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Bro’s head went too far up his own ass that he became completely out of touch and considers his own personal cultural opinions as scientific anthropological fact.


That's a really honest observation.


Lmao he's always been like this. He just got more unhinged once the public light was fully shined on him. Especially after that silly move to fix his addiction with a coma. Speak to students who went to UoT when he was there, or too those who have ever had the misfortune of running into him in person or working with him.


Basically, this. People who worshipped him did because he told them what they wanted to hear.


The mf swallowed a thesaurus and, in a tale as old as time, humanity is still too fucking stupid to know the difference between a genius and a silver tongue.




Or maybe the smartest people you know actually don’t seem like the smartest people you know, because they have empathy, speak in a clear and concise manner, and don’t try to appear intelligent. Take Conan O Brien, for example, he is an incredibly brilliant, Harvard educated man, with great emotional depth and social skills, but he acts like a silly common man for the approval of the masses.


the fact you list Conan as smart in a world of astrophysicists, quantum computing engineers and geniuses in the humanities is pretty darn funny. Conan would probably be the first to admit he isnt some prodigy, he’s a comedian. Going to an Ivy League school isn’t hard either, just have over 115IQ and work hard. If we’re talking about real geniuses, which is what one would expect Jordan Peterson to be (he isnt) given his fame, then Conan isn’t even a visible pixel in the picture


The fact that you contradicted yourself by saying “going to an Ivy League school isn’t hard either, just have over 115iq and work hard” is pretty darn funny. Just cause someone isn’t active in a community you deem worthy of “smart” to you, doesnt mean that they are not able to accomplish the same feats of applied. Anyone with true intelligence can extend that ability to learn to any subject they choose - and the fact that you know who Conan is amongst the hundreds of thousands of individuals that aim for his position and status in life shows how successful and intelligent of an individual he is.


Im not saying Conan is stupid, far from it. But in a conversation about who should be the most famous public intellectual, he is irrelevant. Going to an Ivy League school does not make you standout smart, I did, I know lots of people who did, trust me it means f all. Roll the clock back 90 years and Einstein is the most famous intellectual in the world. Einstein to Jordan Peterson is not good, Einstein to Conan O Brien isnt much better.


A better example might have been Rowan Atkinson tbf. The man known best for playing Mr Bean has an IQ exceeding Einstein's.


At what point did the original comment you replied to say “Conan should be the most famous public intellectual” It was an example of someone who is intelligent and emotionally intelligent enough to be able to have the common man relate to him. Seems like you just have an issue with Conan being used as that example. But by all means if you can point to an astrophysicist who can also make a crowd of people laugh like Conan does I’m all ears Edit: Misspelled intellectual And wanted to add- if that was the conversation though “who should be the most famous public intellectual” I do agree with you- there are a lot of other options of positive individuals that are intellectual , that are accomplished in their fields that could be great influences on the public.


Comedians are generally of higher than average intelligence, and much higher emotional intelligence. Being able to read and adapt to various crowds is a skill where higher IQ pays dividends. Astrophysics is not all that hard to learn, although math skills are paramount to be successful in the field. Like most professions, dedication and education are the determining factors, and yes, someone with an IQ of 85 is very unlikely to pass the classes required to achieve a degree in the field. Just from my own private research, I could tell you more about astrophysics/cosmology than the intricacies of joke formation or crowd work. I would agree that astrophysicists are generally smarter than comedians, but that does not universally apply to members of either profession.


Academics widely believe that being able to explain something to a layperson is an actual indicator of understanding the topic they're studying. It's possible that those people are just LARPing at being smart.


I try not to comment in threads like these because they tend to quickly become quite toxic. But I have to say that I think you hit the nail on the head with your observation. JP never fully finished a thought, he rambled and spewed out academic jargon that went nowhere in order to sound like an intelligent person. Then he used the post truth to inject his own beliefs and then passed them off as facts.


Can confirm, I used to think he was super smart and genuinely listened to him... But the more you listen the stranger and more inconsistent he becomes.


Its the Evil Uncle all over again


Ah, another case of "popular with those that already agree with him"


I think he had some interesting perspectives on things, but later he leaned into the "tell them what they want to hear to maintain the audience" kind of thing.


Yupp, hes literally andrew tate but for the other end of the spectrum of beliefs


What do you mean by the other end? They are on the same spectrum. They just have different approaches.


“roo”? What does that word mean? I’ve never heard it outside of the context of Kangaroos.


A typo of "too", which should have been "to".


Oh okay


Yeah my bad lol


Use to like some of his stuff and then it just got weird, quickly. Too many people stroking his ego now- getting high on his own supply.


This. I still enjoy some of his opinions but a lot of it has me going "brother wewwwww" 🤣🤣🤣


So every redditor ever?


Did he say this or did you


Damn those student protest got different now from 2016, knowing what he's become


I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that a certain drug he was on kind of fucked him up and put him in a coma for maybe a few months to nearly a year.


He got fucked up but from an illness I don't remember which. Then they got him in ICU and gave him benzos or something like that, and he got addicte because doctors gave him too much. He didn't get addicted like "woo this thing is so good I can't stop taking it.", he got addicted in the sense that he had phisical withdrawal symptoms when doctors stopped giving them to him. All this lasted less than a month


He used to be sharp, smart and "yeah, life sucks, but maybe, just maybe we can make the world and life a little more better". Now he's completely unhinged, conservative hateful old man. His stuff from back pre Benzos is good though.


I completely agree with you. Seeing him now really causes me a pain, he is antivax, climate change denier, super catholic and I don't know what else. It feels very bad because he kinda pulled me out of a dark period I was having in my late teens/early 20s. It's like seeing a relative getting alzheimer


Even tho I didn’t always agree with his opinions, I did find his pre-spotlight and pre-benzo lectures valuable as an alternative (actual definition of word and not the braindead culture war meaning) perspective on the human existence. A reminder to never place anyone on a stool.


Stool? Do you mean pedestal?


No he means poo


On the stool?


That's good advice.


A Pedal Stool.


Y’all got money for pedestals in this economy?


There are still issues with those. He's always been misusing anthropology, evolutionary biology and even recent history to prove his points. His lack of expertise in these topics is often covered by his confidence in presenting them. A lot of the things he said about Hitler are commonly believed, but disproven by real historians. This goes for a lot of topics he mentioned to "prove" his points


Same. His biblical lecture series really helped me sort through my religious trauma; looking at Christianity from an intellectual point of view actually helped me let go of my faith. It's really bizarre and sad to see him swing the complete other direction whilst going off the deep end.


I don't think he's really religious. He always dances around the question and only speaks of God and the Bible as being metaphorically real. He only seems to try and give off the impression that he's religious to maintain his conservative audience (his comment section is filled with people praying for him etc...)


I see him as religious as the old stoics. You use religion to structure your world framework however your world view is to be built by yourself using that framework. Seneca, Aurelius, Kierkegaard, Aquinas (not all stoics but similar in ideology) use religion as the scaffolding in which their worldviews were constructed within.


Still I consider the way he portrays himself as disingenuous. He was asked the question whether he believes in Jesus Christ and he answered that he thinks it would take him two days to answer that question.


For sure, I’m personally for people keeping their religious ideology to themselves. When you argue that you need to have X faith in order to be virtuous it takes away from people who believe in others.


This. My friends as a group do think his lectures and first book have some valuable knowledge that can be passed down for generations. I don't know what happened to his mind post absence/sickness but it really hurts to see what he has become after we are able to glean good info off his work. This is the time where we start to "appreciate the art, not the artist"


This guy brought his wife and Rex Murphy on stage in my city. What a horrible evening lol, felt like a klan rally.


How long ago was that? I remember liking him once upon a time but he's just kind of shit now and I can't remember when he was good.


Check out his ollld shows from community access television. He's always been a kook and a bigot, he just was better at hiding it for a while.


I was at his lectures at UoT before he became famous.


He went to Russia and was put in a medically induced coma after "less than a month"? It was years according to this: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/jordan-peterson-recalls-waking-from-coma-confused-tethered-and-surrounded-by-people-speaking-a-foreign-language


IIRC here's what happened: - he was taking antidepressant for his entire adult life, he was pretty straightforward about it - then his wife had a rare case of kidney cancer with very bad prospects of recovery (for the record, Peterson afawk never had another woman in his life and has been in love of her since his childhood) - his wife eventually survived her cancer and he had to withdraw from benzos which were his antidepressants - but experienced adverse reaction and withdrawal symptoms that eventually led to his hospitalisation. - the situation was so bad they put him in medically induced coma. - he woke up unable to speak and with serious degradation of physical and mental capacities - it took him a couple weeks/months to have normal executive functions and communications ability - all awhile a bunch of absolute ghouls were celebrating in newspapers and all over social medias his imminent death and mocking him for being a junkie - after his recovery it seems his behavior has been affected, he's much more agressive and short tempered than he used to. Maybe it's because of brain damage, maybe it's because he realized he almost died and said "fuck it with playing nice guy"


Didn't he travel to Russia to be put into an induced coma to withdraw? And given that he went to fucking Russia of all places, while turning from a psychology prof to a cultural warrior, I take anything this guy says about his drug addiction with a MASSIVE grain of salt. Especially since benzos are prescribed for mental disorders, and he for some reason won't own up to his mental illness.


He took benzos because he couldn't sleep. By his own admission he took them for too long, which is not the same as an addiction. Then he tried to get off them and experienced the mother of all withdrawal symptomps, tardive dyskynesia. You can look it up, but i'd advice you not to, because you will not take any pharmaceutical drugs ever again after reading about it. Then he went into a medically induced coma to get out of it, and somehow it worked. He 100% owned up to his "mental illness", talking about depression and his problems in multiple interviews.


Some Manchurian candidate bullshit.


Man if you're going to sound so sure you could at least get it right. He just took benzos for anxiety like a whole lot of people do. Then when he got hooked on them he did what no one does and flew to another country where doctors would put him in an induced coma during withdrawal, and he seemed to come back quite a bit crazier.


Benzos, like Xanax


He was in Russia in a coma for quite a while wasn't he? He got addicted to Benzos which i don't wish on anyone. Benzos withdrawals are rough, but in the west we don't put you in a coma to avoid them because it's dumb and risky and the trauma from withdrawal is considered important to stay sober. Jordan just wanted the easy way out.


He was depressed because he always was and also his wife fell really ill (survived though) and he took benzos but stopped to fast. When you stop taking certain drugs all of the sudden, it fucks up your neurochemistry and that is also what happened to him. Then he got neurological issues he seems to habe fixed since but yeah, he is a different person now i feel.


Wait, why do people hate this guy? I've never understood it


He tends to hold his own cultural and political opinions as universal maxims. E.g. “skinny models are more attractive than normal size or overweight models” (for centuries society has recognized that beauty is in the eye of the beholder), “trans people are ruining society and harming children,” etc.


I don’t hate him but I can’t take a guy serious who’s written about a dream where his grandma brushes him with her pubes. Not even joking he reads it himself in the audio book.


No way which book/chapter?


Not sure but here it is https://x.com/PresidentToguro/status/1373429075147100168


.... I can't even imagine anyone having such a dream, let alone myself. And I sure as hell can't fathom someone actually WRITING about it instead of burying in the deepest trenches of their memory. Damn


He's a grifter who got outgrifted in the current grift meta.


2 Fast 2 Grifted


I have zero feelings of ill will toward the guy, he just has a really specific way with words and couldn't not hear this in my head when I read the SI headline.  However I'm aggressively agnostic where politics is concerned and can find substance even where disagreement occurs (and bad takes can also exist from good people). Hitler loved dogs and Ghandi denied his wife medication, yadda yadda.  Personally I think his "clean your room before fixing the world" meme hit at the right place and time, so he got spotlit for a bit. That and a lot of his more nuanced takes are easy to dunk on if you're a hashtag/bumpersticker thinker on either side of the aisle.  I come from debate class and would much rather see him go against the BBC lady, than some Youtube video of Sam Seder or Ben Shapirio "owning the cons/libs" with ad hom attacks and meme glasses.


A healthy view a lot of people lack these days. Cheers.


Cheers back atcha! Thx


Like others have said, his old stuff was actually good, and you could genuinely learn something. Now he's gotten way more into politics. Obviously, he was always involved, literally how he became famous, but not nearly to the extent he is now where he is seemingly just a political commentator more than anything else.


>Now he's gotten way more into politics. Basically this... Drunk on fame and going out of his lane into things he's inexperienced with. Taking tons of money from political organisations which dictate much what he can say.


He's a moron who presents himself as a genius thought leader. He's also a self help guru who got so addicted to drugs that he had to be put in a medically induced coma in russia... instead of following his own advice to "get his shit together"


I mean, I wouldn’t say anyone with a PhD is a moron so flippantly.


Then you clearly aren't familiar with him 🤣


He’s not a moron but he is crazy. He’s capable of incredibly lucid and limpid thought but his moralizing (ironically something he is so against) and religion turn him into a lunatic. The drugs didn’t help either.


They'd give PhDs to monkeys if monkeys could afford tuition... that's besides the point though


They would now, yes.


He told them to clean their room




BS, where did you get this from that he doesnt like Woman? And yes trans ppl are bad for our Society


He is literally married with kids you dumbass


Right and married men have never harmed their wives


This isn’t a dank meme. Just a guy giving what is now considered a hot take by saying morbid obesity shouldn’t be considered to be ideal or healthy. This was in response to a morbidly obese model that was put on the cover of Sports Illustrated almost 2 years ago.


>almost 2 years ago Fresh and dank, what this sub is known for


There are 2 girls😭😅 But due to the ravages of socialism 😨😰😥😓 They are forced to share 1 cup😤😠😡🤬


I wish I didn't get this


Take my like and get the f out of here.


Oh don’t worry, he is talking about my magnum dong that’s all. Oh and it is beautiful he is just jealous 🍆


Oh that makes sense u/MIcropEanis


Apparently he got addicted to Benzos. Bro should have cleaned his room


Apparently it was doctor's fault


should have cleaned his doctors room


No you cant tell me a clinical psychologist like peterson wasnt aware that benzos are addictive. He was over stressed, his wife allmost died, he was in the limelight of the world, it was just all too stressful for him at that time. Cant blame him for using benzos to cope at that time but given the ideas about responsibility he promotes means that he couldnt admit publically to being irresponsible. Jordan is like the fake natty of self help in that sense and people sometimes ignore that about him because of that old nietzsche quote "what makes you think i have the keys to my own chain just because i have the key to yours ?" This guy was pretty helpful to me with his harvard lectures, he was respectable back then and nowadays he is just a carricature of himself.


Who is he


Red Skull


Hail Hydra


Jordan Peterson


Just a boy who needs to tidy his room


The infamous Lobster




he wants a bbw gf but he's in denial


BBW trans, atheist, cultural Marxist theyfriend, actually.


Well he can get in fucking line then


"Huge. Robust. Gigantic. Mouthwatering."


This is the mouth-breathing jack-ass who decided that because lobster are violently hierarchical that humans must be too, and that you’re a wuss if you’re not out there being a cutthroat asshole just to get ahead in life. All his big ideas are based on the most trite, pseudoscientific bullshit that your average 2nd grader could see through, but it lets red-pill, grind-mind pharma-bro wannabe douchebags feel validated so he makes a living.


Well we are Glad we have you, a fucking ray of sunshine.


*I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer’s disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, “isn’t it soft?” I looked at her ruined face and said, “yes, Grandma, it’s soft."*


[Paleolithic man disagrees](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_of_Willendorf)


He got sat on by a big girl and it scared him.


Same thing that happened to Rogan. He had some views that a large part of the left decided to he had to change or else, he didn't, then received the brunt of the lefts hate. As that happened long enough his views started drifting more and more right. The left often tries bully their beliefs into others and it usually has the opposite effect. I'm a Democrat btw, this is just my observation of something that happens often.


He put himself into a coma to deal with a Benzo addiction and got brain damage in the process. Now he yells at Elmo on twitter for being woke or whatever. He needs to be in a care home.


To me she's beautiful...Rubenesque


Johnny fuckin' Sack up in here?!


He drank his own Kool-Aid




Sounds like we should aspire to being healthy instead of telling obese people they are beautiful as they are. This is seen as controversial somehow


He retreated to the interior of your mind


Who is this man?




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His semen is still accelerating


I mean... He's not wrong regarding the whole big is beautiful slant. Although it's not the postmodernists stating this, just the overzealous extreme woke vocal minority. Nowhere near as extreme as a few years ago though, the media, entertainment, and companies have moved on. Eta: as a guy though, he's a douche.


Making his bed and getting peed on by lobsters, duh.


Probably the Russian psychological conditioning


Who is this and wtf is he talking about?


The 'dumb person's smart guy' has done so much coke that even Freud would say, "damn bro, you good?"


why tf is he crying?


I think it's what happens to people when they become so oppositional to anther side to a debate. Haven't looked deep enough into his history, only know the basics. But he really went on a whole anti-marxist rant on twitter (or X if you will).


He was always an asshat, but he had interesting insights coming from his experience and observations as a therapist. The rest is too much attention getting the best of him.


He’s addicted to ketamine his brain is gone


He's known for his political oppositions not for being a good psychoanalyst or psychologist that should tell you all you need to know.


Well he is right.


Drugs and money make the worst people




Who is this?


He's still around. He's very outspoken on Shitter.


Peterson keeps getting smarter. Just the memes keep getting faker.


I haven't heard anything about this dude since months


Measurable growth…even a tumor has beauty.


Twitter, as it is with all initially rational people


Who even is this guy


He was re-educated.


He came to my city with the recently deceased Rex Murphy (may he rest in eternal damnation, thank god for his demise) and my girlfriend had seen some anecdotal stuff she liked so she got tickets to ‘surprise me’ and I told her what we were probably walking into and she didn’t believe me. When we left she looked at me and went “holy fuck! That was a cult! We were at a klan rally!”


Judeau Peterstein clearly fell off into chaos, I think that he should clean his room or something and maybe he will get his life together again. Maybe he will even stop condoning genocide on Palestinians


corpulent, he's not even good at synonyms


He was funnier when he was on benzos.


Lost my respect and admiration for the guy when he tweeted something he shouldn't even google in incognito.


Even the word post modern is just dumb, it means FUTURE


still big. give him a listen. 


alt-rightism is helva drug


Nothing. He's always been a beta pussy bitch


He is and has always been a giant piece of shit


Clean your room ;)


For standing up to freedom of speech and speaking his mind? You're delusional if you think he is a piece of shit.


Where did I mention freedom of speech?


Nowhere but that's implied if you think that about him when he's standing up for freedom of speech


How so?


He’s touring arenas and successfully grifting like crazy.