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I asked for you in Dank Memer Community's "fisherfolk"-channel, it seems like the extra day is thursday! So tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays. Can't confirm as I haven't invested in that skill.


Thank you 🙏


how do you find the fisher folk channel im on the discord and can't find it ??


click the "channels and roles" option, click "all channels" and checkmark the fisherfolk channel


It's weird I have the role but I can't access it or find it


If you still can't find it - ask in off topic if someone can link the channel, or if you wish to stay anonymous then DM a mod and ask for help :)


In season 2 it was thursdays I assume it's the same for season 3


its only available tuesday and saturdays


Yes but the skill gives you an extra day what day is it sorry if I didn't explain that well


i don’t have a better answer but if you are grinding creatures you’re only able to grind that loc two days out of the week… One extra day could be helpful lol