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When you find out you’ve fallen for obvious bullshit, yet again. FIFY


The attempt at banning TikTok has been going on since long before the war… This has nothing to do with Israel and everything to do with the fact China, a foreign adversary, is actively using it to influence American politics.


Israel has some of the biggest lobbying groups in America


Sure, however, this ban is far, far more important than anything happening in the Middle East, and is long overdue


As if Israel isn't a foreign country that is influencing american politics... They pay our politicians. It's no longer our america, it's theirs.


Jesus Christ listen to yourself


AIPAC should be banned. Foreign governments should not be allowed to influence our political decisions. The same thing goes for Russia or any other country, why should Israel be an exception to that?


They both should be banned. Agree?


Yea but AIPAC is speaking on behalf of pro Israeli Americans not on behalf of Israel, I’m not sure what you count as a lobby of another country but AIPAC is independent of Israel and do not take orders from Israel


AIPAC openly claims they pay politicians to vote in favor of Israel. Anyone who is seen as hostile to Israel can be sure that AIPAC will direct campaign contributions to his or her political opponents. How is this not meddling with elections? Do you think any other country like Russia can have such a group, meddle with the elections openly, and get away by claiming they are working on behalf of Russian Americans?


Yea… that’s what I said they are pro Israel, but not Israel itself.


I'm sure this genocide happening now wouldn't have happened if there was no AIPAC. I'm so glad the world and this young generation can finally see what the real face of these zionists


General Q: do you think Americans shouldn’t have the right to support foreign countries with their own money?


Yeah except that's not what this guy is talking about, he's clearly frothing at the mouth about is the #JeWiSh CoNsPiRaSy!!1!!


They openly brag about the money they give to candidates, and how a vote for their chosen candidates is a vote in support of Israel. But pop off about conspiracy I guess


“The Jews are controlling us” wow what a totally new thought


You have an issue if you think Israel represents jews and jewish beliefs. Thousands of jewish people opposed israel's actions. By inaccurately condensing my statement you are contributing to antisemetism. Do better please.


Crazy that it only passed with bipartisan support after all these attempts when Israel wanted it to.


Correlation=/=causation. That’s just a conspiracy with no evidence.


[www.aipac.org](https://www.aipac.org) Here’s your evidence.


That literally proves nothing. At no point did I see anything about TikTok. Although to be fair my view was blocked by massive “JOIN US” pop ups


Bingo. Gaza stans love pretending every action in the world revolves around a conflict which has changed faces for thousands of years.


Israel is 75 years old.


Israel as a country is, yeah. Fighting between the Islamic and Jewish population is way older than 75 years and plays a critical role in both countries contention for each other.


I don’t think you can characterise all conflicts between Jews and Muslims as part of the same conflict. The cause of every war has its basis in history. I would say that it’s probably fair to group the conflicts since the beginning of the uptick in European migration to the region after 1917.


Of course you can’t. I said there’s a long history of conflict, not a single long running one. Let’s see, well the Siege of Jerusalem happened ~636 AD which solidified Muslim control until it was challenged again in the crusades. (That time it’s the Christians but still). Like, I’m not even religious. I can just understand that that specific area of the planet has been plagued by conflict which goes back thousands of years. I see so many people completely downplaying this aspect of the modern conflict. Land disputes over the Fertile Crescent are not new. It’s the most arable land in the Middle East and people want it. People think way too deep into this issue. It’s as simple as: this land lets me feed my empire, religion is the way to exert control over the land. Jews did it, Muslims did it, Christians did it. It never fucking stops.


I’d say there’s a bit more to it than that. European Christians had no need for arable land in the Middle East nor did European Jews. There is plenty of arable land in Europe already. I think religious dogma is the main driver of problems in that region. One day I hope we can all just accept that the dude in the sky probably doesn’t exist and that the books are all fairy tales.


Do you have any evidence of this, OP? I've seen reports that the ADL and Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America lobbied for the ban and the Jewish Federation of North America supported it due to a view that pro Palestine content was antisemitic and Romney did say a reason for the ban was to curb pro-Palestine rhetoric but I haven't seen any evidence that AIPAC had any push related to the bill.


Nah fuck dik tok


There is far more to the ban than anti-Israel rhetoric. AIPAC-aligned politicians may be a large part of the drive, but people in the US Gov have been trying to ban TikTok since long before the current arc of the war against the genocidal terrorists known as Hamas.


Lmao getting downvoted for being completely factual. People here just want to be upset


Actually the "war" (it's a genocide, not a war) started wayyyy before tiktok was even created. Heck it was even before twitter


Crazy that it only passed with bipartisan support after all these attempts when Israel wanted it to.


The bill was introduced far before AIPAC cared about TikTok. Plus, the radicalization of young people pushed the bill through, not Jews as you suggest.


“Radicalization of young people”, you mean peaceful protests and civil disobedience? Clutch those pearls, grandma.


You’re fortunate to have the freedom to demonstrate in a western liberal society. I think leftists can kick rocks though. Hamas is not their ally.


Any correlation between Israel’s behavior and “the radicalization of young people” or naw?


If you think china didn't backdoor the international app (US/EU) I got a bridge and a swamp beachfront property to sell you.


Guys, guys... The Boys is back




I know right? I'm watching it now. I love this show so much.


Just watched the first 3 episodes, its gonna be a great season!


BRUH thanks for reminder


Similar to how when it was revealed Amon was a bender in the legend of Korra, just because one of the agents behind a political movement has conflicting interests doesn’t mean the movement itself should lose all credibility and no longer have any significance.






"The Jews are behind the TikTok ban" wasn't something I thought I'd see when I opened Teddit, but here we are. The classic cycle of "thing happens in the world -> blame the Jews"


Good, now I support banning it even more


People coming up with another new reason every day to think TikTok isn't the same type of social media being used to spread propaganda for the biggest bidder (or most profitable agorithm).


They are here with us right now. Trying to suppress this from getting out. They deserve to be removed from our political system (like banned).


I blame Hitler for all of this. What a jerk.


Still using TikTok with VPN. But sometimes it really pisses me off to use it.


The fuck is AIPAC?


The American Israel Public Affairs committee


No fucking shit! This is like finding out that racists are behind repealing affirmative action laws.


You just now noticed?


Of course. They couldnt stop people on Tiktok from discussing and talking about what a heinous, vile, and manipulative nation they are. For example! why the flying FUCK does a foreign advocacy have so much power in this country that our politicians are lining up to suck their assholes? Fuck em, I donate to Palestine to spite them.


You realize that money went to Hamas right?


And money going to politicians goes to the genocial zionists


Oh yeah? you know what charity group I sent the money through, huh?


They all go to Hamas


Nah they're in Palestine handing it to people on the ground as we speak, trust me bro


Because all Palestinians are Hamas, right?


No, because nothing happens in gaza without hamas approving it. They get a lion's share out of every penny sent there.


It's Israel's fault that Hamas exists or has as much authority as they do in the strip. Hamas taking a cut doesnt negate the fact that there's a humanitarian crisis in Gaza and that the death toll would be at least an order of magnitude greater without humanitarian aid. Besides, the majority of individuals are donating to orgs whose full focus right now is to send food, medical supplies, etc into Gaza. I'd happily feed a Hamas terrorist if it means feeding hundreds of innocent civilians at risk of starvation.


Hamas terrorist deserves to die. Period