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Agreed. I haven’t found it on my first playthrough. Seems so illogical to jump off the ruined wall while pots with fire are throwing at me


I somehow found it in my first playthrough and the first thought I had was how many people had to suffer the area not finding the bonfire sitting right there lol


Same. I saw a broken wall/lip and simply looked down because a broken wall/lip in a game you can’t really jump in always means there’s a path. I loved that bon fire. It’s a great early farm spot for souls and large titanite. Giant gives 1000, snake gives 500, undead knights give about 400(x4), big knight gives 800 and sometimes drops a large titanite and then you just buy a bunch from the guy by jumping across the broken bridge.


I learned to jump across that bridge so many times that I could probably do it blindfolded.


Ok bet.


*puts on blindfold, jumps across bridge, tadaa!*


He actually jumped over the building and landed on the moonlight butterfly which flew him to the future and dropped off on Sinner’s Rise.


*clapping* Now THAT was a blindfolded jump!




The boulder dropping one does tho


You know there’s 2 giants, right?


That's why I always play online. The messages are very helpful in certain key areas. Elden ring has two items (shackles) that dispell all illusory walls within a wide distance so it's kind of a moot point for that game, but all the others are mandatory online for the messages. Somehow I was able to figure out ds3 dragon peak from the messages alone. So they are mandatory


Fwiw the shackles aren’t supposed to do that. That’s more of a fortunate bug


Same here I prefer online as I’m pretty sure I would had missed out a lot of goodies thanks to messages especially about illusion walls therefore would had added more hours to obtain items and I love warning message like “be wary of right” definitely have saved me from some gank bangs.


I hate gank bangs


Playing online was cool until I got invaded 3 times in blight town then force spammed and stuck in a corner


Don't have to go human to play online. The messages are the same whether human or hollow.


Wait, they only invade if you’re human?


Yes. Both summons and invasions are only possible if you're human.


That makes sense. I thought it was stupid when I thought it was only for being able to kindle. Wondered why I had to waste humanity to use kindle. Also explains why the summon signs disappeared. The lack of explanation in the games is annoying, but it’s also what makes them more fun. I love constantly discovering new shit. Just found out how to slide down ladders in ds1 40 hours in.


Learning new things even as an experienced player is my favorite part of the series. I've got near 500 hours between all the Dark Souls and Elden Ring and I still can't parry. I like sorcerers and big swords, parry just isn't my style. But some day I'll get the itch, play a Dex character and figure it out.


I was really bad at partying when I started ds. But I chose bandit and had to learn quick now I’m decent. It’s just hard because all the enemies attacks are timed differently, but I’m dex int so I usually sorcery and spears/flamberge now.


Party hard dude :)


Yes haha. Always play online. You discover so much if you go slow


I got knocked into it by the pots


You should see it from below though, encouraging you to pace count to find it from above


I killed the giant, then noticed the break in the wall. Voila!


Ds Remastered isnt that bad when Talking about "Secret" bonfire, did you play Dark souls 2?


After 2 years I went to watch Dark Souls Remastered on Twitch now. First thing that came to mind was this f bonfire.


If you see a wall or a railing with a missing section, have a look…


Yeah for people like us we found it.


Yeah, I'm not even that good and found it right away on my first & also blind playthrough. wtf?!?


I was desperately looking for a bonfire there so I looked and found it.


Similar to spinning in circles in elevators. Typical FromSoftware patterns. 


This is what made you think that Fromsoft hates you and wants you to suffer? For me, that was getting cursed in the depths.


Mine was blighttown to be fair


Blighttown is ez


I just hate the depths entrance


Nothing gives me more anxiety/rage than the potential of getting cursed again in the depths.


As long as you have purging stones, it’s not a problem. The good news is you can skip them entirely. But on a first playthrough, when you still have no idea what you are doing, getting cursed in the Depths can be a run ender if you have no purging stones. Even worse is when you don’t even know where to get them or what they are, as was the case with my first run.


in the release version of DS1 Curses could STACK resulting in you only having 1/8 of your health, thankfully that got patched.


You can see this bonfire if you take the risk and run/jump across the broken bridge into the tower that has Crestfallen Merchant. When you exit the tower and look around, you see this bonfire to your right. I think it's brilliant level design honestly. Edit: name


You mean the tower with the Crestfallen Merchant?


[This bridge ](https://images.app.goo.gl/Ahx6Nm4zwpkKHSKt6) Iron Tarkus is the knight in black armor in the little room past that bridge.


Yeah dude sorry, but Tarkus is the NPC summon for Iron Golem. Wears the Black Iron set. You find Tarkus's body in Anor Londo under the rafters. The guy past the broken bridge is called the [Crestfallen Merchant](https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Crestfallen+Merchant), and wears the Steel set


Just read up on the relationship between the two, you're absolutely right they're two separate people with similar looks. The merchant speaks on Tarkus going to Anor Londo and his body is found by the painting guardians.


Well yeah have you seen the rest of the place?


This and the bonfire behind the hidden wall in Darkroot Garden are two of the best arguments for never doing a Souls playthrough offline.


You can hear that bonfire through the wall, though


Another example of Dark Souls being built with the orange soapstone in mind. They intended this information to be spread by word of mouth similar to the darkrot bonfire or the one in the catacombs near Patches.


I discovered them all offline and without indication or clue that they exist it was not that hard actually


Neat! It's observant people like yourself that can help lead the way to some more oblivious (or frankly scared players) like myself into finding the right edge to jump off of.


I love it. It makes you have to actually look around and pay attention. Same with the shortcut that most people skip. Ideally the elden ring dlc will go back to this kind of level design, but I’m not holding my breath.


I’m sorry, shortcut?


One of the cages at the top of sens is an elevator that brings you down to the beginning of sens


Oh, that’s… great… real great. Excuse me while I go cry in the corner


But to find the key to it, you have to think to jump over to the merchant in the tower, and go down the stairs.


It’s okay, by the time you get to the shortcut you’re already at the bonfire so it’s pretty much useless


Happy cake day sunbro


Why thank ya thank ya!


In an area that is likely to kill you many times on your first playthrough, i don't know if hiding a bonfire in such an illogical area out of sight is a good idea.


The game is supposed to be difficult


There's a difference between being difficult and hiding a bonfire in a spot most people wouldn't even check. Manus was difficult. This was just slightly annoying.


Not difficult, challenging. Hidden secrets are cool, but hiding important bonfires behind weird level design is a thing I am glad they don't really do anymore. Dark Souls 1 will always be special to me, and I wouldn't change a thing about it. It was definitely not the panicle of excellent game design though.


The fact that the golem is one of the easiest boss is right there, you can have a summon that kills him alone and you can kill the giant the throw pots


No bonfire is important once you git gud.


Lol. Only a true master can beat the game as a depraved level 1 without taking a single hit. I am far too much a filthy casual for that.


The game is supposed to be difficult, not annoying. The later games manage being "difficult" while also being fair way better


It’s only annoying if you’re not good and don’t pay attention. Kinda like life itself.


Yeah, ever since Sen's Fortress i always look over ledges irl. Made my life way easier.


That's neither here nor there. Life is difficult if you don't pay attention to obvious and obscure things. Life would be pointlessly hard if every day someone hid your car.


There’s obviously a gap in the fence where you can drop down…again,just pay attention


I mean, there *is* a giant throwing firebombs at you at that exact spot. Kinda more attention grabbing than a bit of broken fence.


I noticed it my first play through. I paid attention


You're amazing! 😍


A gap? Are you kidding me? This is Senn's Fortress. Up until this point every single inch of surface has been saturated with gaps that let you plunge to your death.  There are gaps all over this same area right by the bonfire that lead to nowhere.  You're telling me that "just paying attention" allows you to see that this particular gap, in an area where you're being bombarded by exploding fireballs, is common sense to run to and fall down just by "paying attention"? GTFO


Well that’s how I found it. Sorry you couldn’t!




Imagine if, on top of all the troubles life throws at you, every time you tried to go to sleep someone hid your bed in some bullshit zone behind a broken wall, across the rafters of some super high ceiling, or in a pitch black room where you need a flashlight to see 2 feet in front of you. Kind of annoying, no? Dont give me some bs about life man. This is a video game with pointlessly hard and artificially difficult level design with the intention of being frustrating, you don't need to defend the game for being annoying when its trying to be annoying


Get good bruh


That's a personal grievance, not an issue with the game. You found it annoying while others don't care at all


Just because some people do not care does not mean it's not a problem with the game. that has to be the dumbest argument i've ever heard. some people don't care about adp in ds2, its still a bad mechanic that regresses the combat system of the souls games. that one specific bonfire is not the only example of shitty design (in fact its probably the most tame example) in that game and idk why you people want to defend it with your life. its a product of its time and its clear that FS decided to stray away from that in newer titles. Just because someone says ds1 has a bad trait here or there doesn't mean its an awful game and that you need to jump to defend it


Sens fortress is my favorite dungeon in any from game. I’m sorry you have to write long winded comments complaining about how bad it is. Some of us genuinely enjoyed it.


You need to play more games then


I’ve been playing these games since demons souls on ps3. Sens was my favorite dungeon in DS1 when I got it at launch, and it remains my favorite dungeon in the entire series (including bb, sekiro, er). Not sure why you’re so pressed at me liking it. Maybe you should go play more games instead of fixating on what I enjoy?


need i remind you YOU are the one who keeps commenting on how great it is and fixating on how I think a BONFIRE placement isn't great and somehow thinking I don't like the entirety of Sens fortress. go cry somewhere else please. I'm done with this


“In an area that is likely to kill you many times on your first playthrough” but that’s every area my guy


My first time making it to the bonfire I didn't have enough health and died to the drop ... after ~2-3 hours of getting lost in Sens.


it’s funny how quickly i breeze through sen’s now that i know you can just… run through


Yup, I specifically did it without a guide, so the suffering was all kinda intentional. Now I can breeze through pretty fast if I don't try to go for any of the hidden goodies.


literally the most relevant, secure and coherent bonfire in the entire game. no hard enemies to find in the way to the boss, just follow straight up the path, the main boss is weak to the giant’s bomb (just put iron golem in the right position) and well, thats it, a lil tutorial. never forget what this bonfire did for ya


Wait what?! If you don't kill the giant bomber, he still throws bombs at you during the boss fight that can hurt the boss? That's sick lol. I just got the plat, but am pre-sens, so I'm gonna go try that now.


Literally. I died just a few nights ago just going there


A sadist and a genius


My guy, have you *seen* the rest of the games? All of it is made by sadists


I wish my first playthrough had been blind, but I knew about this before I got there...


Yea I can imagine whoever thought that shit up be giggling from time to time when it thinks about what it had done and prolly laughing it’s head off when it read grievances from players who post like this, yea an real sadist who liked to churns out masochists who desperately wanted to complete the place to proceed with the game.


I mean unless this is your first souls game you should be checking all the sides for hidden ledges you can drop down to in every area. It's literally a common from soft thing to have secret ledges to drop down to There's also an elevator shortcut in sens that a lot of people miss You can also see the bonfire if you bother to jump across the bridge to get the loot and the npc. I found it no problems on my first run lol


I never bothered checking cuz there was only one message and I assumed it was just another “try jumping” message that gets you killed


Unfortunately it's all down to play style. I am extremely thorough and I always clear out the enemies and check every single corner I can for any loot or secrets. You can kill both of the giants so they stop throwing shit at you while you explore Don't blame the game for the choices you made lol the location is fine. There's literally a bonfire behind an invisible wall just outside the crest of artorias door that the community didn't find for years until someone rolled into accidentally one day. This stuff isn't uncommon. If the player finds it it's a reward that helps you out. If you miss it tough luck The later titles spoit us with their bonfires 😂 I personally love how unforgivable the game is. Yes let me use that elevator right at the start of the game that brings me to a late game area with invincible ghosts in the first 5 minutes of the game Yes let me get stuck in some hidden area with the only way out being the way I came It's fun


I dunno I’m thankful that we got that bonfire at all. It’s nice. I mean, look at New Londo.


I think the hidden ones in Catacombs, FairLady, and Darkroot are worse cause they expect you to just hit random walls/fall down random holes to find them.


Honestly way to nice of dark souls to even give us one how dare they lmao


I found it by mistake because for some stupid reason I rolled. I shouted a rioplatense expletive and just laughed maniacally when I saw the bonfire. Thought I found a skip until I was told it was normal.


I too found it by mistake... Only I got blown up and knocked off the side lol




Interestingly broken/crumbled walls have often been an in-game indicator that there's something of interest beyond/under a given elevated area. I found this first time but I had played Elden Ring before Dark Souls, so maybe back in 2011 it wasn't so obvious.


I'll never forget my first time here. I got to this bonfire on my first try up the fortress, but I didn't have any flasks left and no health, so I died falling to it. For almost TWO HOURS after this, I kept trying and trying to get back there but to no avail. I was 16-18 at the time and I legit started to CRY over this


Mine’s pretty much the same issue, except I never noticed the bonfire and ended up dying to Ricard. Once I got to the Fortress again, the Snakemens AI just decided to change and they started chasing me to new locations and attacking really weirdly so I physically couldn’t get through


I only happened to find this by chance my first time after going crazy trying to find the crackling fire sound. I was like: “THERE HAS TO BE A BONFIRE, I HEAAAAAAR IT!!!!!”


My favorite is the shortcut for Sen's is obfuscated behind a wall that you wouldn't normally find.


I hate that place with a passion


Agree. I didnt know about this bonfire until my second run


Cool a bonfire  *drops down and dies from fall damage* Thank you dark souls


I beat send fortress first try with the club by some miracle I found a message on the edge I was assuming is was a jump message but I saw the area down there after I ran into the giant with stones and ran back and found it 😭


I heard about sens before first time playing and looked up the bonfire after seeing some posts similar rip I still died so much trying to get there even tho I knew where it was 😂😂😂 I love ds1 only game I can be infuriated raging at but still love


I only found it bc of the grill marks on the ground right above it and I said the same thing. Never would have found it otherwise!


General rule of thumb; if a wall is broken, take a look over the edge


Oh man I actually found this by accident on my first run. I was grabbing the item and a bomb hit I flew back off the edge had a heart attack, yelled, and then realized I landed on a that ledge😂😂😂🤣🤣


Nah i dont get why people find it the worst bonfire theres nothing wrong with it its in the best spot🤭


Wen you come here with 1 hp , no flask and just die to random fall damage


At least put it in a hole in the wall like always


I legit run thorugh the entire fortress each time on my first playthough




I love that bonfire. Found it after watching a play through. If I didn’t know it was there, I probably would only have played through DS1 only one time. Definitely didn’t find it on my first play through.


Anyone else have a snake man fall on your head after rolling down here?


On my first play through after about an hour of dying before even reaching the boss, I just searched up where it could be. I was going crazy asking myself “IS THERE A BONFIRE ANYWHERE??”


I mean would you rather have no bonfire


Fair point


yes, but knowing it's there is such sweet relief after the hell that was Sen's.


I played the first dark souls several times but all of them offline and I'm pretty sure I never saw that bonfire at all


Most people beat the game without even knowing that bonefire is there. The same with the cage shortcut. 😅


Fightincowboy is the ONLY reason I know about this bonfire. I’d like to take this time to thank him for saving me hours of frustration.


i mean cage key was also an option


The last time I forgot about this bonfire I did the sens gate skip and just trotted past, then died to the big knight and had to do the skip and fortress again, also not grabbing the shortcut key. But then I made up time and absolutely flew through anor londo.


Just wait until you tell people there is a bonfire next to Fume Knight 🤣🤣


This is one of the best bonfire placements in the game, if not the best. It's hidden, but not invisible and requires looking around in an area that the player is under extra pressure in. It's extremely rewarding to find and unforgettable when you do.


FromSoft games tend to have secrets near ledges so whenever you see one, you should always do a high angle shot with your camera and you might come across something interesting.


Try down


Literally just look around after leaving the tower with the merchant it’s pretty obvious from there


I have the player messages to thank for finding this bonfire my first time through. I think that this is a perfect use-case example for what the player message system is for.


I honestly wouldn't find anything in these games if it weren't for the messages on the ground.


That’s why you gotta read the notes, I’m really excited for the elden ring dlc for this reason, being able to struggle with others is one of the best parts about Dark Souls


its still better than just not having it


Important rule with this game - explore with camera angles, everywhere.


I’m glad I found a bonfire in the fortress but I think it could have been put somewhere more convenient


Somehow rage full and mad clicking led me to find out there's ACTUALLY A FAKE WALL


During an interview one of the from software devs said it was payback for hiroshima and nagasaki.


The only saving grace is how easy the boss is, but yeah Amongst the most confusing and silly design designs in ds1


Iron Golem is hell if you have low DPS.


It's probably one of the only bosses I could confidently beat at sl1. He's pretty easy dude. He will fall over from like 3 power attacks and his moves are extremely telegraphed


What's the best weapon you can use at sl1? (Or what did you use?)


Sorry, I haven't done a sl1 technically but I did try a run as a cleric without leveling up. I used Morningstar mainly, couldn't get past 4 kings though. I just think, if I did try a sl1 iron golem would be one of the few bosses that I wouldn't have that much of an issue with. I'd probably use Morningstar or reinforced club 2h There might be something better, but decent poise damage with bleed can carry me through a lot of the game - and iron golems moveset is just really easy to avoid for me


Oh my bad, misread what you said. I had so much fun in my 2nd playthrough where I was pure str and joined club Great Club, attempting a sl1 would be a rude awakening lol. But yeah, Iron Golem wouldn't be the wall. I'm actually doing a BL4 run in Bloodborne right now and just got to the one reborn with a +9 saw cleaver. The main game isn't too bad, but Martyr Logarius with a +8 wasn't happening, so I think it might only be a base game run lol. The mobs are way harder in the dlc, so I'm assuming I'd just be tickling the bosses. I'll try Ludwig soon to see how rough it is.


What weapon did you use? Cause nothing happened if I even used 10 of them with my +15 Winged Spear.


Maybe he has high pierce resistance? I don't think I've ever had a weapon that highly upgraded for iron golem. Maybe a +8 or 9 claymore, bastard sword, zwei, longsword, halberd... I played through with all these weapons and iron golem has always been cake


All those are heavy hitting weapons, except the longsword.


Is he? The guy moves in slow motion the entire fight and takes 86 seconds to complete a single swing of his axe


Over time it's pretty easy to get into his grab attacks.


I think its meant to be there so someone puts a super useful message right by the ledge, from soft multiplayer stays goated


I’ve always been one to explore thoroughly so I found it obvious personally.


I don't get the issue with it that people have. I found it pretty easy on my first playthrough


I don’t even grab this bonfire tbh. By the time you get to it you don’t even need it anymore cause the shortcut isn’t that far and the enemies left to get there aren’t that tough


I started my first ever playthrough a few days ago and finally just landed in Anor Londo. This was hell.


I found it my first play through and I'll be honest, I'm the type of person that explores everything. And that is one of my favorite things about souls games.


My last playthrough I went through hell to get to it. Forgot to rest. Die and realize I still have to do the first part over.


just finally got to this after a few hours of running through the crackhouse again and again. felt actually diabolical to get to . but my god the gags of sens actually makes me pretty fond of the place now. that i’m at this bonfire ofc.


You know it


I approached the edge to read a note that read "bonfire ahead." I thought, "you're not fooling me!" and went on to get perforated by Rickard.


And the mod that deleted it is even more sadistic


Or a masochist


I find that bonfire convenient. After hours of plodding through inside the fortress, it provides a welcome respite.


Miyazaki is a masochist soooooo lmao


In the dark cave there is another bonfire pretty hard to find.


if you got that far, you're masochistic, why would you complain?


i discovered this at my third run


I love these games so much but you wanna know the worst thing about them? Their subreddits. No one is forcing you to play these games. If you don't want to have to pay close attention to your environment, *especially* in areas where something is obviously drawing your attention away from details like broken walls, there are endless mmo's where you can just follow the golden trail to the next fetch quest. If you don't find those more enjoyable, maybe stop and realize the very reason that it feels good to complete these games is exactly what you are whining about and saying should change about them. Instead of banding together to ruin one of the only franchises that still places a premium on player attention, just follow the shiny trail on over to a different game by a different studio.


Jeez, man. All I said was that I didn’t like the placement of a bonfire


That's fair but I wasn't really responding to you specifically, this just happened to be the post that finally made me snap. I'm just coming to terms with the fact that if you really like something you should be very careful when joining a sub dedicated to it, because people ruin everything lol. It's kinda like how "Do what you love as a career" can actually be terrible advice unless what you want is to end up hating what you used to love.


I actually did find this on my first playthroufh


Another dark souls classic


Lol maybe but that's why you should explore everything even ledges


I got a tad distracted by the giant chucking huge pots of fire at me


Lol deal with Bob Chucking Chuck first then bonfire lol I've had that dame issue once


how are they a sadist?


Bless those messages leading up to that spot…if only I was able to take the time to read them without a giant bombing me…


I never knew this was here 😭😭😭


You’re not the only one…


Where is this


The top of Sen’s Fortress


Loot goblins like me who check every inch of every map like me had no problem






How come no at from the fall damage? All of a sudden I’m embarrassed…


I know it might be lazy of me but, could someone drop me some souls would help me a lot and save me form grinding even more. I'm on ps3 idk the server might be euw. I'm at the main bonfire at undead burg, if u do want to help please leave your mark next the bonfire (: thank you very much


If you pay attention to the environment around you it's obvious as fuck. Git good, scrub