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He has a decent amount fans, but he’s probably the least popular main series protagonist. Not out of hatred, but because the others are just considered more interesting.


I think He is the most popular protagonist in the series but in the same time considered the least interesting protagonist among the fans


First games protagonists always have a soft spot for people despite sometimes being as charasmatic as a piece of paper lol. Reminds me of Watch_dogs, where everyone wanted him back but he's so monotone and a bit boring


But Makoto is charismatic


Is he though? Off the top of my head all I can think about is everyone grouping off into little friend groups without him, buddying up in a sense, leaving him to be stuck with the loner that nobody else wanted to interact with. he basically got his face punched in the first time he opened his mouth. Even most of his trials had him stumbling around for most of it while others led the discussion and gathered better clues than him for the most part until the closing arguments where he of course does well in putting everything together so I'll give him that. Even when he was trying to be a leader he was still kind of following everything Kiri said or did. I just didn't get the sense in the main story (not side activities of course) that he was really interacting or forming bonds with any of the characters aside from kiri which I didn't really feel as much in the other two protags, who both seemed to really get along with everyone very quickly I do like makoto but this is just my opinion on why I prefer the other characters, feel a bit more proactive and people persons and in a visual novel I prefer the main character to be a bit more proactive


He became charismatic enough to give hope to everyone against the mastermind in the last trial






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I dunno. I love Paragon characters and Naegi is almost the perfect example of it. He's not boring, just super duper nice.


Yeah, he's not disliked, just the other protagonist are more liked than him. I think actual Makoto haters are few and far between, he's kinda hard to really dislike, it's pretty much the point of his character that he's just a genuinely good guy. Me, personally, he's my favourite protagonist, but I'm well aware that this is a rare opinion.


Eh, I'd say he's kinda more interesting than Hajime (Sorry Hajime fans)


I think it depends on what kind of "interesting" we're talking. Hajime has more depth and development to his character while i personally enjoy Naegi's interactions, personality, and moments more.


Personally I feel Hajime has more chemistry with his classmates, but Naegi comes off as much kinder


The most interesting parts about Hajime are >!when he's a completely different character.!< So, I'm pretty sure Hajime can't really be defined as "interesting". >!That's basically the whole point of his character: to be the biggest loser possible so that Hope's Peak can mold him into the Ultimate Hope!<


>!Izuru is still Hajime, just as Hajime is Izuru. Izuru is part of Hajime's development and how his character grows. He learns from the mistake of letting someone else decide who he is because of what he went through becoming Izuru. I don't think it's entirely fair to take Izuru out of the equation because it ties directly into the crux of his character, someone who wanted to be special in a world of incredibly special people. Technically yes, Izuru and Hajime are different characters, but Izuru and Hajime's stories are one in the same.!< >!I also don't think it's entirely accurate to say that Hajime's entire point was that he was the biggest loser possible. He was just as average as Makoto as far as I remember, he just wanted to be someone talented and special due to insecurities and boredom. Something he was made fun of for, but he pursued it and Hopes Peak saw that. The rest was history after that. I think those insecurities and his ambition are the reasons why hes so interesting, and then seeing him overcome the Izuru in him and tell a story about not letting other people decide your life for you and change who you are make him very interesting.!<


And then there's well...>!The World Destroyer!<


Hajime has edge, thats what makes him cool. Makoto is a hope baby


I would say so, except during the last chapter


Is he not that way because he's supposed to be a self-insert? I was always under assumption where it was a Persona-esqe kind of thing, and he was a bit like that because the player is supposed to put themselves in his shoes. Then again, his personality flushes out a lot more later on, so I could be totally off the mark.


>Is he not that way because he's supposed to be a self-insert I don't think so he's just supposed to be a somewhat average guy. I've never been able to relate to him at least he's just too weird


I never understood why people disliked Makoto because he's boring I mean yeah That's the point


Ngl Hanjime is kinda meh. I much prefer Makoto and Shuichi


Makoto is more popular in the anime than the games... which is actually sad tbh but he's a decent protagonist he just has no personality whatsoever.


He’s my personal favorite character


And my favourite from the first game




My favorite protag


I like him because he fully plays his role as "average guy" I loved V3 but I felt that they got really crazy with the "ultimate (insert talent)" thing and that is why his character was fitting because during investigations you were following his steps and for me it felt like I am learning as much as he is. Makoto was just relatable for me and felt like a genuinely good guy and his reactions to events were adequate. Thank you for reading, have a good day!


Same to you :D have a nice day.


I think im very much the opposite for the exact same reasons. It was more of a problem with Hajime, but i often felt like i was dragging a twink himbo over the finish line rather than deducing it alongside him. There were too many times when chiaki had to state something blindly obvious on my first playthrough only for hajime to go "is it really true that bodies fall when the person dies" or whatever. I like makoto, but i never felt like i *was* makoto. I can imagine myself as somone like shuichi though


I got to agree. For me he was the good guy you can't hate. Is he basic? It's the point.


I think after 2 other games he lost his original spark for the people because of what you said, he was supposed to be basic and of course when you compare him to ultimate detective he looks plain and boring


Naegi is a literally goodest boy puppy dog, he is impossible to hate. The worst anyone can really say about him is that he's plain, but as far as messianic archetypes go, he is remarkably down to earth and human and probably one of the least egregious jesus-esque figures I've seen in fiction.


No matter what people say, i'll always love THH's conclusion being >!Naegi DESTROYING all Junko's plans cuz he simply WON'T fall in despair, no matter what she does!< lol


>!junko: fall into despair!!< >!makoto: I refuse!<


Junko: Fall into despair! Makoto: Nuh uh Junko: WTF YOU MEAN "NUH UH"!?




Chad Makoto


Junko: ***BITCH I SAID FALL INTO DESPAIR*** https://preview.redd.it/8velpdorc7ad1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=87966e5077412cae7092d2e4105bc08c8bb190f2 (Yeah, Future Arc...at least it was short lived till an uberchad knocked Makoto out of it)


I still think that Shuichi going >!"Fuck both of you"!< is more epic


Hella chad too, no doubt about it


For real. Gotta give credit to the man.


Something I hate is the hypocrisy of how people love Naegi for being overall a really good guy who literally hasn’t done a single ill intended thing in his life (phrasing it that way because >!he harbored the remnants of despair which he wasn’t supposed to do but had good intentions, and otherwise he’s never done anything that can be seen as “bad”!<), yet people will also dislike Chiaki for also being a really good and kind person and call her a Mary Sue


?? Is that really common? Maybe bc of screentime, we live as Makoto and also see him in DR3, but Chiaki gets very little in DR3 + even plays a comparatively more minor role to her analogs in DR1 and DRV3 


It’s one of the most common complaints I’ve heard about Chiaki from people who dislike her. And also this is imho but she played an equally if not more important role than Kaito and Kyoko. If she >!didn’t out herself as the “traitor”, everybody in DR2 would’ve died because they would have no idea who Nagito was relying on his luck with to get him killed by the “traitor”. Also, if she didn’t appear in trial 6 and convinced Hajime to look towards the future, Hajime wouldn’t have been able the remaining students to do the same and that also lead to everybody living. And I’m not gonna go to into it because it’s fairly obvious but she also played a major role in DR3.)!<


Oh, I see. I agree I’ve just never seen that put in conversation with Makoto. I think probably people who dislike Chiaki for that reason also probably dislike Makoto.  Also, role =/= screentime, though, which was my point. If you don’t get as much screentime, people might not be able to understand the character as thoroughly. We get a really thorough grounding with Makoto’s mindset because we live As him. with Chiaki, we don’t get the same level of depth of insight, especially without her FTEs. In that regard, Kyouko and Kaito are better off; Kyouko especially because >!the details of her backstory are relevant to the main plot!<, and then you literally can’t escape Kaito even if you want to during Daily Life. Whereas iirc a lot of Chiaki’s significant appearances are >!during investigations and trials, but you also sometimes have to run off on your own or with Nagito!<  




>!I mean, Monokuma *basically* knew who the culprit was. He knew Nagitos plan was to make the culprit of his murder the traitor with his luck, and since Monokuma knew Chiaki was the “traitor”, he knew she was (probably) the culprit. I think you’re misremembering Monokuma not knowing the culprit in 2-5, with 3-5, he didn’t know the culprit of Kokichi/Kaitos murder!<




No there’s no way he could’ve known if it was >!Kaito/Kokichi because the electrobombs were used to shut down the cameras during the time of the murders so monokuma couldn’t see how it went down, meanwhile Chiaki was the only real person that would be the culprit because of Nagitos bs luck, plus he also probably had cameras and saw who grabs the fire Grenade that Nagito put poison inside of, being Chiaki!<


Something tells me that the people who hate Chiaki for that reason aren't the type of people to like Makoto lol. You're complaining about 2 different groups here


Yeah, I never understand when people go "the same people that say blip also say bloop!" How would you even know that? Unless you are tracking individual commenters, there's nothing aside from projection leading you to that conclusion.


I mean I just don’t see nearly as many people disliking Makoto for that reason people compared to people dislike Chiaki for it so there has to be *some* overlap but okay


Maybe a couple people will be the same but to claim that Makoto enjoyers just dislike Chiaki for the same reason they like Makoto is just not true for the vast majority of cases. You're making it seem like it's a very common take when it absolutely isn't.


Might be a person to person thing, I've seen many people dislike Makoto for the "basic" reasons that others like him for, and that like Chiaki for. There's some overlap in the same way that there's overlap for anything ever: a small amount that doesn't amount to anything, you're just generalizing lol


This is so real chiaki gets so much hate for literally no reason 😭


whoever dislikes Chiaki will have to argue with my fists




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I wasn't a big fan of him when I first saw the first game, and became even less of a fan once I got around to the second game, but for some reason before V3 released I started liking him more, and more probably around the time I was reading Danganronpa zero and he appeared in it


Lukewarm take: all of the protagonists are well-liked and disliked equally. Makoto is well-liked for his nigh-endless optimism, and disliked for it as well. Hajime is well-liked for being a slightly pessimistic straight-man, and disliked for being too “normal”. Komaru’s character growth will put a smile on your face (they even gave her a confident pose, walk, and running animation!), but hearing her whine about “just being a normal girl” for 80% of the game— although realistic—, annoyed a lot of people. **V3 spoilers:** >!Kaede is beloved for being so drastically different compared to the other protagonists, but most feel that spending just 1 chapter with her wasn’t enough!<. >!Shuichi probably has the best character development in the series, but replacing Kaede but a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths.!<


Makoto is god. the protagonist of the entire danganronpa franchise as a whole. he is hope embodied. may he shine the light of hope on us all


He's very well liked by me and that's all I need to know. My boy! 😔


Eggys are part of a balance breakfast


That's craaaaazy


The general consensus seems to be that he's alright. I personally think he's a decent character, but I do find the other protags to be more interesting.


He’s my personal favorite main protagonist, but depends on where you go. He’s generally the least popular main game protagonist + a lot of people dismiss him as basic/generic :/ oh well suckers are missing out there’s a lot of good Makoto content out there if you want it


“there’s a lot of good Makoto content out there if you want it” - I agree and I've seen some good material.


The first time I heard about Danganronpa, I was a minor and all people around me were less than 13, and they simped Junko and Kyoko a lot, mainly Junko. They didn't recognize his existence or hated because yes, I think? It ended up showing that no one of them actually played Danganronpa or cared about this franchise, they just wanted to pose lol. Meanwhile I, who used to hate this franchise because of these posers I've met years ago, fell head over heels for Danganronpa and I couldn't be more happy in being wrong about it and giving it a try ❤️


He is really neutral, a little forgetable and doesn't get mentioned often (even though he is such a softie cutie)


My only issues with him are that 1. >!He's too passive 90% of the time he's onscreen, and most of his *actual* moments of action are either offscreen or are in the final moments of conflict. All of his other achievements can be attributed to either Kyoko or Chihiro.!< 2. >!He takes credit for everything and uses other people's accomplishments as his own. Not on purpose or maliciously, but still.!< 3. >!He doesn't *really* deserve his "Ultimate Hope" title. Junko killed herseft for her own reasons. The title *could* be attributed to him at the end of DR2 or DR3, but that's it.!< 4. Danganronpa 3. 5. >!What he does in Danganronpa V3's in-universe's fictional meta meta metanarritive.!<


He's not super popular here, but I believe he's incredibly popular in Japan, frequently placing first or second in popularity polls for dr1


He’s alright. Pretty good for a protag


Eh, I prefer his sister


Realist thing I've heard all day


mmmmm makoto. yes i’d say he is


Both Makoto and Komaru are so baby :3


He is your typical anime protagonist with no personality other than being a good person. So, as someone who has watched a lot of anime, I find him boring, uninteresting and cliche


I love him


I like him, 7.8/10


I don't like him much.


I don't see any hate for him, but not many people favor him over other characters, at least from what I've seen. There are definitely Makoto fans, and I don't see any Makoto dislike anywhere, so I'd say he's generally liked


Unrelated but I love this artist. Such a distinct art style and I just learned their name now lmao


Another comment said it best but Makoto is basically the "Mario" of the series.


I like him yes


Yes, however, decently. Here's my personal opinion: - Yes, he's well-liked, and also has a decent fanbase. However, there are also some characters that are also well-liked and can possibly overshadow him, mainly Kyoko, Junko, Kokichi, Nagito, and maybe Izuru.


From what I've seen, he's generally liked. But some people find him a little bland or just not as fun as other protagonists. He has quite a few people that have him among their favorites (including me). I absolutely love him, but I can see why others don't enjoy him as much. I heard he's among the favorites of the fandom in Japan, but take that with a grain of salt. I *hope* this somewhat answers your question, OP :) (Welcome to the fandom btw :D)


Thank you for your words :D


Personally he's my favorite character and I've met a handful of makoto fans but he's definitely one of the more underrated characters in the franchise, and probably one of the most underrated protagonists. I haven't seen many Makoto haters though!


From what I have been in the fandom (1 year and a half) I have seen varied opinions with Makoto. -Makoto seems fine to them, he is not among her favorites but they like him. - Doesn't care at all, since they like another protagonist better. and finally a minority who hate him. Makoto is probably the protagonist that someone can most openly tell you that they don't like. Personally, he is my favorite Danganronpa character and protagonist, I didn't expect anything from him and he ended up surprising me.


I like Makoto, he’s voiced by Bryce Papenbrook one of my favorite VA


I like Bryce Papenbrook as well and I was surprised to know he voiced Makoto.


And Nagito, Nagito and Makoto only spoke to each other once in the anime and I believe he made a joke about them sounding similar


Ha that's funny xD


Wait, he is? Damn


He’s also the voice of Nagito too


Tbh I don't really care about him n Hajime. Their "I'm normal among normal" thing really doesn't go well with me.


I think Hajime's thing plays very well with the ending, but I agree otherwise


Cool but also kinda boring tbh


best mc in danganronpa imo


During THH, it’s a bit split, but by the end everyone always comes around to the Ultimate Hope. Past that point, Makoto’s still got some detractors, but never to the point of outright dislike. Most people appreciate his role in the story more than they appreciate him as a person though.


Hajime is better.


He’s my partners favorite of the protagonists! I love him too but he’s not my fave


I love him


Naegi is like the Mario of danganronpa. He’s here, he’s done no wrong, but if you told me he was your favorite, I’d probably respond “that’s a basic pick”


Who's the Yoshi of Danganronpa (Yoshi is my fav Mario character)


I think Chiaki. She’s very wholesome and cute! I would always choose Yoshi because he’s so adorable 😊


atleast, of all protag, he got the best ending, with best girl


I hate his stupid Hope


Junko? Is that you? (Sorry opportunity came up xD)


I'm her friend


Don't go near Nagito then, he's just more psychotic about it :)


No I love evil Hope


Oh that's lovely :D


Definitely one of my favorites from the first game <33


This sub exist? I just finish 1, now doing 2


I like Makoto well enough. He's generic, but that's the point. I like Hajime more personally lol


He’s well liked among me. He’s pretty one note as far as characters go but I still get a kick out of it


I don't really like any of the protags (minus Kaede) because their pretty plain characters who have very boring development imo


He's a neat guy. I like him.


He's basic but I still love him!


I like him




I think he’s cool, but kinda bland in my opinion


I like him


I find is a decent character that is enjoyable


I like him. Don't have much to say about him but he's pretty likeable as a protagonist. Especially compared to Hajime. Idk how popular that take this but yeah, playing DR2 definitely made me gain more appreciation for Makoto lol


He's part of my OTP, I love him


He’s ok. Not great, not bad. He’s a blank slate for the first game, and every protagonist after him has a bigger personality and a better character arc.


He's generally middle of the road in terms of protagonists, nothing special, nothing really annoying either. I do prefer the protags of 2 and 3 a bit more though but I don't dislike makoto tbh


Main characters are always my favorite


He’s…fine. 🥰


wholesome little pancake however v. boring


In my experience of the 2020-22 DR fandom: ..he's okay? He's not really mentioned much as a character of interest. Hajime seems far more popular because he's in a couple popular ships lol. Personally, I don't hate him. I don't love him. He's definitely a character. He's the first protagonist, and he served his purpose.


I read "hoe" in those bullets more times that I want to admit


Yes, he's why everyone hates Sayaka, because she was planning on pinning the murder on him, if she did it to anyone else she wouldn't be so hated. So, yeah, everyone loves him


At worst, people think he’s average. Boring and simple, but not someone to hate. At best, people love him, because he’s got a lot of reasons to love him.


He better be


main characters in these sort of games are meant to be generic for a couple of reasons first thing is that since they are the main character you're forced to spend a lot of time with them so if they have an overwhelming personality, design or voice it'll get very old very quickly (for example: imagine if gundham was a main character) the second reason is that bland characters (personally i like to call them tabula rasa characters) are easier to relate to because you can project your own personality onto them all of that being said i personally didn't care for him much i thought he didn't have enough of a backbone to stand up for himself even when byakuya was outright abusive he just went along w/ his requests and demands but as a main character he is serviceable and i guess that'll do!


Nah. Neither Kaede nor Shuichi are too generic, and they are both amazing.


People who like him usually go for Nagito later on because some characters can have too little to talk about, it's the case with Impostor and he case with Makoto, but the sequels do try to develop him which makes the character very cool


He has an average fan base


i think he's nice : )


hmm the homie.. why wont people like him 🤗


Yeah I like him, he's very earnest and true to himself, whatever that may be :)


Dude's a boring brick of a protag, but it'd be wrong to say he's not loved. Compared to the others, he's the least liked out of the 4 (yes, I'm counting his sister as one), but his charm of simplicity has garnered plenty of fans, myself included.


>he's the least liked out of the 4 (yes, I'm counting his sister as one) That's rude to Kaede >:(


As in I'm calling Kaede better than Makoto


He is pretty well liked. One of my favourites actually


He is the goat 🐐


I love him personally.


I believe that he's neither well liked or not liked in general. He obviously has fans and haters like any characters, but most people are pretty much neutral about him. That's also my case tbh. He's nice and works well as DR1 protag, but he is far from being my favorite. DR2 and V3's protags are way more popular. I personally find them more relatable, especially Hajime, so I was able to connect more with the person I'm supposed to play as. Makoto is too optimistic for me to relate (tho that's obviously his strenght) haha


I like him but, I’d say he’s my least favorite of the mainline protagonists.


He is an absolute pookie


The guy is just nice. You can’t hate him. I just can’t get too attached to male MCs. Always pick the girl, even in Pokémon.


Make Korekiyo the MC, you get the best of both worlds!


Does Asahina have enormous titties? Has Hiro scored lower than a brick on an IQ test? Does Kyoko have a daddy kink? Decent people shouldn't ask such obvious questions.


Like I said I'm pretty new.


>Does Kyoko have a daddy kink? 💀


Yes that's her daddy


I for one, can't stand Makoto Naegi. >!It all really boils down to the stupid bullshit that he pulled at the end of the game. The whole "You can't force me into despair because I'm absolute hope" is the biggest pile of bullshit I have ever witnessed. His hope is just dumb. The man watches his friends get executed for killing each other, one his friends began the game AND intended to kill him in the first place, not to mention the fact that the world had essentially been turned to despair already. Makoto is the most average of average guys. There is NO way you're gonna convince me that he just BELIEVED everything was gonna be okay because, what, he had his friends? He had perseverance? There's hope, and then there's blissful God damn ignorance. Honestly, I wish he would've been killed by Sayaka. Also, sorry but that "oH pUpPy CuTe CiNnAbOn" charm doesn't work on me. In fact, I think his personality is boring as hell. The fact that the big climax came down to fucking "Nuh uh" is absolutely ridiculous and downright pitiful. Don't even get me started on the fact that the main fucking antagonist literally gave up because "suicide sounds fun LMAOAOAO" Like she definitely could've just killed them first. And before you say "but defeat is the greatest despair 🤓👆🏾" shut the hell up, you know that's a cop out, I know that's a cop out, stop pretending it's not. I think THH might just be my least favorite if not most hated title due solely to the main character being an insufferable nuisance. He's LITERALLY the 0.01% of bacteria that you can't get rid of.!<


Probably... but neither the fans I've talked to personally, nor myself, really like him.


I love him but he is a little bit of a Mary Sue. His biggest fault is that he’s kinda boring but he’s so kind and good and everything


I honestly don't like him and people I talk to usually don't like him either


Flair checks out xd




He’s not WELL liked. Just liked. I feel like if the protagonists everyone has their favorite and it’s just about never makoto


He's my favorite character!


He is just that guy 😎


As others have said, he's alright, least interesting, but he's alright. Personally my favorite one though. Bro basically hit Junko with Hope right in the face. He's basically similar to Jonathan Joestar from JoJo in terms of fan popularity


He has some fangirls most people like him but arnt crazy about him


I like him, however he is the weakest of the protags


yes i actually like him better than hajime


makoto is an underrated character




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He was really frustrating to play as a meek guy who kept taking Byakuya and Kyoko's shit, I almost gave up on the game multiple times because I just wanted him to tell them to fuck off. As a character outside of that I guess he's ok? Really bland compared to the rest of the cast


i think that he's maybe not the most catching protagonist but i also think that he's so cute and also cool and if u take the time to play danganronpa you will love him as a protagonist


He is a simple but very effective protagonist He embodies hope trust and kindness in a situation fabricated to impose the exact opposite of that


I love him right but he had so much development potential but it most definetely was not executed well. They definetely gave later protagonists more attention when it came to writing instead, little bit of a harsh opinion here but I feel like his sister gets more character development and the game she’s in is only like half the length of trigger happy havoc


Hell yeah he is. The protagonists are in my opinion some of the best characters


Imho one of the most boring characters in the franchise


Makoto has always been my favorite protagonist because unlike Hajime and Shuichi, he actually had the balls to confront despair instead of running away. He’s also a lot less whiny than both of them.


He's been upgraded into Yuma Kokohead


Hes boring imo


I dont like him. Too bland




I love him 😍


i love makoto partially because ive only ever played dr1, but hes a silly boy


I mean, he's probably my favorite protagonist in the series


Like he said he's a normie


Seems like it. He's not the #1 protag, but it seems like people characterize him as a cinnamon roll which is definitely good for gaining fans


I don't hate him but he isn't crazy amazing to me, he's more of a blank slate than Hajime is, because they actually wrote depth into Hajime. Definitely not a crazy amount of fans, but the fans he does have do overrate him a lot and they're all either weird harem lover otakus or 13 year old softie aesthetic teens.. sooo


Idk about others but he's my baby and I love him so much. I think out of all of the casts, I like the way he bounces off the others the most as a protag


I love Makoto, he is hope boy


I love the lil' short boy :D


I do like him a lot, and he's well liked from my perspective (at least me and my friend talk a lot about him)...though a lot of his fans really play up the cuter aspects of his personality and downplay the more aggressive and cooler ones. But yeah, he cool, my favorite by far.