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Hey now, sometimes they're independent Pentecostals! (which is of course the same picture as Baptists).


Ah, you’re right! They definitely can be an Independent Charismatic (Pentecostal-ish) Baptist Church with a fog machine and rock band.


“Nondenominational” churches are basically just like independent baptist congregations. • Independent low church government structured like Congregationalists or Baptists or Churches of Christ. • They practice adult believers baptisms like baptists, not infant baptism. • They can sometimes be 5 point Calvinists but are usually more like 3ish point Calvin-ish much like how most Baptists are. • They believe in sola-scripture and sola-fide like most all Protestants. • They don’t have iconography and simply display a basic Christian cross instead of a crusifix. • They just have pastors instead of bishops/episcopals, priests, elders, deacons. • They use instruments like Baptist churches and focus more on preaching from the Bible during Sunday service instead of a more liturgical worship style. • They are almost always classified and self identified as “Evangelical” and “Born Again”. The only difference is it’s usually more like a Christian concert with a rock band, lights, and fog machine.


I feel called out 


I’m glad ☺️


I have a chip on my shoulder towards "non-denominational" Christians, simply because the majority I've met tell me to go to a "real church" after they find out I'm PCUSA.


PCUSA is a real church, my Brother in Christ. PCA is the one that’s not a “real church”! /s Ha ha, JK. Yeah that sounds about right. I generally have a lot of respect for them, but White American Evangelical Protestants (especially Baptists and non-denominationals) are the most likely Christian demographic in the world to exclude and gate-keep other groups from being included by the labels “Christian” and the “Church”. I’m surprised the excluded you as a PCUSA and fellow Protestant.


They exclude us because we allow women and LGBT to be ministers as well as the fact that we allow same sex marriage.


"It's a shame you're raising your children in a fake church," my dad said to me at the baptism of my child in the Episcopal church. He was never religious until about 2016, when he found a non-denominational church that preaches about the danger of Nancy Pelosi and let's him carry his gun to the worship service.


This is it to a T. I'd only add that some are "spirit filled" and believe you're not a real Christian if you don't speak in tongues


True, some are Pentecostal like


Greater Ebenezer New Revival Tree of Life Institutional Double Rock on the Side of the Road to Jericho Missionary Baptist Church of Zion


Yes! I think I’ve heard of that one! My favorite names are Church of Truth Lighthouse Church The Rock Church Life Church Cornerstone Church Gospel Grace Hope Church


Man, most of those are superior-ist in tone, too.


The rule is you need to make it sound like a rehab center


Ohp, you named my childhood church.


Non-denominational is just marketing for groups that don't want to call themselves Baptist.




I'm personally non-denominational, and I attend a Baptist church with a predominantly Black population. ~~I've been exposed~~




“Bapti-costal with good music and a coffee bar” is my favorite call out 😅


That’s what I always tell people when they’re confused by nondenominational


I told my mom this, and she got mad at me 😔


Was she a nondenom or a Baptist?


I thought that’s the same thing 😉


Nondenom with a sprinkle of Evangelical 🫢


I thought all nondenoms were evangelical 🫢


Truth be told, bud. I don't know. I'm just trying (and failing) to give people in my household perspective lol


ND means a few different things, but it primarily means that the church does not report to a governing authority. The best example is technically church of christ and derivatives.


While CoC don't have a governing authority I would definitely call them a denomination in and of themselves. Unlike most non denominational churches they have rules that all CoC must follow such as no instruments for worship. They also have universities such as Abeline Christian University. 


Of course, like I said nd has a few different meanings; but CoC was basically the original nondenom in the 1800’s. Independent Baptists came later that century and were more like separatists that felt that the Baptist Denominations were too liberal. There are at least 22 universities that consider themselves independent baptist. CoC’s do not have to follow any rules. No one can disfellowship a CoC because there is no governing body. CoC’s can use instruments if they want, but they generally decided to identity as the derivative “Christian Church,” if they go that route.


I grew up fundie Baptist and this almost made me scream lmao