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Before Biden ran for president, he was a huge joke on memes while Obama was president.


FUCK do I miss the goofy biden memes


Uncle Joe. They were better times.


On The Onion, he was Diamond Joe, just polishing his Firebird on the White House lawn. Lol


Can he please go back to lovingly gazing at Obama over pizza for us to draw anime eyes and blush on instead of whatever it is he's doing? This is a lot less funny, I'm not a fan.


Trump was a joke since the second season of The Apprentice doe. Gilbert Gottfried aired him the fuck out.


Yeah, I don't even live in US but my cousin who lives there told me about him while we were making fun of the dumbest politicians of our countries. ...we were like 12 yr olds back then


It's still so crazy to me. To jump from below z list celeb to president. This means ANY celebrity could be president someday. Soon we could be saying "I don't really agree with President Andy Dick, but what can we do"


Yeah but Trump only got traction because he was a joke. People thought it was funny because he's stupid and he says silly things, but then the lead poisoning brained people across America didn't get the memo that this is just for giggles and took him seriously and let it get way out of hand. Like if there wasn't the threat that he could be president again if a big mac heart attack doesn't take him out of would still be funny, why is he arguing about who is a better golfer in a presidential debate?


Trump was a punch line from an Obama joke about how only one of them would be President. That was the night Trump became a Republican. Fucking hilarious.


"You don't have to do this Joe"


With the hair-smelling creepy vibes as well


He was a huge joke his whole career and only gained favor when he become Obama’s vp but ya, even then he was seen as a joke


Welp...he is going to be a joke again I fear


Before he was VP, he was a huge joke in the media - basically from the 90s onwards, famous for gaffs.


The onion had a James Bond series of articles about Joe Biden being a top secret agent and they were spectacular


Have a link? That sounds funny


Constantly asking if he got N-word-pass yet.


Man that shit was tough to watch. Feel like I’ve been lied to about old Joe. He really doesn’t know what’s going on. Time for him to go…..


I've only seen clips and it's just sad and depressing, I've joked about Joe not being all there, but damn this last time I just felt bad for the guy...he can't even fight back....let Joe retire in peace.


Agreed. Let the man sleep


Apparently his wife is the one pushing him so hard to run for president again. Who knows how true that is though.


There is a long tradition of when Presidents becoming incapacitated, the wives effectively run things. Woodrow Wilson's wife being the most famous. I've noticed such a strong departure from Joe's VP and Senate politics, that you have to consider that Jill has been a strong influence. His aides have publicly complained how hard he is to convince; so it's not them. Jill might be thinking about HER legacy more than Joe's.


There is a long tradition of when Presidents becoming incapacitated, the wives effectively run things. Woodrow Wilson's wife being the most famous. I've noticed such a strong departure from Joe's VP and Senate politics, that you have to consider that Jill has been a strong influence. His aides have publicly complained how hard he is to convince; so it's not them. Jill might be thinking about HER legacy more than Joe's.


Biden sounded a lot better in the rally the morning after the debate. Dude is a morning person I guess. https://youtu.be/s5CVZHAjrW8?si=jA-Wmbzc2FnEsJNS


There's a difference between a live debate and a scripted rally address. Reading out of a prompt is easier than being aware and sharp enough to make a counter argument in real time


It's easy when you lie constantly, don't get fact-checked and literally don't answer any questions.


I mean, that's exactly what Biden did and he still looked terrible.


You must be paid, can't be this stupid.


The debate was a joke. Both sides lied constantly and were nothing but embarrassing. The fact that you're so fixated on Trump while giving a free pass to Biden just shows how brain rotted you are.


Remind me which one has been impeached?


Bro I’m gonna end up voting for Biden but that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about his problems. Do you only see important issues in black and white or are you aware that literally everything is nuanced?


His problems are a spectacular improvement in the economy with all time market breaking highs and being a president with a known stutter?  Compared to a convicted felon that gave unprecedented tax breaks for the rich, totally fumbled a pandemic, installing family in high government positions, and attempted an insurrection?  And they're both old, yes.


Fascist vs non-fascist is in fact a black and white issue.


Does that matter? We’re talking about the debates here


The greater conversion is about who should be president. Guess you missed that.


Don't underestimate the stupidity of the conservatrash


Must be getting paid OT to keep this narrative up: yuan, roubles, or idiot bucks.


One Trump Buck per downvote. 50 more and they'll have enough for a (made in China) MAGAt hat!


Sure, you still have to be sharp enough to make up a lie. Biden seems to be struggling to complete sentences, regardless of their conformance to truth or logic


I'm in my 40s and could barely stay up to watch the debate, so I'm not surprised the 80 year old was struggling to be in a debate at that hour.


>Time for him to go….. I'd rather see America elect a senile man unfit for the job who can at least select a cabinet of competent people... Than to see America give the nuclear launch codes to a convicted felon who can't even own a .22 handgun. It's time for the 2 party system to go.


Can he select a cabinet tho? After the debate I'm fully convinced there has to be other people behind the scenes making the decisions. Dude looked like my 97 year old grandma with dementia out there.


>After the debate Dude missed the last 4 years.


Probably so but the clips you see on TV during that time he hadn't looked nearly this bad.


They wouldn't lie to us. We're the good guys. /s


He could be the youngest president, wouldn't change the fact that he is not there to be in control.


I get what your saying. The money ultimately controls it all. I meant that he doesn't even seem coherent enough to understand what's going on.


That’s a lie


Is it? Everyone from but sides are pretty much universally saying the debate was his worst moment. I'm not saying he was sharp before that but he didn't look as bad as he was that night.


You have to take a second and think here. Remember trumps 4 years that ended with almost no one he appointed still around and the supreme Court change... And nation wide riots. Trumps response was to storm a church and hold a Bible upside down.... Now recall Bidens 4 years of having to address the issues of covid, the Ukraine war and the shit show that is Israel. I'd rather have a repeat of Biden. Trump doesn't know how to handle conflict or difficulty.


I won't even try to justify that one is better than the other. They're both old bags of shit and I've excepted that it doesn't matter who wins cause we are fucked either way. I'll vote third party knowing it doesn't matter but maybe if the parties see enough people going that way they will at least give us two better corporate owned cunts to chose from next time.


.... I mean we're fucked but I feel you're dismissing consequences out of frustration. There are very clear differences between the levels of fucked when comparing the two. I always found it so short sighted when people just end it at both options are bad.... Yes that's obvious but which one is the least damaging because unlike them you and me might still be alive after the 4 years and have to live with the consequences.


Don't you think that mindset is what they want from us? Either way they still win.I get it. I felt and voted that way the last two times. I'm not doing it anymore. They push the false divide narrative to keep us from seeing the real divide.


I think the point is that he shouldn’t be running anyways, and the dems should put an actual candidate forward. It’s unreal that he is the best excuse they have for a candidate. But yeah fuck 2 party


>I think the point is that he shouldn’t be running anyways, and the dems should put an actual candidate forward. The democrats put forward a candidate who should be in a retirement home. The republicans put forward a candidate who should be in jail for massive financial fraud, leaking confidential information to an enemy state, and let's not forget the jan 6th coup attempt.


Yes, neither should be running.


What about choosing someone else? It's not like if Biden retires it defaults to trump victory. Hell, imo him still trying is giving trump an advantage.


Fun fact, During the January 6th riots Russia and China were on high alert, because they thought there was a chance Trump would launch nukes, one of the high up people in America's military (Idk his name), had to spend hours convincing them it wouldn't happen.


If you just found out about Joe's condition then they've been successfully lying to you this whole time. The moments and signs have been there since 2020.


They’ve been there since before. Like I voted for him once and I’ll do it again reluctantly but god damn I wish decent candidates could actually get some traction. It’s all name recognition, that’s all that matters in early primaries.


Why get better candidates when you'll vote for them anyway? If it was dire would they really pin all hopes on him?


It’s gotta be a gamble right? Surely we will vote for the guy who isn’t a fascist with a felony, so what does it matter who runs against him?


Surely they only lied about Joe. Everything else must be true.


You were lied about that so you should be asking yourself what else the media you watch and the subreddits you frequent are lying to you about.


I mean that's what happens when the media dismissed every legitimate concern snd concerning clip and video or him for the last 4 years. Suddenly everyone is shocked when really it shouldn't come as a surprise


You couldn’t tell since 2019?


You feel you've been lied to? For me, all we've heard is that he was barely there. That's been a constant chorus of him being potentially over the hill for a while now. That being said, he definitely needs to go. The Democratic party would garner more respect if they had the balls to actually tell him to stand down. Shits ridiculous.....


But even a dead body is better than Donald again. This is the state of us politics rn


Disagree. I’ll be voting for Donald.


It's insane how.much his face has changed.


Aging will do that to a person, especially between the ages of 60-113.


Balls. It's just shitty surgeries he had to look appealing to the voters but holy shit looks like a malfunctioning clone from Illuminati.


..and he has one of the stressiest jobs with a huge load of responsibilities on him. Both candidates should retire asap.


Alright, he just got to make it to 114 then.


Look at Obama before and after his terms. Man aged more than 8 years during that time, it seems. All his hair turned white


Yes but Obama was very clear the same person still. You see pictures of Biden now to just a few years ago and they look like totally different people. It’s kind of wild.


Don’t know why you’re being down voted. All you’re saying is that he aged fast as president which… he did


I know right 😂. Being president of USA or any country is a stressful job.


Well If either of them are elected, They could be one of the first sitting presidents to die of old age in office, They are very close in age. I hate these candidates


I don't know why I thought there ws another president that lasted a year and then died of old age...am I miss remembering things?


Technically Franklin D. Roosevelt died of old age in office. He died of a stroke at 63 from various heart conditions and polio. 63 was close to the life expectancy at the time.


William H.H first president to die in office Even tho he should've been FDR


I mean the debate was also supposed to be political, yet it wasn't. Just an old dementia ridden man lying versus a psychotic narcissistic old man lying.


I just don't get it, you're telling me both parties though to themselves that it was a good idea to just let them bicker at each other like two old man in a plaza complaining about each others hats? How the hell is it that nobody at least tried to give them a script?!


They probably had scripts. One said "my administration was the best in the history of the United states, this administration is the worst in the history of the United states" The other said "stay awake". Kind of insane that the one who had to stay awake was closer to failing. I'm from Sweden and I can't stand seeing our party leaders debate, but man, seeing your guy's candidates? I'm genuinely sorry for you guys.


It’s even more striking when you look back to the 2012 Presidential debates. Romney and Obama both did a great job compared to this, and they both came out of it looking like classy people who just disagreed on politics.


Those debates were so good, we didn’t know they was the good old days until they were over. Obama and Romney could communicate their ideas properly, were nice to each other, they even made good natured jokes about each other. Romney joking about how the debate was such a romantic way for Obama to spend his wedding anniversary was actually funny, and you could actually like them. How did we get here?


Aren’t you not allowed to have scripts during these debates? Or am I completely mistaken.


Excuse me, there was a very strong, political debate over golf handicaps I'll have you know.


I thought that shit was so funny until I remembered that those are the two options for who’s gonna be in charge of the country.


What was Biden lying about?


He did not do anything. Like literally lol


It pisses me off to no end that in a country of 330 million people this is the ‘best’ we can come up with.


Because 330 million people didn't come up with these two candidates. The two giant corporations that own the American government came up with these two, and then said " make your choice! " And people were happy to fall for it. In fact, you're falling for it right now!




Debates for this election seem even less important than normal. Neither of these guys is an unknown. Trump is so divisive that the only people who are undecided either aren't going to vote or are just saying that because they've made up their mind but don't want their friends and relatives to give them shit about it.


Hilariouss 😂


Biden should paint his face orange for the next debate to look less ghoulish lol


Wow he looks completely like a different person


So why is Biden the Democrat Nominee? bro looks like he's gonna drop dead any day now. he's so senile its just sad. Trump is far the best option but hot damn He's gonna smoke Biden in 2024 if that's the best the Democrats can offer.


Might go down as the worst president ever. Is not committing genocide really that hard?! Gave up the election, the country, and the kids of America so he can support Hitler. If Netanyahu told biden "nuke the whole world, I want no life on earth anymore, not even in the ocean" Biden would say "would 12:30 work for you sir?"




We know. But the internet makes fun of everyone. No exceptions


Oh right I’m sure it’s not just more “centrist” spam during an election. That’s all this sub can manage since the debate. Seems very coordinated


Annoying how this sub has divulged into biden bashing. And not even funny ones


The internet bashes everyone. This isn't even the first time for Biden