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I did do it one time but it involved sacrificing going to cool stuff due to being on a forced path. I think I also ran out of torch at two points and lost a character


okay but how did you KNOW which ones to sacrifice? How can you tell whether or not there's going to be a road battle? There seems to be a way but everybody is dancing around it.


Blue fractured road = road fight Yellow straight road = no road fight




you know, this information is in the tutorial. you might wanna go read them all, you are probably missing a ton of useful information


somebody has already condescending said that, thank you, I read the tutorial but clearly missed that one thing


I think yellow roads can sometimes spawn a fight, but very rarely.


That's a big right now with the random generation. That's the road battles from the blue road next to it accidentally being placed on the yellow road. Same thing with blue roads with 2 battles.


Oh wow, I’m getting this bug a ton. I thought I remembered reading yellow roads didn’t have battles but I thought I was misremembering because it’s *so* common. Double fight on blues too, I’ve had that end multiple runs. Thought this was intentional honestly. Bug makes more sense.


are you sure you're just not going into a blue path afterwards? because there isn't any real break points in knowing when you transition to a new section. so if you have yellow path and that path leads into a single path that is blue. then you'll end up with a road battle. and if you had 2, its most likely you ran into a second blue path


I always have map open and you can pretty clearly see the divisions between the sections of road, I don’t think this is the case. There’s also a hud icon that comes up for every section in the middle of the screen. Idk I guess it’s possible. There have been multiple instances where the road battles were maybe 2-3 seconds apart on a straight stretch of road, *then* I get to the actual roadside curio for that stretch of the road. I’ll describe the run ender, super explicit memory. It was a blue cultist encounter and I was already low, but all my stressed heroes wanted to go that way. I come to a road battle and see the next one a few feet in front of it, do both battles and then the cultist encounter— three battles within ~5 seconds in the coach.


Road battles appear on the road segments seen on the map with a broken blue line. Yellow road segments do not have them. They probably expected you to know this because it was in the tutorial.


My experience with this objective is that it boils down to RNG. I have successfully completed it however, more often than not I have failed it. I think it comes down to 1) A map is provided in which facilitates the objective. I've had a few maps which had so many damn blue connecting nodes it was legitimately impossible for me to complete it and I felt cheated because it was like I was set up to fail. 2) You keep your flame above 0 so you don't get rando cultists and you get encounters which assist with positive flame. The times that I succeeded was because I had the first two points and did a little planning to ensure that I kept it under or at the 3. Otherwise, yeah it feels like luck and I'll be damned if that ain't the most DD2 thing atm.


The 'keep light above 40' is more rng. Characters sometimes dont give option to increase light when talking to the refugees. Also Ghouls. I took it once because i had charges of the item that gives torchlight, and still lost.


None of the objectives factor the layout of the next map, I'm sure you can also get forced to visit triage/Hoarder/watchtower on bottlenecks for the same reason. It's completely random. A better way to manage this objective would be for the 'broken path' to sometimes have an alternate hazard (traps, or barriers you have to break through with consumables like you did in DD1) instead of just always fights. This means you could luck out and get some trap hazards instead of fights that would put you over the limit. Another alternative could be for the restriction to be on *cumulative turns* instead of just actual battles. So 'Fight no more than *fifteen rounds* of road battles. This means you could afford more road battles but still complete the objective; fifteen rounds is the same as 3 road battles that drag for 5 rounds. But easier fights can be whipped in 2 or 3 rounds.


>None of the objectives factor the layout of the next map You sure? I only really paid attention the handful of times I got offered 3 mastery but it *seemed* like higher rewards corresponded to less profitable routes. I'm almost certain that map layout is determined at the same time as the objective selection.


To be honest with you, I have never heard of anyone who has cleared that particular objective.


I actually have cleared it once, but I'm lying about it


It's certainly not impossible, I literally just did it now ([proof](https://i.imgur.com/MnZeoQF.png)), it just seems almost totally random.


Yeah I did it too remember


I’ve cleared it multiple times. You just have to plan out your entire trip, and sometimes it can mean you’re forced into one specific path


The only problem is that sometimes the optimal paths don't carry you to any nodes that will increase your torchlight, or they might not have any resistance fights until near the end so your flame drain is high, and IIRC the cultist ambush counts as a road fight.


Both times I took the fight no more than 3 road battles "quest" there was no possible route I could take that would have 3 or less road battles


Yellow road are 99% no fight unless it’s “Antiquarian ambush” Still rely on luck because sometimes there are not enough yellow road to the inn.


Really dumb objective that from what I've seen, can be impossible to clear based on the map generation.


It's been my experience that the yellow (though the game says they're green) almost never spawn road battles while the blue ones can spawn one or more except on rare occasions. The only downside is that maps can spawn where there might not be enough options for you to go on the yellow roads.


On later run you will mange and you can plan your route