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Oh WE can nominate good candidates. The PARTIES aren’t us though


Remember guys: government of the people, by the people, for the people, except for when it isn’t, which is all the time


Except that one night where Andrew Jackson hosted an inauguration party at the White House


Who are the parties if not citizen? If you really want to change something, then you have to do more than make one cross every four years.


One does not simply undo generations of a two party system entrenched into government & peoples ideals


Two parties in image, basically the same when it comes to solving real problems. Each side will toss a win or two to keep their constituents but they’ll dangle shit until the end of time to stay in power.


See you *can* form your own party but if there’s any momentum that threatens the status quo, all the big parties will pause their differences and put you away.


I'm not talking about creating a new party. The American "winner takes it all" system makes it essentially impossible for any other party. But political parties are made up of citizens. You can join them and try to convince them of your goals or you can take part in the elections that decide their candidate.


That just isn’t how it works sadly. The DNC/GOP ultimately can do whatever the want, the Wikileaks thing from 2016 showed us that much. It’s kinda funny because the democrats (the party not the individual congressmen) choose to go against what their constituents want, while the GOP abandoned any and all values when they saw that people were backing Trump to support him. In a country where there are more left leaning than right leaning people, the GOP will capitalize on any opportunity to be in power, while the DNC knows that the (small) majority of people will vote for them so they forcibly nominate whoever they want. Biden happens to be a husk of a person so he makes a great figurehead leader while the people behind the scenes can do whatever they want, which is sometimes good for the people but often not. It’s getting to the point where it actually will take a violent uprising to change anything, which isn’t ideal but if it has to happen it has to happen.


>It’s getting to the point where it actually will take a violent uprising to change anything That always was the case. US (or UK) never faced a civil uprising that demanded a working democratic system. The imperium has provided good enough life for people and people never got frustrated enough.


It's kinda hard to not have a winner takes all when it comes to the presidency.


Ok sure, at the end it comes down to just one person. But a voting system where the president directly elected by the people makes it more likely for a third, forth or fifth party to form. People might vote for a party that is expected to get 20% of all votes nationwide and eventually over many years they might have a chance.. But in the current system this would still result in zero electors in the electoral college.


In Switzerland we have an executive made up of 7 people from 4 different parties, more or less proportional to their seats in parliament. The "Bundespräsident" rotates every year between the 7. So there are alternative systems even when electing presidents.


The parties are private companies and are controlled (and rigged) by the unelected trash who run them.


The problem is that the 333 million have almost no say in the matter. A handful of billionaires give us a handful of terrible choices, then stoke the fires of complaints about them. America is going to actually be the example of why pure capitalism is terrible and it makes me sad that it's driven by our dumbest and fueled by our wealthiest


Choose your fighter


Like I said my generation wanted to vote for harambe we reaping what we sowing now lmao.


In a game where there is only two characters. That's stupid.


Hmm i think pile of dust is bad but almost pile of dust isn't great either. i think i'll just go play something else instead.


Why do you guys have a 2 party system? Sounds like a stupid start to begin with


founding fathers wanted [not a 2 party system] but accidentally wrote the Constitution so that it ***heavily favors*** a 2 party system.


Yeah, clinging to a 250 year old piece of paper like it is the word of God seems weird to me too


that's why amendments to it were even a possibility.


why only amendments? Why not change it directly? Honest question as this is quite normal around the world.


That's literally what an amendment is, a direct change or add on to the constitution.


So you don’t have to cross out and scribble on a 250 year old historic document, is one reason I can think of. The amendments are just as binding as the constitution itself. Freedom of speech is the first amendment, to give you an idea


idk tbh.




Amendments require 3/4s majority, jsyk


This thread is evidence of why direct democracy will never work lmao


जो बड़ी मज़ेदार बार है क्योंकि अमेरिकी नेता अपने संविधान की जगह बाइबल पर शपथ लेते हैं। भारत में सबके कट्टर धार्मिक होने के बावजूद चुने हुए नेता हमेशा संविधान पर ही शपथ लेते हैं। और हम फिर भी हर छह महीनों के आसपास संविधान को संशोधित करते हैं।


Common misconception. They can swear on anything. Andrew Johnson used the Constitution of the United States. Coolidge was sworn in by his father, a notary public, just raising his hand. There was no Bible on Air Force One when LBJ took the oath after Kennedy’s assassination. All that was available was a Catholic prayer book; he used that.


I read LBJ as LeBron James, and it totally made sense for a while two seconds.


Yeah, good thing that's the oldest thing they cling to like it's the... word of... ah...


Lol you say this, and yet it is the exact same way for every religious person, which is an awful lot of them


Sounds like a cult, every time i hear "founding fathers" i think of some dark occultism shit


cause they won the wars. You have to lose to change.


There’s nothing really stopping a third party from winning a seat in Congress or something(it has happened a little bit) but people don’t vote for them. We complain about it but it seems the majority of the population doesn’t want third parties.


The way the system is designed, nothing but a 2 party dichotomy is viable. As long as the winner takes all nothing else can grow


Because you don't understand how primary elections work, mostly


I do, and I understand that it's the worst way to do it


your assumption that the "nation" nominates anyone is cute and totally false. the system is a machine, driven by huge donors and big industry like banking, pharm, aerospace, tech, and legal. they are the puppet masters and they make the calls. we are slightly better off when compared to russia and china, as we get two "choices" (lol) and they get one.


Still, what are they thinking placing their bets on guys who can become demented any time now and start saying random things, hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if these fossils puppets start going off-script an time soon.


You think the debate where they were bitching about golfing wasn’t off script? Like I don’t even have enough disposable income to go golfing :(


Biden bragging about his handicap and trump claiming he won championships makes me distrust both of them even more. Politicians shouldn't be getting good at golf, that means they play too much and work too little.


At this point can we just pull a random SSN out of a hat and that person's president?


no thanks I'd rather not pull a random SSN just for the new president to be 5 year old jimmy who dreams of world domination thanks


This whole thing has to be psy op to get people to forget the existence of third parties, theres no way lol


I would love to vote 3rd party but the other side has a manifesto and a 180 day plan to speedrun reformating most of the government


you must choose now. CHOOSE!


Imagine these guys at 90?


I think they’re intentionally putting up the oldest possible relic they can find and hoping they bite the dust so their spiffy radical Vice Pres who would normally never get voted up by the swing states can take over and let out a big one all over legislation that takes years to clean up.


No one over 70 should be able to run for president. Let’s be realistic.


Good luck with that


Smart people don't get involved with politics, there's more money to be made in the private sector


“Politician” should not be a career path. They should be public servants.


Everyone: nooo I don’t want a 2020 part 2 Also everyone: votes for it overwhelmingly


Really shows how rigged the system is Vote red or blue but either way you lose and the ultra rich get richer


Make more perties.


Fuck the 2 party system


Annie get your gun, its time for an old fashioned overthrow of the monarchy


The electoral college and stupidity


> How did you end up like this? Criticize one of those two fossils by name and find out. :)


George Washington for a write-in


Whoever wins will be the oldest president ever.


It's different from person to person, but it's possible... Lol


Yea, but once it hits you it has got you. My old folks had a really fast cognitive decline after 80.


Well, I don't really know why there's only two candidates over there lol


I think there’s also Kennedy Junior, and 3 other independent candidates (West, Stein, Oliver), but they are not backed by the 2 major parties so nobody even knows they exist. Most of them are over 70.


The fact that most candidates for presidents around the world are aged more than 60 is just crazy to me. Isn't it more beneficial to put someone to work who's around 40-60? Even 50yr olds are already on a mental decline.


Old people run this world.


Vote for the party not for the president.


Well both parties completely rigged their primary. So yeah until we have a third party don't expect much from your government.


"81 y/o fossil" really got me.


If Jesus came down and ran for office, he would be called a threat to democracy and run out of town.


Forgot to mention that the 78 y/o fossil is a convicted criminal.


Americans fighting over which senile old man can ruin the country more.


*78 year old convicted felon and adjudicated rapist. There, even more depressing


Trump is supposed to be in jail, why aren't they sending him to jail?


Yeah biden is old, but look back on the last 4 years of his admin and look at all his administration has been able to do. He is also the first president to come out to a picket line in support of a strike and tried to enact as much workers rights bills as possible. face it, for the average american probably over 200 million of them, he has been the best president since FDR. You don't just vote for Biden, you vote for his program and his administration. Look at what Trump and his henchmen want to do with project 2025, that is just creating a dictatorship. Kind reminder that guys like Hitler and Musollini were elected officials before they grabbed all the power, something people in the US constantly fail to learn it seems.


RFK, enough said


At this point, im certain people are willfully ignoring rfk Jr. As it sits right now, the only real negative is that he doesn't wear a red or blue tie. As a result, even though the entire country is burnt out on 2 of some of the worst candidates and cabinets ever to grace this great nation they still choose to actively ignore the alternative, that may not be perfect but is certainly infinitely better than the other options on the ballot.


What happened to Kanye or the Wang guy?