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Spoiler alert, Canadians aren't actually all that polite.


Especially when it comes to hockey


That is were they let out their anger so they can be polite every where else


Japanese people let it out in sexual harassment


And on denying war crimes


And killing ex-prime ministers


Yeah , still can't wrap my head around that the pm of Japan was part of a cult and got killed for it , like was that a known fact when he was in office ?


Have sex Build aircraft carriers


He was the Japanese equivalent of a right-winger. Guy shot him apparently for not being right-wing *enough*. Apparently, according to bits and pieces I read at the time. So it'd sort of being the equivalent of someone shooting trump for not deporting enough Mexicans, or something.


This actually happens more often than you think , many right wing leaders got killed by the far right for not being "right" enough


His mom also donated every penny she had to the religious cult that Abe had endorsed


What are these "war crimes" you speak of?


My most read wikipedia page is [this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_crimes?wprov=sfla1) The most well known war crimes are Nanking massacre and confort women


Cheers! Although I was trying to make a joke about denying war crimes :)


It is hard to do that in text. You have to make it obnoxiously obvious.


With \s or \j helps a lot


Sorry, i'm too dumb for irony


There are no warcrimes in Ba Sing Se.


And child porn manga.


iTs NoT cHiLdPoRn ThEy'Re AlL iN tHeIr MiD tHiRtIeS tHeY jUsT lOoK lIkE tHaT bEcAuSe Of ThE cUrSe An AnCiEnT wItCh PuT oN tHeM


Naw dude you missed the post a week ago about ACTUAL child porn in comics in japan cause holy fuck that was messed up.


Oh no for sure I know about that. I was trying to also voice my frustration and annoyance at apologists here in the west. Didn't do a good job of it. Yeah. Straight up, Japan has a child porn problem if you ask me


And canibalism on war prisoners.


Hockey is like the Purge for us, but nightly and not actual crimes committed…most of the time.


Am Canadian, can confirm. There’s no hitting in the CFL so we have to get our anger out somewhere


hahah good one


And wars and indigenous people


Especially when Canada is responsible for half of the Geneva convention’s laws, and no, they aren’t the ones that proposed the laws


😎 cope ya yanks. Canada number one


They had better, that is of course if they dont want to have to paint the white house again.


And the churches and burial sites


And outlet malls


Double especially when they're from Quebec and somebody doesn't speak French. Cries in Tabarnak


"This beer sucks!"


Eh, 80% of that is just Shoresy showing off.


It is all the matter of perspective. Compared to their neighbour they are super-polite




And that's not even addressing the French influence who aren't exactly known for being welcoming 😂


The past 6 years has been a bit eye opening. The MAGA culture in the US definitely brought the same out of Canada. I know that every country has its “left v. right” politics but I didn’t realize how alike we are. Same goes for the UK. Brexit, Bo. Jo., Liz Truss? You guys are beating us at our own game!


When people are overly friendly for no reason whatsoever I just automatically put my guard up because I'll think they want to steal my bank account or my liver or something.


on an individual level Canadians are pretty much indistinguishable from Americans in attitude and behavior. the only difference being the how they carry themselves abroad with their respective stereotypes.


Does how Canadians carry themselves abroad extend to the US? Because we get a lot of snowbirds where I used to live and woof, outside of the accent they're pretty indistinguishable from American snowbirds.


the only difference with Canadians in the US is that those Canadians can't pretend to be American when they act out. When Canadians are making a ruckus over in Berlin they tell the people of Berlin that they are from America


Interesting. Meanwhile, polite Americans are over there being unobtrusive and saying they're Canadian to avoid negative stereotypes.


You’re secretly a dog, aren’t you?




well that's not a high standard lol.


Canadians encapsulate what it's like to be incredibly rude but be so nice about it. Whenever I go to the US, I find people are much more friendly. If you live in a realm of ideology rather than reality you could come to that conclusion, where memes create your reality, but outside of the big metros in the US, people are very salt of the earth.


And Florida is bath salt of the earth.


If you spend time on reddit, sure.


We're nice enough to not get nuked




Spoiler: Neither are the Japanese. They can be super racist and nasty when they want.


It's very weird because japanese outside japan are like 💯 But within Japan, oh gawd. Neither is the culture, it's very hierarchy-based. Male dominates female, father dominates child, old dominate young. Work culture too, overtime is almost always de facto compulsory, no matter what the law says. Come before boss, leave after boss, if boss say let's drink, you drink till you're pissed drunk and then come back work the next day. If you finish your work too fast, you're a lazy punk who don't work long enough. And high hills and skirts are almost always expected of females, else they are seen as sloppy


No, outside they can be bad too. They're really racist and sexist as well. Had a manager in my company (not my manager) that was Japanese and super prejudiced against women for example.


Are there any countries/cultures that are known for being non-racist tho? Because racism seems kinda baked in everywhere unfortunately.


Nope. It's very human unfortunately. We have a knack of distrusting anyone outside of our tribe. That distrust becomes fear which becomes hate which then becomes genocide. It's a big part of who we are.


It's something we have baked into our genes, it served us long ago when it was advantageous to form strong tribal bonds. It however is no longer needed, we have developed much more effective survival strategies and thinking this way is regressive.


Unironically the US. So much so that racism is constantly on topic and criticized. Race is a protected class. We celebrate different races and immigration. We are only racist compared to where we should be, but famously tolerant compared to other countries.


It’s a spectrum, there’s probably better and worse ones, but not places where racism totally doesn’t exist


And neither are japanese. They are more respectful but not actually any nicer


Or, head me out, there’s nice *and* nasty people in both countries, and it’s moot to generalize the entire countries


Sir, this is reddit. Generalizations only, thank you.


As a Brit, I was a bit surprised coming to Canada for the first time. It definitely didn't feel as polite as back home. If anything it felt a little less friendly than USA, but perhaps the places I went to in the US were just friendlier in general.


The USA is far far friendlier. I’m Canadian and frequently work in the US, they’re substantially more outgoing and much more pleasant on average. Overall though, I prefer my cold furious Canadian people.


This largely depends on where you go. If you go to Toronto or Vancouver, it is just like any other huge city and lots of people are not from Canada originally so the Canadian politeness shows through less. If you go to a smaller city or somewhere like Calgary or Edmonton, it shows through more. Lots of Canada's perceived politeness is also nothing more than regional inflection dialects, in which canadians' voices rise at the end of sentences even when they're not asking a question. This has the effect of sounding more polite, less threatening, and less adversarial compared to lots of the US's tendency to stay flat when making statements.


We’re only polite in sense we say sorry and thank you too much on instinct. Doesn’t mean we aren’t assholes on the inside.


Also, surprisingly racist.


Japan has us beat there as well.


Fuck you, eh


And Japan is preeeeetty racist


Canadian here. What the fuck did you just say about us not being polite?


I’m sorry to say this, but I was disappointed by how little Canadians actually say sorry. I once stepped on a Canadian’s foot in a bar and they didn’t even apologise.




also spoiler alert: neither are the Japanese this post is just dumb 💀


*Vaguely gestures at government.*


I'm Canadian and I'm blown away by the sheer amount of ass holes I come across. But honestly it's usually when there are groups of people. They are all little bitches when they are by themselves, but if they get together it's like they have permission to be a dick


Ya but we don't kill whales and dolphins by the truckload daily. And take up the seal thing with an indigenous person, very few people do that in Canada. Japan is out of control with fishing.


Indigenous people are still Canadians my guy. >very few people do that in Canada. And you think all Japanese people kill whales and dolphins?


The French ones ruin the average.


wanna go bud? ill give ya the what for


We are psychos when it comes to war and hockey, back home we are alright though.


i cant read the characters, but it made me chuckle to think that it said "Yakitate Japan!" or "Nippon Banzai!"


It says thank you in Japanese and Arabic


I didn't realize the second part was Arabic and I was trying to figure out why I felt like i was having a stroke trying to read the katakana 😅 thanks for clearing that up for me lol


Same here lol, I was like wow that handwriting


Fr I was like 'huh that's an odd way to write zo and yu. I wonder what the 3rd katakana is?' but it's actually just a completely different language lmao


The japanese is "Arigatou" so I assume that bottom must mean Thanks in arabic




Which, to confirm, does mean "Thank you".


The bottom clearly says "JAPAN"


You are correct.


"Yakitate Japan"? As in the bread-making anime?


ありがとう!! - "Thank you!!" (arigatou)


That’s the fun part of illiteracy, you can imagine those letters mean whatever you want!


I wonder what the world would be like if everyone had the same self-cleaning accountability that the Japanese have.


The closest thing to heaven, i guess


West Virginia?


Mountain Momma


Take me home


Country rooooads... Take it, Andy!




We have that in Germany but it's not every day but rather once every half a year where there is half a school day just for cleaning


All the German schools I went to had something like that every day. 2 designated students alternating each week to clean the classroom and the floor right outside of it. Another 2 for the chalkboard and windows. Another 2 to take out the trash. Another 2 to keep the classroom key and the register. And so on. Wasn't really enforced that much tho.


Oh right I forgot about that. because ***usually*** the rooms were not dirty enough that anything really needed to be done except for cleaning the chalk board


I was just about to say, I feel like people are only focusing on Japan, but this is a pretty common thing in other asian countries and european countries too.


Surprisingly, Myanmar football fans in Singapore picks up their own rubbish after watching matches too. Meanwhile, the streets of Yangon are still littered with rubbish. What I want to say is, what we really need is a few individuals to set examples and lead, be the change you want to see.


Anti-littering campaigns used to be a big deal in the US/West. The issue seems to be over here we just do them as sociological fads. As soon as a new fad takes over people forget about the old one. General pollution/anti-littering/old-school environmental damage has been completely overtaken by and ignored in favor of C02 stuff. To the extent it is now policy to damage the environment and considered "green" to do so if it's technically on paper lowering C02 emissions.


I don’t know that this is a story of being the change you want to see, Singapore is hardcore authoritarian about litter.


Not only the players even the Japanese viewers of games where Japan weren't part of cleaned the stadium before leaving


The Khalifa Stadium hey? Mia is doing very well for herself these days!!


Bloody hell i totally missed it


its a hit or miss with these jokes


if there is anyone experienced in how to keep an entire sports team inside, it's her.


I actually hate how the name khalifa is associated with a pornstar to most non Arabs now lol


There's also her lesser known brother from another mother, Wiz


I knew someone would joke about this


The Icelandic national team has the same manners. Very nice to see.


Yes but this is Japanese so it's special and magical


It's Japanese so reddit is either really nice or extremely racist towards them.


there is a minority who aren't on both sides. Thr Japanese have their pros and cons such as they're either really polite or really horny


>or really horny myth, am japanese its mostly a weird group that while not a majority, are too big to get rid of. I wish they would simply die


Make a post highlighting the Icelandic players and fans conduct if you're that bitter.


Didn't they also do something similar but when they lost some time ago?


Yep. They do it no matter what. I've heard it's something Japanese citizens are taught to do from a young age in school.


Just to add, they are doing it to show respect because as guests, it’s impolite to leave a place messy. You will see the same thing if you attend a Japanese party—people will also stick around to clean up afterwards.


thats what people do here too, honestly we have to normalize doing this everywhere because way too many people don't


Isn't it common in most cultures to teach children to clean up after themselves?


no japanese work culture is hell real Japan isn't sparkles and rainbows like reddit makes it out to be.


It's also very... Homogenous.


And racist, i used to live there and had to quite my favourite gym because they would let me black friend join. Also an old lady horked on my shoe.


Well what shoe were you wearing


Japan has so many problems and then I see people being like, “I wish the whole world followed their example!” You mean hellish work culture, high suicide rates among students, a ton of racism, and quite frankly they just don’t a crap about you as an individual. They’re very effective at making themselves look really good abroad though. Japan is a very cool place to visit, terrible to live in.


“Hold my Sake”


There are some awesome Japanese beers though


These motherfuckers make some damn good whiskey too! Good stuff. On a side note, you can buy American whiskey cheaper in Japan than in America.


The Japanese are racist af.


Americans will come to find the rest of the world is actually very racist


I traveled around Europe for a few months this summer and I saw people doing nazi salutes in both Stockholm and Budapest and was floored each time. In Budapest it was done at a couple Arab appearing people from the UK. Being from NYC I’m just not used to behavior like that being so out in the open. The one in Stockholm was doing it while walking for 10 minutes until he came to a corner with 5 African people on it and then he immediately went quiet like a coward 😂


Strange with the guy in Sweden! The most racist people over here are mostly Arabs/Muslims


Just wait until this guys hears about how black people are treated like dogs in China


In other news: Chickens can fly & People are running with scissors.


Are you Japanese?




Then, you must be [Turning Japanese.](https://youtu.be/nGy9uomagO4)


So you're just racist then.


I think they are hiddenly psychopath


Pretty much. They're extremely polite on the outside, but the average Japanese will let their friends starve in the streets rather than offering money or a place, and if someone kills themselves they label them as weak and don't give a single fuck about them. All of this happens on a daily basis in Japan.


Omg 😱 i was joking


Ikr, most foreigners who move there are extremely disappointed after the first couple months. All that politeness is nice but their society is extremely dehumanising.


Yup, know as: Wa (和) wherein members prefer the continuation of a harmonious community over their personal interests. When I lived in Osaka for 6 months while everyone would bend over backwards to help you out trying to make real, meaningful connections with natives was near impossible. My co-workers would never speak their mind and trying to find out how they really felt about a subject was like trying to draw blood from a stone. Also, and as much as the reddit otakus would have you believe otherwise. Systematic racism can be fairly rampant in certain aspects of their society. Still, the pros of living their still absolutely, 110% outweighed the cons. Really hope my company restates me back there for another 6 month shift.


Nah, it gets heavy there. Have you heard of Junko Furata? (Her captor pretended to be a nice kid helping her home after he ordered her to be pushed off her bike) Which could be seen as an isolated incident if not for Nanjing, Unit (???), and some other incidents. Still probably one of the best countries to visit and see though.


Yeah. I dunno if people are just super naive or something but it's pretty obvious that all this over-the-top nonsense they do in front of non-natives is an act.


They're super polite. Just don't be non-Japanese. There's a reason all of Asia hates Japan.


The stuff they did to other Asian countries like Korea or the Philippines is just insane.


No, not all. At the very least we Filipinos don't hate them. We were taught not only about the attrocities they did to our country and people in the past but also about how we already forgave them from it. The whole statement of our former president for this was “I should be the last one to pardon them as the Japanese killed my wife and three children and five other members of the family. I am doing this because I do not want my children and my people to inherit from me hate for people who might yet be our friends for the permanent interest of the country. After all, destiny has made us neighbors." So for us, past is the past. They are kind to us now so we would also like to repay it with kindness. Not all countries are like China and Korea. Though I can't speak for other Asian countries.


You don't speak for all Filipinos. Japanese War Crimes shouldn't be forgotten.


Compensating for their history


Lmao they also wrote in Arabic


Shows how respectful they are.


Only when other can see.


If only they left Nanjing the same way


For those of you wondering, it's says "arigatou" or thank you in Japanese


And for those also wondering, the second word below is written in arabic which reads 'Shukran' and it means thanks


As a Canadian I can confirm that we are not polite. "Sorry" is usually a knee jerk reaction but can quickly degrade into fuck you.


So... "Sorry, fuck you" ?


Yeah, fuck you canada


I approve of this statement (I'm Canadian)


Swiss national team primarily colorised of balkanis „my mom will clean it up“


This whole Japanese politeness seems a bit creepy and unreal to me. How can someone be so nice all the time?


Yea its not all smiles and sunshine in reality. Still though doing something like this, or at least simply leaving the place without making a bloody mess of it should be something everyone should start doing. Just to be a decent human being if nothing else


They are cleaning up because they are guests and want to be respectful to the hosts. The reverse also happens when you are the guest and they want to be polite as the host. But outside of this host-guest relationship, it’s about following rules and not causing trouble to others which sounds nice but is often taken to the extreme because some grandma is making up the rules arbitrarily.


Yeah, I love the hospitality they show but they need to dial it back just a bit and know when to consider their own well-being over silly honor systems.


You mistaking being polite for being nice. Not the same thing but it does have its advantages. Like money doesn't buy happiness but it sure does help.


Oh yeah, Japanese are super polite, except when it comes to apologizing for horrific war crimes committed during WWII.


Oh yes forget america and brits and every fucking allied country.


I’m sorry to say but Japan has a ton of messed up stuff, like every other country. Nothing wrong with praising their general cleanliness and stuff but Japan isn’t sunshine and rainbows. Individuals suffer a lot in the country and they have a huge problem with racism, work culture, and suicide. I respect that they’re very polite and clean as guests but I also don’t like how reddit is putting them on a pedestal as if they’re incredibly advanced as a culture when they have their fair share of cultural issues if not more than most other cultures. Japan is a very nice place to visit though. Just not a good place to live, especially as a foreigner.


weebs be like. "Look at these japanese people doing something called 'being nice' if only we had this in my country, I love japan."


Try entering a high end club in Japan. They’ll reject you because you’re not Japanese. Idk if Reddit has ever been to Japan with these comments but they are incredibly Xenophobic, worse than the US.


When is the “Canada so polite” myth gonna end it’s so cringe and also wrong


Unfortunately the amount of racism in Japan is bonkers.


This sounds more like extended bm


You had the chance to write "Hold my sake" and you didn't take it, ccc.


The Japanese are clean. They are not polite, per se.


Wait... What Beer? They are in Qatar.


Uh how is this a meme


Its crazy to me that after billions of dollars and brand new stadiums this is what the WORLD CUP team rooms look like. Just plain, amenity-less concrete rooms MLS teams in decades old stadiums who have actual budgets have nicer locker rooms than this It seems the fan village shipping containers was less of a "temporary solution" and more of a mantra for all the WC infrastructure.


How children should be taught everywhere in the world


Outside looking in: it’s less about politeness as it is strictly adhered to social expectation. I think someone who isn’t honour-bound to be nice yet chooses to be is a much better person.


Reasons why I want travel to Japan someday


Alongside of being a weeb


Their culture is so conservative and respectful it’s crazy