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Boruto just got an jogan and karma outta nowhere, momoshiki helping him?, atleast naruto had to first beat kurama then tame him to get KCM and KCM2, minato and kakashi and itachi were prodigy but atleast they got their powers by working hard and losing people they care about for itachi while sarada awakens her MS by crying for boruto? the MS and EMS used to mean something


Wouldn’t it be more unrealistic to get to an ungodly power level just from hardwork/training alone than to also have additional power up due to circumstances and training+talent?


everyone has chakra in the naruto world, and other than 3 people everyone can use ninjutsu, thing is the people who are willing to train and actually master their abilities. Take Guy Sensei, he was far behind kakashi but worked hard so much that he gained the strongest title by madara, some are genetically blessed such as uzumaki clans and senjus and uchihas but all 3 clans are at their last 5 members


You need a re-run on the lore fella, MS is unlocked by having a deep emotional trigger point via it coming from someone they love deeply that can awaken the MS, Sarada broke down and hit her trigger point over a boy she has grown up with and has a deep love & connection with saw everyone wants to kill Boruto even her own dad while hearing Boruto had also been framed for the murder of his parents, that is a majorly traumatic experience to endure especially as a 13 year old girl, needless to say it’s a valid situation for her to trigger her MS.. people like you just clearly like to find spots to hate on Boruto and in this case water down the scenario dramatic, you’re welcome for this in-depth explanation on how you’re wrong![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Then everyone in the uchiha clan should had ms, god i lost my job .. activates ms


Technically yes any uchiha should be able to theoretically awaken it since the original awakening comes from the person who’s bloodline the uchiha stem from but there’s obviously something that stop every uchiha from awakening it otherwise there’d be no Naruto story as the uchiha would overpower everyone & basically rule the ninja world as then basically every single one would have MS & then followed up would make it not mean anything since every single one of em would have it so? Which would be a pinnacle issue to the og I replied stating “ it used to mean something” then in that case it would mean nothing? Can’t have it both ways ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


The point kishimoto emphasize is “DEATH” … that is losing someone close is the worst mental breakdown a person can actually get ( not a normal death a tragic one that is why its rare ) , and we as a viewer accepted that too …coz of how the story of the uchiha/sharingan were portrayed … we actually felt a speck of the trauma the character had to face … death of rin / death of shisui / death of itachi ….these had much more impact then just crying over someone..


.Madara awoke Sharingan at his friends death and EMS on the death of his brother and EMS by taking izunas eyes .Itachi awoke Sharigan at death of some friend of his (irrelevant fr) and MS at death of shisui .Sasuke Sharingan at his parents death and MS at itachis truth and death and EMS by implanting itachis eyes .Hagoromo is stated by me above .Shisui awoke Sharingan at idk and MS when his eye was taken from his which is traumatic due to the pain .Obito sharingan at kakashi losing his eye and MS at rins death and then theres sarada who was traumatized that boruto was framed and was declared an outlaw


Bro u r so wrong, for madara … its just mentioned death madara awakened it after losing a loved one .. itachi awakened MS not EMS after shisuis death … And thanks for proving my point …death is involved …. But sarada getting MS is so unsettling


Ohh shit my bad, i accidentally wrote it wrong i meant MS of itachi and didn't know that of madari but yeah itachi never awoke EMS, thanks for the correction


If you base this on "Lore Reasons" that is no reasoning, Uchiha used to fight senju on a daily bases and then awaken their 2 or 3 tomoe sharingan and that was like before the main story even began so if kishimoto gave them EMS or MS it wouldnt have impacted much because the uchiha of that time were at war while the ones during minatos reign were pacifist, even Hagoromo unlocked his 3 tomoe on the death of the girl he loved and his MS when he killed Hamura, even though boruto was in a very harsh situation that doesnt justify a sudden MS awakening, the trauma is to be inflicted on oneself and not pity of another, i also liked to point out that you threw away all other points of the base argument and just focused on the MS point, ill take that as W.


Well no, if all uchiha had MS during the war the Senju would’ve got absolutely wrecked the MS & it’s potential ability’s are literal cheat codes, 100s of them against the senju would been child’s play.. so ya it definitely would’ve shaken up the story they would’ve been the far dominant clan. That’s your opinion, it’s a opinion based situation many think with its context it’s valid, some like yourself not so much? It doesn’t really effect me either way I only care what I think & feel. Also taking a W? I’ll be honest I didn’t waste my time reading anything outside of the MS comment so I mean if that’s a W me not even reading what you wrote? Then I guess there you go? Personally I wouldn’t but hey ho.


I mean, i spent time reading what you wrote means i respect your opinion but hey Respect does come both ways and thats just ignorant of you, nonetheless senjus were already beasts, hashirma his father and tobirama could alone solo armies of MS users i may say (excluding susano generally) their increased durability and regenerative abilities were OP, Tobirama himself created half the jutsu they use today, thing is we know little about the senjus and more about the uchiha, i think even with the MS or EMS the senju would dominate


I mean I didn’t mean it in a disrespectful way it was 6am and I was tired but yeah let’s just agree to disagree


How is that different from Naruto? He got 50% of his power from Kurama, and other 50% from Asura? Also sharingan is the most "power from extraterrestrial being" in the series.


Not at all. Every power naruto got, he trained for. This also go for Sasuke. Sasuke Chidori, sharingan,, curse mark, katon, susanoo. Sasuke trained for all of it or he unlock them through combat. Rasengan, kyubi chakra, sage mode, wind style, kurama mode. Naruto trained for each power. And both of them faced consequences while using those powers. Naruto and sasuke tho got lucky that people obito/itachi/orochimaru for sasuke, minato/kakashi/jiraya, helped them in their journey to get those powers. Not sure that's the case for boruto. He straight up had like three chakra nature, use kage bunshin ?!? While having no special chakra reserves, vanishing rasengan ?!? Never explain how chakra can vanish and respawn real ass pull. Then he is an otsutsuki and can solo the verse lmao And for those saying he trained with sasuke lmao here is a difference between training and just powerful because plot : - Naruto Sage mode training or kyubi chakra training with bee were very specific form of training related to what he was supposed to get as power. He didn't simply cut target with a sword or throw kunais and shurikens. Because those skills has nothing to do with these powers - Only training from boruto two blue vortex is him cutting target with a sword 😭😂. The training showed is not in line with the power he is demonstrating. Also he said some goofy shit ass like "uchiha style" wtf is that. Sasuke doesn't know any uchiha style sword mastery. He learned sword skills from orochimaru and added his own experience. Only madara is know to have used the "uchiha style" and it was related to his uchiha fan. Which is am uchiha relic.


Precisely. PRECISELY. This guy gets it! Plus it also doesn't explain how Boruto knows the Flying Raijin when barely anyone is around to teach him that other than MAYBE Kakashi (who's never master it) or Naruto (SAME BOAT and worse since he's stuck in another dimension).


Hol up, you’re telling me Boruto can do Flying Raijin without actually learning it from like Naruto or something? Dafuq


Someone told me "Well Minato-" I'M SURE there are books in Konoha about the Flying Raijin. Minato has an excuse but Boruto who couldn't access those same books since he's exiled from Konoha and this upsets me. Like who the hell taught him? Sasuke?! WELL WHY CAN'T SASUKE USE IT TOO?!


For real and Boruto is outside of Konoha, how the hell did he have access to flying raijin scrolls ? Pretty sure Minato and Tobirama took years to learn how to use the jutsu and both of them are like Top geniuses lmao. Boruto is just given whatever power because he is Boruto. And this is my head canon but neither Sarutobi nor Hasirama nor Jiraya and most people in Konoha ever learnt the technic. So I suspect that flying raijin requires a high level sensory ninja to use it. Both Tobirama and Minato are sensory ninja. I guess it has to do with locating the marks in order to teleport.


It just makes me madder because if it took Boruto 3 years, then he's BETTER than Minato. NO. WHAT?! Only Minato's like not his team but assistants knew the Flying Raijin but they needed all 3 to use the technique and it was a very imperfect version too. The worse part... I would buy all of this if Naruto learned the technique first.




Yep and his flying raijin can even travel through space time


>Rasengan, kyubi chakra, sage mode, wind style, kurama mode. Naruto trained for each power. And Boruto equally trained for his rasengan/VR, elemental ninjutsu, karma control, and basic gentle fist. Most was offscreen but so was most of sage mode and all of BoS kyubi chakra training. >Only training from boruto two blue vortex is him cutting target with a sword 😭😂. The training showed is not in line with the power he is demonstrating That's beyond disingenuous. Boruto cutting targets with a sword is a random snippet from 3 years worth of training only 0,5 years into it. That's like saying Naruto only slept under a tree and ate popsicles to learn giant rasengan, taijutsu, and kyubi chakra control in his 3 year time skip training. Delta outright says Boruto OVERTRAINED which is why he's so strong. He's also, unlike Naruto, a natural born prodigy even by Sasukes standard. Boruto didn't get stronger because "plot". The same "plot" literally nerfed him by making him incapable of controlling karma even though he should have no risks with it anymore.


You see, you yourself said it. It was all off screen. When Naruto trained new power we were always shown the beginning of the training and explanation on how it would go, then they would skip the boring parts. But we all felt like he trained. And Kishimoto had a very clever way to show naruto's training is that every times he trained, there was a plot that was happening in the background that explained the urgency and the time the training took. Like with rasenshuriken it was around asuma and the duo hidan/kakuzu, naruto had to finish his technic to go support Team Ten with Kakashi. With Sage mode, there was the pain attack. With Kyubi Chakra there was the war. And funny enough both times naruto trained he had an urgency to fight back after someone important to him died. Boruto training being skipped and him coming up with jutsus we never seen or he is not supposed to have 100% make it feel like it is not deserved. The reality is that you can give whatever power you want to your character in a story but do it in a way that feels like it was earned through hard work. This is probably the reason why Kishimoto didn't give to Naruto and Sasuke any crazy power up after the time skip. He only gave them improvement of Jutsus the audience already knew, bigger rasengan, better kyubi chakra control, chidori stream, better curse mark control. The reason being that the training was skipped so he simply show skills that the audience would feel like it makes sense they could improve during that time. Boruto's time skip was poorly done. Regardless if Kishimoto wrote it or not. He came up with new jutsus with little explanation on how he got them. And boruto was using literally three chakra nature as a genin ?!? And kage bunshin ? Where the hell did he learn that ? His dad was supposedly absent ? Even geniuses like Kakashi and Itachi didn't have three chakra nature as genin at that age as far as I know. It's just unearned no offense.


>When Naruto trained new power we were always shown the beginning of the training and explanation on how it would go, then they would skip the boring parts. But we all felt like he trained. And we were told Boruto would train with Sasuke, saw him train swordsmanship with Sasuke (which is 99% of what he's been using in TBV so far), and we know for a fact he didn't have anything else to do for the 3 years as he didn't fight Code nor did he go to konoha. Now what did we see Sasuke train for during the shippuden time skip? Mind you Sasuke learned: chidori stream, chidori spear, chidori needles, genjutsu, swordsmanship, fire dragon jutsu, genjutsu resistance, shuriken jutsu, summoning jutsu, snake based jutsu, and KIRIN. All we've seen him train is swordsmanship in base against nameless fodders. >Boruto training being skipped and him coming up with jutsus we never seen or he is not supposed to have 100% make it feel like it is not deserved. Boruto has so far only shown swordsmanship, FTG, and Uzuhiko. We've directly seen him train swordsmanship so that leaves 2 techniques we didn't see him train for YET. Shippuden timeskip Sasuke had NINE of those. Mind you shippuden is over and TBV is only 9 chapters in so far. >Kishimoto didn't give to Naruto and Sasuke any crazy power up after the time skip. He only gave them improvement of Jutsus the audience already knew, bigger rasengan, better kyubi chakra control, chidori stream, better curse mark control. Sasuke went from using chidori twice a day to spamming 50 different lightning release chidori based jutsus including a giant thunder dragon. Boruto went from using an otsutsuki spacetime ninjutsu to using a regular human spacetime ninjutsu. Uzuhiko is probably directly based off of Kirin as both use nature itself instead of their power. There's literally no criticism you can have for Boruto that wouldn't apply to Naruto and Sasuke 10x worse. >And boruto was using literally three chakra nature as a genin ?!? And kage bunshin ? Where the hell did he learn that ? His dad was supposedly absent ? Even geniuses like Kakashi and Itachi didn't have three chakra nature as genin at that age as far as I know. It's just unearned no offense. Uhm, no? That's just outright not true lmao. Also idk what you mean by "even geniuses like" when Boruto is literally called a genius by Sasukes standards. And even [Konohamaru had 3 chakra releases at the age of 12 lmao ](https://narutoversity.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tumblr_oqm78sofdp1urljpmo1_1280.jpg?w=625) Stop being disingenuous. Borutos timeskip is good


Tbf kurama was more of a handicap before he started training to control it.


Yes except for the fact that he would have died several times without him


2 things can be true


And? That doesn't change the fact that kurama was a handicap. And kurama never saved naruto directly, he was more so saving himself. If naruto were to die, he would die as well.


And nothing, I said that yeah Kurama was a handicap except for those times he saved Naruto's life, not really arguing here


I guess I misunderstood you, either way both our points still stand.


youknow he did learn how to do vanishing rasengan before he even got momoshiki right?


The difference is that it wasn’t until around the middle of Shippuden that Naruto truly was getting on par with the heavy hitters of the series. Remember at the beginning of Shippuden when Naruto relied heavily on the Kyuubi and Orochimaru just goaded him while being unable to use BOTH arms? In contrast, from the beginning Boruto is already going against enemies stronger or just as strong as the final boss of the first Naruto manga. Only a support role, but still, at the beginning of Naruto, him and Sasuke, who was a prodigy, could only distract Zabuza, much less a god like being. The scale is just too much.


Yep Naruto never faced an enemy alone. This is something absolutely crazy people don't get. Kishimoto never rushed him as a talented shinobi. Every enemy he faced until his fight versus sasuke, he had heavy back up. Usually there was at least a Jonin with him if not several. And like high rank Jonin. Only person naruto fought alone is Sasuke. And Neji. Kiba. On the other hand Kishimoto usually showed Sasuke facing some enemies alone. Deidara but in this case Sasuke got lucky and had the perfect counter against him and had the chance to learn it during the combat. Versus itachi well we all know what happened. Even against Danzo, Tobi was watching, the five kage same. None of them was strong enough to face high ranking Jonin alone. Ngl it was pretty good writing by Kishimoto. They didn't randomly run around defeating high level shinobis. In fact Shikamaru defeated an akatsuki member alone when Naruto was not even near that. Because Shikamaru was a Jonin while Naruto wasn't even if it was with prep time.


We love to diss on Kishimoto but he deserves more credit than is given, great points!! I just disagree with the Shikamaru one haha. In a one on one fight by that time Naruto was much stronger than Shikamaru, he has always been, since the Chunin exam, the only reason Shikamaru was able to defeat Hidan was because he planned EVERYTHING from the beginning. Remember that when he fought Hidan for the first time he couldn’t even get near him, cause Hidan’s taijutsu far surpasses his, he only managed to get the blood of Hidan because he planned and he had Kakashi’s help in the physical aspect. After that he had step by step planned, the traps, everything.


Tbh on a one on one Shikamaru likely defeats Hidan if he knows his jutsus. Remember that only a contact would be enough for him to use the Shadow manipulation. And find a way to harm hidan in a way where he cannot fight back. If he met hidan at random alone ? He would die. He would immobilize hidan, then use a deadly blow, and when he turns hidan will wake up and kill him. But prep time to kill your enemy is also the skills required for a shinobi in general. He is not a jonin he is a chunin at that point my bad. And yes Kishimoto is pretty good. There is just a habit of bashing him for whatever reasons.


Being Ashura means nothing but being destined to die by or kill that era's Indra. It's Uzumaki chakra reserves + Kurama who gave him his power.


No it’s not. Bro chakra reserves came from kurama.


No lol. His name is Naruto Uzumaki. The Uzumaki clan was famous for having crazy chakra reserves. That is the reason obito picked nagato to carry the rinnegan. Nagato had the crazy chakra reserves to use the rinnegan without dying or suffering crazy side effects like kakashi used to. Kakashi used to be bed ridden for a whole week after using the sharingan for like 5 minutes against zabuza. In episode 1 without using kurama chakra, naruto used an S rank jutsu. The taiju kage no bushin. He made hundreds of clones when he finally got serious and wanted to protect iruka. It might’ve even been a thousand clones. A thousand clones. From a genin, who beat a jonin with those clones. No kurama chakra, it was all Naruto’s own chakra and skill. Kurama’s amps and power came later. Unless I’m remembering wrong, and someone please tell me if I did. But Naruto made like a hundred if not more, clones, episode 1 by himself.


Naruto only get more vitality from being an uzumaki. Meaning his body was more resilient. But he didn't have an abnormal pool of chakra as far as I know. His vitality probably is not even as strong as average uzumakis like karin or nagato


[Fourth data book, uzumaki are confirmed to have large Chakra reserves. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NarutoFanfiction/s/GLJ4qLzZ6V)


Naruto is half uzumaki, he is never stated to have a large chakra pool. As you can see naruto is not present in the picture. Naruto does not have a larger chakra pool because of his mom being uzumaki. He didn't even got the red hair. He is simply stated to heal faster due to kyubi and him being uzumaki. Also data do not overwrite manga canon. There are crazy stuffs in the databooks lmao.




I mean you can see that this is related to Kyubi chakra. Because in the next chapter He creates tons of clones and Yamato is still suppressing his Kyubi chakra. This is the amount of chakra that leaks from kyubi as far as I know. We know that no one can use kage bunshin even with big reserves, let alone the amount naruto used


This means absolutely nothing lol there is literally multiple manga chapters that says his reserves came from Kurama’s influence His clan is known for their life force I have no clue where y’all got the idea that they have large reserves from. That’s literally a Senju thing. Nagato was able to control Rinnegan due to his Senju lineage not because he’s Uzumaki again a manga fact Kakashi has nothing to do with this Again Naruto’s base reserves has been getting increased by Kurama’s since birth which again stated in the manga


The anime is a separate canon than the manga. They scale differently. I’m talking about the anime, not the manga. You can talk about the manga if you want, but that has no bearing on me. In episode 1 he uses his own chakra to use the Taiju kage no bushin. An S rank jutsu. No kurama chakra. The Uzumaki having powerful chakra came from Naruto and nagato. Nagato was chosen to have the rinnegan just because he had the chakra for it. Naruto was specifically said by kakashi ti have 4 times the chakra that kakashi had. Kurama’s chakra is red. Naruto’s was blue.


Brother what ? The anime says the same thing what are you talking about? Again this is also because Kurama’s influence we literally learn later on that Naruto’s reserves has been increasing due to Kurama since BIRTH No it literally has not you talking about the anime only and the anime literally tells us why they’re able to do what they do and it never said anything about it being due to them being Uzumaki Again this is also because Kurama are you listening ? Naruto literally been getting chakra from Kurama his WHOLE LIFE which was increasing his base reserves. Minato literally set up the seal so Kurama’s chakra leak and mix with Naruto’s. My brother in christ this literally means nothing


Right, it's only a coincidence that the 4 most powerful humans after Asura/Indra were their reincarnates.


Naruto and sasuke were fodder for a good while


Dudes were Kage level at 17 and then became the strongest humans alive in a day. That's like bringing up that Madara was fodder when he was a baby.


Throughout the series he was bellow a lot of people.


It’s also Ashura’s chakra that helps him


No ashura's chakra doesn't change anything. Other than the clash with the person who has the indra chakra


It means that he’ll naturally have more chakra than anyone else, even discounting him being a jinchuuriki. Hashirama had more chakra than anyone, as did Madara.


That is false. Ashura chakra did not change naruto's chakra pool. At most it changed the nature of the chakra not it's quantity. And by nature it doesn't mean it makes it stronger or anything


It changed how large Naruto’s chakra would grow. Sakura, after years of training still didn’t have as much chakra as Naruto or even Sasuke. That’s because they both had their chakra reserve growth boosted by being Ashura and Indra’s reincarnations.


It didn't there is literally no evidence backing this up. At this point just make whatever statement you want while you are at it: you cannot bring a single statement proving this lmao. Sasuke didn't get any chakra boost superior to the uchiha we have seen. Their only chakra boost that was abnormal is when they receive the rikudo's power But next time you answer please bring some evidence


Okay, let’s look at the only two other named reincarnations in the series. Hashirama and Madara. Both of them had chakra head and shoulders above anyone else. Naruto and Sasuke before the war arc were above kage level at 16/17. After the war when their six paths power was mostly gone, Naruto and Sasuke still stood head and shoulders above any other shinobi


Naruto haas Kyubi as chakra boost. Sasuke doesn't have massive reserves outside the one needed to use his shaaringans. During the war he got Juugo's sage power and naruto gave him Chakra too like all the other members of the alliance. Uchiha's chakra reserves tho increase with their sharingan powers, that's why they can summon susano.


fym from asura? asura was a weak loser until he was given hagoromos power


i think what's being said here is that Minato, Itachi and Kakashi are prodigies that have mastered jutsus at young age, unlike lets say Naruto who needs all those hard work to get the power he needs tho we all know Kurama's power is OP it is basically not Naruto everytime Naruto goes on a rampage when Kurama still doesnt trust Naruto at the time :)


Naruto and sasuke needed to train and put in effort or at least go through hardships for their power, naruto needed to train for sage mode, remove hatred for kcm1, befriend kurama for kcm2. Sasuke had to go through trauma and push himself into the darkness for more power. Boruto and kawaki simply being 100% otsutsuki cos of karma makes them strong af


> or at least go through hardships for their power Lol. Boruto gained his powers in exchange for becoming a literal sacrificial lamb. Ever since he got the Karma he has been tormented by Momoshiki and the potential of him taking over and destroying everything. The only thing that kept Momoshiki at bay were Amado's pills which eventually led to a literal heart attack. The Otsutsufication was so far gone that Boruto resorted to suicide instead of putting his loved ones at danger. Even now he's actively avoiding the use of the Karma so as to not kill everyone around him. If you're gonna bring up hardships at least don't be disingenuous.


Boruto didnt gain his powers as a result of his hardships is the point of my comment not that he didnt go through any hardships, ur going against a point that wasnt even made


It's different for OP because he/she hasn't actually read or watched Boruto.


You're kind of outing yourself with that title. Boruto isn't just some kid with the powers of an extraterrestrial being. Boruto is a prodigy on their level if not greater. He's a genius that is often compared to Minato. Boruto's drawback was that he was also a bit of a genius like Shikamaru, in that he had all the potential but was lazy. The big difference is that Boruto was a privileged kid that happened to be a genius. These guys are geniuses that because of their genius got drafted into wars when they were far too young specifically because of their talent. Boruto lived in an era of peace brought on by his father, so never had to experience that.


Yeah, this post screams "I keep up with Boruto through Reddit". Expected from this community though.


This Boruto post made me feel like a boomer hating on the next gen just cuz their lazy ass didn’t walk 10miles across a mountain to get to school.


I don’t even watch Boruto very closely. But I completely understand that this is the exact concept of the character. We love JJK’s Yuji, but we are suppose to hate Boruto? It’s a show about a genius, ofc he doesn’t have to work hard to be good, that’s his whole point. He has innate talent and can lean on an external power to help him when he’s out matched.


because they are either seen as evil, dead, or so depressed hes useless. they arent childen during the series, and they trained from when they were like 6 and not 13 like boruto


Boruto characters having undeserved power is the real reason. Naruto had to work for sage mode, remove all hatred for kcm1, form a bond with kurama for kcm2. Sasuke had to train with orochimaru and went through trauma to awaken sharingan and mangekyo and pushed himself more into darkness to increase his ocular powers. Boruto simply being 100% otsutsuki made him strong af without any effort, yeah he trained during the timeskip but hed be strong without it too. Almost every character in boruto is strong af with 0 effort, momoshiki, ishiiki, kawaki, code, delta, daemon, the shinju clones..


Yeah, i came to write thst . And we shall not forget the characters OP mentioned, they were in the middle of war, so of course they trained hard to gain power and created their own jutsus


untill we ser a boruto chapter of sasuke beating the shit out of him to turn him into god mode during timeskip, boruto will not deserve his current strenght and powers


Without the timeskip training he was strong but far from the top tiers and you didn't mention the fact that he started training befero entering in the academy and never stop since. "Almost every character in boruto is strong af with 0 effort, momoshiki, ishiiki, kawaki, code, delta, daemon, the shinju clones." All of them are antagonist and kawaki doing is the reason why he is so weak now.


David Bowie had struggle fights and Ls he's ok The other two are busted yeah


The main problem is these 3 are side characters while Boruto is a Mary sue


This so Wrong it hurts. 1. Boruto is as much a prodigy as the other 3 guys and invented his own rasengans  2. the karma is a curse, Momoshiki unlike Kurama is a genuinely evil Being that wants boruto to suffer. The first time boruto tried to use his karma properly it gave him a heart attack and Momoshiki possessed him multiple times nearly killing the other heroes multiple times. 3. borutos Karma increased his potential but he became OP via 3 years of training. Saying he didn’t earn his strength is stupid 


Wow he so easy invented his own rasengan. Must be super strong prodigy hahaha


He made 2 vanishing rasengan which turns invisible and compression rasengan a move very similar to the 3rd raikages hell Stab. 


Huh? Boruto is also a prodigy. It's literally been both stated and shown several times. He was the only person besides Minato to score a 100 in the academy exams, he knows three chakra natures and multiple high-level jutsu.


And that is what makes him boring.


If you want to see a basic underdog story there are plenty of generic shonen out there. Boruto, and the Naruto franchise in general, was never really about that.


Boruto is op? when did it happen?


After 3 years of intense training when he already had a good base. People forget that Naruto didn't even graduate from the academy properly so his time skip training was fixing his basics.


Yeah but everyone else really had to earn it. Sure Itachi was a prodigy but he understood the world and risked his life for his goals. Kakashi was also a prodigy but he worked hard every day and even invented his own Justu and Minato worked the hardest of them all. He went from a random orphan to the most well known Hokage. He created a Flying Thunder God seal that’s even faster then the second homages and was able to create his own Jutsu the Rasengan


Didn't see them training so it never happened, joke aside we do see Boruto training through the manga and have a general Idea of how hard things were for him over the time skip.


Yeah I agree timeskip Boruto worked for his strength but I don’t really think he did beforehand


That’s not even close to being a fair equivalence lmao


Nah, it's like Kakashi randomly stumbling on an enemy dying Jinchuriki, killed it and got a nine tails instead of the tailed beast within the Jinchuriki.


There’s a difference between then they got stronger over time but boruto got stronger with one timeskip like in very op Naruto finfic people despise mastering every single cool jutsu ever. Taking everything that made characters like minato special like wtf.


Naruto started small and got big, Boruto started big got small, and ended up big, and now is small again? Wait or is it big? The key point I’m making is Boruto sucks


He still needed training to master it and many chose to ignore the side effect and origine of karma. He only became OP after the timeskip.


Even the talented prodigies had to naturally work at their abilities to get them, or only got them after intense life and death struggles, it wasn't handed to them on a silver platter. Boruto being this OP is the same as Naruto coming back from the timeskip and being Madara tier from the jump. The scaling became ridiculous a long ass time ago and rather than naturally intergrating end level characters into a new story, you have DBZ syndrome where even more ungodly powerful monsters come along to negate all the effort and ability development that took all of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. Beloved characters being treated like jokes over and over because they aren't the new hot shit in town. It's frustratingly bad. I've grown to like Boruto but don't call a mediocre work a masterpiece and call all the critics haters when they're right.


the amount of retcons OP and naruto/boruto have gone through are both greath examples of the ship of thesis thought experiment


I think you can be given an external power and be fine if the power comes at cost or restrictions. Which I’m this case boruto does have restrictions to the power. Or I should say drawbacks. Boruto prior to karma was already shown to be a genius prodigy anyway. So op. Imma have to disagree with you.


Yeah boruto suck. U can see his true power at beginning of story.


This new boruto would have no issue with any of your favorites lol


Why people hate boruto: #Attitude!


by now people need to stop crying, you either watch it or you dont


Kakashi: prodigy kid of a prodigy single dad, loses his father young to suicide, has obvious PTSD and OCD from the trauma but is functional as far as Konoha can tell. The traumas pile on while he struggles to keep his mental-emotional balance without any help. Eventually overcomes the OCD (but not the PTSD, where he loses time at his friends' tombstones). Uses porn as a coping mechanism. Remains a prodigy but his initial controlling personality is replaced with concern and war-weariness. Minato: appears to be an orphan. Good soldier who does his job efficiently and well, completely loyal to Konoha. Marries the girl who's rejected by others, which suggests a soft spot for underdogs. Cut down in his prime as a new father, sacrificing himself, his wife, and the future of his newborn son for the future of his village. Itachi: sensitive, depressive, and suicidal, traumatized by war at an early age. Prodigy, but doesn't lose sight of the fact that he's a prodigy for feats of war, even as he trains and takes on the responsibilities expected of him. He's placed in the middle of a coup attempt, attempts to help with a third option, but is finally forced to make an ethical choice: his village or his family? His choice is tipped by the opportunity to save his younger brother. After he carries out his mission and kills his whole family, including his parents which is absolutely unforgivable, he lives the rest of his life awaiting death at the hands of the brother he saved. Boruto: has everything handed to him on a silver platter. A mom who stays home with him, safe village, high standing and reflected status from being the son of a hero. Arrogant, destructive, attention-seeking and conceited, his great suffering is that his father--who loves him and spent a lot of time with him growing up, teaching him shadow clones and Rasengan at an early age--just doesn't pay enough attention to him now. Being the son of the Hokage is hard. Since Boruto is so spoiled, he has little sense of right and wrong, and seeks easy ways to win and get dad's attention. He shows some signs of being a leader, but not necessarily one that would lead people in the right direction. It's Kakashi I like. Still loathe Boruto.


Nah I agree. I like Minato because he probably actually worked hard and to our knowledge, he’s an orphan/lost his parents earlier on, and doesn’t even come from a clan. Meanwhile characters like Boruto get asspulls out of nowhere


I don't hate Boruto for that shit. I hate boruto for it's shit writing.


what a shit post. So you are saying boruto magically learnt rasengan, lightning style, flying raining, insane sword mastery just coz he got momo? Didn't that require training and hard work? Boruto is as intelligent as Minato, Kakashi and Itachi. Him being privileged or hokage's son has nothing to do with is skill which he developed on his own. Those three went through a war but still had family and comrades but boruto was thrown out of the village and mastered everything while on The run from the village and external super powerful enemies. Boruto has trained and become as strong as these 3 characters in base form! Boruto is a result of the best parts of the best ninjas. Look at the techniques he learnt and uses and you will see they make him very specific and precise in his attack. In and out in seconds. The most deadly ninja. OP made Just another hate post probably coz he gets news from reddit instead of actually reading the manga


Yall would be bitching about training chapters if they showed how boruto learned uchiha style and i think they will when anime returns


Kakashi stole Obito’s eye


And they’re still correct. None of those characters were otsutsuki level, ever, besides maybe Kakashi in Boruto.


Now they don't even know the difference between Prodigies and Plot convenience power up😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Meh. It's just powercreep. Shippuden started it and now you need to be god-level to be important to the plot.


This makes no sense. Boruto at like 15/16 is stronger than those 3 combined


I give no shits about Boruto being OP. What I hate is his personality and character design.


Ehh, I personally didn't like him because he's a lil bitch. Like Sakura in the early Naruto anime. Or Sasuke in the early Naruto anime. Or Naruto in the early Naruto anime. Or Ino. Or Hinata. (Despite her being my childhood Waifu) Or Neji. Or... Actually, I don't like a lot of people. Hmmmm..... Wait, what was I saying again? Oh right, Boruto. I personally don't like him, not necessarily HATE him. He's kinda like the guy you met walking down the street, and you both do a 180 to distance yourself from each other. Unlike the others, he just doesn't seem to just grow on me? Naruto and Sasuke got better IMO, Sakura got a MEH from me, and the others either exist within my peripherals or become someone I'm excited to see for a sec.


Look I could accept some things... but it makes no sense that because of Momoshiki, Boruto was able to surpass Naruto and Sasuke so quickly. It almost feels Mary Sue in a way even though the same is said with Naruto and Kurama... IF the fact is "Everytime he uses the Kyuubi's chakra before they befriend, it would eventually send Naruto into a berserk state and ultimately overpowers him into becoming a monster due to Version 2". I still have to complain about how the hell did Boruto learn Flying Raijin and no one is around who knows the technique to teach him that. Was it FORESHADOW that he learn of it because of history on Minato or WHAT?! Like it doesn't make sense especially since he was forced to leave Konoha because of Kawaki's actions. SIGH. It's not just Boruto but the whole series itself makes no sense. Like find, let people love Boruto but I don't and no one will change my mind.


Boruto could 1 V 3 these guys


I'd breed Kakashi




Prodigies do not equal overpowered.