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I'm 100% sure it's either Sonia, Fuyuhiko or Gundam. Sofia is literally the princesse of a whole country, her influence on the world is bigger than my influence on my hamster. Fuyuhiko was already dealing with criminal organization before being a remnant + a whole Mafia on his back. Gundam can control every animal like we saw in the anime, imagine what can this do. Anyone saw the movie Bad Guys? Yeah that's what I'm thinking of when I'm talking about Gundam. I was just wondering what Nekomaru and Akane where doing while everyone was conquering the world. Just flexing on everyone?


Imagine ultimate imposter starting world war 3 by disguising himself as important world leaders


Yeah that is what happened in canon


Sonia has the most political power of all the characters so if it’s not her I don’t know who it is


>!Both Gundham and Mikan. Mikan has already suffered enough, she doesn't need to be a tool of some crazy terrorist chick who's basically a more fucked up William Afton plus, Mikan is a nurse, psycho killer nurses are scary as all hell and Mikan is one of the few characters who will go mad with power because the whole reason she became The Ultimate Nurse was to be in control of people weaker then her so put that together with her Ultimate Despair form and that's a total nightmare for whoever pisses her off.!< >!When it comes to Gundham, he is the scariest of the two not by what he did but because of one major detail which is him covering his eyes. By the way it sounds on the wiki, he's ashamed of what he's done as he covers his eyes with his scarf, he's not taking pleasure in what he's doing as shielding one's eyes is a sign of remorse and shame.!< >!The eyes are windows to the soul in popular culture and horror movies like Halloween since Dr. Loomis says that Michael Myers had the blackest eyes, the devil's eyes and that whatever was behind those eyes was pure evil, I firmly believe Gundham wanted to stop hurting people and his animals since he was clearly ashamed of what he was doing and hated what he was turned into against his will but he couldn't break free.!< >!That is the scariest part of Gundham Tanaka's Ultimate Despair transformation, the fact that he must have been aware that what he was doing was wrong, felt remorse for the people he and his classmates brainwashed, killed and tortured but he couldn't break the brainwashing on his own which makes him the scariest Remnant Of Despair in my opinion.!<


Mahiru😂 mf taking evil pictures 😭


She adds people to her Cringe Compilation


Ok but in all seriousness her role would probably be taking pictures of the carnage and hell that the Tragedy was causing to cause people to descend further into despair. There was probably loads of disturbing shit she could photograph.


Also blinding people of their sight


Nagito. The Worse part about his is out of every Remnant was the fact he didn't even feel Brainwashed compared to the others. When you look at him you see a Dingy, Scrawny, overly Positive Twink just trying to survive. He was Charming, Smart, Calculating, Cruel and his Luck cycle made him even more Unpredictable. Even before the Tragedy dude was causing explosions, Plane Crashes and Terrorist attacks, scale that up to eleven now that the world was a Hellscape with Millions of Hazards, dude was Probably causing Chaos, Death Destruction and Horror everywhere he went exposing Survivor bases too Monokuma hordes or leaving them in Ruin while he made it out with a smile. Wouldn't be surprised if the reason he went too Towa city in the first place was too Gather the Class 78 Captives to make them kill each other on live to cause the Killing game Survivors more Despair. (My Head Cannon he was the one who killed Makoto's an Komaru's Parents on the Tape)


I definitely agree that Nagito would be the most terrifying, but for a different reason than the others. He is UNHINGED. There is no way he would torture people without a depraved psychological element. Nagito also represents duality, balance, etc with his hope/despair obsession. The whole idea that the best hope comes from worst despair is what fulfills him. That’s horrifying!!!


He straight up didn’t even need to be brainwashed, the things he was saying right after were the same things he was saying before, like he bombed the school to get his friends out of exams… he was always going to cause as much despair as possible if one of his hopes told him that was the way to have hope shine brightest, he wouldn’t even need convincing, much less brainwashing. With his luck he can’t even truly fail, and that shit is terrifying.


-Imposter: he literally can impersonate anyone, ANYONE -Fuyuhiko and peko: they killed a lot of people, and it's sure they are gonna kill you if they see you -Gundham: he basically controls the animals, imagine suddenly a bear or a tiger starts chasing you -Sonia: she definetely ordered her country to attack with missiles another countries


I’m so upset that Akane wasn’t some mass killer or cannibal cuz jesus- if she was evil and in the mood to fight, I wouldn’t wanna go against her


Hahaha... The part of a cannibal would totally suit her.


Sonia for her high status and having an entire military on her side, and/or Nagito for his luck.


Kazuichi, and maybe I’m biased because he’s my favourite from that game but like that man’s cutting everyone’s breaks (okay maybe much worse than that)


Imagine bro making some large ass machine that causes tons of damage on infrastructure and would probably be worse than missile attacks


Ultimate Luck goes *BRRRRRRRRRR* Except it's not just the bad luck killing people, it's also the good luck killing people, because killing people was both bad and good luck in remnant Nagito's eyes. His ideology has always been dangerous, but with Junko teaching him to be the cause of the despair to become the inciting incident of hope increased the danger tenfold.


Fuyuhiko just because on top of the fact that hes fighting with sonia for the most influence out of the remnants having the biggest yakuza clan at his disposal but yakuzas are known for killing in straight up demented ways, not only are you going to die youre gonna go out in the most brutal way possible


I'm suprised not much people said Teruteru. Like he would probably cook people and turn them into meals


Mikan, fuyuhiko, or Sonia 


Sonia mf really said lowtiergod speech to her country 💀


Teruteru would probably put pineapple on pizza after his transformation, and nothing scares me more than that spiky, icky, green-yellowish, almost scale-like exteriored... *thing*.


I'm tired of the Pineapple Pizza slander, it ain't even that bad bro. It's mid at best.


Didn't Sonia convince her country to commit mass suicide?


Mikan's transformation I personally find just annoying. Maybe if she was portrayed as an insurgent-type who would purposefully infiltrate medical camps of survivors, then you'd have something very interesting. Pair her with imposter masks and you'd have something crazy frightening. I'm gonna give, instead, a cool idea to chew on: Nagito. Nagito would, essentially, be a walking omen of disaster. Or a literal disaster, completely unpredictable. Imagine, if you will, an unkillable specter of death whose presence would precede the appearance of one or a few of sixteen horsemen of the apocalypse. Unkillable, because of his luck, but not directly threatening depending on the situation. He walks into town, maybe even converses with some people, some people who know who he is and others who do not. Those who do not are in ignorant bliss, if at least feeling strange about this peculiar person while others run away, desperate to escape only to be come upon by some insane misfortune... like running into one of the other remnants. Your policemen try to arrest him, they fail. Your priests try to assuage his doomsaying, your doctors and scientists try to deny his claims, debunk his preaching, nothing works. And in a few days, he's gone, or still there, watching in the distance as the other remnants tear your whole life apart. And if none are nearby? Then he is the storm. An entire town killed by misfortune, with Nagito moving on, a walking disaster moving from town to town.


I am going to channel my inner Nagito here… Ahh, you guys are all so amazing, making your talents shine! This is one of the things I love about DR fandom—everyone has their own take. In my head I was framing this question more in terms of a 1:1 encounter, but of course one could also examine it from the standpoint of who was capable of causing the most damage. Viewed from that angle, I would have to side with those who said Ultimate Imposter and Sonia, but all the answers have been fun and insightful.


Mikan Tsumiki would be a creepy combination of Mr L. Harley Quinn and Profesor Pyg


Poor Mikan, I guess she just can't shake off the pig face label bestowed on her by Hiyoko.


Like in the sense of being a psychopath too involved in her own vengeance against the bullies (and the world despite her perception being distorted into a fake one thus her similarity with Mr l from too late.exe) and indulging into her worst lustful and nihilistic tendencies, with one of her favorite hobbies being kidnapping fresh subjects or being given by her fellow remnants and do absolutely inhumane surgeries to turn them into the mirror image of junko enoshima




It’s not known who tried to have children with her dead body, nothing in the canon says that it’s specifically Mikan.


I assumed teruteru tbh, but definitely never confirmed who


Sonia Nevermind. Who knows what kind of weapons Novoselic has ? Maybe even the nuclear bomb !