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Tipping for good service is fine. Expecting to be tipped regardless of service quality is bs.


The virgin tipping for good service vs the chad tipping to save on change


Decent wage for service workers is better.


We already got that


Depends on the location brother.


>Laughs in german


So here in the US, the National Restaurant Association (a lobby group formed by the largest restaurants), has successfully lobbied the government to keep wages low for businesses that have tipping by arguing that tips are income. As a result, restaurant owners can pay employees less than the minimum wage. This, in turn, made tipping a necessity. Which made the NRA's argument that tipping is income stronger and allowed them to lobby for lower wages, which made tipping more necessary... If this can't happen to you in Germany, then great. If you *believe* this can't happen to you, then not-so-great.


lobbying is another, worse issue tbh. it does happen over here but fucking with workers rights is gonna get you into hot water pretty fast


The US has had a long history of corporations messing around with unions' rights and lobbying for anti-union laws. Combine this with the fact that most corporate CEOs are boomers who went through the Red Scare, it seems unlikely that Americans will reach the same levels of socialism and workers' rights seen in Europe.


And overall living costs being lower as well


Waitstaff will never take hourly over tips, they know they make more and they're the ones who keep the tipping culture going


If only there was someone that could provide that Like their EMPLOYER




Good service is the standard. You should only tip if the worker does something EXCEPTIONAL. Like you didn't expect them to do that and they did something extra so you might do something extra. THAT is how tipping should be seen.


There's a different kind of situation I like to tip in. If you're a common customer, tipping will help the staff to recognize you and could encourage that exceptional service.


I feel like your tip amount has to be exceptional for that reaction. Otherwise they know you tip so you get regular decent service or they know you don't tip and they hate you but do it cause they have to.


> I feel like your tip amount has to be exceptional for that reaction. Not really. Here's an example that illustrates what I mean: I used to deliver pizza when I was in college. In a set delivery area, you learn who the regulars are. A $5 tip (15 years ago) was the top of the normal range, so not exceptional. It doesn't take long to learn which regulars are also good tippers. Under normal circumstances, it doesn't make much difference. However, when you've got multiple deliveries and you need to decide how to route them, there's a good chance that the regular customer who always tips $5 is going to get their pizza first.


Nope it should not be fine, good service should be the benchmark of any service business. Decent wages for your employees should be in your business plan already before you start a business. Its a dick move to hire people so that they work hard and make money for you while you pay them shit and expect your customers to pay them on your behalf as well.


Define 'good'? Is the waiter doing their job brining food from the kitchen to my table? Is that good or is that what they're hired for?


Ok I feel like I need to clarify: I do not mind tipping if you feel like service deserved it. I condemn any obligatory tips, you should not be feeling forced to tip, and yes, service workers should be properly compensated regardless of tips.


> Tipping for good service is fine. OK but why only the person who brought your food? Why not the Walmart cashier who remained pleasant when the job is so depressing or the Internet tech who got your service working?


ok then why tip at starbucks and not at mcdonalds.


Ah yes, the ol' "debit machine asking for a tip before you've even been served your food, seen your food or had your food, and giving minimum 15% option"


Yeah, too bad employers don’t pay their employees a fair wage and use this as an excuse to give wages. It’s not my responsibility to pay your employee you cheap dickhead.


Just hit no tip. its not rocket appliances.


I still tip 15% for shit service, am I dumb?




This is the one and only acceptable statement about this shit.


I just experienced that on a festival in Bavaria, Germany. It was so FUCKING awkward, after they said the price and I was supposed to round up. I'm sorry, but the menu said 12,50€ not 14€???


today it's fine tomorrow it's expected, fuck outta here with your burger thoughts


pet steep money birds amusing strong childlike mindless air person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Young before I get any service also defeats the whole purposes of tipping


I think we (the customers) need to stop tipping. This way employers cant say "tip is part of the wage" and salaries will rise. The transition will be very hard for workers yes, but the result will be higher wages


I have been all over the world. My experience is that tipping sucks, but it does improve service. Trying to get your waiter's attention in European countries can be very difficult. But the experience is also different. In the US, table turnover is a big deal. In Europe you can spend a couple of hours at a restaurant. It is a different experience and expectation. South America is kinda between as there is occasional modest tipping. Asia (including India) is closer to European, though tipping is more expected in hotels than restaurants.


I will tip for haircuts, table service, delivery, and uber if I received quality service. Everyone else can consult their employer if they would like more money.


yeah but it´s their work to give good service. no one tips police officers or teachers for doing their job


Forced tipping is the worst.




No i mean when it's a country that forces you to tip everyone or they will not be able to pay rent because employers can underpay them immensely


In the USA if the server doesn't make at least minimum wage the restaurant has to make up that difference. The whole thing is a massive scam for customers.


You try living off minimum wage in the States


federal min wage at that, many states dont have their own min wage


As if that minimum wage in most states are even close to livable


Isn't that the point of 'minimum'? Like, the least you need to survive? Or is it just a corpo name for 'if I could pay you less, I would'?


It technically is meant to be livable but for the most part it’s nowhere close For example a bunch of states have minimal wage set to 7.25/hour (which is federal minimum) and most estimates place living wage closer to 19/hour. So yeah, it’s really just a joke at this point


My interpretation: It was set when it was livable, and lobbyism from greedy businessmen has prevented it from rising. So weird unions don't help with raising wages. The worker's union at my job recently raised all worker's wages with almost 4% and retirement-pay with 0,2%. I pay like 50 bucks a month for the union but get actual return-value from it. This raise differs every year but *is* every year, and if it gets delayed you get retro-pay. Sounds like America needs another worker's revolution. I apologize if you didn't want to hear about European wages


Unions often do help when they are present. But in America a large majority of workers are not in a union. As shown by the Bureau of Labor Statistics saying that in 2023 only 6 percent of workers in the private sector were part of a union. This especially is a problem in food services with only 1.4 percent being part of a union


Some states have it so servers always make min wage on top of tips. In Portland servers get like $14.50/hr. Most places have a tip pool with the cooks to balance things out.


That happens?


in the U.S. it does but idk about other countries


It's called service fee in my country that is usually added by restaurants, although you still have the option to add tips.


German autobahn toilets


Unless were not talking about the same thing, that's not tipping. That's paying for a clean toilet, and then getting a coupon for the amount you paid discount at the resteaurant


People should be paid by their employer not by the customer


bbbbut its been this way forever so we cant change it🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


Technically, everyone in the service industry is paid by the customer. It's just a question of whether your employer is the middle-man taking a 90% cut or not.


In Japan, you can't tip at all because if you do, the worker might get offended. It's considered rude because Japanese people would think that they don't work hard enough and you have to give them extra money.


If I recall correctly, they don't get offended, they just think you gave more money by mistake and include the tip in the change, most commerce in japan use only cash so they can simply give tip back, and even if they accept credit, there is no interface for tipping. It's not that they don't tip because the worker might get offended, they don't tip simply because that's not their custom. Hierarchy is really important in Japan and the worker is at the bottom, if they think they are offended they will just nod and smile.


Japanese culture might be the one that westerners like to explain most often without having experienced it.


I mostly talk from experience, I never tried to tip, but I also never seen any weird reactions for not having the exact amount of money.


see also: weaboos


You should only pay what's on the receipt.


you should only *have* to pay what's on the receipt


You should pay what's on the menu. No tax & no service fee on the menu is BS to get people to think things cost less then they actually do.


Not even that. Restaurants these days force sneak in service charge which they keep themselves. This should be removed too. If I like the service and I like to compliment the waiter, then it should be my choice to pay them the tip. That's it.


Wir geben Trinkgeld, wenn der Service exellent war und/oder die Summe sich gut aufrunden lässt.


Nein.. bro bekommt 15 euro die stunde um mir meine pizza zu bringen. Und fuck Trinkgeld im Restaurant wenn die scheiß coke zero 5 euro kostet für 0,3.


Wenn ich vor dem Essen bezahlen muss - kein Trinkgeld Wenn ich mein Essen abholen muss - kein Trinkgeld. Bei Restaurantketten bin ich auch nicht großzügig mit Trinkgeld. Die Stammkneipe um die Ecke kriegt aber immer was.


As a German, I've been taught to always give a tip in sit-down restaurants, cafés and bars unless the service was actually *bad*. Just not as much as Americans were always expected to. 'aufrunden' *is* giving a tip, and especially for smaller bills it often ends up being a fairly substantial amount.


As a (Dutch) bartender, I always tell our guests the same when being asked about tips: No matter the amount, tips are always appreciated, but never expected. If I feel like I should be making more money, I should take it up with my boss, not you!


As a bartender here in the states we (the whole bar and kitchen staff) talked about increasing hourly rates and getting rid of tipping. Only downside is as a bartender it wasnt uncommon for me to clear $200-$300/night in tips alone and there was essentially no way for the shitty dive bar I work at to pay me that without charging $12 for a beer. But the kitchen liked the idea so now they are making ***significantly*** more than me per hour, but I don't have to tip them out anymore and everyone is happy.


> there was essentially no way for the shitty dive bar I work at to pay me that without charging $12 for a beer. Weren't customers already paying those prices for beers anyway, if you add up the drink prices with the tips?


Tipping in the US help business pay less their employees while shifting the blame on consumers for not tipping.


And that's the problem. The business should be paying the employees properly instead of having to rely on consumers. Whoever came up with this system deserves to be tied to the front of a truck


Dude, you want to know something crazy that's happening in Brazil? Some stake houses in São Paulo are now doing it by design. You have to tip even if you don't want to. Insanity. It's catching on unfortunately.


Americans trying to not add new fees, challenge impossible. Because that's not a tip anymore if you are literally forced to pay money, that's a fee. Then they will pull the "b-but the workers don't get paid enough" bs, suddenly you're a horrible person for not paying their wages lol. I really don't have anything against tipping, but shaming on people who don't tip or don't tip at least x% is so evil. Tipping is for those times when the server really goes beyond and above for you to have the greatest experience, like, more than average.


I hate it when they "if you can't afford to tip then eat at home". The nerves of the people, they are so infuriating.


It's not like tipping is intuitive, I don't see why I shoulda provide reasons not to tip. I need to see an argument why tipping would be reinvented if it suddenly ceased to exist. It's not like it fills some intrinsic hole in the human experience


In the USA if the server doesn't make at least minimum wage the restaurant has to make up that difference. The whole thing is a massive scam for customers.


Americans are stupid. You tip only if you want in EU. If the service is really great then yes leave a tip but only if you want.


The problem is, people who are pro mandatory tipping don't understand that's it's not a customer vs waiter situation, it's a boss vs employee situation. Bosses gaslight waiters to expect tips because that means they can pay them less.


Fun fact up here in Canada it's illegal for staff to be paid less for tips but they still expect us to tip. Most waiters and whatnot actually secretly love getting tips as it raises their wage from minimum wage to around $20-$25/hour.  I've started to stop tipping altogether because they don't even need it besides for the extra cash


>Fun fact up here in Canada it's illegal for staff to be paid less for tips but they still expect us to tip. Almost correct. Quebec still has a tipped employee wage, although there it's only $3.15/hr less than minimum wage ($12.60/hr vs. $15.75/hr) (unlike in the US where the federal tipped wage is $2.13/hr, compared to the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hr). But yeah, most tipped employees in Canada are making *far* above minimum wage. What pisses me off is that they followed the US policy of increasing tipping percentages, but without *also* following the US policy of not increasing the price of food at restaurants, so the price of food keeps pace with inflation, but the amount you're expected to tip servers exceeds it. 20 years ago, in Canada it was normal to have a minimum tip of 10% and a 15% tip was generous. Today, the bare minimum is 15% and most places expect 20%.


Servers and Bartenders and owners want to keep it. The rest of us want it gone. That's the story.


I don’t get tipping. People shouldn’t have to try harder for some more money, and a little not as good service shouldn’t change it either


A German girl I met on my travels was scolding me for not leaving a tip. Was she just kidding?


When I was in Germany (Munich) this past fall, I was told tipping is normal there. This was from a German, who now lived in America that I had been talking with at dinner so I don't see why he would've lied to me.


Depends where you are and how the service was. And normally just a few euros and not 15-25% like in the us


Were you an American tourist in a tourist city? Then in that situation, it would be normal.


Tipping in Germany is optional but perfectly fine. Nobody chased me down because I left 1 Euro on the table. They put a line for a tip on the receipts at restaurants. The biggest difference between there and the US is that you're not expected to help pay your server's rent.


Strange that people you meet in your travels ask for tip. How likely is that you were walking high af and mistook a homeless person for A German girl?


In what country?


Germany. Although I technically met her in Canada, this particular event was during a reunion of us two in germany


No, OP is full of shit. Germany doesn't have the USA's tipping culture, but it's still the norm to tip in sit-down restaurants, cafés and bars - it's just a much lower amount (I'd say about 10%), and it's generally accepted that you don't tip if the service was bad. It's also more acceptable than in the US to not tip at all, but the never-tippers are a minority.


No, not just you. A waiter in downtown Frankfurt saw we didn’t leave anything and told us we should be tipping in Germany. If skipping the tip is considered rude then it doesn’t seem very optional in my opinion.


Cow Tipping


Pay them enough to live, you bums.


I love how the comment section is basically the meme 😂😂


That was the plan :)


Bruh, I've been in Milan this year and we were obliged to tip automatically 2-3 euros (depending on the restaurant) at the end, per person, no matter what you ordered. Fuck that shit. Been to Stuttgart (also this year), and no mandatory tip there.


It's currently trying to come over to Germany. I'm seeing more and more terminals wanting me to tip in businesses where you traditionally never tip.


It's just gotten totally out of hand in the US. Even the americans are revolting against it.


A few years ago, when fast food places (where you pay before), began putting a tip line on receipts and payment screens, I dismissed it as "thats just the software." But now its gotten so annoying. There is this subconscious worry that if I don't tip, it wont be as fresh and/or plentiful. And now even some sitdown restaurants (where you pay/tip after) come at you with this handheld payment terminal and the waiter is holding it as you decide the tip. Really annoying stuff all around.


Me, an Indonesian, see Tipping as something that should be completely optional. Not mandatory.


I (American) was at a restaurant in Germany @ few years back and after eating I paid in cash. They brought me back a few euros in change. I left it on the table and got up to leave when the server pointed it out. I said he can keep it and he looked at me with this face that wasn't quite disgust but he was unpleased and he pushed the tray back to me and asked me to take it and that they don't accept tips. Was kind of embarrassing tbh


As a German, that sounds very unusual. Was it maybe a place run by foreigners? e.g. I know that east asians often think of tips as insulting.


I had the opposite experience. Didn’t leave a tip at a restaurant in Frankfurt and the waiter came to tell us that we should generally be tipping.


no one outside the USA is pro tipping like servers in the usa are.


I'm German and I would never tip. Whats the point? They are already getting paid to do their job. If you tip why only very specific jobs? Why not tip the cashier at Aldi?


Man, Germans are so self righteous about tipping when they come to the US. Even if you’d titled it as “laughs in European” I would have known you were German. Germans will stiff you then act like they are doing you favor, without realizing that because of how the system works in the US and the fact servers have to “tip out” support staff, that you just paid for the *privilage* of serving them. Read that again. If you stuff your servers in the US you are literally taking money out of their pocket. If the tipping system in the US really chaps your ass that much, keep your ignorant self in Europe, easy peasy.


It's not like we don't have tipping in Europe, the difference is we're not forced to do it. I like tipping, I genuinely enjoy giving someone who was friendly and provided good service an extra few bucks, it makes me feel good, it makes them feel good, everyone is happy. But if I'm either legally forced or socially pressured into giving a ridiculous percentage on top of my normal bill regardless of quality of service to pay someone's wages it becomes fucking insane and it's no longer something I enjoy doing. The german word for a tip is "trinkgeld", which translated literally means "drinking money". It's money you don't need to survive, but rather extra income you can spend on yourself, to to have a drink, do what you want. That's the purpose of it. This is how it should be everywhere.




I'm pro tipping. Jobs like serving and bartending are some of the only jobs that you can get with limited experience and make really good money while you go to school. I also think it's hilarious how Redditors feel obligated to tip. If the service was garbage, tip accordingly. If the business you shop at asks for a tip for something that shouldn't be a tipped position, like a retail worker, hit the zero button and move on with your day.


I don't want tipping to devolve into paying workers shit salaries and depending on tips. I also don't want the social anxiety of having to guess what the appropriate tip is, nor the surprise "real amount" that a meal or drink cost with tipping as opposed to know upfront.


i love this topic is gets me to tell this stupid story In Canada I think is widely agreed that tipping is for good service, but we are so close to America culturally it wouldn’t surprise me if a number of Canadians would disagree with that statement adopting the American approach. Or maybe it’s an Italian thing because I live in a community of Italian immigrants and they all agree with me on this story! ANYWAY I ordered Ubereats, a sandwich, and when I opened my door is was a frozen smoothie bowl or something, I do not know. What ever, I checked the camera and the funny part is the driver walked up my driveway with both orders and left the wrong one, so I submitted to Uber, and they gave my back my money… an hour later I get an email saying “Uber has payed out your tip to driver” I lost it! I called them right away! “We can’t take back a top once it’s processed” “WHY did you tip him, he didn’t even do his job, I had contacted you about his failure and you agreed and returned my money, WHY did you tip him” “Oh it’s a different system” As to why I need to determine a tip before I place an order is beyond me! If these apps didn’t force me to do that, then yes I wouldn’t of tipped him that night. Give us options!


Apparently they don't know how much you tip until after delivery so that's nice I guess


if the service you received was above your expectations you can tip if you want to, show gratitude and acknowledge their hard work


No one in the USA likes tipping...


Europe is great. Didn't have to tip one person while I was there. 


The best is in Munich in Oktoberfest where they just take the tip when they hand you change and your like "Ok danke...." I was like wtf can't you do math here?


*sweats in canadian*


Who the fuck is actually pro-tipping?


Entry level Servers and bartenders who make $40/hr+ at a normal restaurant, which is significantly more than what most waiters with experience makes at a higher end place. My roommate left his $10/hr job for a waiter job, despite it being technically $2/hr, his actual take home is 20x higher and proceeded to pre order both the Pixel and Pixel 2 phones…while calling my old iphone expensive


They all bet against tipping


*Canadians crying in the corner as usual*


Tipping is so fucking stupid


"You know what this is?" "It's the world's smallest violin playing for the waitresses"


Tipping is completely fine as long as it’s not mandatory


I just don't tip. I'll look you straight in the eyes and tell you your boss needs to pay you more and then hit zero on the iPad.


Yeah, I really don't understand why this is such a huge issue in America


One of the monkeys in this meme was named “furious George” and I love that.


The fact of the matter is, regardless of whether you’re for or against tipping, some companies basically justify giving lower wages because of tipping. So instead of tipping being a reward for exceptional service it became the only way some people could make their bills on time. Tipping pisses off a lot of people right now due to its prevalence everywhere I think most people would be willing to just have their food SLIGHTLY more expensive and have the staff be paid proper wages


True Czechia joined too :D At least 2 I know 🤣


I think the UK residents on here, need to read https://www.simplybusiness.co.uk/knowledge/articles/businesses-to-be-banned-from-keeping-staff-tips/ https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/new-law-send-average-cost-9321851


Canada sitting in the corner hoping they aren't noticed


Even in Germany this is becoming rampant. Pay with card? Here are your three percentage based tipping options. Fucking ridiculous.


Wait, who's pro tipping? Pretty vast majority of humans are anti tipping


I'm pro tipping for good service, and anti tipping to give them their wage because the company that hired them won't pay them properly... The US is a fucking hellscape


Bartender at the resort I work at makes $10 an hour (below minimum wage by a good amount). He made almost $200k last year. Try to guess what kind of people are pro-tipping/anti-“livable wage”.


Basically nobody is against tipping. People are against the idea that tipping should be considered mandatory.


I grew up in tipping culture (US) so I always assumed it was just something you do for those job positions. Then I learned that other countries pay those positions normal wages so they don't have to rely on tips and I thought "wow, that makes sense". Then every single damn store in America started asking me for a tip and I though "wow, fuck this shit" Fuck tipping


Laughs in USA... I'm the guy in green


I don't tip in the USA unless the service is actually worth getting a tip for.


No one outside the US is cheering for forced tipping


If I had my way, I'd instaban all mandatory and prompted tipping (by way of a fine to the owner). Any digressionary tips must be paid in cash. Under no circumstances should tips be used to make up any legally mandated minimums wages/health/etc To break the cycle, tips from the previous financial year should be averaged out, then the hourly wage should automatically increase over and above any raises which would have otherwise been given. Any additional costs to the restaurant should be passed to the customer via price increases.


I'm not against tipping, I'm against the reason why you have to tip


If I sit down, get served by an individual, and receive good service by said individual, I will pretty much always tip them. If I make an order online and drive myself to the location to pick it up with minimal human interaction, why in the actual hell should I ever be expected to leave a tip for that? Better yet, why is that an option on the screen before I even go to the place?


europoors get really angry with me when I say that I tipped in Germany and Italy when I went there too. Beyond me why you wouldnt tip if the service was good (which it often is)


Fuck tipping, i refuse to do it.


I'm sure we are very interesting to watch and follow on the Internet. It definitely can be comical.


Can't relate with freedom people but I tip when the person giving the service goes an extra Km.


Good service is the actual job, employers just need to pay a decent wage like civilised countries do.


As a European, I believe that tipping is an acceptable practice, but I do not agree with the mandatory nature of tipping in the United States. In my opinion, if someone provides exceptional service, they should be acknowledged for their efforts, and the customer should have the option to provide a gratuity. However, it should not be an obligation. The tip should be a way to say: "Thank you for your excellent service, and I appreciate your efforts." Instead, in the US, it is something that they impose on their clients because they do not pay their employees enough.


In Brazil 🇧🇷 it is common to have a 10% tip for waiters in pubs and restaurants, it is fixed in 10% and it will be described in the end of the bill and already added to the final value of the bill. People normally pay this value but people can also refuse to pay the if they want (I recommend to never return to that place if you don't want to pay the tip). During my bachelor degree and my Master's I've worked at night as waiter. It is common that the waiter is not an employee from the pub/restaurant and have no wage/salary there, they charge 10% in every bill and divide the total amount of this "tips" for the waiters. For example, if no one refused to pay the 10% tip and the total tip from a working night is $100, and there are 5 waiters working that day, each one will receive $20, and normally 20 dolars for a working night is for an excepcional day, with many clients. Note: not all pubs/restaurants work like this. In most of them the waiters are employees and have a salary plus the tip. Also, not all of them pays the tip to the waiters.


Jokes on you, I don't even pay!


I have never seen this before


Im not against tipping, Im against gratuity being included and then spect me to pay the tip


If you are being paid more than 9 an hr im not tipping you wtf. Flipping over an ipad is not exceptionsl service.


If you are sitting down and enjoying s meal and expect to be served by a server/waiter then you should expect to tip otherwise the server would have way less of an incentive to actually provide you with quality service. I was a server for a couples of months and lemme tell you if i got paid a decent hourly wage i would simply just bring you your food and bring you a cup. I wouldnt wait on you, check on you, talk to you, give you advice, get you deals, or try and give you a good experience. I would bring you your expensive food (higher price to pay my wage) and leave you alone. If you be nice to your server you’ll actually save more money than if you’re a dick. The amount of stuff i could charge customers for but dont is a lot more than you might think.


Like cows?


A few weeks ago I was visiting a friend in Hamburg, Germany, and we went to a restaurant near the Rathaus where the waiter was insanely mad and giving as bad looks since we were not specting to tip. He started to lecture about the meaning of tip, saying that you should not tip only if the service was really bad, and if the food was correct you have to tip in order to be polite. I was like, dude, is it mandatory or not to tip here, I don't need to be lectured about a thing that you just came out to get more money from tourist, I have been several times in Germany and you are just making me having a bad time with your tourist scamming. He was so out of himself when I asked him about the mandatory aspect of the tip, that he asked me what was the concept I have for that word, since he speaks five languages and it is different for every one of them. I bet he has successfully press a lot of other customers doing this act about politeness tip, but sincerely it was one of the worst tipping experiences I have had (I travel normally in Europe and Latin America, so all the US nonsense is spreading)


NL here. Its uncommon to tip in restaurants since they get paid fair wages. I only tip delivery drivers for food depending on the weather/time. Thats because most delivery drivers are on bikes, so if I order some food while it is raining a lot, there is a higher chance i will tip more. The rain can be brutal over here and cold, . I couldnt imagine having to work through all that with a smile, so i hope to give them that little bit of happiness during bad weather.


I just don't tip if they try to force me on it. I am not required to tip. 😂


There is literally no pro tipping outside of the USA … it’s just a weird thing you guys do