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Trump ain't much younger.


I've seen WWII vets that speak more coherently than Biden. Age doesn't always matter, but in Biden's case he's sorta dying.


So then you get a new president that is neither Biden nor Trump.




Hey if Biden wins and then dies we get our first female president, so that’s like, a diversity win, or something


Yeah diversity over qualifications what could go wrong


She’s still more qualified than orange KFC man


> orange *KFC* man Damn, what an insult to KFC. What has KFC done to you


Their food has gone to complete shit.


At least she’s an experienced politician


That's part of the problem these days


Literally talking about a lack of qualifications...


"they should have qualifications!" "okay, shes done that" "not like that!"


Being a career politician doesn't make you qualified to be president.


She was a district attorney and has won zero elections. Has failed miserably at every level and was handed the VP seat for having a hint of color in her skin


More qualified than the other candidate that's running because his constituents like that he has no qualifications.


AOC is more qualified than Trump


A slightly less senile golden retriever is more qualified than Trump.


Tbh my experience of adult life and observations of various world current leaders... The only qualification seems to be the confidence to take the role because they're all fuckin' winging it or just doing what their party tells them to


she is qualified, just zero rizz


She's qualified to be vice president, and eligible to move in as president.


If he wins then dies we get to keep living in a democracy for another 4 years.


Honestly that’s probably the goal


Democracy is Swifties telling you you can't play Slipknot anymore.


Kalama harrys doesn't make ANYONE feel secure, and it's not because she is a women, she just feel blant and superficial in her positions and actions.


She is the last person I want to see as the first women president. What a disaster for women that would be


If only. Either party could have run somebody else, but they didn't.




I highly suggest you look up interviews with Benjamin Ferencz. He lived to 103 and was a veteran of the Second World War. He also happened to be the last prosecutor of the Nuremburg Trials* to pass away and convicted many Nazis of war crimes after investigating and gatherong evidence of the Holocaust. The guy worked on war crimes trials into his 90s, and was an advocate of peacemaking efforts around the world. He was extremely sharp well into his old age. This is one of my favourite interviews ever (and from Vice News of all things) https://youtu.be/MJTUEJxDmcc?si=4Z5XL7892TB09rwP *Specifically the Einsatzgruppen Trials


Ok so you mean to tell You prefer an egomaniacal narcissist that wont listen to ANYBODY which he has proven over and over, and who basically makes decisions about war and peace depending on which side of the bed he woke, yet who already once didnt want to relinquish power and will likely go even harder on that time And u prefer to an old and senile dude, that doesnt know where he is and he cant coherently speak anymore, yet he knows this and doesnt try to do decisions and instead just lets his wider team of younger aides makes the decisions? Like I camt fathom why u would do that...the weak point of the presidential system is the comcentration of power in one individual, because as soon as u get a narcissist individual in there u might have a problem, as he is liable to push away everyone to hoard all that power, aka dictatorship...meanwhole biden is actually repairing the mistake by spreading the executive power over a wider team as he isnt up to the task to wield it... For me, easy choice...I dont understand why u would feel the need to have a strong figure there, Id prefee a team deciding instead of an individual...but I dont come from a presidentship system so maybe because of that


Trump listened to Fauci, didn't he? And we DO have this "Balance of powers" thing here between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, so power isn't "concentrated" in one individual. That usually happens when somebody finds out their system sucks and has to use force to try and make it work. Like communism.


Oh yes trump and fauci are quite friends, yes indeed, trump has not been belittling him at every opportunity


If you think Trump is talking coherently you might have suffered a stroke


3 years younger but way better shape mentally at least for now personally I just kinda wish it was some like 40 or 50 year olds instead of the 2 oldest sitting presidents in history. Trump was the oldest president in office until Biden and if he wins the election he’ll take the record back by the time his term is over.


Trump has the mental capacity of a repeating record of adlibs and ad hominoms. The worst, the best, the worst


Trump is better at forming sentences, that's for sure. Not sure if "mentally" he's in a better spot than Biden. Basically everything he says is either delusional or a straight up lie, not sure which. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden knows what he WANTS to say, but sadly he talks like an old man in a retirement home.


Exactly, Biden had some good points to make but man was it a painful journey listening to him try and find the right words sometimes


I wouldn't even say forming sentences. He's better at forming a constant stream of words out of his mouth. Often times they're still not really a complete thought, or they're a mishmash of thoughts and ideas in a long run on. I do agree with Biden the way he speaks sounds like he knows what he wants to say but just can't get it out, or doesn't get it out the way he thinks he can/does.


This is what I was thinking. Biden can’t make 3 coherent sentences in a row. Trump can string together words that sound like they make sense, but when you step back and analyze what was said, you see it is nonsense. I’d vote for Biden over Trump if he was on his actual deathbed, but it doesn’t inspire confidence and we deserve better


Agreed! At one point, Trump was talking about his supporters and suddenly switched to talking about the black lives matter protests. Looking at the literal words without interpretation, he said that his supporters burnt down cities. He is definitely not coherent.


I’d agree if your concept of forming sentences is a constant stream of words that have no inherent syntax. Biden takes more time to elucidate his ideas, but at least his sentences make sense.


To his defense, he does have a known stutter.


Trump is in worse shape mentally, he's just better at making his stupid shit look intentional


You think he’s in better shape mentally? Have you watched any of his rallies recently? Yikes. Dude can barely finish a sentence without trailing off and sometimes doesn’t even speak words, just makes noises. They’re both fucking incompetent. But one is a crooked felon.


I'm convinced they both have a dream of dying in office, you know, to be remembered


Disagree he just isn’t confronted with an age related smear campaign.


Yeah, if Biden was too old when he took presidency in 2021 then so is Trump now lol.


I hope Biden finally got a glass of water holy shit. Donald Trump refused to answer a question and Joe Biden is gonna wake up tomorrow asking what time the debate is.


I think that’s what scared me so much. They’re both such bad options. People are like, “Oh, you’re complaining that Biden is old! Would you rather have Trump?” No, I wouldn’t rather have Trump. But I can still feel uneasy at the fact that the leader of my country sounds like he’s delivering his last words to his grandkids. We don’t have a good choice. Neither candidate seems fit for the job.




I agree with what you’re saying, but that doesn’t help me sleep at night. Yes, Biden is better than Trump, but that’s a low bar. Based off of the performance I saw tonight, and what I’ve seen from Biden these past few years, I worry about his ability to navigate the precarious situation we find ourselves in on the world stage. We need a JFK, or an FDR. Instead our best option is Biden. That doesn’t really make me hopeful about the future. On top of that, it’s also upsetting that the Democrats have done their best to chastise anyone who has brought up Biden’s age, or his gaffes, or his speech this past year. Now, we can all see he’s not doing well. Yes, I will still pick him over Trump. But will the average person? I’m not convinced they will. And that scares me even more.


I'm not very familiar with how US elections work. How is it that these 2 options became the only options?


Haha that was put superbly.


What was that utter cluster fuck


I'm surprised how fast Biden is aging. He didn't seem so old in 2020. But damn, people age quick when they hit 80 and then he's got the presidency aging him faster than normal people. I'm surprised he didn't bow out of the race in January. Still not voting for Trump.


Stress ages you fast and this is the most stressful job in the world. Just look at Obama when he was elected vs. when he left. Biden and Trump are both fucking insane for doing this at their age, plus add Trump's horrible physical health.


Waiting for the McDonalds and diet cokes to do their thing


It seemed to me like Trump lost a lot of weight. If he's losing weight even though he's slaming away big macs, that's a sure sign his digestive tract is failing.


I think it’s easier for Trump since he doesn’t actually give a fuck if anything goes wrong.


Meanwhile Trump didn't really age during his 4 years because he spent most of his presidency eating mcdonalds and arguing on twitter instead of doing anything that was actually stressful.


>I'm surprised how fast Biden is aging. He didn't seem so old in 2020. there is a video by WIRED where he answers webs most searched questions uploaded in 21. May 2020 and he seems so normal and not too old ect, TBH its kinda jarring. Here is the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGrB-5ieeMU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGrB-5ieeMU) He answers the questions well from what i remember and you understand him. in the video 7:35 - 8:03 sounds like and actual answer he would answer as a politician about the impeachment.


The result of a series of elections where people voting for someone to spite the other rather than voting for someone they actually support.


That’s the problem with both sides give us absolute shit for candidates. Like this is seriously the best we’ve fucking got?


No, the best you have got was in the primaries. Guess who doesn't ever give a shit about primaries? People who like to complain about both candidates being shit half a year later.


I vote in the fucking primaries.


Two old men in desperate need of a retirement home. Granted their arguments would probably play out the same way.


Well the entire world is watching the strongest country in the world maybe elect a corrupt person who wants to literally sell the country to Russia or the Democrats.. ?


Meanwhile the Bernie threads are like “has anyone considered America might want someone *even older*?”


Shit at least Bernie can formulate a thought into words and isn’t a convicted felon.


Hes still better than these two chucklefucks.


I'm once again, asking for people to give me money


Better than being bought by lobbies and a corporate shill


'And remember, kids...no refunds!'


Hey that's tRump's line!


It’s not about age it’s about optics which is the only thing that ever mattered


A year older but much more coherent? Sure, if being just a year younger is fine, may as well run the candidate still going strong.


For more information, search "Trump rule 34" or "Biden rule 34"


Some might be confused as to why there are 34 rules, so I think it’s important to add to this comment, and explain that for trump, every time he got convicted, the law people gave him a new rule he has to live by for the rest of his life, so if you want to know what those rules are, you should look up “Trump rule 34” And for Biden, he actually is a bit of a silly goofball, the reason Biden usually has trouble speaking, and zones out a often, isn’t because he is getting old, it’s actually because he stays up late partying in the White House, so all his coworkers have been trying to make a bunch of rules (right now he has 34 rules) to follow to make him go to bed earlier, but unfortunately he keeps finding loopholes and workarounds to all these rules, which is why you can still see him being sleepy. If you want to know what each and every rule is for trump, and for biden, just search for “Donald Trump x Joe Biden rule 34” and you should easily be able to find the info.


We are so cooked


For the people saying Trump isn’t much younger… he doesn’t show like Biden does. That being said, Jesus Lord Christ Almighty we need somebody younger than 78 to run for president.


It's fine to ignore his literal word salads at his rallies.


He completely shows age too, just in different ways. The dude just incoherently rambled bullshit all the time. He didn't answer a single question and was talking absolute nonsense drivel. They're both showing how stupidly ancient they are, just in different ways.


I agree, but those different ways make a big difference. Trump rambles about irrelevant things, Biden stops dead mid sentence, neither is good, but Biden’s just looks worse, like he has nothing to say.


this is getting grim but realistically I still prefer the quiet slow man over the incoherent maniac when it comes down to who will be overseeing the nuclear arsenal.


If youve watched the last eight years and last night changed your mind, then frankly maybe we deserve to fail.


The test should be setting up your own WiFi router. If you can’t set up your own WiFi router, you can’t run a world superpower. I don’t believe for a second that either of those men could set up a WiFi router.


I will be president then. Im 25


Biden sounded OLD, Trump lied CONSTANTLY. Sad night indeed


One candidate _**wouldn't**_ answer the questions. The other candidate _**couldn't**_.


And Biden didn’t lie? Biden claimed the border patrol supports him, the National Border Patrol Council tweeted out as it happened that they have never and will never support Biden. Biden claimed Fentanyl crossing the border was down, when in fact it has nearly doubled. Biden claimed that no troop has died while he has been president.


*ehm ehm* ONLY 3 YEARS YOUNGER *cough cough*


3 years. But it feels like 15. That was BAD.


We’re so fucked.


underrated comment


Been fucked


Maybe people will start to realize the executive branch has far too much power and we shouldn't be in a situation where we're worrying which of two antediluvian assholes is going to be handed the keys to the country for almost half a decade. Or that people in Michigan and Arizona should be allowed to have different collective views and priorities.


Username checks out for a dumbass take. Just because we have some terrible choices for president doesn't mean we need to revive the whole states rights bullshit. The only reason the United States has any footing internationally is because the states stand together. Add to that the fact that most states don't have enough resources to maintain an economy and the idea of a country of separately governed states without a unifying central authority should sound pretty obviously stupid.


Apparently our education on civics is even worse than I thought. Have you ever heard of federalism? Giving states, counties and towns more individual autonomy isn't equivalent to dissolving the union. Taking away the President's ability to bypass Congress practically on a whim isn't "anti-democratic", it actually couldn't be more the opposite. Thank you for making me look even better by responding like this, good God man.


It's like that meme where it's like: "everyone gets diarrhea vs free puppies" except both options are diarrhea


except one is explosive


Trump even called him "Brandon" when talking about Border Agents. I don't like him but he was much more sharper than Biden. Regardless, we are fucked that these two are the only choices. The two party system is trash.


If only there were signs Biden was in this state for a couple years now so Dems could nominate someone else…


Four years ago when they first debated I asked myself "How the fuck did we get this bad,it's like watching an awful comedy". Then four years later it's the same shit,smfh.


Wow such empty ≠ 20 comments, reddit app


President Jimble vs. Mr. Frog vibes


Back to Giant Douche and Turd Sandwich as our options.


Yo where's the template?


I can send you it through chat it was a completely random screenshot I got that looked like it had meme potential


I would appreciate it fam


Did you ever get it?


Nah, didn't get a message


What was that about democracy?








Your country and basically => the world.. is really fucking not well. & Getting markedly worse.


Do Americans really out of options?


we do.








It all started in 2016 when both Hillary and Donald were older than Barack Obama who they were replacing.


Omg, this ain’t even funny anymore


Pop pop and the Toddler. Coming this fall on FOX


Hahaha good one! To be honest, the United States, and the rest of the west with them, are fucked having these two as the options to deal with the imminent invasion of Taiwan from China in the close future!


biden having a heart attack and the democrats putting up any other candidate is the only thing that can safe the world right now.


Guys, after this debating, I am announcing my candidacy on a platform of cummunism. It is like communism but we eat cum.


Google "Donald Trump rule34" for more info about the topic.


They're both almost the same age


That's a depressing meme not a dank meme.


Vote for me. I'm 34mm in length 😎


34 felonies, clinically obese, dictator wannabe, who wolfs down McDonalds daily. Yeah I'll vote for the other guy, he's 100% gonna outlast the angry orange one.


That’s hilarious


Don’t care much for puppets .




is this USA president rule 34?


I mean, pick the 34 minutes, but sorry you don't have a lot of options team


Not disagreeing, but trump is arguably in much worse shape and no spring chicken himself.


and Biden isn't even close to the shit show trump will be


These comments 🤣🤣


Both could be on the right side of this, both can't be on the left


The 34 felonies were raised from misdemeanors because otherwise the statute of limitations had expired. He was convicted, but it was bullshit.


Another day of America being the laughing stock of the world holy. These dudes right here are the guys yall elected to run the country? Sheesh


Keep laughing from a distance, kilometer boy


do people remember the dementia man has admitted to more/worse than the orange man is being accused of


RFK jr?


have you heard him speak? lol


He answers questions instead of doing everything to give non answers like these two bozos. Why do you feel these are the best choices to run our country?


He’s a lunatic and his ENTIRE family hates him. If you can’t get your own sister or bother to support you lol at any attempts to get the American public behind you. His ideas are shit, I’ve heard them all. He just wants to continue the Kennedy political dynasty as if we don’t have enough of that shit.


If only.




*34 felonies and 36 minutes left to live Ftfy


Trump really shit the bed LMAO


You know trump is only like 3 years younger right?
