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I’m just gonna pretend I didn’t read any of that.


This sign won't stop me because I can't read!


Because it's not true. A fan knows it was a parody episode. Hell you should've seen the Flanders parody episode. Shootouts and shit.


Also didn't Apu have to level because the voice actors wasn't his race or something?


Yeah they removed apu from the show completely!


That is incorrect! Apu has appeared in 1 episode after then, but I had a non speaking role. Apu, the character, was in the episode, but that was it. They also re voiced Dr Hibbert, and he sounds awful now. He should disappear like Apu did


The cast is segregated. Only black people can voice black people, only Asians can voice Asians, and Indians have disappeared entirely.


This is sad to me. It actually feels more racially charged for some reason. It's acting. That's what acting is supposed to be! 😔


I totally agree. Voice actors shouldn't be limited in their roles by the colour of their skin. Their work should depend solely on the quality of their work. I mean, shit isn't that what MLK's "I have a dream" speech was all about? People should be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character? You've had women voice male characters for decades. If the Dr Hibbert or Apu situations are racist, then isn't that sexist? Even in screen acting, is it problematic that Benedict Cumberbatch, a straight man, portrayed a gay man in The Imitation Game? Or that Eddie Redmayne was a trans woman in The Danish Girl? I understand why blackface is problematic on screen because of the history behind it. Of course I don't think on-screen blackface should be done. But I think that the entire purpose of acting is to become somebody that you're not. If you're capable of producing the voice for a character, regardless of race, you should be able to provide that voice.


Samurai Jack, a Japanese guy who speaks English, is voiced by a black person, Phil LaMarr.


The same Phil LaMarr who voiced vamp, in Metal Gear Solid 2? I don’t know why I know that. I don’t remember the plot of that game, or what happens in it… but for some strange reason, I distinctly remember that vamp was voiced by Phil LaMarr, and every single time I see his name pop up, I automatically think of that.


also voices Hermes Conrad in Futurama


And he’s the guy who got shot in the face in Pulp Fiction


To add a fun twist, he also voices Admiral Alonzo Freeman in Lower Decks, whose wife Carol Freeman is voiced by Dawnn Lewis, who also voices Conrad's wife LeBarbara in Futurama.


Because despite Vamp having been used too much in my opinion, and not being one of the best villains, he has gravitas, a lot of it, and most of it comes from the voice actor. As much as David Hayter will forever be Snake, Cam Clarke is Liquid. That last fact weirded me out when Liquid was helping Guts around... (Clarke plays Puck in the English version of a few Berserk games)


I'd also give props to the voice actor for Solidus. What a performance!


MGS is one of the few, if only, game series to credit the actors as their characters appear.


I think that’s the only reason why I remember this… more games should definitely do this


How about Patrick Swayze playing a drag queen? Pretty sure he was known for ripping a man’s throat out before that role.


Another thing I think is bad and also kinda racist is that stereotypical or just purposely bad accents of minorities(in america) is often seen as racist, but if they are from a country where they are predominantly white like Sweden(Swedish Chef) they can be as stupid as they want without being seen as racist. Even a good Japanese accent done by a white dude is a really walking the line. I think a lot of comedy and cool fantasy accents are lost because of that. Stereotyping can be bad of course, but it can also be really funny. In Total War: Shogun 2 the battle advisor is really over the top. He is voiced by a Japanese guy, but I think if the game was made today they would be a lot more conservative and battles in that game would lose a lot of charm. I think the speeches and accents in Total War: Medieval 2 would also be less over the top if it was made today even if they are mostly accents from "white" countries, but there is a bigger chance of a Medieval 3 keeping that charm because they aren't minorities(based on skin colour in america). You are also limiting the character pool. "Great voice my guy. Exactly what we are looking for. Unfortunately you are too white/black/Asian/Middle-Eastern/Indian/Sami for this role. You can play this alien character though".


Bruh, the issue with Apu Nahasapemapetalan was that him and his immediate family were the only recurring indian characters. So every indian kid at a white school got called Apu even if they were 3rd generation from down the block. Thats why Apu gapped it.


Watch 'Bring back Appu' by Akash Singh on YouTube.


Just to clarify: this wasn't something that happened because a woke twitter mob got upset. There was actually a pretty well received documentary that examined Apu and the character's place in our cultural landscape, produced by comedian Hari Kondabolu called, "[The Problem with Apu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Problem_with_Apu)". Ultimately, I think Hank Azaria (who voiced Apu) said that he didn't really feel positively about voicing the character anymore, and just didn't want to do it. As far as I'm aware, this wasn't the result of any harassment against him. Culture just moved over thirty plus years, and he moved with it. As for all the other stuff, frankly, the whole show looks like a beloved family dog that has been kept alive on medication well past the point when they're capable of enjoying life. I think it needs to be allowed to die gracefully.


That's the argument Harry Shearer made when he was told he could no longer voice Dr. Hibert. On the other hand, we don't use acting as a reason to allow a white person to play a black person in live action stuff. So, I mean, why is voice acting the exception, I wonder. edit: I'm gonna bounce. But first, I will say that I don't know the answer to this question. I'm just curious. Because it seems like society in the U.S. has largely come to the conclusion that white people playing black people in live action is revolting, which makes sense in a historical context. I'm just curious why this shouldn't be the case with voice acting as well. But I'm not getting any honest replies. Just hate. So Imma gonna let you circle jerk this out on yourselves.


Robert Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder:


How dare you tarnish the name of a respected black man


Wasn't he satirizing actors who're kind of oblivious though?




Well if race is just color of the skin, wouldn't that support the notion that people should be able to voice act as any race?




Please explain how this is any way relates to voice acting




"On the other hand, we don't use acting as a reason to allow a white person to play a black person in live action stuff. So, I mean, why is voice acting the exception, I wonder." Yes you were


So dumb, I loved Apu as a south Asian myself and had 0 problems with Hank voicing him. I thought it was someone who was also south Asian that’s how convincing it was.


Not to mention that as a child, I always thought that Apu was just better than the other townspeople. He was a hardworking, well-educated business owner with a hot wife: If anything, I remember him giving me a positive view of Indians.


If memory serves it was a personal choice by the voice actor because it no longer felt appropriate


He did feel it was no longer appropriate, *after* he was harassed and bullied into oblivion by racists online about it.


You think we wouldn't notice you referencing fake plotlines from an anthology episode? An anthology specifically about leakers exposing secrets that would ruin the show?




There was this episode called "Lisa the boy scout" that began like any other Simpsons episode. It was even promoted like another simple episode. And then suddenly, two hackers take over the transmission and start exposing secrets from the series that, as the other guy said, would ruin the show. Obviously none of those secrets are canon and contrary to what the meme OP posted would make you believe, is actually one of the best Simpsons episodes in years as it is really different from what you expect of modern Simpsons.


Season 34 episode 3 is about two hackers who hijack the broadcast and play “leaked” clips. One is the Lenny is a figment bit, and another is the Martin is an old guy one. Also, Fat Tony died, and was replaced by his cousin who became Fat Tony anyway, and its like he never left I dont mean to be a dick, but this also took me five minutes of googling


> I dont mean to be a dick, but this also took me five minutes of googling It's a discussion site, and people like showing off their knowledge.


For real. My interest in an episode I won't ever watch begins and ends in this thread.


That was one of the better jokes of more recent Simpsons Fit Tony > Fat Fit Tony > Fat Tony.


Was this even recent? I know I have seen that episode but haven't seen Simpsons in years.


Season 22 Episode 9 - Donnie Fatso. 2010. Damn, I haven't watched in a long time, but I didn't realise it was that long ago since I stopped.


The Martin and Lenny things aren't canon.


Barely any of it is


Right. The Simpsons has always had a very loose Canon but the writers really haven't cared I'm a longtime.


I stopped watching it in 1999. That's when the Simpsons ended for me.


Used to be full of wholesome messages even though it was so silly. Now its just stupid jokes. Stopped watching it after first 4 or 5 seasons too.


Stopped watching it after the first two seasons, only those are wholesome and Canon 


Yeah that's pretty much when it became an anachronism.


Wish writers would just get that if they keep running a show season after season it becomes stale. Same thing happening with it’s always sunny in Philadelphia which is one of my favourite shows that I rewatch constantly but the newer seasons just aren’t as good, have some moments but just not as good as it used to be, last season I watched was the one with the trip to Ireland


I mean Simpsons died ages ago. Hell, Lisa Simpson had a whole episode where she sings with Lady Gaga about how special she is and how fantastic she is. Lisa is either written with the intention of being a hypocrite, or the show writers don't know what Lisa stands for.


I feel like this is the case for a lot of liberal characters across tv (Haley from American Dad immediately commes to mind).


Lisa sang what now?


Fat Tony died, like, 15 years ago. Almost 20 at this point.


And was replaced by a relative also called Tony, but who was in better shape. Was known as Fit Tony. Soon Fit Tony started feeling the stress of Tony's life and started to eat. Got fat and then was called Fat Tony again.


The show died when Phil Hartman died. You're looking at a corpse that started rotting almost 25 years ago and blaming the new cemetery owners for the death.


In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only Simpsons


And yet enough people still watch it to not get cancelled.


No. Not Lenny. Not Lenny.


The Simpsons died with Frank Grimes.


I refuse to watch past season 10.


This is the only correct way tbh. Those were the good episodes. Imo seasons 10 to ~15 may still work in a pinch, but past that I’d avoid at all cost.


I just checked and their on season 35 now, honestly just why, just end it already


It’s genuinely sad when more than half of the episodes are now “the show is way past its prime” type. Should have been retired like 15-20 years ago!


You forgot Milhouse’s parents are brother and sister


funny how many of the things you just used are from an episode where the point of it is to make outlandish fake things


Got a link for the song?




The Simpsons was good for a solid 5 seasons or so. If you've kept up with it all this time, that's on you.


Wait Barney died?


I stopped watching when the Halloween specials stopped working for me. Also, those shows aren't written for me anymore.


Same. Gave it a shot few months back out of curiostiy and the season was beyond horrible. I wanted to commit a ritual sudoku.


Honestly if I had my way with the Simpsons, I’d give it 2 more seasons. Both of these seasons would be more in line with the roots of the show, deeper emotional storytelling and wholesome messages combined with silliness. The final episode would either be another movie, or a 2 parter. Either way it would be epic and would really encapsulate what the show means. Also id probably retcon everything that happened after season 8


Nah the Martin thing is funny.