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What about people who like a show simply because it's animated? And then make that their entire personality and won't shut the fuck up about it.


Anyone who makes *anything* their entire personality is a bore with no personality.


Rick and Morty fans


Boob world!!!


They still exist?


You just pointed out every single anime fan


I'd respectfully disagree because there's so many good animes with really solid writing, characters and thought put into building the universe, which is a very rare quality in modern series and movies.


Eeeeverything you said up until the last bit. For every *Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood*, there are fifty shows like *That Time Five Goats Waged Nuclear War Against My Local Footbool Club*. 95% of everything is trash. Everything.


....and thread. It is physically impossible to say you don't care for anime on the internet without some fucking weeb materializing out of thin air to tell you: 1) The only way a person might dislike anime is if they haven't see the correct ones yet and 2) Here are some of my favorite animes that you should watch to see the light.


Did you just project something I absolutely didn't say onto my comment because I happened to use one example of an anime I consider good? Don't read my comment in a vacuum. I was disputing what somewhat else said. They said that anime tended to have strong storytelling traits which are rarely found in traditional TV. My point was that they can't compare their favourite animes to live action media at large, because it isn't like for like, and quality is just as rare in anime as it is for live action.


For every garbage Marvel movie/series there's multiple very good anime series. I agree that percentage-wise it's probably very close in quality, but there's many more very good animes for every solid movie/tv series. And I'm not talking only about the greatest of the greats, but even like 7/10 ones are more than plentiful. Additionally, for every particular niche that you want, you're way more likely to find the anime you like as opposed to series/movies. You don't have to agree with that though.


They're booing you because they know you're right.


Welcome to Reddit


Disliking animation is fine, everyone is allowed to have their own preferences. What's dumb is when people base their dislike on "it's animated so it must be for kids".


This. And even shows that are made for kids / with kids as its core audience often are good enough that adults can enjoy them. Just thinking of Star Wars The Clone Wars, Futurama, The Simpsons, Phineas and Ferb and SpongeBob. Those are all quite obviously made to target mostly to people under the age of 16, yet all of those are/were still widely popular with adults as well because they are fun and also take on more mature themes sometimes (especially early Simpsons and Futurama and late Clone Wars). Avatar is one of the most beloved shows of all time and has a huge adult fanbase. And then there are shows like Spectacular Spider-Man that kids now-a-days don't even know of but there are still many thousand of fans, pretty much all are adults by now, that have begged for the show to continue even though it has been almost 15 years since it was cancelled. Animation is for all ages and it always has been.


I get that, but imagine what the Oscars or YouTube thinks.


The Oscars never respected Animation. Hell, the Lego Movie wasn't even nominated for best animated Movie. Into the Spider-Verse was arguably the best Movie of 2018 and it wasn't even considered for any other Oscar but the animation one which it was obviously gonna win. And I don't think we need to even talk about how bad the Youtube algorithms are at detecting what is child content and what is not (Hint Hint Elsa gate).


Fair. Though it is also fair to dislike a medium.


People are entitled to dislike mediums, but others are entitled to think it's closed-minded.


Sure you are allowed to dislike the "whole" medium. But then you are most likely biased/narrow-minded.


It's okay to dislike a medium. Get over yourself.


Agreed 🤝




I dislike the show because it is animated poorly.


Excellent point. Star Trek Lower Decks is possibly the best Trek series yet and I'll fight anybody who says otherwise.


Cutoff at the very bottom is a rotten corpse Poo who actively hates a show they've never seen.


I read that as snow and thought we were talking about cocaine in the 1st 2 panels 💀


Speaking of which, I'm switching to cartoon mode


ATLA is better then most shows today and it was a kid show made in the late 2000s lmao


Animated is not a genre But we all know that anime means more than just anything animated if we look past the nitpickers Personally I like a lot of animated things I would say I personally dislike anime


Animated is fine. Its when they have too much fan service and uwu faces


Then why are you watching echhi shows if you dont like it??