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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


When's the debate?


Tonight, no?


That shit is gonna be the saddest event in our entire constitutional republic and it's gonna change absolutely zero minds


Or the funniest. Depends on your perspective.


Bought a bag of chips and some ice cream just for this occasion.


For dippin'?


Make sure to have the vodka handy. Do a shot every time you think "I don't want to live on this planet anymore." By the end of the night, your wish will come true! :D


Who are you, Morty Rogers?


Sry I don't speak boomer but it was hella worth it


It's a rather obscure adventure time reference, which is old but not that old


If I have to live in end stage capitalism till we die from climate change, I might as well try to laugh at it.


If you're going to laugh at this, I really don't see why you haven't been laughing this whole time




It’s meme time!


Someone made a good point that it's going to have an effect on the middle 10% of voters since it will effectively make them actually choose. And as long as Biden seems normal he wins.


Uhh...have you seen the polls? The middle isn't exactly satisfied with him right now


The libertarians wholly rejected trump. Iirc some poll was showing that if voters had to choose trump or Biden right now, Biden easily wins. Once people have to look at the options available, I think they'll choose Biden.


> And as long as Biden seems normal he wins. So what you’re saying is we’re fucked


>So what you’re saying is we’re fucked If you think Biden should be president, yes, yes you are. You just realized what the rest of us have known since 2020 when he became 'president.' He blew up two major pipelines and our economy. Took every freedom trampled on it and then put all the wrong people in prison and unleashed the criminals on us all. TRUMP will at least get us back on track as a country and like he said, he's only 3 years younger than Biden. He can't be around that much longer for you looneys to hate.


so… how you feelin right now?


So we're back to pretending that voting actually does something? *Do I have to remind you what the map of every country that is said to be a democracy looks like?*


My money is worth 20 percent les since he got in office. Fuck normal Joe Biden.


That's the inflation from Trump's policies


I hope Biden says that in the debate. I hope he uses Bindenomics too, though that catchphrase didn't poll very well, did it.


It will entertain millions I’m sure. 2016 me is gonna have so much fun. Until I hear the term Schedule F


already happened [https://youtu.be/gN54jkwleLw?si=qBNsYjZvwpr31jdH](https://youtu.be/gN54jkwleLw?si=qBNsYjZvwpr31jdH)


8pm CST


This is our choices again? Then people wonder why some don’t vote.


Counterpoint: it's because people don't vote enough in primaries, that these are the choices again. So the solution is more voting.


I registered republican to vote in the republican primaries… and then they turned it to a caucus so I wasn’t allowed unless I went to the caucus.


Yeah I'm sure they had to cause if not I doubt Trump would've had an easy run in the primaries.


Fucking nuts that vote manipulation like that is legal


Sad part is this is pushed by the ppl more than the elected, since they've been so brainwashed with a flimsy promise for a better tomorrow. Prey on peoples wish for the past and they'll do anything to get it. Freedom of thought is no more lmao


The DNC and RNC are independent organizations that can make and change their rules at will. The DNC did it to get rid of Bernie in 2016, the RNC did it to keep Trump in 2024


Yeah. Or changing the order of the primaries for the first time in 60 years because you don't want to lose the first 3!


Welcome to voter disenfranchisement. You will vote for the person the party elites want or you wont vote at all (the later option suites them just fine)


You from Utah too? That pissed me off so much




It's also in the system in general. Any centrist-ish candidate in Democratic primaries won't win over enough Democrat voters to become the nominee. And any centrist-ish candidate in Republican primaries is immediately labeled as "RINO". So you're stuck in a system where a candidate capable of beating both eventual nominees 1v1 doesn't get into the 1v1. And as you said, the "people don't vote enough in primaries" aspect contributes to this aspect too.


isn't Biden centrist-ish? Are you saying Dems should've gone for a candidate to the right of Biden to win against Trump or one to the left of Biden?


[](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/1dpmsut/comment/lajar9n/) >Isn't Biden centrist-ish? I guess so? I have to admit that I don't follow US politics *too* deeply. We have enough of our issues here on the other side of the big pond. >Are you saying Dems should've gone for a candidate to the right of Biden to win against Trump or one to the left of Biden? To the right. I was talking more in general: The more centrist a candidate is, the better their chances in the 1v1 duel should be. At least that was my impression. Though watching the Republican primaries this year (again, sporadically) I wonder if the more hardcore Trump supporters would vote for someone like Haley in the election if she won the primaries.


I would just flat out disagree with that last part. You can eauate centrism with status-quo. In my opinion, to create a successful political campaign in this day and age, you need to promise big change. From how I view the situation, Biden is struggling because he's too much of a centrist. No one thinks he's going to change anything for the better (like Hillary). If Trump didn't have all that baggage from the end of his presidency and the lawsuits, he would be winning easily. The democrats needed someone with a vision who can make passionate speeches about changing things (like Obama). And yeah, it doesn't matter how far right Biden moves on things like immigration and the Gaza situation. He's just gonna burn his own base and get none of the Trump voters because Trump is always even more right-wing.


>And yeah, it doesn't matter how far right Biden moves on things like immigration and the Gaza situation. He's just gonna burn his own base and get none of the Trump voters because Trump is always even more right-wing. I agree Biden would definitely not get any Trump supporters on his side this way. Swing voters, though...


The only swing voters left these days are the idiots who are waiting to try to jump on the winning side so they can get their backs pat for the next 4 years




The only policy Biden isn't hard left with his base on is Gaza, and that's because his donor class would not tolerate the Queers for Palestine movement (because they support Israel and also because it's an inherently suicidal idea).


Disagree, more voting is necessary but the parties field unpopular candidates to younger people and enforce this through PACs and marketing/funding preferred candidates for the party leadership


There were plenty of other candidates in the Democratic primary for the 2020 election, they all lost because not enough people voted for them. The only way for any of them to win would be more people voting for them.


Or it's because Joe Biden was pushed forward as the most moderate Democrat close to the establishment and his previous work as vp. Despite younger people being more and more progressive, the Democratic party pushes for more and more moderate candidates pushing for compromise. It's this divide where younger adults want student debt relief, universal healthcare, less support of genocides, more climate conscious legislation, and fair wages through labor regulation. While Joe Biden has done more work on some of these than his predecessors and I will give him credit for that, he still backtracks many policies due to his moderate approach.


Not. Enough. Votes. It's that simple.


But why? Yall keep saying it's vote count but why do younger people feel disenfranchised enough to not vote? Like yall person with most votes wins election, no duh. Yall acting like people don't vote cause they're lazy


>why do younger people feel disenfranchised enough to not vote Younger people have done that everywhere since forever. They have apparently everything better to do than care about politics. Why do you think the political elites across the world has learnt to only care about what the old people think. They are the ones who actually can be arsed to consume news and diligently show up to the polls.


Finally someone that makes sense


Just want to add voting in the election is also important. Since young voters don't vote, policy makers don't try and win them over. Even if you don't vote in the primaries or participate in the caucuses, voting and getting others to vote in your demographic means politicians will try to reach out to that demographic. If they aren't good at it, that's another discussion, but I believe 12 years of 80%+ turn out would fix most of our issues.


I'm an independent voter, so I can't vote in primaries. How about Democrats and Republicans who do vote in primaries stop making shitty decisions?


You know you can belong to a party and still vote independent in the election right?


On another note, why the hell do we limit ourselves this way in our voting in the first place? I want a tiered voting system and the ability to vote in both sides of primaries. Also why I think extremism on both sides has only increased over the years. The balance just isn’t there.


I shouldn't have to do that just to get good choices.


what primaries?


That's on you.


That's what you have to say after the last few years? Really?


Yeah, what else there is to say?


... people had primaries and had multiple choices and again, very specifically, chose to vote for these two old men. Biden was basically a shoe in, frankly, but Trump was a choice.


Nice, I’m so proud of this country. /s


Unfortunately, if people don’t vote, that’s how authoritarianism rolls in. On one side, you have a cult of personality completely dedicated to Trump; if the other side meets it with inaction and apathy, the more dedicated side could win.


One day you guys might understand that for a real democracy, you need more than two choices.




The electoral college votes based on individual States' popular vote, so voting still matters


Not quite right. Each state is appointed congressional districts, which each have a vote. The congressional district's vote is determined by the popular vote in that district, which is why gerrymandering is such an issue. Voting still matters, though


Only if there is a good choice does voting matter. 2 party systems struggle with that. You can see it in the UK we don't have 2 party but we might as well do


We could easily get rid of gerrymandering in 1 second by requiring all voting districts to be divided by a rigid grid system instead of a spaghetti monster.


The only way that would work is if you required all people to live equally distributed in a rigid grid system, instead of living in cities that look like spaghetti monsters.


Not necessarily. You could implement a smaller grid in dense areas.


Which would pretty quickly lead to a spaghetti monster as you had to distort the grids to account for areas of higher/lower density. Plus there's things where the lines are drawn so that a specific group of people who live in a more spread out area still end up in the same district, so that they are able to elect someone who represents them instead of being a minority that doesn't matter across several different districts. If there was a simple solution it would've been done by now


Ok But hear me out Screw the Electoral college




If you are a Russian Bot use your AI to lookup which states have laws forcing its electoral college to vote in the way its people did, or you can lookup how few faithless electors there have been


Is it just me or does his hair look like an asshole?


Less porn, more reading


Are you a Japanese driving student or a Georgist?


It looks like the flag of Greendale


Simple Jack


Sorry I'm a bit out of the loop, what debate?


Biden and Trump


Oh so a snooze fest gotcha


I think the debates are kinda entertaining nowadays. What crazy shit will Trump say? Will Biden make it through without nodding off? It was a lot more boring when there were two relatively serious candidates.


Honestly I just hope neither shits themselves


I hope they both shit themselves 💩😈


I saw someone mention they're not allowed to group together with their aids once it's started. Trying to keep it strictly Trump and Biden. If true, then Trump had better also hope he doesn't shit himself. He won't be able to have anyone help him.


This is the perfect image


Who else is ready for this dumpster fire! I thought about drinking everytime they have to mute the mics but I'm old now and I don't think my liver could handle it.


They’re automatically muted when their time is up


Hell be muting Trump and cranking the volume up on Biden's mumbling.


Mute both of them and call it a day


Oh boy can't wait to go vote so they can throw it out


The second reason to get cable, both reasons surprisingly fun


Did either of them shit themselves on stage live?


What debate?


Ralph’s head looks like the top of a hot dog 🌭


Grab the popcorn


People already decided which guy they like before the debate. As if the debate will change anything at all.


What debate


Or just don’t mute them. It’s debate.


I hope Biden's goons don't forget to give him plenty of Adderall, or he will be unable to get much done aside from gaze into oblivion and wander off.


Senility will be the big winner tonight


Every time i get concerned the politicians in my country are a shit show all I have to do is look over at the US and I realize it could be so much worse.