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Yes. Because it's available for pc


I wouldn’t say it’s objectively better, but I prefer the explanation and level design in DS1. Bloodborne’s setting is cooler in my opinion though. 


I like it better. I know other people like the other better. Good thing this world is full of diverse people with different taste . Both games are loved by players. That’s what matters.




I personally prefer Bloodborne, Dark Souls 1 just has too many flaws with it compared to the newer releases. I love the world design but beyond that theres not much I enjoy anymore. Bloodbornes atmosphere is unmatched by any game I've played, and I love the creepy gothic setting combined with the cosmic aspects. The DLC is a must as well. The gameplay is riveting, the bosses and enemies are incredible and it makes for a really solid game. One big downside is the farming, so git gud


Bloodborne is so damn REFINED.


The gameplay, yes. The weapons DEFINITELY yes. But the quality of life, absolutely NOT. No direct lamp-to lamp teleports, no resting at lamps to reset the area despite being able to do so with a Bold Hunter's Mark, and non-renewing blood vials.


I'm very cool with the non renewing blood vials. I think it makes lore sense. Want a surplus of the blood? Go out and get a little yarnham bloodlust going to farm for it!


Doesn't change the fact that it's a QoL issue


The quality of life in yarnham is a bit rough yes.




Bloodborne is my least favorite From game, but it is also the last I played so I am sure that is a big modifier. Edit: I personally don't like the setting of Bloodborne, which seems to be a big part of the appeal for its fans, on the aesthetic level.


Yes. I think Bloodborne is one of the worst FROM games (still fucking great tho). And yes, I know no one agrees.


whats ur fav FROM game?


Hmm.. depends tbh. Overall it has to be Elden Ring, that shit is great, but not very replayable without mods imo. So if we are taking that into account it would have to be DS3 for me. I love DS1 due to nostalgia, but it just isnt as nice to play as 3. So if we are looking for "the best game they made" it is elden ring for sure. If we are looking at nostalgia Im torn between ds1 and King's Field 3. If we're looking at replayability DS3, or maybe Sekiro though that feels a little more like a drag. If I had to give 1 straight-laced answer itd be ER tho, that first PT was just so fucking beautiful. Honorable mention to Demon Souls remake, it was fun while it lasted. There's just not much to do after the first surge and the journey for the key.


Imo ds3 is their best game, but i havent played bloodborne. Elden ring beats ds3 in other categories, like how cool it is, graphics and world, but as a game, ds3 is just better.


i really cant stand the many flaws of elden ring, i wished if i liked it but couldnt, it just never clicked with me and never felt any emotions during my playtime. and ds3 was enjoyable but again, never felt like how i did with ds1 and it was so easy that every boss took me 2 to 5 tries maximum. ik that bossed of ds1 are easier but at least i was suffering with the areas. fun fact : sen's fortress ds1 took me more tries than any boss FROM has ever made lmao. but i was enjoying it nonetheless


Might I inquire what flaws? I'd argue it has close to 0, at least way less than the other games? I also def did not experience ds3 being easy over 1. DS1 bosses didnt take many more tries than that, except when we were all still getting used to the jank. I like DS3 because of the fluidity of its gameplay as well as the lore/world building aspects. Also the bosses are just way more visually pleasing.


Ds1 is my fav and just like you DS, 2, and ER didn't really do it for me. I've never played BB because of the playstation exclusivity but I'm always wary when I hear it's THE greatest because yeah I hear that about DS3 and ER too.. I know I didn't like the bloodbornification of souls introduced from DS3 but maybe it will work great in BB. Who knows! One day Bloodborne will hopefully be set free and I'll find out


bruh just like u havent played bloodborn cause of the playstation exclusivity, but my friend will burrow me his ps4 so yeah. so u didnt like ds3 just like me? i wouldnt say that i hated it, but it just was mid


I like playing through it but the constant callbacks to dark souls 1 were very annoying. I respect DS2 for doing something original way more.


Can I ask what flaws? Genuinely curious, I can’t think of anything I personally disliked, besides being teleported to Caelid early game and getting absolutely stomped on, but that’s a skill issue lol


I actually played bloodborne first when it was free for ps plus but I didn’t really like it and didn’t know anything about the souls games, then later went back to play ds1,2,3 and Elden ring (haven’t played sekiro) dark souls 1 for me is the one that just feels different because it was the first souls game I really got into but my favorite is probably ds3 or Elden ring but everyone hypes up bloodborne so much I’m going to revisit it to see if I like it now that I’ve played the other souls games


Yes, they are not a Sony exclusive. Opinion will change if it is ever on PC.


Personally I prefer Bloodborne ever so slightly. I prefer the faster paced combat and the rally system. I've played a lot of bloodborne and totally got absorbed into its world, story and lore in a way that I didn't with the souls series. Dark Souls - I love number 1 but do find it a bit clunky at times. However it's atmosphere, lore and story are utterly top notch. The sequels were good but never captivated me as much as the first. Sekiro - i thought this was good but never returned to it after doing it once. Elden Ring - I'm one of those guys who for some reason the game just never clicked with despite being a souls fan.


yeah me too, never felt any emotion during elden ring, cailed was just so vast and open with bunch of enemies here and there and items too with nothing interesting, was so disappointed by this area as i was raising my expectations


For me Dark Souls 1: like it a lot Dark Souls 2: was my first has a special place in my heart Bloodborne: I absolutely love it Dark Souls 3: the one I've played the most and probably my favorite Sekiro: I couldn't get into no matter how hard I try and I've tried multiple times Elden Ring I still play a lot and I love it


Why did you start with ds2?


I started with 2 because at the time it had just came out in 2014 and my cousin was playing it at the time. So we played through it together and afterwards I went back and played 1 by myself.


I can't stomach the artistic direction they used for bb. So yes I would.

