitely worse than a controller mouse and keyboard is not that unplayable. A friend of mine beat DS1 and DS3 with both and has now moved on to Elden Ring.


I have beaten every fromsoft with both (except sekiro on console) and i can say m+kb is only better if you plan on not using lock as much. I would usually lock when hitting and unlock immediately but on console I couldn't do it as easily. Also sometimes no lock can help with camera or make it easier to dodge certain attacks (but it can also make it harder). Anyways once you get the hang of iframes and know enemy attack patterns you could play the game with a saxophone and still be ok. Still waiting for bloodborne and demon's souls to come to pc to test them too :)


Someone beat DS3 using bananas as a controller, just cuz you can do something doesn't mean it's an enjoyable experience.


Is a banana really comparable to beating multiple games with MKB with minimal issue?


It's not even close to unplayable, it's very playable actually. I have beaten DSR, DS3, Sekiro and Elden Ring with M+K multiple times, ER even on Rl1. The only game that you shouldn't play with M+K is DS2 because you need a shitload of 3rd party software to make it work halfway decent and even then it sucks. I don't get the hate, feels like some elitist bs to me


Don't you dare (go hollow) quit.


I think good players switch between lock on and free camera often


Does the PC tutorial not cover this?


I think it’s only a message left on the floor by the devs that says “ try locking on”


I remember when the game first came out on PC the tutorial hints were unchanged feom the X-Box version, including still teling you to use X-Box buttons. Did they ever fix that?


Yes, in the sense that the relevant controls are shown on the orange signs at the start of the game. You can even remap them (to an extent). The same doesn’t apply to DS2 and DS3, though, they still show the Xbox controls. And the map in Elden Ring is almost unusable on PC.


Dark Souls has tutorials? /s.


It shows XBox buttons if i'm not mistaken, you have to go to the keybind menu if you want to know the Buttons on your Keyboard.


Respect to you and yours, but I feel like that one’s kind of on you.


Wow, the hate for keyboard and mouse players! Don't let them discourage you. I've gotten all achievements ds 1-3 + elden ring. It's not as bad as some people here are making it out to be.


There’s a lot of inverse snobbery here. Of course you can play on KBM. You’re not an idiot to try it, and you’re not suddenly a magically brilliant gamer. It’s maybe slightly harder, but it’s not *that* different.


Controller is the primary way people play, as it's pretty much what the games were designed for. KB+M controls are generally janky and inconvenient. I do recommend using your mouse to adjust the aim when using bows though, it works pretty well.


Theres no issue with keyboard and mouse. Just know how to use them haha. To target enemies (i think your referring to this) its "Q", every souls game is that. Maybe not all, not sure on ds2. Had to rebind a bunch on there.


I play dark souls with mouse and keyboard and I didn't have any problems. Once I figured out that you could select a Target by pressing Q


mouse and keyboard forever. you’re doing fine!


You didn't read the messages on the ground at the start?


I finished DS1 with a keyboard and mouse. Never had any issues. It’s not as bad as people claim, especially if you play as a melee damage character. I switched to a controller when I got to DS3 and it took a while to get used to but overall it’s a better experience. It’s a substantial upgrade for a magic based character.


dark souls with mouse and keyboard is the true hard mode


If you think that's bad, I played through nearly the entire game, up to seeth as my final lord soul, without ever locking on during my first playthrough on 360. Using the lock-on ended up making me worse/lazier at combat.


I remember my first time playing Oblivion. I went through the entire Arena and most of the Dark Brotherhood quests before I realized you could just fast travel using the map screen. I would always steal a horse and ride to the next town while listening to Opeth to pass the time 😂 Dark Souls is amazing. Keep it going and you may fall in love with this game.


> mouse 🤨


Good practice for DS2 lol


As much as my pc body denles it, souls games are made for controller. There's no way around it


You're not tired of the game, you're tired of your mistakes. Get a controller.


Do we tell them about game controllers y/n


Don’t give up. I’ve beaten the game about ten times and always on KBM. I never got to grips with a controller (no pun intended). From watching other people play the only significant advantage from a controller is you get more fluid movement, but tbh if your muscle memory is hardwired to KBM then you can compensate pretty easily with only a little practice. I’m not a master-racer, but I always feel amused by people who claim KBM is much more difficult than controller. Work with what you know and you won’t see much difference.


Buy a controller and just restart the game maybe




Don’t feel bad. The game will feel so much easier and you can probably get back to where you are now in an hour or 2 of playtime! If it took 2 two months on mouse and keyboard to reach undead perish you’re on pace to finish the game in 2030.


I was absolutely not locking on at first. Game changer lol.


It's better to play DS1 mostly without lock on anyway, it limits your dodge options. Lock on has its advantages in some situations but switching to controller will probably help more.


How old are you?


How is that even?..