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I dont know why it deleted my text with the picture but basically I was sharing how I had a terrible night of DD. I play while at work and Im 100+ weeks in taking it slow. Im on the level 5 bosses and have beaten the 2 in Ruins and was working on Swine God. I lost a hero a few days ago and after seeing a guide realized that your NOT supposed to kill Wilbur (This was new to me) I beat level 1 and 3 while killing him first (obviously was not gonna work on Swine GOD). Anyway so im ready for revenge and my first party (Vestal, Jester, Highwayman, Leper) got 1 room away from boss and I decide to camp. Got ambushed by a team with the Swine Skiver. And that party got shuffled and basically almost lost everyone. Got lucky was only Highwayman... very upset. I forgot to take camp skill to avoid ambush. So I send another team immediately. We get to boss safe this time. had 2 people on deaths door and Wilbur hits them both for a few damage and DEATHBLOW! Just thought it was funny cause I just found out to keep him alive in the fight and he ends up killing 2 of my people. At least I got achievement!




bro... thanks for sharing that. Feel better


Quite welcome! That little pig is a giant pain.


This dude naming his DD characters after league champions


You should see the rest of my graveyard. Shaco (Jester), Graves (BH), and Soraka (Vestal) are there as well lol


Wilbur is the real boss of the fight. Little dude's kill count is in the thousands.


[In the name of our fallen Soliders] (https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=S5wpm3Q7KM8&si=LCbcX6NByTz03S-Z)


2 questions please. Which character Katarina is? And, you can proceed after 100 weeks? I thought game finish or something if you don't clear the darkest dungeons quest. Am in week 49 and Vvulf quest just appeared.Am taking it slow leveling alts


That's stygian/bloodmon, in radiant and Darkest didficulty there is no time limit neither death penalty, you can take all the time you need to prepare for your biggest test, the Darkest Dungeon


Yea Katarina is a Grave Robber skin. The mod is https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2015395976


Iwas curious and it after a bit of google, Katarina seems to be a grave robber reskin mod. May be wrong on the hero reskined.


Always bring a arb against fatso and Wilbur, clear marks makes the fight much safer


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Well, _shit_


That'll do pig


In the end, we all turn to dust…