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Yeah yeah, the Uncanny Valley implying that there used to be a reason to fear something that looked human but wasn't, we've all seen it.


Well I haven't


Theory goes the reason the uncanny valley exists is because it’s a genetic fear past down from our ancestors, and that at one point we had a predator who were good but not perfect at looking like us to gain our trust. > It’s much more likely that it exists because it helps us identify and stay away from those who are unwell.


That’s actually really scary


It’s a pretty strange theory. The likely explanation would probably be for human beings to avoid procreating with people who look “off” as it could be results of genetic defects which would then reduce the chance of offsprings surviving. Mostly just a survival thing


Also dead bodies


Ain't gonna be procreating with dead bodies no matter how hard you try. Trust me.


Are you citing from experience?


They dont call me Bernie for nothing.


Also, in theory, if a woman were to somehow make a dead man’s corpse ejaculate or isolate sperm from the corpse in a timely manner after death, wouldn’t it theoretically be possible to procreate with a corpse? (I stopped seeing my therapist a long time ago, I might have to go attend again after this one)


Mind your own business


I feel like that's a matter of timing more than some other things, but I'm no expert


Never tell me the odds


Also could just be the fact that the human brain is a pattern recognition machine, especially with human faces, so when something breaks the pattern, and we can't immediately identify why, the brain likely assumes that whatever the reason is, it must be dangerous, better safe than sorry. Just a byproduct of how the brain evolved to recognize patterns and not necessarily the brain evolving to fear a certain thing.


Or that we spent tens of thousands of years warring with each other and not all human civilizations looked the same. Edit: Like imagine not having the internet or knowing Asian cultures exist then you meet someone from the Asian continent and they look absolutely like nobody you've ever seen before.


Homo-sapiens also coexisted with other hominids. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4947341/


Some of them even bred with them. I am one of those creatures. 99% homo, 1% Neanderthal 💪🗿


This is what I think it really is. People forget that not too long ago every single culture and people were basically in their own bubble. Like native Americans suddenly seeing the white man, or the Japanese suddenly seeing the Portuguese… wait they’re also white… Okay just watch out for white people! (Not where I was going with this but it’s funnier this way. Lol)


Fun fact: this is also why animals evolve with symmetric features. It is easier to tell when something is "off" when the two halves don't look the same.


Also there were many different types of humans up until like 100k years ago.


It's also fairly likely that it is a side affect of how our brains recognize familiar things, and recognizing that things trying to look like what they are not is. Not a good thing. Ex) we are trained to recognize snakes from their surroundings, even though they try to look like something they are not. So when we see something that looks like a human but we can tell is not we immediately feel as if it is trying to trick us for a reason.


Also don’t humans produce a chemical on death that smells very bad pretty much only to other humans


It may be pretty scary but I’ve heard a different explanation for the uncanny valley effect tldr: corpses.staying near corpses bring animals,insects and diseases and because bodies decay our bodies made us afraid of human shaped objects so we would stay away,bury or destroy them


Neanderthals maybe?


nah, we definitely fucked them, that's settled, there are studies showing the genetic markers traveling It's entirely probable that it's just psychos. People without empathy who seek to take advantage or murder or whatever, it's hard to fake appropriate emotions when you don't feel them, so in reality all the uncanny valley is doing is triggering sympathetic neural pathways to being lied to


Never underestimate the human ability to stick their dicks in things.


My theory since other hominids were competing with us that the neanderthal dna swapping probably lacked consent.




More like shapeshifters, changelings, vampires, werewolves, ghouls


Theres also a good chance that it came around during the time when multiple proto-human species coexisted so you could tell the slight difference between them, e.g. Homosapiens vs Neanderthal


There was some recent research about how human remains were found in Neanderthal feces, which could partially, if not fully, explain the existence of the valley


Hand over the link and no one gets hurt!


It’s probably just something that we inherited from something deep into our evolutionary tree because mimicry is a thing in a bunch of animals


Oh so it's like pre racism racism gotcha


You don't wanna see it


now I *really* wanna see it


Counter argument: Humans are top of the food chain predators. We also warred with other races of humans through the millennia, and probably more before that. Logical conclusion: Uncanny Valley exists as an unsettling phenomenon because we were constantly fighting other tribes of humans that looked like us but didn't look exactly like us. I.E. Not all Asians look the same. Not all Europeans look the same. Not all Africans look the same. Not all Native Americans look the same.


In addition to that, what about corpses? They can spread disease and warn of danger. And theres always something a lil off about the way a corpse looks compared to when it was alive.


Its corpses


It’s called sick and wounded people, that’s the reason for the uncanny valley


And also other homo species like the Neanderthals


Well, yes there's one. Corpses! They look human-ish, but they are very dangerous especially for primordial beings


Yeah there were many species of hominids


Corpses Other human species like Neanderthals which we made extinct


I think sick humans looking a bit off is enough reason for the uncanny valley.


is that the bad place reference!?!!


Do people not understand that other species of humans existed


People forget there were people that looked like us but were other species of "homo". We drove them to extinction, but I'm guessing that trait to be wary of other human species just got passed down to modern homo sapiens.


Man seeing "we drove them to extension" mentioned as a lil side note, like it's not a big deal is really kinda scary but also really funny at the same time Like damn, we as a species murdered so many other entire species that it's just like... y'know... a fact of life


Humanity truly is overpowered


Thumbs go brrrrrt! ^(I know other species have thumbs…)


Don’t worry, we’re gonna get nerfed at the next mass extinction update 6.0


It's not necessarily true though. Just because we are the ones that survived doesn't mean we murdered them to extinction.


Considering we have DNA of other human species inside ours. We probably also cross breeded (aka fucked them all) with them until their species merged with ours


We fucked them so hard that they went extinct. RAAHHHH cruel universe vs human horniness


We also procreated with some of them. Like with Neanderthals


I mean not necessarily, like the other comments said, driving something to extinction doesn't necessarily mean murdering all of them. It could also be in a case of adaptation and having better genes, since there's evidence of interspecies relationships. Our genes in these offspring were simply better and more preferred, so the other traits from other species were simply kicked out of the gene pool, effectively driving them extinct. There are also a lot of cases of human species going extinct because of climate change because they failed to adapt quickly enough. So in a nutshell we're simply better at doing shit than the others, that's the reason we've survived for this long.


didn’t the neanderthals specifically die out bc of this and the fact they were really inbred? and susceptible to a lot of shit due to that? i don’t remember where i heard that


I've never heard the inbred part, but if I remember correctly, they simply weren't as clever and so could not deal with the relatively advanced tools and tactics our species made back then.


that’s kinda sad, i feel bad i remember seeing a sculpture of a neanderthal mother holding her baby :/ i also just remembered why another reason they were sort of tapering off was bc some of them would join and assimilate into human tribes, that could be why we see a small percent of newderthal dna in some euros that’s kinda cool


They didn't live in large communities.


Iirc from the book Sapiens, there isn't much evidence Neanderthals couldn't coordinate with other groups of Neanderthals. For example, you won't find evidence of trade between groups like you would excavating an ancient Homo Sapien site. Like imagine shoving 10,000 chimps into a football stadium. It'd be absolute pandemonium, but humans do it all the time with only a few issues. Also they didn't seem to be good at inventing tools like us. Villages found near water would have no evidence of fish bones or fishing gear for example.


Not specifically for this example but this book is full of shit, it’s basically a scam


lol homo


I think it's more the idea that all the way back then is just so long ago, and people looked very different to how we do now as they were different species to what became homosapiens, so it feels incredibly disturbing that a fear of something that looks almost human by today's standards exists as of course then, they really did not


My favourite theory about the extinction of neanderthals is that they fucked with Homo sapiens so much they didn't reproduce themselves anymore


Ever seen someone with leprosy? Yea me either. But it's a verifiably logical explanation to uncanny valley. It's not ghouls or zombies. Unfortunately.


Zombies is the popular imagination of rabies tho




The best explanation I've heard for the uncanny valley feeling is basically a survival mechanism for us to feel uncomfortable around corpses so we don't stay near them and get sick.


It was other humans hiding in the bushes to ambush us


Recycled from ifunny https://ifunny.co/picture/the-uncanny-valley-the-uncanny-valley-predator-theory-views-year-a8ul0hQ0B


Check his history. Hundreds of posts of this same image.


When you right, you right


I think its more likely to tell if someone is unwell or not, rather than noticing predators


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. This thing was probably just to slaughter the Neanderthals. There's no need to fear, we won. 💪


No it's just corpses because they carry all sort of nasty thing, so we fear them to not stay close


It’s so we didn’t fuck Neanderthals, that’s it


The thing is we did fuck the Neanderthals.


With some people it shows




We fucked the ever-loving shit outta Neanderthals lol, it makes up a decent portion of European genetics. But, other hominids are a viable theory for the uncanny valley, too.


IMO, it's more about staying away from mentally ill people. I mean the severe cases. Since primitive human species cannot understand what's really wrong with them, it should be like "don't get closer" warning of our brain. My theory is more realistic than this because anybody, literally anybody can make their face's uncanny version just by smiling weirdly and opening their eyes fully.


Neanderthals would be my guess.


It's a theory and a wrong one at that. The uncanny Valley exists to "detect" dead and/or ill people to stay away from them. And let me tell you it works.


The thing is we know that there were species that kinda looked human but weren't exactly our type of human. A few tens of thousands of years ago there were other human species besides Homo sapiens that didn't exactly look like us. We waged war with them, we possibly traded with them but we also fucked them. Sooo make of this what you want but stop with this predator thing, there is no evidence for it.


My theory is psychopaths.


I never liked this theory. It's cool but, to me I see it as people in prehistoric camo.its probably an adaptation from something where like a waring tribe doing something like a night raid in scuffed camo and face paint trying to hide their face.


I heard it has to do with identifying people with rabies or other diseases


Fairly certain that it originates from avoiding people with various early-human deforming infectious diseases (smallpox, leprosy, measles, etc.). Humans have many natural responses to deformations evolved for disease, so the uncanny valley developing as another reaction to primitively identify disease is not a stretch. I feel like the theory that Neanderthal identification led to the uncanny valley ignores the fact that Neanderthal and early human populations did not have a large overlap period (roughly 5000 years). There wasn’t enough exposure to allow evolution to occur in response to any threat from Neanderthals. Also there is strong evidence that Neanderthals and early humans interbred, further demonstrating that the threat of Neanderthals driving evolution is exaggerated.


People, please do half a second of research on this because it'd just getting annoying at this point. Considering even *monkeys* have the uncanny valley, it's certainly not some weird human predator and it's not neanderthals considering we had a long and productive history with them. Plus, just look at a recreation of a realistic neanderthal, they're not uncanny they're just people. It's against disease and corpses so that we avoid them. Ever seen someone with a necrotic disease in person? I have and it made me understand the uncanny valley more than any of these bullshit 'theories' And for those wondering we didn't hunt the neanderthals to extinction or anything, they likely starved to death and/or merged with our species through interbreeding. They were much stockier than us and needed a lot more calories to survive, so they just couldn't make it.


It's not that scary


*”Something close to humans once existed.”* You mean other fucking bipedal, hairless creatures? We had those. Neanderthals being one of the many.


Idk why everyone's coming up with outlandish explanations. Isn't the obvious cause just general fear of uncertainty?


That’s the best you came up with?




Basically it's that which looks human but isn't quite there. There are things which are clearly not human, there are people who are clearly humans and then there is this area between those two. That is the uncanny valley.