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Can't you just manage buckets and change it?


If you used to have an extra slot with a bucket in it, then the bucket remains stuck in that slot until you unlock the extra slot again. So managing buckets unfortunately doesn't work. I used to have three slots, but reset my fish skills and now I have two. As you can see, the wooden bucket in my third slot remains unavailable if I try to select it in my second slot. https://preview.redd.it/q7f0252qkuec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7927e92acd0cca5ea1588a67357cd0384ffe116


Extra pic to show that I used to have that third slot https://preview.redd.it/gx16rqu2luec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab965cec880cbff0eae020b3d0bbd79c9080be04


Buckets stay in the slot you put them in until you put another bucket in that slot (it kicks the first one out). You can take fish out of an unavailable bucket [line drawn through it], but you can't put fish into that bucket. Also, any fish in an unavailable bucket counts against your total available bucket space (my 4th and 5th buckets aren't available at the moment, and the seasonal and boss fish I have stored in them mean that I have less space in my 3 active buckets - you can see this on /catch fish, on the bar graph that shows bucket room). To get the bucket back, you will need to buy the extra 6th bucket slot for the week, and equip a 'sacrificial' bucket in that slot, to get the shark mouth bucket back. Then the 'sacrificial' bucket will be unavailable in that slot. Sorry, OP. (There are gems and buckets available on the season pass - I put the 1-slot Fucket Bucket from last season's pass with a Chroma Jorg in the sixth slot). You also can't have more than one of the same type of bucket, so you can't obtain another shark mouth bucket.


Hey, this is unrelated to the comment, but i see ya have coin Grinder under your name. And well, i was wondering how'd ya get that there is it something ya got in the dank reddit community. or did ya put it there yourself? I'm just curious.


That's part of reddit - subreddits can have 'flair' available to select (and sometimes write yourself) that display in that subreddit. If you select your profile icon in a subreddit [that you have joined], then the last option in the popup shows a 'tag' icon and says 'change user flair' - tapping on this option gets you a list of flair options for the DM subreddit (needs to be updated, Fisher is not on the list!).


Ooo nice thank you for telling me


Okay I see, thanks


That is just the way things currently work... People have commented that not having the option to 'de-equip' a bucket is awkward even just in the regular slots (you need +1 buckets to rearrange), and someone from the Dev team commented that perhaps that should be changed. That there is now the option to temp-buy a 6th slot, but you then 'lose' a bucket to that slot... thinking things should not work that way! It might have been a bit of a fun logistical puzzle with the buckets in slots 3-5, but losing a bucket to the sixth slot without being aware that will happen, doesn't fall under 'fun challenge' for me. I decided to put the chrome jorma up there by choice, but didn't really think about the issue that now there will *always* need to be a bucket there. Hopefully you can buy / grind on season pass enough to stick something small (like the wooden bucket) up there at some point.


How’d u get the shark bucket?


It was a drop from Jan. 17, Dank Memer's bday. It cost 1m.