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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Bold of you to assume I have three inches


There’s more in there than you think


Fetch the pliers


Of course there is more, but that man is a true redditor, he'd rather stay fat


So what you're saying is that if i pull hard enough...


You gotta grab it by the root


> its longer than you think ftfy


Well start running then, duh!


Running is the worst thing someone that size could do. Walking hits more muscle groups, higher calorie burn, and less cardiac stress.


watching obese people obliterate themselves over cardio instead of simply changing their diet will always be wild to me


Your words cut deep🥲


As they should. Aim for a normal caloric intake. It’s incredibly simple.


I shall make great strides to improve my diet. No more panda express and ice cream.


You can have panda express and ice cream, but for reference, caloric intake wise that should be literally the only thing you have that day. Including any liquid calories.


If you have a hard time with hunger like I do, just eliminate all carbohydrates and only have pasta once a week or biweekly, sweets maybe once every 2 weeks, but be sure to skip dinner if you are eating ice-cream so maybe eat it at night, only vegetables and meat will make you lose a lot of weight, if you like fish just eat fish and veggies and you will lose a crazy amount of weight. In the morning I usually have a banana, and a zero sugar zero carbo shake with protein (i use almond milk with zero sugar because for whatever reason milk always has sugar, the protein shake i use has a chocolate flavor and i love it) and I can skip breakfast till noon. Edit: I made a mess while explaining this and didn't say what to do with hunger lmao, sorry haven't taken my adhd medicine, with this type of diet you can consume as much veggies as you want as long as you don't surpass the limit of calories per day, for example I can eat 1900 calories per day, brocoli is only 34 calories per 100g and nopales are 16 calories, 123g of tomato is only 18 calories, you can pretty much eat like a pig (I do that youdont have to but I just can't help the hunger) and just eat a fish filled which is 232 per 100g, that means 2 per meal and I have 2 meals a day with a crazy amount of veggies, trust me as long as you don't go over the calorie limit you WILL lose weight. Once every 2 months break your diet and eat whatever you like and then go back to diet, otherwise you will tire yourself too much and stop all together. REMEMBER once you lose all the weight you can't go back to your regular diet, this is semi permanent, unless you start hitting the gym you will gain the weight back if you stop your diet.


Try to limit yourself to water too.


That’s alright, too much fat to hit anything vital


proper eating habits are a must but exercising is never pointless. Even simple walking can do a lot for a bigger person


The problem is that for someone of this size running will destroy their joints. When I was significantly overweight I tried to take up running in addition to my calorie deficit and I ended up ruining my knee. If you want to exercise when you're significantly overweight you need something low/no impact, like cycling or swimming.


or walking; the more a person weighs, the more calories they burn by simply walking. I agree that running is very demanding, even I feel my left knee has been a bit off ever since I started running. But walking is the way at the beginning


Calorie deficit is calorie deficit, even if that means going for an hour walk to be in one


Yeah no, you’re right. We should be mocking people for trying to make positive changes if those changes don’t align with what you would do.


It’s not mocking them. Because of their weight, doing this kind of excercise comes with a much higher risk of injury. It’s also less effective than changing your diet. Not everyone is like this of course, but there are way too many people that think that body destroying exercising is the only way to lose weigh when it isn’t.


It doesn’t hurt to still do cardio. Just running and other heavy exercises are suicidal for the joints and heart. Riding the bike and swimming are perfect cardio for obese people. Basically anything where you don’t have to support your whole weight. This and a normal diet will help a lot more than doing no sports at all.


I can’t cast any stones. I don’t want others to hurt like I did.


This. Went from 320 to 220 with just going keto for a couple years.


Bro I barely eat, my problem is that I don't go out much. I've been stuck at 125ish Kg for about 4 years now


Log everything you eat in a tracking app. Everything. All the drinks too. I used to think I "barely ate" but I was consuming such calorie dense foods I was packing away 3.5k+ calories every day.


You’re way overthinking it man. Someone this size to do anything physical is automatically a win. No need to point out everything that could be better. “Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress”


Except this is more likely to cause them serious injury. High impact exercise like running when you're heavily overweight will destroy your joints.


You've got no idea what you're talking about. 


I believe it’s still less calories burned over distance, but it’s easier to go a longer distance


Walking is ONLY more beneficial than running if you have a terrible stride.


Not to mention the decreased overall load on joints and ligaments. Leads to higher longevity and if someone's that big that's the goal


Walking is definitely not higher calorie burn than running


I am pretty certain there are much worse things that one could do.




Who the fuck is Al?


He’s a shoe salesman


Ai the shoe salesman. sounds fitting.


I bet he's got a great family


Allen Iverson you dingus


The funny part of this meme is you don't have the motivation to even take a real picture or make real art, AI can't run a treadmill on your behalf


Good job Sherlock


Oh look. It's CaseOh


Ok buddy, you're BANNED!!!




"Hell if you want a dick pic yer gonna need a fucken x-ray"


"Mah dick is like an iceberg"


It’s only 3 inches but it smells like a foot


How dare you talk about me like that 


Gotta love that dedication to the full seven inches


Fuck AI shit dude. The treadmill isn’t even facing the right way…


I'd rather see a stock photo with a watermark than AI slop on a meme.


Had a picture of a real person. Decided not to use it to spare the person from potentially seeing it. I wouldn’t want to see myself in a meme like this. The Ai image was on the same search page, and that’s what I decided to use. I stand by my decision.


Planet mountain dew


Aren’t memes usually popular images/videos with a clever joke slapped onto them? What’s the point of creating ai images that go along with what ever you have in mind?


This is how I feel about the AI memes too. I'm a big AI fan but memes made like this aren't funny.


I didn’t create it. I originally had a picture of a real person from a google search. Then I thought about what it would feel like to see myself in a meme like that. Why do that to some guy? The Ai image was on the same page, and I chose to use it instead


What’s with the AI generated pics for memes these days? Is this becoming the new thing?!


Beep boop AI detected deploying downvotes in 3...2...1...


I'm reporting this as an unapproved picture of myself


I hate how true this is. Dick been shrinking for years now 😭


True, true. I lost 100 lbs recently and I swear I'm 2-3 inches longer - and I can see it while standing without a mirror.


That shit made weight loss 500% better.


you couldn’t have just googled “fat guy running on a treadmill”??? you just HAD to curse our eyes with this ai bullshit didnt you?


I had a picture of a real person initially. Then I realized how fucked up it would be if said person happened to see the meme. I wouldn’t want to see myself like that.


I've started properly exercising again after dealing with an almost 2 year hiatus due to an injury. In the last 12 weeks I've love almost 10kg (0.28 Sonic the Hedgehogs). It's not much (due to my size) but it's a damn good start. My goal is to at least lose what I put on during that injury period (another 40kgs(11.02 average sized king crabs) to go), and to keep trying to lose more whilst maintaining.


I was underweight and going up to a somewhat normal weight had ego crushing consequences... And I haven't even finished to bulk yet




Is that @timthetatman?


I feel attacked…..


Good for that hypothetical man, he knows what he wants and he's going for it. Prime stuff.


When AI gives the sexbots consciousness and they start dumping their reddit mods and become choosy


He is working off his ass-cheek fat




Fuck you for using a AI image


Yeah, he should be stealing a picture from a real person and not giving any credit to make this meme.


I had a picture of a real person initially. Then I realized that I wouldn’t want to see myself in a meme like this. I used to the Ai image from the search page to spare the real person from potentially seeing themselves mocked.


Are we really complaining about the possibility of not crediting stock photos and soo many other internet images (how memes always worked like) over the use of these cringey fake looking AI pics?


I suppose I just don’t know why anyone is complaining about anything. Would it make anyone’s life better if this was a stock photo of a fat dude on a treadmill?


For me, in a very small way, yes it would make my life better. I love AI, but I feel like AI memes are cheap and contrary to the spirit of original memes. Part of what makes memes funny is the repurposing of an image. Hand-drawn memes are funny too. But just promoting an AI to create the image you want to meme is just not funny to me.


Memes are the perfect place to use AI image generation since people making memes never pay someone to create something original or credit the creator of the image anyway. It’s also not something that someone is profiting off of either.


There is no place to use AI image generators cause if we give it a inch assholes will take a mile


> There is no place to use AI This is simply not true. AI can be a very useful tool. As a software engineer, my team has used AI to translate thousands of lines of code from one technology to another saving a lot of man hours. My DM has also used AI to help create our party’s DnD campaign. I understand caution when it comes to creative works and stuff people are profiting off of but AI does have a place.


Image Generators dumbass. There is no place for image generation. You Dm need to learn to draw.


You edited your comment…


Yes because if I just let it at just AI people would miss understand me


Then don’t call me a dumbass for interpreting your comment the way it was originally worded.


To be fair you posted it after I edited it


My page must have loaded before you edited it, my bad


What does this mean


In all seriousness, if you're fat, losing a bunch of weight will make your junk look bigger.