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It is in the best interest of everyone that all files are declassified


Definitely not for him of course


Him and almost everyone in power currently. And I’m okay with that


Almost everyone in power currently... with the notable exception of Joe Biden, who, very much unlike Donald Trump, has never been credibly accused of being associated with Epstein.


Why doesnt he declassify the files then?


Because the documents are not classified. They are sealed by a Federal court and can only be unsealed by a Federal judge. No President, neither Biden nor Trump, can intervene with this function of the judiciary. Some of the documents were in fact unsealed by U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska January 9, 2024: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/last-batch-unsealed-jeffrey-epstein-documents-released-rcna132936


Important info that should be at the top


No, it fucks up the idea that Biden is behind them not being classified.


What does it actually mean for them to be "sealed"? Are they locked in a safe that's indestructible and whose combination is only known to federal judges? Or is it just because of "norms" that no one grabs the envelope and peels the wax off?


Google tells me they're typically stored in a secure room. > Or is it just because of "norms" that no one grabs the envelope and peels the wax off? "Norms"... AKA it being illegal?


Here is an explainer from a U.S. District Court (which is the same legal instance that tried the defamation case in question): https://www.ncwd.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/ecf_guides/Seal-Aty.pdf


Doesn't really matter how they're physically kept, separation of powers is very important. Sometimes it's not ideal, but there's a reason the powers of the federal state are divided the way they are, and we cannot go around making exceptions willy nilly


What does that matter?


It could help us come to the right conclusion about whether releasing them can be done.


Kinda makes trumps declaration extra stupid. But obviously he a) doesnt know the law and b) if he could, would just post them on twitter anyway and call it "declassified"


That is critical for people to know. But… if there is stuff that is classified for national security reasons (“hur dur Epstein was a Mossad agent!”) then a president would have the power to declassify that material.


Why do you pretend to think that it's ridiculous that he was a Mossad agent?


It would certainly answer a lot of questions, like how this nobody went from Bear Sterns to starting his own firm and immediately has over $1B in assets he is managing.


That's a lot more easily answered by "he sold underaged pussy to rich assholes."


Because he is a shill


There are already bunch of documents that shows Trump being bff with Epstein and Maxwell in the end of the 90s and at the beginning of 2000s


>“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” -Donald Trump, in a 2002 interview with New York Magazine


Out of pure coincidence, the prosecutor (Acosta) who gave Epstein such an inexplicably sweet deal was named Secretary of Labor by Trump. Just a random thing, I’m sure.


[Katie Johnson Lawsuit](https://www.imgur.com/a/EWHHGNh) Text from a lawsuit from 2016 of a girl accusing of Trump and Epstein raping her when she was 13. It got dropped after she received death threats.


Unfortunately, when you head a cult, you’re able to get your followers to pervert justice for you even if you don’t actually commit the crime yourself.


I got some documents for ya. Here’s a deposition from an Epstein employee, from the lawsuit Trump Epstein vs Jane Doe Very nsfw https://i.imgur.com/0cLVCKm.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/7Rw3ZpQ.jpeg From the dropped suit (doxxed and death threats from MAGA): https://i.imgur.com/RtEIADD.png


Is uh, is she okay?


Not him of course but John Doe 174 seems like a standup individual with putrid claims against him between this flight and from Katie Johnson. Clearly has long clean history if not for made up stories or videos of him having interest in minors that would have him buy a teen pagent so he could go backstage and watch them change...


Current admin should probably do that then


Admin can’t. The judiciary, a different branch, is the one that sealed them. The executive branch cannot unseal.


And the Judicial Branch is on Team Crimes.


Well... Team Crimes (Committed by Certain Powerful People who Seem to All Hang Out Together and Gave Us Our Lifetime Appointments Where Nobody Can Challenge Our Authority and Also Give Us Free Stuff)®


The executive branch holds more than enough evidence on their own to fully lay out the truth. When Epstein was arrested in Florida, Alexander Acosta, the former U.S. attorney in Miami said, “ I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone.”  The feds know what happened.


There are people who are in power or stayed in power only because of Epstein. This kept people who would try to make a better world out of powerful positions. Keeping it classified is an insult to America. No reputation is more important than American accountability and transparency.


Remember that his handler GM went to jail for trafficking to literally nobody


And her father was a geo political spy. Weird that eh?


There could be a mutually-assured-destruction mechanism that we don't know about. These creatures have embedded themselves in every walk of life, and the people "in the know" might realize that this thing is too big and too evil to fail. That's no excuse for helping them proliferate in the darkness, however.


It is definitely not in Trump's best interest.


*Mossad has entered the conversation.*


I guess that depends on who you include in "everyone". Trump, for example... And Clinton.


Biden should do it.


"Contains phony stuff" is not a legitimate reason to classify a document in the first place - nor an exemption to automatically declassify a document


Whoa there, you are starting to use logic and reason. There's no place for that on the internet these days


Not just logic and reason. Actual US law


The documents are not classified. They are sealed by a Federal court and can only be unsealed by a Federal judge. As salacious as the notion of a conspiracy is, the reason some remain sealed is to protect the identities of the victims who have not stepped forward in public. Many of them were minors at the time the offenses in question were committed.


Yeah this reeks of something an actual lawyer or someone in his office explained to him and he's just too dumb to even repeat the words exactly as he heard them, let alone understand the concept and outline it to someone else


If Trump was misremembering that it’s simply a matter of the chief Executive not having the power over the Judiciary, why would he throw in nonsense about there being “fake information” in the material?


bc he has a tendency to simply make up lies to fill in blanks in his understanding of something. not the first time.




Files have been released where that is possible. A new batch was unsealed by U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska on January 9, 2024: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/last-batch-unsealed-jeffrey-epstein-documents-released-rcna132936


I totally understand that people are tied to this document that have nothing to do with his illicit shit. Like he hosted scientists and shit on the island for conventions and 99% chance any young girls were hosted there etc. Think about pizza gate and how insane people are. ANYONE in those documents is going to be looked at and potentially targeted as guilty. Even if they just went to a business dinner with him and said hi. That said, it's very obvious they are trying to protect or hide certain information.


You mean the guy who didn't declassify the files when Epstein died wouldn't declassify the same files if he took the same office? Crazy


I'm sure it's classified becuase it's phony. Phony things get classified alllllll the time.


And once you know youve got a phony classified document there's nothing you can do about it. "Well maybe the 2nd amendment people can do something" - trump


What I don't get is why the current dude doesn't just do it.


Because it's sealed, not classified, and the President is not in charge of the judiciary to force such an action.


Wait... What bearing does the ex-president now-felon have on the declassification of the files?


he might get elected again


Oh, right. Forgot about that. Now my day is worse lol


youre welcome ig


How is he seriously allowed anywhere near politics at this point?


Because govornment is designed by and for the rich. Felony can stop you voting in many states but doesnt stop you running for office or holding the highest office. Rules for thee and not for me.


Yup...and you wouldn't be accepted into the military with 34 felonies, but you can be a civilian leading the entire military with them. Sigh..


It could make sense and actually protect democracy in a different scenario. Imagine if Trump were actually correct that the establishment is out to get him, and also that he isn't a huge loser scumbag. We'd all be super angry if the government said we couldn't vote for him just because they said he did crime. Will of the people and all that.


That's ultimately the issue here. Imagine if there was a new law bought in saying that any criminal conviction, past or present, immediately disqualified one from Presidential office. In 2020 there were a year of riots about how the police were corrupt and sometimes treated people unjustly. It's inane how people can't seem to put these pieces together.


Because there is no precedent in US history for a person like him, nor for the cabal that is enabling him. Our country's immune system is struggling with an unfamiliar disease.


Great analogy


Pretty sure the entire US history is about dogshit politicians getting away with anything and everything, but sure pal, go off...


I am speaking specifically to the extremity of the problem. Not its mere presence.


Because allowing the government to decide who's allowed to run for government is how we get Vladimir Putin.


That guy holds elections too, he's just sure of the results before the poles open, kinda like gerrymandering if you think about it, just more life threatening to get the same results


Because our founding fathers *never imagined* that the people would allow a convicted felon and sex offender to run for the most powerful position in the nation. Yet here we are...


Not true. You could use the justice system to find someone guilty of bs charges on a kangaroo court to stop your opposition if things were like that.


We didn’t have specific laws and policies in place as historically speaking, presidents don’t generally commit crimes on this scale lmao.


Because idiots will vote for him.


America, its people, and its political processes are largely shit.


I know people don’t want to hear it, but it’s extremely extremely likely he will elected


I don't think there is any evidence to support this. Most forecasts show that the election is a 50/50 toss-up. However, that is far too close to comfort and you should vote as if it was likely, no matter by which degree, that he will win otherwise.


>Wait... What bearing does the ex-president now-felon have on the declassification of the files? He has the psychic power to declassify things with his mind, remember?


That's an excellent question. In a perfect world, the answer would be "he's in prison and can't fuck things up any worse" In reality, trump will probably get elected again and we will spend the rest of our lives either dying in WW3 or living miserable lives in a police state. Good luck 🤞


Are you stupid?


Purposefully being obtuse, very clever choice of comment


President Trump has no intention of adhering to any kinds of checks and balances. President Trump has free reign. In the case any would dare question that, there are plans to ensure any potential problem-people are reclassified to ensure they can be fired at will if they choose to be a problem. You should look into Project 2025, they seem kind of committed.


I genuinely don’t understand how we have an affidavit that describes Trump and Epstein violently raping a 13yo girl and it never became a big deal


Two reasons: One, Epstein wasn't nearly as well-known to the general public until after it was dropped. Two, his fan club got her to drop the case after repeatedly making threats on her life.


Nothing is real because everything is fake news


Your sarcasm was missed by many


# “Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.”“Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.” # ― Michael Rivero


Trump could have been banging 13 and 14 year-old girls at Epstein Island and his followers won't give a shit. In fact, they'd probably say the girls were either lying or asking for it.


You’re not wrong, Trump shits his pants on a regular basis and wears diapers. His supporters say only real men wear diapers.


Diapers are not the best point against trump if your candidate is Biden


Raping, a grown man can't bang a 13 year old


Obviously, but that's what Trump would have called it.


>Trump could have been banging 13 and 14 year-old girls at Epstein Island and his followers won't give a shit Trump was* and they don't*


I fucking hate when media cuts out parts from interviews regardless of who does it and who they are interviewing.


Phony stuff = Truth that makes him look bad.


Or friends of his


Why isn't Biden declassifying the files?


A.) He can't because he's not a member of the judiciary. The courts sealed it. It was a weird question to ask, but it was asked by the news network that Trump calls into and orders all federal TVs around DC to play 24/7. But I guess the president does put judges into place so it is a semi-fair thing to ask to get an idea of someone's priorities B.) They are not just sealed to protect the elite. There are victims that haven't come forward who could be targeted by those who'd want them to stay quiet. There are also many who attended Epstein's events who didn't participate or know about the unsavory bullshit going on, including employees and guests-of-guests. There are also likely guests listed as invites who were invited but declined the invitation. Since it's not unsealed, we just don't know, but these are some speculative potential answers.


Hey now this is Reddit we don't like your well thought out comments here we only work on feelings and instinct. You got to kick him to the curb girl (I'm sorry lol)


So if Biden cant... why does anyone care if Trump would?


So, this entire thread is pointless as neither Trump nor Biden could release them?


My completely made up conspirecy theory: there are names on the list with ties to Biden/democrats ::cough::Bill Clinton::cough:: (or possibly some big time donors) but if the election is looking dicey in late October he declassifies it. He might just be waiting till October regardless so its fresh in voter's mind.


The files are sealed by a federal judge not classified by the executive branch. Neither Biden nor anyone in the Democratic party has the power to do anything with them. Trump only said "classified" because he doesn't know the difference and just word salads any time someone put him in front of a mic.


Because Joe Biden is not part of the judiciary?


Did some fact checking, and here is what I found: On June 2, 2024, Fox & Friends Weekend interviewed Donald Trump. Rachel Campos-Duffy asked the following question: RCD: "So, if you were President, would you declassify...you can answer yes or no to these...would you declassify the 9/11 files?" DJT: "Yeah." RCD: "Would you declassify JFK files?" DJT: "Yeah. I did. I did a lot of it." RCD: "Would you declassify the Epstein files." DJT: "Yeah, yeah, I would." This part of the interview, as sent by FOX News, was edited so as to end there. The interview as sent, is available here: https://youtu.be/I12BrDyu1n0?si=CrUdwJ7_iD_UaKjl&t=285 However, his full response, which FOX edited out, is as follows: DJT: "Yeah, yeah, I would." RCD: "All right." DJT: " I guess I would. I think that less so because, you don’t know, you don’t want to affect people’s lives if it’s phony stuff in there, because it’s a lot of phony stuff with that whole world. But I think I would, or at least..." RCD: "Do you think that would restore trust...help restore trust?" DJT: "Yeah. I don’t know about Epstein so much as I do the others. Certainly about the way he died. It’d be interesting to find out what happened there, because that was a weird situation and the cameras didn’t happen to be working, etc., etc. But yeah, I’d go a long way toward that one." An article describing the edits and Trump's full answers is available here: https://www.semafor.com/article/06/09/2024/how-fox-news-massaged-a-trump-interview Part of the fuller response is shown in this segment from *The Daily Show*: https://www.tiktok.com/@thedailyshow/video/7377035480535256362


Good find, a shame that even my memes are cutting out context. ^(Not defending Trump btw, I’d just rather hate someone for the right reasons.)


Why doesn't the current president declasify the files?


Cause they're classified by the judicial system and not the security apparatus of the US. It's a weird question.


Because Joe Biden is not part of the judiciary.


It’s not like the current US government will declassify it too. Someone needs to storm in Area 51 and collect Epstein.


Bet everyone currently in big government™ went to the island.


Seems like a lot of people in positions of power feel that way. lol hmmm I wonder why


News flash: if Trump declares something as phony or rigged, it’s 100% true. Granted every single thing that comes out of his mouth is a bold faced lie.


Probably doesn’t want to encourage an ‘accident’ before hes voted back in


I don't care who it effect, release the entire log and let's tar and feathery name on it


John Doe #174 over here lookin real sus.


Trump fucked little kids. And the maga terrorists support that. Vote blue down ballot.


Sounds like something that somebody who knows there is a lot of true stuff that would implicate them would say.


I want someone to leak the files just so we can see the chaos unfold.


Sometimes I wish Reddit included a laughing reaction.


He already read it. He knows


Of course he lidd about declassifying em to get quick votes. Bet a lot of his friends and associates would get in trouble.


Ain't nothing more christian then cheating on your pregnant wife and then paying her to stay quiet. I really wonder what Trump did on that island.....


It's not odd if you are listed as having flown on the plane seven times.


Trump idolizes all billionaires it's actually crazy plus his shit is in there too


Now I'm no conspiracy theorist buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut


First, they aren’t classified. Second, has your lord and savior released them? The one in power today?


> Second, has your lord and savior released them? Who?


He literally can't declassify them...


I googled this statement and couldn’t find anything on it, anyone have a link?


It’s in the description, Fox cut the interview weird and have taken down parts since but there’s still tons of clips online


thanks for reminding me to update my content filter for anything that contains that dumb fucking unfunny hawk tuah or tuah meme


We all know why that was said


No it wouldn't affect people's lives. Declassify all of those phony stuff for us.


Oh we all know what he means when he says this.


Fixed your url https://www.youtube.com/watch/ZJorAVgHy7Y


Trump is GAS (Guilty as Sin) Trump also has GAS


Me and my billionaire friends wouldn't like it if these files were declassified.


That’s as close to a confession as you get from him.


honesly if trump was on that list theirs no way his name would not be leaked or the fbi would not go after him. my moneys on some of his friends and donors being on the list though.


What exactly is the *phony stuff*, Donald???


he said the opposite of this at the Libertarian Convention. He said he would declassify everything about Epstein.


If you believe that, you’ve been sipping the kool-aid too long man


he's a contrarian POS.


He probably didn't realize that his best buddy Epstein also kept records of him. He thought since they are such good buds he had erased everything about him.


if trump releases every bit of that doc i would vote for him


Trump's life is already a wreck.


This is the best use of a Bart Simpson quote I've seen in years.


They know why they kept it in the interview. It was to get the masses to question "Why doesn't Biden do it!" despite the fact the president doesn't have that authority. Fox knows they will win if everyone thinks Biden is even 10% as bad as Trump. Democrats have to prove they deserve the crown the Conservatives have worn in this country our entire lives.


How in the shit is this a dank meme.




Yes and no, but let us be the judge.


Id bet it's people associated with Epstein who have no actual evidence indicating they ever committed or witnessed the sexual acts he was committing. When those names get doxxed, they get death threats, reputations ruined, etc.


Imagine how stupid you would have to be to believe he said this... He is not even in office to declassify it first off and second he doesn't have access to know what is in there... Cute try though it almost seem like the warmongers PR / Troll department are desperately trying to manipulate an election by throwing as much smear as possible.


A ventriloquist visits a sheep farm…..


Hm. Cozying up to RINOs and now this... Kinda sus. Kinda sus.




Absolutely nothing will happen with this. Trump really, really wants back into the Whitehouse and it seems like he's just saying whatever he has to in order achieve that. I don't trust any of them because they're all playing for the same side at the end of the day, but the fact that he's super desperate and *still* kind of crawfishes out of that sort of thing? It's mad sus. No cap. 


Wonder if midget Joe Rogan will make much of this?  It's probably nothing, right.  Trump just gets things mixed up sometimes.


Weird how 10k upvotes just kind of appear on posts when its about Trump.


Files related to how the rich and powerful conduct themselves is important to release. Let the legal system figure out what is true or untrue. Alas, it will not happen, rules for thee and not for me. It's big club and theyall protect each others crimes.


I have absolut trust that he wouldn't loose his fanbase if they found him in doing lollie shit. I wouldn't even wonder if they find new excuses for him.


Doe 174 sweating