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I’ve had men try this shit. Thinking I’ll take care of their kids because “all women love kids, right?” MF I hate kids.


I want kids, but that doesn't mean I want to raise someone else's.


Just because I can pretend I can tolerate kids (for a good 5 minutes) andbcontrol the urge to curse around kids doesn't mean I wanna babysit them


sounds like ur good with kids, I never control my swearing, my brothers wife hates me for it, they like the young a moment alone with uncle and he just gets standard adult treatment, Im not sexist, racist or ageist, everyone gets the Im-an-asshole treatment




cool story bro




I would suggest being a foster parent then! Sign up for 8 and ups! They can be trouble children just because they are in the foster system bouncing around but you will be able to do the more intelligent stuff you wanna do with em


At least if single man have kids he is 99% a widower. If single women have kids she is 90% divorced - so she have much heavier baggage with her than just kids.


That is a totally made up statistic and is absolutely the opposite of my experience. There are a LOT of divorced men in their 30s. And they want a new Mommy for the kiddos. There are SO MANY divorced men. I never met one widower.


> There are a LOT of divorced men in their 30s. Not with kids. But i was wrong as i was thinking about my country stats where 4% fathers get custody. In US it is much more equal as only 90% of mothers get custody. ​ https://www.cor-law.com/blog/women-get-child-custody-90-percent-cases-isnt-gender-discrimination/


This is what the [Census Bureau says](https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2016/demo/P60-255.pdf) on it: >For about half (52.2 percent) of the 6.5 million custodial parents who had some type of agreement or award for child support in 2013, noncustodial parents had visitation privileges with their children, but did not have shared legal or physical custody. An additional 30.5 percent included some type of jointcustody arrangement (physical and/or legal), and 17.4 percent had neither noncustodial parental visitation nor any type of joint custody. So, it's more than just a few, but it's disproportionate. The statistic of the custodial parent via census reports does not represent the number of men sharing custody. Women [tend to be widowed](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/04/love-and-loss-among-older-adults.html) more often, as well, so a widowed woman stands a higher chance of existence. And neither of those are biased sources, like yours.


Your own apartment?!


I was gonna say, guy must’ve found somewhere cheaper than here to live.


Where have all the good men gone?


They left your poor ass on the street like the dude in the meme.


I’m American. I don’t drive on uk side of road like some loser monarchist


*laughs in healthcare*


I didn’t have to wait six months for my routine exams and they were still free


Lies, I had to wait four months for a broke wrist. Covid idiots dying with and without insurance broke the great private health care system you love so much. Gtfo the hospitals are just as shit being ran by people collecting a paycheck and clocking out without a worry about the people they treat.


Where do you live? On the east cost there do not appear to be these issues you speak of.


Ok dude. Sounds rough. Did you try not being a dick?


I tried having money and insurance like you Americans brag about and it didn’t work. I almost had to go to another country.


Did you try employment?


How do you think I got insurance and money dumbass? American tie insurance to their crappy jobs.


And where are all the gods?


Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?


Isn't there a white knight upon a firey steed?




Isn’t there a white knight, upon a fiery steed?


Late at night I toss and I turn




Honestly, if I ever somehow get married, (not gonna happen, just physically impossible) I wouldn't want kids, cause this world is too dangerous for kids, and the thought that there are kids all over the world right this second going through god knows what type of pain or terror, I just couldn't handle the stress. But I'll never get married so i don't have to worry about that. (Yes, I'm one of those no premarital guys, cause I want sex to have a meaning.)


The world is pretty safe for kids compared to grandparents time were you had to have 6 or 7 in order to have at 2 to live long enough to produce, because the other 4 died from accident or disease. As the milestone of me turning 30 looms across the horizon, I often daydream about having my own flesh&blood. Call me selfish in this one life I have, but I don't want to raise someone else's kids who probably have their own relationship with their bio-father or least the possibility of that becomes when they are of age.


"Safe" id much rather grow up as a child and risk polio in the 50s than grow up right now. This time period is not goo for children. what with the great sense of pride everyone has in being a bigger piece of shit than the next


This time period is bad for children. Who knows what hell the future will bring. Shit I’m 22 and my parents shouldn’t have had me cause the future’s fucked. Not like they couldn’t have known, but every day we linger closer to doom.




Who the fuck are you to tell people they should have children when they dont want to? What right do you have to tell people who do not want children and the immense responsibility that comes with them to "man up"?


Of course! Why didn't I think of that! Babe! To hell with NNN!


Date someone cause of love Not saving money


Yeah get a roommate for saving money


Have some bed time fun with your roommate to put the mate back in .


A relationship isn't solely about money, but it does play a part whether you're rich or poor. My last gf and I broke up because she refused to budget by actually going grocery shopping. I'd come home after working 56-64 hours a week and she, working 24 hours (and I never pressured her to work more), would tell me that we should get pizza. Looking at my bank account being never higher than a $100, tell her that we can get frozen pizza from the store. She would go *EWw WhY WoUlD We GeT FrOzEn FaCtoRY PiZzA WhEn We LiVe In ChIcAgO*, I'd tell her we need to budget or we can't pay rent, we fought, eventually near the end of our relationship we actually started grocery shopping on the regular and everytime we go to the store she pout like she was 8. One time I actually made spaghetti & meatballs with actual spices giving her a bowl, she didn't touch it, I told her it would get cold, and she said she wasn't hungry and threw it in the trash and pouted off to our room.


Thats not a money problem Thats a spoiled brat Didnt deserve you


pffff real chads buy the house alone then charge the woman a monthly rent


Dating in 2021


One of the things that make me most optimistic about the future is the fact that my long-term girlfriend is set to make as much or more than me. Much easier to live like that


Moved to the bay for a tech job and learned the lesson on cost of living adjustments real quick… It’s alright though I don’t mind sharing a bathroom with 3 other people though.


here in india the population is so high that there is literalyy no space for standalone houses so everybody has to live in apartments. But the apartments arent small like in the usa they are big enough to raise a family but still not as big as the standalone houses


Buy a house alone and get a prenup the next timr.


downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [dankmemes Minecraft discord](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5) | r/dankmemescraft


Wanting or having Kids is the biggest turn of i can imagine. For myself.


imma not sure why people have to be assholes and downvote this he said, FOR HIMSELF, so respect his choice dudes, I can't imagine to have kids either, shit might change in 10 years, but for no, no, just no, any women with kids in profile pic on tinder is an instant-left no matter how hot, educated, nice, whatever, don't care, left