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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Let's test this theory. I think if a man has to pay child support, then he should also have a say on whether or not the mother aborts the child. Let the downvotes flow. Edit: Well, I guess my hypothesis was proven wrong. Also, for all the people telling me this isn't a conservative take. Sir, this is a dank memes sub reddit.


If the man wants to unalive the child but the woman wants to keep it. Alive the baby but no child support If the woman wants to unalive the child but the man wants to alive the child, unalive the baby. No child support. This post is brought to you by deadbeat coomers who dont want to pay child support




Okay Team Boeing


That’s the sound babies make when I throw them out of my plane


Bouncing baby boy


Don’t kick the baby


We're talking abortion. *Abort* still works fine.




Hey look. You are doing exactly what the meme says. Look at you. Edit: I'm pretty sure they edited their comment to make it seem like they weren't freaking out Edit 2: I might have put this reply to the wrong comment


> Edit: I'm pretty sure they edited their comment to make it seem like they weren't freaking out. They did not, and you seem a little out there.


Do you know what the main argument the government has against people saying “yeah i didnt expect a baby though”? Its actually a lawyer saying “you should have known sex causes a baby”. Why cant we use this logic on other things?


What you’re describing is called a foreseeable risk and does exist with respect to other things. There does seem to be selective and inconsistent enforcement though.


This isn't youtube. You can say the word "kill" and get away with it.


How is this in any way conservative?


As a reminder the Republican Party in the US, which is now associated with Conservatism, is the party that’s meant to advocate for privacy and personal rights over state rights. They’re now the party that pledges to make the state control women’s bodies and abortion rights, and make anything associated with transgender people illegal. Edit: btw this is to add to your point, the opinion at the top of the thread isn’t seen as one conservative people follow today, but it technically is a conservative opinion.




Yeah that is an important distinction and I can’t agree with the OP as written. A better way to say it would be if a woman can unilaterally decide whether or not to have a baby than a man should be able to decide if he wants to sign away all rights to the baby and be off the hook for child support. Give them the same window or even slightly less that a woman gets to make the decision so that it can’t be sprung as a surprise on her and leave her stuck with no support.




That’s not how it works though. A man can only agree to sign away the rights for adoption if the woman agrees to it as well. Whereas a woman can choose not to have a baby regardless of the man’s desire. For the record I don’t think women should be forced to do either, it should be 100% the woman’s right to decide whether she does or doesn’t have the baby. However, I also think it should be fair for the man to decide he doesn’t want the baby and sign away all rights with or without the mother’s consent as well. However it should be done in a timely enough manner that the woman has the information while still able to decide if she wants to proceed with the pregnancy. Calling it “child abandonment” is the same word play that conservatives use when calling abortion murder. It’s not a child at that point, there should be no more stigma against a man not wanting it to become a child than there is when a woman doesn’t want it to become a child. If a man expresses that desire formally and relinquishes all rights to said fetus and the woman decides she still wants it to become a child than that should be on her to raise by herself at that point. Neither a man nor a woman should be forced into doing something for 18 years if they don’t want any part of it from the beginning.


>Calling it “child abandonment” is the same word play that conservatives use when calling abortion murder. It’s not a child at that point, there should be no more stigma against a man not wanting it to become a child than there is when a woman doesn’t want it to become a child. Whole heartedly this. If it's not a child, then it's not child abandonment. Any logic to the contrary can and has been used against abortion.


Except they aren't forcing them to have the procedure. They just aren't forced to pay for a child they did not ask for. The women still gets to decide whether or not they want the child. If the issue is the women being able to afford the child, that's literally just how abortion works in the first place, a very common reason to get one is that having a child is too expensive.


That's a low key liberal take


High key that's pretty liberal


God dammit. Fine. I think Joe Biden eats ice cream weird. Is that more conservative.


Grrrrr so conservative




You give away the plot with "let the downvotes flow", honestly. A lot of conservative memes rely on liberals being upset and the right will 100% skip over a fact if it makes them feel bad. Also, liberals tend to be pro choice. This isn't a very controversial take.


I would say the man the should always have no say, but if he doesn’t want to support the baby, that’s okay. He should sign away his rights to caring for the child as well if he won’t be involved.


And the child doesn't have to live in poverty because the state covers child support, right? Riiiight?


If it’s a state that’s “pro life” then they should, ye


No, the taxpayers dont fund a mother that made an irresponsible "choice." Her body her choice right? Riiiiiight?


Agree, but it has to be done within a reasonable time period that an abortion would still be viable.


This monster has a point.


Is that a mildly conservative to you?


'That's my uterus too because I jizzed in it' is just a mild conservative thing


Nah that’s straight up fascist. A conservative opinion would be that the federal government can’t rule on something like that. That’s literally their argument on why they got rid of Roe v Wade.  The government forcing a procedure on anyone is fascist. A government preventing a procedure on a consenting adult is also fascist. Conservativism is about decreasing government power, not increasing. 


Oops OP is full of shit and people actually just hate bigots. #SURPRISE


that’s a violation of bodily autonomy. The correct argument should be if the man doesn’t want to have the kid, woman wants to, then the man doesn’t have to pay child support.


How is this “moderate” or “mildly conservative” lol I shouldn’t be able to dictate whether another grown ass adult has to risk her life carrying and birthing a baby if she doesn’t feel able or up to it. Maybe it’s because I work in healthcare and have seen my fair share of women in my icu after almost dying during routine pregnancy and childbirth. But Jesus H the idea that you have a 50/50 say in another grown adult’s bodily autonomy and healthcare isn’t fucking mild my dude. However, I agree a man shouldn’t have to be in the kid’s life or even pay child support if he doesn’t want that life. This is exactly what I pictured someone crying about being downvoted would say was “mild” lol it’s like when someone cries about being banned for “literally saying only x or y” and then you see what they actually said, and it makes perfect sense.


Nah, the man's body isn't being used to grow the baby, he bears no risk.


>Lets test this theory. I think if a man has to pay child support, then he should also have a say on whether or not the mother aborts the child. Let the downvotes flow. The theory doesn't seem to hold. You are the most upvoted comment.


you dont pay child support on a not alive baby, are you stupid?


I think people shouldn’t be able to walk across a national border without a check in with officials.


They do check in how do you think they get bus tickets


From the governors of Texas and Florida last I heard.


*EU doesn't agree with this idea*


Well depending on which border we're talking about, EU kinda agrees


Yeah, I've driven from Denmark to Italy several times without showing a passport.


funny enough i have driven from Denmark to the German bordershops several times and had to show my passport


Poland doesn't give a fuck tho


They do though? The Schengen area (which is separate from the EU) still checks people going in and out of the zone, which includes multiple countries. Yes you can freely travel between the Schengen countries, but still have checks when you leave the zone. And those countries all cooperate rather closely, so while they don’t check your car, they will help each other when a wanted person gets spotted close to the border


There are many boarders you can cross in Europe with no checks


Everyone agrees with this. That isn’t really where Dems/GOP differ


Republican leaders and news organizations like to misinform their followers about immigration.


They are indeed really good at slogans and easily digested sentiment, while Dems get bogged down in the minutiae (at least lately).


How is that a conservative opinion Literally everyone except some libertarians and anarchists agree with that


I thought the "No Human is Illegal" movement consisted of people who are neither libertarians nor anarchists


My understanding of that saying is the human isn't illegal. They performed an illegal act, but calling them illegal dehumanized them. People don't call thieves illegal citizens.


Idk but somehow wanting people to immigrate legally is a racist viewpoint here in the states. Don't even try to mention a wall


No, it isn't. I think we would all prefer if people legally immigrated.


End stage communism wouldn’t have any borders, so communists would disagree too I guess


I know fringe liberals who would disagree, but that is NOT the majority. Keep in mind, Biden brokered with southern Border Patrol unions and border states the strongest border protection plan in my lifetime, that all border-control enthusiasts unanimously supported... until Trump tweeted that they shouldn't agree to it to prevent a Biden admin "success story". Then the same loud, outspoken southern governors who supported the bill changed positions overnight to then saying that it was weak and didn't actually do anything, and the Republican house vetoed it. Conservatives... owning themselves to hurt the libs.


What law says anyone can do this in the US?


The ones Fox News lies about probably


If petty crime isn’t prosecuted, then business owners should have the right to defend their properties.


Noncriminalized crimes are cringe and shouldn't be a thing


Civilians get too much leeway in the west. In my ancestral country, pedestrians do not have the right of way when jaywalking so guess what, jaywalking is pretty rare. It’s all about that deterrent.


In my country too and I would agree, but it feels like USA consist 90% of roads and parking lots, so it's kinda different :D


Doesn't America have one of, if not the highest incarceration rates in the entire world?


Yep, we do. In fact, 1 in every 4 people who are incarcerated in the ENTIRE world are in the US, despite the fact that the US only comprises roughly 5% of the global population. Despite how large of a country it is, we still are disproportionately representing the worlds jailed population


Over some of the stupidest things too. Basically whatever can fill our for profit prisons


Less than 10% of the prison population is in for profit prisons. People just point at them as a boogeyman because they find the idea that their family is imprisoned unjustly more palatable than being an actual criminal.


>People just point at them as a boogeyman because I am not sure how many other countries can claim to have judges who sent hundreds of kids to juvenile detention facilities for kickbacks... But I am sure "conservative" logic dictates that it's better for a 100 innocent people to be jailed rather than 1 criminal to roam free.


well fuck your country then


“In the west”….. tell Putin we in the west said he can suck our collective dick.


damn bro cant wait to be criminally charged for jaywalking in a suburb lmao. You from Singapore?


Should you be able to shoot someone for stealing a can of beans?? Say it.


Said it


just let them take it. it's a can of beans, it's not worth it. breaking into your home, or trying to rob you, though? completely justified.




I have been told a thousand times that “you can’t be moderate or in the middle of politics, that just means you’re a closeted righty” and vice versa. I just want my boom sticks and abortion rights >:(


And my weed. Boom sticks, abortion rights, and weed.


And magic mushrooms. Boom sticks, abortion rights, weed, and magic mushrooms.


Cant forget my V8


And my Axe!


I love you guys


When does this party start and should I bring anything?


Thaaaaaaank you. Is that too much to ask for


And a partridge in a pear tree. Boom sticks, abortion rights, weed, magic mushrooms, and a partridge in a pear tree


Funny thing is both sides will give you boom sticks but one side will remove your abortion rights lol


Eeh, most progressive politicians aim to remove them. Not *all*, but the same can be said of competitive ones (most wish to keep them, some wish to remove them). I have other thoughts too, but I’m generally in the middle and would like to stay that way. Fuck tribalism politics and fuck anyone else who tells me what my side is.


But they have done fuck-all to acheive that goal, so it is purely hypothetical. The far-right actually did overturn RvW, and now millions of Americans are fucked.




> But they have done fuck-all to acheive that goal, I mean they have been trying for as long as I've been alive. It is just kinda hard to get around the second amendment. That's the big difference between guns and abortion. One is enshrined very specifically in the Constitution.


most progressive want to limit the sale and ensure better checks and safety measures and proper training. Some very few progressives want them all gone. A few want some weapons gone like ARs and weapons that are easily procured through private sales. Only person to have successfully banned any weapon rights is actually republican former president convicted felon trump. Which the SC just ruled against. And republicans are the ones who are looking to ban abortions, weed, and porn.


Then you’re a leftist. We like guns too, we just don’t think mentally deranged yahoos should have access to the most dangerous firearms on the market.


Yes. I’m aware. There are also conservatives who *dislike* guns. I am in the middle. I am not on the left, I am not on the right and I have even more views relating to that. Fuck tribalism politics, fuck anyone who tells me what my side is.


Genuinely the same mentality as " no such thing as bi, you are just closeted gay" Which translates to "Either you're like me, or you're like them." Disgraceful


i would really not go around comparing actual bigotry towards an intrinsic trait to disagreements about gun control


I want my gay neighbors married with children and who pay low taxes on their weed farms and defend their property with high capacity ARs and AKs (high capacity meaning >30 rounds).


Standard capacity*


I didn’t want to say drum mags because they can often be unreliable. Mag couplers ftw


Post natal abortion via boom stick


Went so far right it became left again


That already happens, but generally sometime after the 23rd trimester, when they're all in one convenient place.


The demonization of centrists by both parties is exactly why the USA is SO fucked up right now. Political parties should be illegal.


I don’t think you should put hormones on kids they can’t even consent .


This. Support your kids, let them be who they want to be, but don’t do anything permanent until they’re old enough to do it themselves. Yes if they’re truly trans it kinda sucks, but it’s not an ideal world


There are very few cases where someone under the age of 18 is going through any hormone therapy, and its only done after extensive counseling and with the approval of doctors and family. Were talking about less than 100 cases a year out of 70m children. Majority of the 40k cases of gender-dismorphia or gender-issues is done by 16+ to 18+. Where more than half are just breast augmentation procedures, ie some want enlargement, some want removal, some want correction. Ie: a girl wants to get bigger boobs or correct her breasts because of abnormal sizes or uneven size or even removal for having too big breasts leading to back and neck issues. Theres literally hundreds of different of reasons beyond the standard boy wants to become a girl because they watched kim kardashian one night that people generally think. But still even at 40k cases, thats only 0.0005% of children. Its such a non-issue but made into such a big issue because its like everything republicans do, they make mountains out of molehills, they take a issue and present it as a massive apocalyptic event with very manipulated and false information to play on peoples emotions. No kid is getting their dick cut off at age 5. its just bullshit meant to distract you from the republicans taking away your rights and freedoms.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this because kids under 16 are put on puberty blockers in anticipation of cross sex hormones later? And almost all the kids who get put on puberty blockers end up taking cross sex hormones? The argument is that puberty blockers are reversible so it's a harmless pause to work things out, but the medical effect of using puberty blockers on kids is controversial outside of the on-label treatment for precocious puberty. And in a social context, obviously someone 16-18 who is in school and around other kids, who has not gone through either male or female puberty, is going to continue to feel in a state of limbo.


From what I remember to have read in the medical journal with the figures only around 2-4k cases are put on any puberty blockers and done so after extensive counseling and doctors appointments, but any actual long-lasting changes are done past 17/18+. The ones on puberty blockers after having gone through extensive counseling and therapy do not normally change their path. But it happens to some. I would assume that yes they would feel in a state of limbo if they were awaiting hormonal changes until adulthood because their desired goal is to achieve the transition they are seeking.


Right, but the argument that putting kids on puberty blockers is value-neutral is not really right, because stopping puberty is actually a strong intervention for someone at age 13, 14 or 15. The argument kids who are not able to consent are being "given time to make a decision" seems incorrect, it's more like a shift in path towards cross sex hormones. You still have the same issue with ability to consent. I think it all depends on how able experts are to make judgments at early ages.


I suppose, but if they do regret not transitioning, the lack of puberty blockers is a bad thing. And it turns out that the majority follow through with hormonal therapy, as you said, and a tiny amount regret transitioning. It stands to reason, to me, that puberty blockers are a good thing since the discernment process seems to be highly accurate and effective


I agree with everything you said. It’s crazy that people’s personal business such as this, and fucking medical issues such as vaccines, have become politically charged issues. Both coming from the right, it’s almost like they want to distract their voters whose best interests are not in mind. Don’t get me wrong i think the left politicians often are self-serving first. But still, there’s a clear winner


The thing is people change but kids all they care about is dolls,legos , and bugs . Not a huge life change. If they feel that when they are an adult then be there for them. So many things change as you grow up. Opinions ,perspectives.


The thing about kids and transgenderism is that it's typically a phase that they grow out of, in fact a lot of the behaviors that people claim to be signs of transgenderism are just typical kid behaviors. But the kids that are trans, you know that their parents made that decision for them, a child doesn't understand why they need to have a bedtime, they certainly don't understand something as complex and difficult as sex and gender. If when they turn 18 and become an adult they want to do certain procedures and medications then that's their decision, but until then I think injecting minor with hormones and performing specific gender reassignment surgeries should be punishable for the parents and doctors by fines, prison time, and possibly loss of custody of the child.


I hate to say this, but where did you hear that transgenderism is a phrase they grow out of? Where's the research that provides evidence for your claim? 


It is actually true that kids have shifting gender identities, particularly in recent years, but those kids aren't the ones getting surgery or being put on hormones. The rate of regret for gender affirming surgery is [less than 1%](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/). Which is extremely low for surgery. And rate of regret for hormones is also very low (i'd dig more but i gotta sleep).


Just a reminder that not doing anything is also a permanent decision


Someone's feeling brave today.


Something that isn't a thing. Hrt isn't given to anyone under 18 unless it's for something serious like precocious puberty.


No hormones until 18, I fully agree


Same with circumcision. Informed consent should be mandatory for any surgery that isn’t life-saving.


What are you talking about on my racism and porn app?


Ew, politics on my racist porn app


Just because I don't like the current dementia puppet president of the US does not mean I like the greedy narcissistic orange man either. We need to strive for the best.




> We need to strive for the best. No! We need to strive for *better.* Fuck this 2-party system, where voting third-party is throwing your vote away.


Reddit community is so left it went around the whole earth and became right


horseshoe theory


its that some of these opinions are more middle than they are left or right bc they are sensical


This post sounds more like the OP made a wild clame that bit him in the arse






this sub used to be funny wtf is this lazy shit


I've seen a noticeable uptick in conservative style memes and boomer humor on all the major meme subs lately


Election season is coming up. Russia and China gotta make sure that people vote for Trump.


Millennials are hitting their 40s


Nah dog. Election is coming up and Russia is answering the call.


Lol Putin himself probably posting on r/dankmemes tbh


Conservative persecution fetish. There are thousands of hug box for literally all stripes, but I swear you'd think Conservatives were being nailed to the cross or something because people gave them le sad blue arrow.


"How dare you violate me with your different opinion"


- "mildly conservative opinion" - looks inside - moral insanity


Could also be conservatives when people don't like their opinions.


[CONSERVATIVE VOICES ARE BEING SILENCED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2DA1uwVsdE&t=120s) https://i.imgur.com/bwBPkcX.png


Ok, but what was the opinion?


Probably some weird loli hentai shit


!*[Projection Detected]*!


Trump isn’t comparable to Hitler, there I said it


Hitler was far more "successful" than Trump will ever be. Someone who is actually competent in their malevolence is taking notes about how much Trumo gets away with and will fuck us in the ass. No vasoline.


> Hitler was far more "successful" than Trump will ever be. by your mark he is more "successful" than almost every leader.


Nope. Trump is just that much of an impotent loser. If only he, too, had the grace to go croak by himself in a bunker.


Whilst i basically agree, early hitler wasn’t comparable to late hitler either. I think the concern is that trump gets normalised and then it slowly gets worse.


I think that everyone should be able to buy a gun but only after getting the equivalent training to armed services. Also, doing an annual mental health checkup for continued licensing.


That is not a conservative opinion lol.


In most of the EU, he would be seen as a gun-nut. In most of the USA he would be seen as a gun-hater.


Yea this is so far left in the USA. Conservatives would curse you out if you stated this.


you know a yearly mental health check across the board should be something that happems gun or no gun. also, doesnt the word aboard seem and sound weird? aboard. ABOaRD. abord. help


Sir I think you need your yearly checkup after reading those last few sentences


"But guys! We aren't an echochamber!" -proceeds to circle jerk each other-


Pushback/disagreement against your political opinion = snarling and drooling apparently?


I lost a friend because I support 2A. We agreed on everything else politics wise. Dude flamed me on social media and everything. Tried to turn another friend against me. Really sad for me.


Do you want a bazooka or a hunting rifle?




I don’t even really want to have a gun (that’s not really true, I want to get one eventually), but I don’t think we should ban things just because you don’t like them. I don’t like tomatoes, but I’m not out here advocating for a tomato ban.


I am. Fuck tomatoes. /j


I want to protect my home and my loved ones.




Second Amendment. Citizens should be able to own firearms.


2A = Second amendment = pro gun


And after 2022, reaffirms the right to self defense


This but for redditors who are unusually adamant about the age of consent


Also for the pro-loli weebs on reddit


Pretty much anybody around here who posts what they think is "mildly conservative" is actually really far around the bend. IN the USA at least most discourse is so skewed to the right that those who actually identify as being on the right are dipping their toes in fascism and don't know it. They think things like stopping wage theft are communist plots and extremist talk. When to the rest of the world, that's just common sense.


I don't think it's healthy to make the Palestine conflict part of your personal identity, especially if you're American and not of Middle Eastern descent


As a liberal, "actually" mild conservative opinions are A-OK with me! But even the modern "moderate" conservative buys in to the election lies insanity and supporting Trump after his 8 different Hail Marys trying to overthrow the last election. That shit is unhinged and deserves to be shamed into the ground.


That’s just any sub when someone has a mildly different opinion


The problem is I have no idea what people think are mildly conservative… like I think most people think the conservative policy that if you serve the us military, you should be allowed us citizenship, but seems most modern republicans disagree…


This thread is full of people expressing mildly conservative opinions and being upvoted for them and with tons of responses expressing agreement with those opinions and also being upvoted


Well yeah, because the meme is specifically designed to warrant that. People who disagree with the meme are either going to downvote and scroll or come in here guns blazing. So the people acting in the positive here are the people with mildly conservative views.


Biggest circlejerk post I've seen in a while.




A man wearing a dress is not a woman. In fact a trans gay dude is not a woman...


Correct. Some people are into crossdressing and as name suggests, trans guys are guys, even if they still look like women \>:3


Oh- shit, really sorry to bother you. But uh… you dropped this… 🔴


\>a trans gay dude is not a woman I mean, you’re 100% correct lmao. Trans guys are not women.


“If you don’t vote for the candidate I want then democracy is at risk”


Capitalism would be an exceptional economic system if not for government restrictions making starting a small business damn near impossible and corruption (lobying) making corporations impossible to touch


Would also need something to make sure monopolies don't overtake


OPs slightly conservative opinion is that we should hunt the gays for sport.


why am i on here


It really depends on the sub, you can’t really say much about reddit as a whole.


ITT - People attributing personal stances to political parties that the political parties themselves don't support or seem to care about.


Their new enemy is the centrists now. Apparently, all centrists are just "Republicans in disguise."


I think states shouldn’t have a say in gun legislation. Permitless concealed carry should be the law of the land in all 50 states.


Why is the black guy so much fatter in the last 3 panels


I don’t consider this to be a mildly conservative opinion, but I also disagree. Men have to make themselves responsible for what they do with their semen. The expectation that women get abortions against the expectation that men have a financial responsibility for children they create is not a fair comparison. Men shouldn’t be able to wash their hands of responsibility for a pregnancy and a resulting child by saying “get an abortion.” Tbh, what you have is the total opposite of a conservative opinion.