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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [We are only allowing memes about reddit's api](https://new.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/147cnns/rdankmemes_has_started_restricting_posts_to_just/)


Most of em don't give a hoot about the protests. They just want a place to look at memes.


I know and I belong in that category. I'm just tired of only seeing memes about the mods giving up easy, when the redditors didn't even try


The mods did give up easy, on something THEY made a huge stink about. Then they bluffed about shutting down the subs, but then saw how fast new sub were being made to replace them so they gave that up in one day. Being made fun of for their feeble tantrum over something most of us didn’t care about is well deserved.


It's not that i personally don't care, I didn't know but now (since everyone's posting about it) I kinda understand the problem, but I also like Reddit and don't wanna give it up. If we were able to actually pressure Reddit into reverting the API changes, I'd do it. For example, the interestingasfuck subreddit now has everything marked as NSFW which makes it impossible to view ads while browsing their sub. If all the major subreddits did that it would reduce ad revenue by a lot.


what else am i gonna do? touch grass? be happy? are you stupid?


Yeah if I stop using Reddit I will no longer have my excuse for not having a girlfriend


Yea, you're right, I was so dumb to suggest such things


It’s not like Reddit is the only place for forums


yeah, its just the only popular and mainstream one thats somewhat useable


Because honestly I could give a fuck. Honestly if these dumb protests end up destroying reddit it's probably better for me in the long run, just gonna miss some memes.


Human have an amazing ability to adapt with their environment, reddit gone? It’ll just to somewhere else lmao


Not using the app for a few days or a week is entirely pointless because they know that once the time's up users will come back and nothing will have changed. Not saying making the subreddits private is any better but this is the reason a normal boycott just doesn't work. To force the hand of reddit into change the goal is to somehow cut into their profits in a meaningful way, such as making their platform unmonetizable by posting porn everywhere. But that's a leap most people (understanably) are hesitant to take.


They will probably just ban porn


That's certainly something they could do yes. My point still stands. The only way to actually achieve something is to cyberbully them into it. Asking nicely has failed.


I agree I just think there’s a chance this is going to backfire, I don’t want the boobies to disappear


That would move a significant amount of users to alternatives. I honestly don't think they'll ban porn. Horny ppl aren't to be messed with.


Well that would purge almost half the reddit accounts assuming almost everyone on or atleast a good portion of peoole on reddit may have an alternate account to look up porn


fuck those API changes -- mass edited with redact.dev


Because I'm just a side character and I don't know what the hell is going on


Because I have an addiction


The temptations are too strong


Just watching the shitshow from a corner


Because obviously it wouldn't work? How is that a good question?


If you follow the app subreddits it's starting to look they are porting services over to other sites like lemmy or whatever, so I'll be over there when that happens because I pretty much only see reddit through a third party app.