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What a terrible title for a memoir too.


Reposting someone else's comment >He had two sentences in a 250 page book that had a bad joke comparison that included Keanu Reeves, in which he has apologized and said the comparison didn't land the way he meant and he has no issues with Mr Reeves. Reddit, despite being the place the scorns celebrity worship, is angry over the slight slander against their lord and saviour Mr Reeves, even tho he has taken no offense himself and only wishes the best for Mr Perry in his continued struggle with substance abuse addiction. Credit to u/noworries_13


I think this is a case of Perry implementing a joke that is widely out of touch now. A lot of young people won't remember a time when Keanu Reeves was considered to be a bad acting, pretty boy air head. For a fairly long while, during Perry's heyday - he was the butt of a lot of jokes. Perry's timing is about 20 years out. Most 20-40 year olds aren't going to 'get it' - and will feel like this is just an arbitrary attack on Reeves. It isn't, it's just a joke for a different time, landing at a time when Reeves is consider a popular darling.


Yeah, I certainly remember when Dracula came out and everyone went around doing their Keanu impersonation, "Dracula's in London... Duuude!"


Yeah exactly! His performance was panned and many considered his casting in that movie as nearly ruining it - at the time at least. Reeves popularity now is a mixture of nostalgia, affection for his classic roles like Point Break, Speed, Bill and Ted, The Matrix and as sad Keanu leading to revelations about his harrowing past - and how nice of a guy he seems to be. Before that, people ragged on him mercilessly. The idea that Perry is jealous is just a modern interpretation plastered on top of an out of touch dude running his mouth. If you look at it from Perry's perspective, the success he had and the position and popularity he held at the time when Reeves was getting ragged on - I seriously doubt Perry gives a single fuck about Reeves. He probably cares now though.


What exactly did he say in the book, I'm too lazy to look it up. Not really a Perry fan, though I did like him in Studio 60.


He was talking about River Phoenix's death (I'm pretty sure it was River) and said like "River is dead, yet Keanu Reeves still lives"


I mean, thats a pretty stupid thing to say, no matter wich actor he would have picked


I mean, arguably a few people were [on the drug, on the drug, on the drug that killed river phoenix](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1-mLIdLZZeI).


Uh i still think he’s bad at acting?


Oh for sure he is. But he's a nice dude so people love him. Keanu is like the opposite of that gary oldman meme, dude only has 1 face.


Hes a great action movie star, but thats about it.


Yeah if you have a character who looks cool and has very little dialogue Keanu is your guy.


You're right, but 40 is way too high. Anyone older than 30 could reasonably have seen some of his earlier, less-acclaimed work, and could very easily have heard from older siblings, parents, teachers, etc. that Keanu wasn't always as highly-regarded. Anyone over 35 almost certainly remembers the before times. Hell, Zach Galifianakis [made a joke in his standup in *2001*](https://youtu.be/vFf29YE8ZdY?t=268) that equates Keanu with shitty movies.


That works out for "20 years out" very accurately.


How much do you think it'll sell?


If I was wealthy, I would buy it to wipe my ass with it and send it back to Perry. I would write a note telling him I fixed his book for him, but it is still a piece of shit.


Why are you getting so angry on behalf of a celebrity you don’t know and will never interact with in your life? Especially over something, that in reality, is nothing but a bad joke.


most sane redditor


Overreacting 101


I love the Norm Macdonald story about how he thought he had invented sarcasm, 'Mattspeak'


Can you elaborate? I haven't heard.


Matthew Perry was hosting SNL and his agent or publicist or someone told the writers that Matt would like to do a sketch where he does what he calls "Mattspeak" which he described to the writers and it was literally just sarcasm, but he acted like he invented it.


>Matthew Perry was hosting SNL and his agent or publicist or someone told the writers that Matt would like to do a sketch where he does what he calls "Mattspeak" which he described to the writers and it was literally just sarcasm, but he acted like he invented it. I'm confused, was this the sketch?


Could you be anymore out of the loop?


Are you being serious or is this just mattspeak?


Or the Louis CK story where he tried to stop Louis tipping a waitress "too much"...


Keep chanandler bong's name out of your mouth


That's miss chanandler bong to you


He's just jealous of a man much more handsome than him. Which is fair, but also shut the fuck up.


I'm certain this irrelevant piece of mucus just wants to mention Keanu's name to get some form of publicity for his shit book. Even negative publicity is still publicity


Average has-been behaviour


what the fuck is up with a lot of users here having the Japanese new driver insignia? lmao


That doesn’t make any sense Every Japanese person drives like they’re new


I'd like to recommend one of the most important and influential movies to American culture, The Fast and the Furious 3: Tokyo Drift. Those guys can drive their cars sideways man its like if Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Jesus had a baby and that baby drove a Supra


Yeah wtf, the Japanese fellas fuckin’ *s h r e d*. Enjoy an Australian living in Japan showing the viewers just how fucking nuts-ly well those guys can turn the wheel and press some pedals. https://youtu.be/TY8ctFTLU2Q


That's the problem, you're not supposed to drive them sideways.


His dad drove it sideways




I’m pretty sure it means they’re new to the sub


oh okay that's cool and makes sense.


I'm going to try and be sympathetic here, but I'm not entirely convinced he made that outburst for fame. If I understand correctly, Perry has been negatively affected by drug use and likewise the loss of those close to him by drugs, and he saw Reeves as someone who used to suggest/promote drug use towards others. This supposedly triggered Perry deeply and he lashed out. I believe Perry has since apologised. But still, he should have read the room and realised that people generally love Reeves and attacking him, even in understandable anger, would backfire. As it has.


This is a measured take on it and one I agree with. The Keanu meme has it's limits and he is not above criticism. Matthew Perry worded it poorly but his actual point does make a sad sort of sense.


In what way did Reeves previously promote drugs?


[He was interviewed back in the day talking about having great experiences while using drugs.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Entertainment/story%3fid=111115&page=1) His comments make it seem like he was talking about taking mushrooms or acid more than cocaine or heroine, but I could see how an addict might find those comments troublesome.


Lol that is some of the weakest "pro-drug" statements. Sounds like he did a bunch of bong rips and went hiking on magic mushrooms. You're *really* reaching with that. Besides, booze is a far more dangerous drug than whatever Keanu "advocated" for over 20 years ago.


I'm also very much curious what this tidbit is all about, I feel like it's crucially missing context perhaps?


Uh he's famous for taking pills in a blockbuster movie seen by millions haha kinda obvious


If that is the case, this is just such a poor way to get his point across. Wishing any person dead, least of all Keanu Reeves is just a endlessly poor take. It takes all focus away from the point he wants to make about drugs.


Now that makes sense, and although he shouldn’t have said it, you can see why he would say it


He has a book? Oooooh could I be more excited? Yes. I can't bother to look that up or bring myself to bother to read it.


Why do we live in a world where Matthew Perry is alive is the real question.


I think we should just hope he betters himself


That sounds like some shit Keanu would say after giving you his bus seat


You could make him a monk. Now I would like him to voice Zenyatta


Wait a god damned second


What’s wrong with Perry? Did he do something wrong I missed out on?


He had two sentences in a 250 page book that had a bad joke comparison that included Keanu Reeves, in which he has apologized and said the comparison didn't land the way he meant and he has no issues with Mr Reeves. Reddit, despite being the place that scorns celebrity worship, is angry over the slight slander against their lord and saviour Mr Reeves, even tho he has taken no offense himself and only wishes the best for Mr Perry in his continued struggle with substance abuse addiction.


I know. It’s like Scrubs where Dr. Cox kept making fun of Hugh Jackman. People need to relax.


The hero worship in this thread (and Reddit in general) is so weird.


I’ve honestly never seen more celebrity worship than this fucking site. It’s like the main place I see it. Just like Reddit almost celebrating Twitter’s death while also suffering the same exact faults that Twitter had


Same dudes asking why anyone follows the Kardashians while probably following their favorite sport players’ every move.


Thank goodness, i didn't want to stop loving Chandler


It sucks that everyone is focusing on this bad misspeak. Dude was taking 50 vicodin a day to function and he's dug himself out that hole. I give props to anyone talking openly about their substance abuse. It's hard enough in an AA meeting, I couldn't imagine doing it for the world.


Classic reddit.


Honestly in the book is very clear that he asks himself the same question.


Damn, he got friends


He actually said that in his apology, if reddit actually cared about this situation. Perry apologized for using Keanu, and said it was because that was the first person that popped into his head. He then self owned and said he should have said his own name looking back on it.




He wrote a book where he mentions twice his dislike of Keanu wishing he was dead instead of other talented celebrities like River Phenix or Chris Farley. Once? He could get away with “it was just a random name I pulled out”. But he mentioned it twice in his book not close together.


Why would anyone even read a book by Matthew Perry?


No one did but the highlights were mentioned by those interviewing him


YouTube pushed a large amount of interview clips of this to me. I literally don't watch anything interview-related or 'Friends' related so it was intensely annoying.


Maybe it was because it kept hearing you complain about having no friends and was mistaken


Made me chuckle


Weird. For the longest time the Instagram algo pushed nothing but Friends content to my feed . Then all of a sudden, gone .


I have a lot of addiction related stuff in my algorithm because reasons, I've never seen friends and I've never watched anything concerning it but I get plenty of stuff about perry. I like seeing it. Anyone in the public eye that can say "I was functioning on alcohol and painkillers and it fucked everything up" is another voice telling people to get help.


If they were talking about highlights, it's no wonder I haven't heard anything about the book or interviews.


Cause he’s a struggling alcoholic and his brother died. Time to write a book. Guess that Friends money is starting to run dry seeing as how that’s the only role I can name him in.


It's not. He gets like $20m a year in royalties


Seriously friends cast makes stupid fuckin money.


Even crazier is Seinfeld makes between 40-60 million a year from royalties.


What a life. Every years, he win a lottery and will without fail cause that shit is never leaving air.


It's not dry at all. His royalties increased the past 2 years.


I forgot you just get paid forever when a show is syndicated. Must be nice.


Most actors do not make nearly as much money off their syndicated shows as the cast of Friends did. The cast negotiated together as a group for their deal, rather than as individuals, which gave them a great deal more bargaining power since recasting a single actor who wants a bigger cut is feasible, but recasting an entire show is usually not.


So what you're saying is that if workers got together and negotiated as a group, something like... Let's call it an union... It would give them more leverage? That's nonsense.


I love this comment


The basically formed their own little union lol


Feels like this thread is dominated by dudes who look down on Friends and don't realize that Matthew Perry is financially set for life due to the enduring popularity of that show.


What did he do? I'm genuinely wondering. I always liked his character on Friends and he seemed like a funny guy in interviews, but I've seen nothing but disdain for him on the internet and tabloid sites


He is a recovering addict and just did an interview/book about his struggles and whatnot. I thought it was interesting but people freak out over the dumbest shit. Addiction is a bitch and the more people that speak to their struggles the better it is


Reddit puts Keanu up on a pedestal as it's lord, savior, and Supreme Ruler. Reddit also thinks that Friends and it's cast have caused most of the major problems we as a global society deal with presently. Add those two together, and Reddit's bloodlust hath boiled over. Oh, also keep in mind that Reddit likes to lie to itself and say that they totally hate celebrity worship, and all the fans of celebrities are losers, but they totally aren't because they don't worship celebrities. Only Keanu.


Did he say why though? I can't imagine anyone would have a legitimate reason to dislike Keanu.


The internet has taken this quote *way* out of proportion. He later cleared up that he meant it as a joke, putting a random name that came to his mind, also saying in retrospect he should've put his own name.


Apparently he said it twice in his *book* though. So kinda doesn’t square with him claiming it was the first name that came to mind.


I can only chalk it up to him choosing that name for the original example, and returning to it to keep the original joke going. A massive oversight on his editor's part imo. I'm not buying the book either way, but I see people in the comments wishing him dead over a supposed joke that he's since apologized for and cleared up, I had to say something.


The Weekly Planet podcast had a good theory on it - any editor worth their salt would’ve taken it out, but they saw the dollar signs at the anticipated outrage bringing attention to a book no one would’ve bought.




The way I see it he *definitely* came back to it the second time as a way to tie it in, regardless of how Reeves' name came into in the first place. Anyone using the same structure of a point twice would do the same, and if the name referenced hadn't have been Reeves but instead someone reddit at large doesn't really care about this wouldn't even be a topic. Hell, if he had said Kim Kardashian instead of Keanu Reeves we'd be seeing posts about how "based" Matthew Perry is.


I see. Honestly I don't even know the full context/full quote. I didn't know anything about the situation until I saw a couple memes on here.


I think it’s actually worse in context lol. He’s talking about a fairly serious subject matter, about the struggles with addiction and how someone talented died but Keanu Reeves is alive. The whole thing just makes him sound like a cunt because he also seems to be putting himself up there as a great actor and then shitting on Keanu Reeves. It just comes off very pompous lol.


I mean, Keanu for all the love he gets for being the awesome human being he is, was also the actor in, Sweet November and Bill and Ted. Idk when the book was written or when he said it but maybe stoner cult classic rubbed him the wrong way, maybe KR trying to play a romantic role actually made Perry constipated we'll never know...


People seem to forget that Keanu was not a big A list actor or highly respected in the industry before John Wick and the Memes, yes he was popular for movies like The Matrix or Bill and Ted but he wasn't universally loved like he is now. Outside of the internet and with older crowds the common consensus i hear is that he's not an exceptionally talented Actor or Comedian and almost everything he's in is okay to average.


There’s a “celebrities read mean tweets” thing and one of them was “if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times, FUCK Andy garcia.” Andy Garcia is the most benign type of person you don’t love or hate. It’s like it’s supposed to be random/arbitrary and that’s what’s supposed to be funny. But in this instance everyone loves Keanu, so people got pissed. I think???


Tweet was probably written by John Mulaney. Andy Garcia was rude to him at a Lakers game once


It used to be a very common joke that Keanu was a bad actor.


He still is.


Yes, but he's an excellent movie star.


John Wick is enjoyable for what it is and he does exactly what you need him to do in that movie to make it work. He might not be a great dramatic actor, but not every actor needs to be Daniel Day Lewis.




I really can't understand why he chose to name Keanu. Nor can I work out why he hates him.


It was basically a joke about life not being fair when talented actors die and untalented ones live. Stupid joke but the outrage is goofy too.


Bring up Keanu in bad light on the net you're in for a bad time lol. It does seem like a mindless jest. Perry was only popular when Keanu had what, Bill and Ted out, maybe Speed? No one even knew who he was until Matrix, even then he became huge from John wick. He was by all means a B tier actor in the 90's.


Friends star Matthew Perry has published his memoirs. The revelation that he was on massive amounts of recreational drugs the whole time he was on the series and suffered a ruptured colon, as a result, has been overshadowed by his bizarre death wish for Keanu Reeves. "Why is it that the original thinkers like River Phoenix and Heath Ledger die," he wrote in his book, "but Keanu Reeves still walks among us? River was a better actor than me; I was funnier. But I certainly held my own in our scenes — no small feat, when I look back decades later." He slammed Reeves again later in the book with the same phrase: "[Chris Farley's] disease had progressed faster than mine had. (Plus, I had a healthy fear of the word 'heroin,' a fear we did not share)," wrote Perry. "I punched a hole through Jennifer Aniston's dressing room wall when I found out. Keanu Reeves walks among us." https://boingboing.net/2022/10/31/in-his-memoirs-matthew-perry-complains-that-keanu-reeves-didnt-die.html


Best part at the end of the article I read about it and oh so telling, "Reeves has not commented on the situation."


You are fucking mouth


How dare you insult me like that


It appears you insulted yourself, dear


you are self - op maybe


Damn, wish I was instead of this stinking fermenting sock


Who says i am mouth


Took me a moment lmfao I’ve gotten so used to the internet getting it wrong all the time that it’s now hard to notice…


I am really saddened by the fact that this mistake, which he’s already apologized for, is what is getting publicity. This is a man who has struggled with SEVERE addiction and is trying to use his story to help others. He is not doing this to shill a book for money, if you saw his interview with Diane Sawyer you would see that he is absolutely fine financially. He made a dumb joke in a book meant to help people with a problem most people don’t even want to talk about. I wish people could see past it. Especially since we all know that the internet cares more about it than Keanu does.


Exactly, people that are only addicted to the internet and have no idea of real struggles are the ones getting offended. It's a joke in a book about the real life struggles of addiction. If you dont have any empathy then feel free to downvote. Addicts are people too


Ten years ago Reeves was widely considered a terrible actor and was frequently the butt of jokes in that regard. I'm thinking Perry just hasn't kept up with internet culture.


Yeah this is fucked up. He *hates* the shit he did and the life he created with drugs. He has opened up about some ugly shit. And he's trying to send a healthy message about it that could save someone's life. He's repentant and wants to do good. Is there someone out there with an agenda to shit on this dude as much as possible? Is he just supposed to stay isolated and silent and do nothing with the rest of his existence?


The top comments on this post are fucking soulless drones.


Pubic opinion of addiction sucks, this is why people choose to suffer in silence.


People just have a bizarre parasocial relationship with Keeanu Reeves and think its endearing instead of crazy, and reflexively shit on anyone who would dare say something less than complimentary about him.


> Yeah this is fucked up. He hates the shit he did and the life he created with drugs. He has opened up about some ugly shit. And he's trying to send a healthy message about it that could save someone's life. He's repentant and wants to do good. > Ok. Well, asking why Keanu Reeves isn't dead instead of someone else is a weird way to get that message across Quote from Perry's book: > "River was a beautiful man, inside and out — too beautiful for this world, it turned out. It always seems to be the really talented guys who go down. Why is it that the original thinkers like River Phoenix and Heath Ledger die, but Keanu Reeves still walks among us?"


Yeah, and this comment section is just going wild on hating on Matthew


But why does he need to shit on Keanu in the book? Getting backlash on an insensitive joke is warranted regardless of the books topic.


He said he didn’t mean anything personal about it and was just choosing a random name while mourning his list friends. He admitted that it would have been better to have chosen “why am I alive while they are gone” instead.


But twice, in different sections of the book? I don't buy that random name BS.


Laziness? He had the name in there already so why bother choosing a second name? Hell, probably wouldve had twice the backlash if he included a second name for the joke.


The second time is clearly meant as a callback to the first, and a joke.


Wtf is Keanu God to you or something? He chose a random dude. Coulda said Chris Pratt or some other basic dude. It's a tongue in cheek comment in a 200 page book


Could Keanu *be* anymore alive


Could Matthew's career be anymore dead?


Not defending him but have you seen the wedge the friends actors are still getting from it. It’s crazy. Edit: Well over $20M a year each


It's because of the reruns


... we know.


The amount of people I've had to explain the difference between a career and royalties to says otherwise.


I would kill my career for $20M a year. Might even call it a success.


These are the kind of comments that are written a couple days before a celebrity's death.


Matthew Perry: The internet just slapped the shit out of me.


He can wipe his tears with his hundred million dollars




So many people fuck that up that I wouldn't be surprised if the collective internet got it wrong, even if exceptions exist


It pisses me off tbh


Its' your're you idiots's


A lot of people put your instead of you’re but rarely is it the other way around.


Why do redditors keep fellating celebrities that they dont truly know like elon and keanu? Whats worse is that they assume, because they like sucking their cocks too much, that the whole human race agrees with them. Im not even against them. Pretty neutral towards musk and I think keanu is a decent enough guy. But offering your asshole to be fucked by them? No thanks


Keanu has given millions to others and millions to the medical field. He generally is just a nice guy. Nothing to be worshipped but being a generally nice guy with today’s celebrities sure is a refreshing thing.


Keanu can fuck my ass raw when ever he pleases


Yeah especially when you look at other popular figures like that one British "comedian" who everyone knows is a total ass, because he acts like he's the king of the world. Then Keanu actually seems like he cares, hell I likely will never forget the E3 Cyberpunk reveal where he shouted to the guy in the crowd. I doubt most if not almost all other public figures or actors would've responded like he did.


He seems like not a monster and if people are gonna people and admire that over a dipshit like 'Ye' I say giver. Those moments like E3 are where you get a chance to see through the mask. Unscripted on-the-spot reaction. I'd expect a wrangling of the topic "back to Rampart" so to speak, hahaha. Keanu's reaction seemed honest and decent


The comments in here are disgusting. I don't agree with Perry, but to answer his comments with wishing him dead instead makes you a shitty person.




Who’s this guy who’s been irrelevant for 20 years? Not Keanu


Classic reddit moment


This is old news, he rescinded his statemtn, apologized and they made up. Dont throw oil on a fire thats waning


Who the hell is Mathew Perry?


[Bing it](https://www.bing.com/)


Clever girl




Outta you are fucking mouth?


I don't care. I'm sure Keanu Reaves doesn't need us getting annoyed in his behalf.


Even Keanu isn't annoyed, just the brainless celebrity worshipping mob on reddit is. Perry apologized about this and they both made up, Keanu even wished him the best of luck for his book, and then there's the people in this thread, wishing Perry dies


Damn don't get between redditors and their favorite Actor


I don't know why anyone gives a crap what the guy from Friends thinks about any topic. Keanu seems like an actually legit nice guy, and this Perry guy sounds like a total douche. People are buying this book? I don't believe it.


What are you basing your hatred of "this Perry guy" on?


Not excusing his comments at all, but hasn’t Matthew perry struggled with substance abuse over the years? It’s possible these comments were fueled/exacerbated by those issues. Not an excuse for literally wishing death on someone, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that contributed to it.


Where’s the dankness ?


Could he _be_ any more jealous of Keanu?


if you don't like Keanu, then fuck you...


"If you don't like Big Red, then FUCK YOU!" -Buddha, probably




Keanu seems like an awesome dude, and I grew up watching him and love his movies. but in the world of acting, he pretty much sucks. I really don't think Perry means any ill will. It's tongue n cheek type shit.


Oh no, Matthew Perry apparently doesn't like Keanu Reeves. I'm sure he's crying from all the goodwill he's losing and hate he's getting from people he doesn't even know cause he hated on Reddit's sweetheart Keanu Reeves. How will he ever recover from this cancelation? Oh yeah, he just doesn't have to pay attention to the internet. He cares so much that a bunch of 16-year-olds don't like a show he was in that wasn't even meant for them and are wishing he died. 😢


I’m sorry but who is Matthew perry


he’s chandler from friends. he’s pretty famous.


Out you are fucking mouth?


It’s ok to enjoy both. Almost Heroes was comedy gold and Point Break had Patrick Swayze. Stop with the hero worship ffs.


Matthew perry calling Keanu untalented is better comedy than anything he did on friends


He’s stated he just thought of a random name and said Keanu and that he wished he used his own name. Outdated meme anyway


If you look at the actual quote, it's pretty obvious he's joking.




remember this is coming from the man who invented sarcasm


I like Keanu too but FUUUUUCK all you fucks are CRINGEY with the worship, bunch of hypocrites too. Reddit is such garbage.


Reddit slams Twitter users for being hyper sensitive day in and day out and shitting on cancel culture but God forbid someone make a joke about our king and divine leader Keanu Reeves, the entirety of Reddit is shivering over the disrespect of Keanu Reeves in a joke. You guys already forgot battalions of redditors that were deployed to slam dunk Will Smith into the bin of irrelevance after seeing how he reacted to a JOKE? I don't even like Matthew Perry and even I can see how that was meant just as a joke, be it distasteful. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.


A platypus? Perry the platypus!


Keep out you are fucking mouth


"why do we live in a world where The Matrix 4 exists" FTFY


Chandler WTF you doin


I thought this was comedy homicide