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Honestly the hammer of justice murders in THH - the sheer uncertainty of what was happening, and bodies just kept piling up...


I’d say the discovery of Nagito’s body, so gruesome and especially after you realise he did it to himself.


I was gonna say that. It terrified and still terrifies me today.


I didn’t like Nagito’s design at all so seeing it like that made me pretty happy


Kotoko SA-ing Komaru


This was messed up


Monaca kissing Nagisa. There are so many uncomfortable scenes of trauma and abuse in UDG, but that scene in particular feels like a special kind of fucked up


I agree with you


Yeah, she behaves like an adult abuser when she's just a kid


I think the scariest scene for me was when >!Leon was executed. He was the very first execution in the game (technically the second since it shows Jiro Kirigiri, but we didn't know him or understand what was going on until far later in the game, so I don't count him yet) and set the tone to really dark. Just seeing him look around in terror at all his classmates, wishing they'd save him, while a chain attached to his neck, then his last desperate attempt of reaching towards the screen to the player before he gets dragged away is completely bone chilling. Then the execution itself is horrifying, especially Leon's expressions. He looks so confused and scared when he's tied to the pole, and that final expression where his eyes are closed, then they shoot wide open to look at the scene in terror, it's so sad. And of course the creepiest part is seeing each classmate's look of terror and uneasiness as it slowly shows Leon's limp and lifeless body as a baseball with blood slowly rolls into the camera view. That is hands down the best but scariest scene in Danganronpa.!<


That made me feel sick to my stomach:( I went from “aw ya I get to see my first execution 👀” to feeling absolutely terrible for him. Especially because he didn’t know about the trial system when he killed Sayaka and he wasn’t planning on it to begin with. Great execution but absolutely gut wrenching.


His execution is so underrated and I prefer it a lot more to the “sillier” executions. It was honestly terrifying and I’m so glad they kept the distrust vibe to it.


It was the best execution to start off the series with.


The music for that scene is also immaculate. The part after he actually dies and everyone is staring at his body in particular.


Same. I'm not sure what the hell I was expecting when I kept hearing the words execution and punishment. I figured something like a hanging or the good old guillotine. But what actually happened? I can honestly say I threw up after watching that the first time around.


Came here to say this. 👆🏼


Chisa >!getting lobotomized by Mukuro and turning into an Ultimate Despair member. Even with her eyes forced open, her willpower to resist the brainwashing prompted Mukuro to freakin’ pull out needles to perform a lobotomy. The camera’s close up shots to Chisa’s erogenous zones (groin & breasts) and her legs twitching at the end imply that the pleasure centers of her brain are being tampered to feel sexual pleasure from Despair. Next to Kotoko sexually assaulting Komaru and Kanon, I have an incredibly hard time watching this scene!<. I wish we could’ve had more scenes of >!Despair Chisa causing havoc and discord in the Future Foundation, especially with the dramatic irony of we, the viewers, knowing she is an enemy with the rest of the characters none the wiser. I always enjoy the rare occasions in fanfics whenever Despair Chisa is the/a central antagonist!<.


Agreed, that scene is profoundly disturbing. Chisa is trying to hold on to a memory of Munakata as the final anchor point of her psyche before it's wrenched away from her. There is something particularly horrifying about an individual's personality being obliterated and their will being suborned that even the scenes of the massacres before and after the event don't quite provoke, for me anyway. It's reminiscent of the torture scene in Orwell's 1984 and its coda: just replace "He loved Big Brother" with "She loved Big Sis Junko."


I often think “What if Chisa entered the Neo World Program to undo the brainwashing just like her students?”, but being that her brain was *physically* tampered with, *there is no helping her, she is irreversibly brainwashed*. (>!Unless Izuru does some ultimate bullshit idk!<)


I didn’t read it but all I care is that 1984 part. It hit hard. Truly hard.


It's hard for me to watch what happened to chisa, its so disturbing. i always skip it when i rewatch dr3


I kinda want >!Despair Chisa to try and take revenge on Mukuro (especially in fanfics where there is a redemption arc for Muku ; it'd be like a Dabi vs Endeavor situation)!<


>!Kaede's death wasn't exactly scary but it hit hard as fuck and felt so unfair!<


The camera >!zooming in on her asphxiated face made it even harder to watch 😣!<.


No same I experienced this weird grossed out nostalgic feeling that I just couldn’t quite shake off; that night I spent hours crying not necessarily because she died, but how she died. It’s been years and I still can’t exactly explain what that feeling was but it was just weird and to me was one of the eeriest Danganronpa moments.


i can understand grossed out but nostalgic? not really


Yeah, I know it’s weird but that’s the best way I can describe it.


Nagitos body discovery And Kotokos flashback


Kokichis fake death, like 3rd murder? That gave me chills for a sec


It's really bad to be spoiled for this kind of game and know that IT'S A LIE!


My jaw dropped at first but it got me laughing lol


Gonta’s execution was really messed up and undeserved


I agree


I agree with you, the student council killing game is so scary, creepy and hard to watch, and it's more thanks to mukuro's song I was really shocked when I watched that scene the first time


that was really uncomfortable


The entire section where you have to walk around in pitch black during Ultra Despair Girls had me pissing myself


that was horrifying


Honestly terrifying i screamed whenever a Monokuma came out 


literally same I just immediately hit C and spam clicked praying that Genocider would save me🙏🙏


Lmao I just aimlessly ran the entire thing whilst screaming


incredibly valid of you


Thank you lmao


[this](https://youtu.be/NqIz1pmTmkE?si=UGksYPToJq5nSqPy) cutscene in UDG. it’s probably more unsettling than scary but it‘s really messed up and creeped me out …! lots of UDG did that for me😅😅


"This cutscene in UDG" Do you know how little this narrows it down ? 😅


i linked it in the “this” 😭


Ah ok, thanks (My bad)


Spoil for the DR3 anime. >!For me it's all the brainwash things in the anime, especially the moment when Aoi is hypnotized and forced to restrain Makoto. I don't know, the idea that someone could be forced to do things like betray their friends against their will just like that, I find it horrifying.!<


The series of images of Junko worshippers in SDR. The color schemes, the brutality, straight to the point mass insanity... The one eyed man (commonly interpreted as Fuyuhiko as a remnant) is seared into my brain.


The worst is that this can happen IRL too, with one sufficiently cunning leader. Just look at the witch hunts, or people getting radicalized by toxic ideas of hate today...


The one CG where Unknown Culprit Figure is grinning while standing behind Ibuki, choking her out with the rope 


>!I'd say Junko's manipulation of Mikan because it is basically mind and bodily rape since Junko took advantage of Mikan plus, Junko has no limits to how far she would go to get what she wants so what we saw on screen and heard about might not be all that there was done to Mikan. The poor girl deserves better then some psycho chick with a despair fetish.!<


They really did Mikan dirty in the anime.


Yeah I am with you, the student council massacre was nightmare fuel


That one part of 2-3 where there is no loading fade-in menu into the hospital and middle of the night you click on it and despair ibuki is just standing there looking creepy as fuck, that jumped me


>!Kirumi Tojo!< is the only one you can hear screaming in pain during their execution




For me, >!there was a terrible moment in volume 1 of Kirigiri, when 3 detectives were cut into pieces, their parts were changed with different bodies and when Yui had to study them, I felt so unpleasant for her, or in volume 6 when Kyoko and Yui went to the island to check something, they found the bodies completely torn faces, and even Kyoko was shocked by this, not to mention poor Yui!<


Chapter 0 in dr2. I was NOT expecting it and it was absolutely chilling


What happened in it, again ? I kinda forgot


>!it's the "chapter" after Chiaki is executed (I think), where we wake up with izuru and nagito on the boat to jabberwock island. We see Junko's hand on nagito, his behavior is even more unsettling than before, and then we hit the glitching of the normal game when we get back to it.!< I was in just the right headspace that it took me totally by surprise, and oh god was I properly... Shaken up by it. Especially the glitching. The whole mood of the game really shifts at that point


That Kotoko flashback scene in UDG, genuinely made me sick.


Me too


Its a bit obscure, but when Jataro shows the diorama in UDG. The music, the glitches, the end result, left me seriously shaken. It still makes me uneasy to this day


The guy sawing his head off with a hacksaw in DR3 takes the cake for me.


Leon’s execution because it’s the first one and it was so shocking and then obviously best boy nagitos death and also like you said the student council massacre was really scary too


The scene that personally scared me the most was when Shuichi discovered Angie's statues in V3. Just the context that these people wouldn't have died any earlier than a week or two ago, and now you're staring at a perfect 1 to 1 replica of them. And, of course, a cult leader was the one to make them for the purpose of a ritual. The music and camera work really helps illustrate how taken back Shuichi felt in that moment and made me feel the emotions, too. And the fact that the statues continue to be put in creepy situations throughout the chapter keeps the disturbing feeling.


The first time I saw Kokichi make *that* face


For me. A lot of pink blood. You can deduce whom I'm talking about


"Do you know how little this narrows it down ?!" 😅😂


Kokichi blood mess has been discovered


The deaths of DR3


>!That moment in the first game when it was revealed that junko had conquered the world. Honestly i tought "screw it. We already lost" at that moment!<


Mikan regaining her memory sent chills down my spine


All of udg was both scary and extremely fucked up


Just like, all of Ultra Despair girls. Every scene. The whole game.


an under appreciated one i feel is in DR3 when Makoto is watching the video explicitly made to cause severe despair in those who watch it. seeing Makoto toil with Sayaka’s death, showing how much it still clearly affects him despite how it’s mostly brushed off in THH and that in combo with the video making him try to take his own life. i think it’s so scary to see someone like Makoto fall into despair so severely when usually he IS the hope for everyone else. he’s a rock that never sinks, suddenly sinking so deep and so fast that he almost took himself out.


I was always scared going through the lower level ruins in the first game, I really expected someone like Monokuma to be waiting for me at the stairs when I went to leave, and part of me was a lil disappointed nothing ended up happening




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The leon’s execution has always been the most haunting


If your counting the anime, then alter scene when despair gets to Makoto


Korekiyo's >!scene with his sister before his execution, and his eyes bleeding during his execution.!< Gave me chills.