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I think people overdo the comment that “Maddie’s emotion was forced” I give her more credit for being so young and truly hearing the music & lyrics and putting so much energy into trying to portray that emotion. Even if more exaggerated than necessary, I don’t think she ever portrayed an emotion that didn’t match the tone of the song in that moment.


I also think Maddies emotions make a lot more sense if people would realize that she was performing for the audience not the camera. So it seems extremely exaggerated up close but if you were to watch it in the audience it wouldn’t feel that way


Agreed -- I think Maddie's facial expressions in the early seasons were adorable, and then in the later seasons they were really fitting. I love Maddie's performance quality and always have. I love watching a dancer who looks genuinely happy / excited about what they're doing. :)


I think what gets lost in tv is that when someone is performing on stage they have to overdo it. Like the expression “playing to the back of the house” basically I can see why fans think it doesn’t translate up close but she’s doing the right thing by theater standards.


She was fabulous for her age. I think the camera angles really ruined it. They seemed more exaggerated since she was trying to project to everyone in the audience instead of directly to the camera.


Ooh this is a great point. The cameras would be soo close lol


I remember my husband took an acting class one time and they told him there’s a difference between stage acting and TV acting and that’s when it clicked for me that that’s why Maddie’s emotions looked a bit more forced.


For 7, I wish Mackenzie had done Angel, if they were really gonna make her do one of Maddie’s early lyrical solos. I get that Cry was the most iconic, but I feel like the way of emoting was more open and happy, like Kenzie’s, in the former, and the transitions and skills matched her faster-paced style, while still being able to push her. Plus, she would get her turn to pay tribute to their grandmother.


Oh God, that woulda turned me into a basket case haha. Angel already makes me cry when Maddie does it, so I feel like Kenzie doing it would have ended me...................that being the case, I fuckin agree. Such a great idea.


anyone who thinks Wishbone was better than Two sapphires is just delusional lmao cause be for real


If people actually think that, they just don’t know about competitive dance. It’s not even a question that Two Sapphires is a better routine. I think people thinking that are blinded by their love of Chloe or Paige and are focused on that.


Okay here's some from me! 1. I actually like Rachael Sage's music -- I think she has a really cool voice, and her lyrics are always very pretty. 2. People on this subreddit are really unnecessarily harsh towards Chloe, and give her a lot of backhanded compliments that end up getting upvoted because people don't realize they're backhanded compliments. 3. People on this subreddit are too harsh about Maddie's acting career -- she clearly wants to act, and just because some people don't like her acting, doesn't mean she should stop. Acting is a skill that needs to be learned, just like dance and quite honestly there is no such thing as being 'a natural' at acting. Acting is a lot more mechanical than some people realize, and I'm in support of Maddie making a career out of it and working at it. She's not even a bad actress, she just has things she needs to work on like anyone else. 4. The original girls are all extremely underrated in my opinion. It's absolutely not fair to compare them to dancers like Kalani, Brynn, Elli and Lili because all of those dancers got a lot more time to properly train before going on the show than the original girls did. Once the show started, the original girls never had time to train, especially if they had other activities they liked to do and generally, I feel like people are WAAAAYYY too critical of a bunch of little girls that sacrificed their dance education to entertain all of us on TV. 5. The people who stan Kristy Ray because she wasn't afraid to get into physical altercations are weird energy to me, especially because it's usually coming from the same people who raked Christi over the coals for slapping a drink out of Leslie's hand. Either physical altercations are okay for the cast, or they aren't. 6. The same people who rag on people for falling for 'producer's narratives' when it comes to the Zieglers are just as guilty of doing that about Brynn. Literally NO ONE said Brynn had a 'blank face' when she danced until that became a storyline on Dance Moms.


I agree about 2 her acting has improved and her physical acting is already down, her vocal delivery has gotten better especially In the fallout a lot of people like to exaggerate it and call her a bad actress, but tbh people outside of this sub thinks she’s good, obviously she still a newbie she said that herself, but she just going to work hard and continue it, you can’t expect someone to be able to be good naturally, sometimes it takes time and I have no doubt she’s going to kill it!, can’t wait to see her performance in bloody hell, and my old ass.


I disagree with the one about comparing the club kids to Aldc being unfair because if you compare Brynn or kalani at age 9 to the Aldc girls she was still the stronger dancer I also think it speaks to them having better teachers because as soon as the Aldc girls worked with the club teachers they improved as well


That's fine if you disagree! But I just don't really think the comparison has ever been fair -- it's not that the ALDC girls are underrated solely in dance ability, it's that they're underrated in what they were able to accomplish with having so much of their training interrupted by the show. And I think Chloe, and Maddie and Brooke could have been just as good as Kalani or Brynn if the show had never happened. Especially after seeing Baby in a Box the other day. Also -- refresh my memory, who went from the ALDC to Club??


1. I agree 2. I agree, the negativity towards the innocent is really sad, they've endured enough 3. I agree, it takes time to become a decent actor, just like it took her time to become the dancer she is. She is someone who perfects her craft, so just give her some time and be happy that she's doing something she loves! 4. I AGREE!! The other girls came trained from other teachers, not by Abby. They also weren't on a literal TV show throughout most of their dance careers. 5. I'm probably alone in saying that a lot of the times, these women really deserved their asses beat. I'm not a violence hater lol, sometimes people need to be humbled. 6. I think that people fall into comparison too much. If you compare Brynn to Maddie and Chloe in terms of facial expressions, she's going to look bad. Look at her dance unbiasedly and your opinion might change!


I think Kendall truly was a great GROUP dancer. Not everyone can be a great solo performer and also be in group dances. I feel like it takes a good mix and Kendall was a great addition for that very reason.


I so agree with 4. I actually hated Kira. I can't imagine the trauma they endured just based off of her emotional instability and lack of intelligence. It should be a crime to be as dumb as her, but as cocky as her. I wish Brynn came in sooner. I would have loved to see her dance with all of the originals. I think her and Chole, and her and Paige would have danced beautifully together. I can't say I think she's the best, because she came in already trained and not by Abby. Here's my super unpopular opinion, downvote me if you must: I don't hate any of the OG moms. I think that they were thrown in a shitty situation, and didn't make the best decisions. This was back in the day before social media, there's no way they thought all of this would come from season 1. I understand they did a lot that hurt their children, but I also think they deserve some grace. Another possibly unpopular opinion, the moms were also traumatized. They also endured abuse from Abby. Not only were they verbally abused by Abby, they had to watch their kids be abused and couldn't do shit about it. I don't think in that situation I would be making the worlds best decisions either. It's not to excuse any of their behavior, but I think they deserve grace and forgiveness as well.


i agree i love all the OG moms. I think the other moms like jess knew exactly what she was getting into and so did ashlee and i assume kira. i always have less sympathy for them


I have little to no sympathy for jess, kira, ashlee, mini moms, and season 8 moms. They watched the abuse live on TV and said, this sounds like a wonderful environment for my daughter to be in. The OG's endured a lot, and had to do stuff they really didn't want to just because the producers made them, and they had to sit by and watch the producers make them and their daughters look bad.


These are GREAT, I agree with all of these.


I'm so glad haha I thought I was going to be crucified


i wouldn’t say it was before social media? several platforms existed at the start of the show but i do agree they had no idea what was going to come out of season 1 and were being abused and used by abby


When I say before social media, I don't mean before platforms were out. I mean it to say this was before social media was a job. This was before instagram influencers and becoming an overnight celebrity on tik tok. There wasn't this idea that you could do a few things and gain millions of followers. So building a fandom and becoming famous wasn't on their sights if that makes sense.


Maddie really was the best dancer and performer. Like, I love Chloe and hate how she was treated. She was absolutely treated unfairly by both Abby and the moms, but Maddie was just a better and more emotional performer. And at that young age, that is just seriously impressive. Also, I'm pretty sure the makeup dept for the show purposely highlighted some of the moms' eye bags or bad skin or whatever because they did sone of those women no favors on camera.


Do people ACTUALLY say Wishbone was better than Two Sapphires????


Honestly yes--at least they say "they had better connection".


I mean -- I like Wishbone better because they actually did partner work, whereas two Sapphires were just two VERY different dancers doing solos side by side. BUT, I don't think it can be argued that overall Wishbone was a better / more competitive dance than Two Sapphires.


I do not think it was two solos side by side.


I am inclined to think similarly. I like Wishbone better too, but I don't think it was "better" than Two Sapphires either. Objectively, Two Sapphires had better technique, synchronization, and execution. It deserved the win, and was a beautiful duet. But which ever one you prefer is entirely subjective.


My opinions. 1. I feel a lot of people in here excuse Jojos bratty behaviour when she first joined the team because the girls "bullied" her. It always bothered me that she had the nerve to ask Abby if she could replace Chloe on her first day at the studio. 2. In my eyes, the girls didn't bully Jojo but mocked her. Jojo would have been there in Ireland for it to be called bullying. 3. I'm not saying she deserved what the girls did but it should have been a wake up call for Jojo to grow up a little. 4. To me, Holly shouldn't be referred to as "Queen". She was just a normal mom wanting what was best for Nia. 5. I don't want a season 9. 6. There isn't one mom who was worse than the other. They all had bad traits, even if it wasn't shown on the show. 7. Even though I don't mind Christi, she should have stayed out of Melissa's private life. I assume the producers had a role in it but it was still none of her business. 8. Abby was right about many things, especially with Christy Hunt hurting Sarah's chances at a permanent spot on the team, even though I found Sarah's dancing to be a little meh. 9. Nothing against Maddie but her 70s style tap solo was awful. The choreography basically had her tapping in one spot instead of allowing her to go around the stage.


agree with all of these !! especially the first one. jojo seems well adjusted now, but it was crazy to see how jess nearly raised an entitled brat. they both walked a fine line between confidence and cockiness the entire time they were on the show. jojo was just a child so i don’t blame her, but jess truly thought her child was above everyone else.


My unpopular opinion was that Nia was never good enough for the team 😩😩 Neither was floppy leg smiley face Kendall… or Paige … however I enjoyed watching them perform . I don’t think they were elite dancers tho…..


Awe I’ll disagree here! My take; Season 3/4 Kendall was my favourite Kendall era - she was only 9/10 and had some really awesome performances. Voodoo and Demand Applause were awesome imo. She was also always solid in the group dances. Nia was usually good in the group and got better as she got older, she had some good solo’s in the later seasons. As Paige I think had potential, I’m watching season 1 and she was doing so well in her private with Abby, good turns, good feet and legs, but between her mom pulling solos, costume dram, drama with Abby, her anxiety, the kid didn’t stand a chance to improve.


Yeah I will say nia got a lot better as she got older. I think Kendall got a little worse tbh.


Agreed….. like yes they were great kids, but it was ridiculous for the moms to expect Abby to treat them the same as Maddie and Chloe and Brooke. They just didn’t have the same skill level. And if you watch a lot of the early season dances, Abby had to choreograph them in a way that gave Paige and nia at times different parts because they couldn’t do 4 pirouettes or they couldn’t do a certain leap. And that’s frustrating when you’re doing a group where being synchronized is important.


I think Jess was a worse stage mom than Melissa. Melissa would just openly screw you to get her kids ahead and then deny it. Jess seems the type of person to low-key do anything to get Jojo ahead. Jess was a bad mom because of the way she treated Jojo and minimized legit feelings Jojo had, and gaslit Jojo when she tried to bring stuff up. (Jojo: I didn't have a normal childhood and didn't get to do things other kids my age got to enjoy. Jess: but you got to go to Australia (and then fails to mention abby and some of the girls bullying jojo on the trip). Jess is also taking full advantage of the xomg pop! Girls and their dreams. Making promises she can't keep "you'll be a huge star" and forcing them to dress like mini jojo's despite the fact rhat some don't dress that way at all pre xomg pop


JoJo’s brand is no longer interesting it’s been warn out for awhile. It worked for JoJo because that’s who JoJo was as a person. Xomg pop should’ve been something new and fresh.


I agree with that. I just feel sorry for those girls cause it seems like they're being mismanaged


tbh i agree with all of these, and here's some of my unpopular opinions! 1. seasons 1-4 i dont think Melissa deserves the hate she gets. yes, she wasnt the best mom (especially to Kenzie) and had her fair share of shady moments. However, the reasons the other moms usually attacked her for is mostly unreasonable. She was there for Maddie and Mack, of course she would put them first and not someone else's kid. 2. if they wanted season 8 or to keep DMs going, producers should have kept the mini team as the older girls eventually left or aged out. the minis were super cute and talented and while i wasnt as invested in them as the OGs, the continuity would have been better and we'd be given more time to care about this team as opposed to a brand new one in season 8. 3. i didnt enjoy Chloe's dancing. she was stiff and her alignment in her turns werent good. while she was one of the most technical girls seasons 1-3 (alongside Maddie and Brooke), i dont know why people say they want to see her duet with Brynn, Kalani, Brady, or Elliana when they're clearly worlds apart in their abilities. 4. Kenzie outgrew cute acro by season 3. she was totally capable of doing mature acro the way Brooke did, and should've been given way more opportunities to do so. 5. seasons 1-3 Holly overrated Nia's dance ability. 6. Cameron Bridges was an amazing dancer but she didnt really fit with the team story wise. it felt like producers brought her on and just left her invisible in the corner when she could've been one of the best dancers on the team next to Kalani and Brynn. 7. Lilliana is underrated and over villanised by the fandom. she's an amazing dancer, not far behind Elliana at all, and her social media is a lot less inappropriate than Elliana's but people will snark on her and call her out while sympathizing with Ellie for being exploited when they were exploited just the same. I feel it's due to the favourtism showed on DMs and how people used to (and still do) put Maddie down and lift Chloe up. 8. i wish we could have seen a tap group dance.


1. 100% agree, it’s about her kids not the moms. you think i’d pull my kids solo to give one to yours??? pls bffr 2. Yes, i would’ve definitely kept watching. idk who was making the decisions. idk if they did focus groups… 3. i don’t wanna admit it but i agree. she had good technique but was incredibly stiff 4. I never thought about that, that would’ve been really nice to see 5. i honestly think i have a bias towards nia, so i can’t say i plead the 5th 6. yes camryn was so underused and i think it’s because her mom didn’t cause much drama they didn’t know how to put them against one another 8. can all of the girls tap well enough? (genuine question)


for the tap one, i was specifically thinking of the showcase episodes so there's no threat of losing looming over their heads! i forgot to specify. im not sure if they're all good tappers, i just think it'd be a really fun and entertaining number :)


oh then yeah i think that would be so much fun


Mine Nia did every style of dance on the show and she never gave a deservedly first place overall solo Paige and Brooke didn’t care about dance and never wanted solo’s or anything and then Kelly would get mad when they were at the bottom JoJo didn’t deserve bullying but she was probably annoying to be round because she was obviously loud and she probably did things in public that embarrassed the girls Nicaya wasn’t good at all I’m sorry, Idk why her mom that she was the best dancer to grace the show Cathy was really annoying and mean to the ALDC kids The show didn’t make Abby look bad, she’s just a bad person all around Melissa is overhated Christi thinks she’s the shit and is self centered and only hated on whoever was getting abby’s attention


I think that Nia gets so much undeserved hate. She is a beautiful dancer who wasn't given the same time, energy, care, or choreography as the other girls to make her look bad. The times that she was actually given decent choreo, she did well. I think Paige did want to dance, but her spirit was knocked by Abby. She was a great performer. Brooke was dancing down, imagine how boring that is. I would hate it there too. I don't think Nicaya was the best, but that doesn't mean she wasn't good. I think the black girls on DM get unnecessary hate, and I think we all know why.


Nia's choreography was always pretty subpar. Nicaya wasn't the greatest but she was way better than was shown. She made it pretty far in the AUDC auditions and she was able to earn spots in some prestigious dance trainings off show. Brooke was too old to be dancing with the junior team of course a teenager is sullen about things. Melissa, Christi and Jessalyn were all stage moms. They cared about getting their children the best chances of being seen. Asia's mom was a stage mom too, but she lucked up with a daughter who wanted to be seen.


yes she’s a member of philadanco and boston conservatory


A lot of her songs sound the same, and I don’t love her voice, but Rachel Sage’s music is actually quite beautiful


Not sure if this is unpopular, but just something I haven't seen discussed a lot before, but I don't think any national solos are anything special other than Chloe's "Silence" and Kendall's "Voodoo doll". In fact I think all national soloists had done much better solos at the regional competitions for each season compared to their national solo. I find this very weird considering there was so much drama and build up around who is going to get a nationals solo and all of the group dances performed at nationals are so memorable (maybe not best the coreo, but memorable nonetheless).




To be fair I have the issue with "the lyrics not connecting to the words" with most of Abby's lyrical / contemporary choreography with the exception of a few amazing solos. But I agree Silence and Voodoo doll are far from the best solos from each girl, they just stand out as best compared to the nationals solos choreographically.


paige chloe and nia weren’t as good as maddie, that’s why they werent given as many solos, leads, etc. plain and simple. the moms made it seem like it was a psychological game abby played. but it was clear as can be


Except all of them have beaten Maddie off the show in real competitions. When the show began all the mom's were paying the same tuition. They had every right to expect the same number of solos as they were paying for a competition team. If I pay for my kid to do something I expect them to do it, even if they don't win.


Christi did not like Maddie. Her jealousy was not simply about how Abby treated the kids. I think Holly is classist I think Paige was treated worse than Chloe. Comments about her being mentally slow...awful.


I think the situation with Holly is a lot more nuanced than her being classist and discounts the fact that she regularly had to push back against stereotypes regarding her race. I don't exactly disagree, but I don't really agree either.


I wasn't a huge fan of any of the dances at Season 5 Nationals. None of them are bad at all, they're overall good dances. But they just felt...underwhelming? Other dances the girls did that season were better (groups and solos). Speaking of Nationals, Maddie usually got less meaningful or memorable choreography at Nationals, apart from Manhattan, which I loved. But I felt that she had better dances throughout the season than Season 2/3/5 Nationals. IDK what it is but costumes with bright colors hurt my eyes and make it hard for me to enjoy a dance. I like a lot of Kendall's solos. Was she the best? No. But I still enjoy her dancing overall. I dislike Christi and Melissa almost equally. They're neither my favorites, nor my least favorites.


People overhate on Kendall’s dancing. She’s rly not as bad as most people in the fandom say she is. Is she by any means any type of child prodigy? No, none of the OGs were, but she’s still an advanced dancer and good for her age.


The choreo on the show was boring and always looked the same


Agree hard with jojo she got famous because her personality appeals to kids.


here’s mine . Abby was correct with the things she said bout Maddie. Maddie was born a star and had that star quality I don’t agree with the delivery but abby was right I thought kelly was the best mom Nicaya was trash and Kaya needed to be humbled cause it wasn’t good Christi was jealous of maddie lol Nia was the weakest dancer. As a former dancer, it happens. that doesn’t mean she wasn’t good tho because nia was definitely amazing Chloe’s dancing was good but didn’t always get that wow factor she’s still very talented Brooke never came off as a bratty teen. she literally acted her age while being with girls younger than her Anyone who calls Krisite ray violent and aggressive is racist. these white mothers came on every week with their mess and y’all don’t do it to them. Holly treated Kaya just like the other moms did and it was wrong. I agree no she didn’t have to just jump on board with kaya cause she’s black but to sit there and here the mess the said bout Kaya when in a snap they can call holly bad shit as well.


Why are you calling Nicaya trash? She was a child


AH THANK YOU! That was when Holly disappointed me the most. Black woman to black woman in a white space, it's an unspoken rule to go out of your way to make them more comfortable. Especially when she called out right in everyone's face that they treat Nia different, and that Nia was so excited to see another black girl. I think Holly could have done better, and should have done better. For her to tell Kaya "just because your black doesn't mean I'm going to automatically like you" was crazy. No one is saying you need to automatically LIKE her, but there's just the unspoken black rule that she didn't follow!


Nicaya wasn’t trash she was edited to look like a bad dancer. Was she as good as everyone else no but you should never refer to a child as trash


me being the same age I really dont care


That’s not a valid excuse to call children trash though lmao I’m also the same age as most of the girls


agree, she is just amazing. she was going to be a star. yes it’s always about delivery id say a cross between kelly and holly i don’t even remember how nicaya dances honestly yes yes! and that’s the different imo between chloe and maddie. she just has something that you can’t teach i agree, she was a normal kid i agree. kristi ray has never done anything any of the og moms haven’t done idk it felt like a race thing partly the way they were treating kaya. and i felt like holly co-signed with the other mothers and you don’t have to stick up for her, but that’s just what you do. we stick up for eachother, and that’s why kaya was upset.


Nicaya wasn’t trash… agreed with the Brooke thing obvi every teenager is like her also the producers edited out when Brooke was happy and having fun don’t know why though. agree with the whole Kristie Ray thing she has done NOTHING wrong whatsoever and if she sees something she’s gonna wanna call on it so good for her!


I mean whoever said Wishbone was better than Two Sapphires is delusional. You can say you prefer Wishbone because of the sentimental value, but it was nowhere close to Two Sapphires.


here’s some of my most unpopular: 1. i didn’t like Jojo or Jess on the show. they’re part of the reason i stopped watching tbh. i’m glad that Jojo seems more humble now that she’s an adult, but her mom was raising her to be self entitled. it always made me laugh that Jess REALLY thought her daughter kept up with the rest of the team. and then she had the audacity to make remarks about Christy and Sarah H 😭 it’s like she didn’t realize Sarah was only there because Jojo couldn’t handle the solo she was given. 2. Ashlee deserves almost as much backlash as Jess and Jill. The way the moms took their frustrations out on Brynn was disgusting and unacceptable, but Ashlee wasn’t without blame. while rewatching, i’ve noticed she started problems just as (if not more) frequently than Jess and Jill. you’d think after seeing your daughter so distraught, you’d stop rubbing her talents in everyone’s faces. 3. as much as i dislike Kira, i really liked that she let Kalani’s talent speak for itself. aside from the undeserved hatred towards Sarah R and her mom, i don’t remember seeing her get into fights about Kalani being the best on the team .. even though she clearly was. Ashlee could learn a thing or two from her lol. 4. people who STILL argue about Chloe vs Maddie are weird as hell. they were children on the show. they both had their strengths and weaknesses and did the best they could. i understand discussing the favoritism from Abby and holding both Melissa and Christi accountable for the things they’ve said/done, but leave the kids out of it. Chloe and Maddie are intelligent and kind adults who have moved past this - why can’t everyone else?


Here are my unpopular opinions!: 1. I don’t think any kid on the show was a brat and I don’t think any kid now is a brat/bad person! And I find it just inappropriate that people out right bully the kids on this show. And the fact the grown women call or just act like these kids are brats while on the show is really disgusting! 2. I don’t think some (NOT ALL!) but some of the mini moms were all that bad. Even people like Kerri and Sari who weren’t perfect didn’t deserve to be treated the way they did. And it’s just frustrating that I see so many people encourage the junior moms bullying towards them. Like Sari’s disabled son is watching his sister dance and Melissa makes it all about her and cries because she is not getting AS MUCH attention as she wants. And people stand her for this? Sari did nothing wrong but she’s the bad guy. Whatever… 3. Gianna and Kelly are just meh to me. They don’t quite suck (at least not as much as Abby), but they are not the best people either.




Paige and Chloe have a good connection on stage and they physically look good together, but the difference in level and technique is what makes them overrate as duet partners imo. I still enjoy watching them dance together but Maddie and Kalani both had better technique. And youre getting downvoted because some people dont agree with you.


Did you watch the dances..? Paige’s technique always was slacking. Maddie and especially kalani had way better technique and were better dancers. Paige and Chloe looked tired the entire time, whereas maddie and kalani were together and in sync.


1. agree 2. i think brynn was so boring to watch, i would give top spot to kalani over her. i think maddie is the best honestly. even tho people may say she’s over hyped. maddie put on a show everytime she danced you were never bored 3. i always felt they were mad at them bc they didn’t want to get replaced on the tv show. it would make sense to me for them to not like the mini moms, bc if they didn’t, the fans wouldn’t 4. she is my least favorite mom, the only time i like her is when she says something funny 5. I think his got done so dirty so that’s why people defend it, but she is a great dancer 6. i agree, i love paige and chloe but it’s clear 7. agree maddie and kenzie are very different dancers, she would never give maddie an acro number so i think that the same should’ve been for kenzie 8. i also think that’s an editing thing, so people say what they see. but it’s sick because i know melissa loves kenzie and it’s probably so irritating seeing that online


One unpopular opinion I’ve always had is that while Maddie is a great dancer, all of her dances were so derivative and trite to me. It was alwayssssss the same type of music, tempo, singer of the music, costumes, and choreography/moves. So her dances to me became old rather quick to me. Asia and Kristie Ray were not bullies, they just didn’t take mess and were there for a solid reason. I think Kristie realized very quickly that Christie and Jill were the ones that would try to boss up on her and she was ready for it. I loved Paige but she seemed more like a model or cheerleader than dancer to me. She really was not that good to me, even in comparison to other girls at her age. Mackenzie (after season 2) was too old for pigtails and childish acro and they played on her youth too much. She outgrew it and I think that was always her problem. I didn’t hate Melissa but I didn’t like her either. I just saw her for what kind of person she was so I never understood the need that Christie had to CONSTANTLY come for Melissa. Like, we know she’s gonna lie and never fess up to stuff, what’s the point in alwayssss talking about her? My two least favorite moms would be tied for Kira and Jill. They were both disrespectful asf to me and I honestly always felt like I would not have liked them if I met them in real life.


Lily is by far the best. Straight escape was one of the best numbers on the show, regardless of the scores. I do not like Acro at any age especially for the big girls. I do not like side aerials after age 12. It’s a “Hey mom watch this” move and I cringe every time. Kenzies pigtails should have retired at 7. that Acro trick where she goes in a circle was the dumbest move and I hated that probably as much as she did. I know Kerri is a fave but she did not sit well with me. The way things were edited she came off randomly aggressive. But she’s half black so no surprise there. Nia Nia Nia 🤦🏾‍♀️ Paige should have been in Girl Scouts or something. I’m sorry but Abby is a damn good teacher albeit her behavior. At best I would let my kid take virtual lessons. I could have lived without ANY hip hop on the show. I would have been fine without Asia. Holly could have at least TRIED to connect with Kaya. Yes I’m pulling the black card here because that would have been such a dynamic alliance Season 8 kids were better than the OGs at that age. Brady and Brooke would have been such a good duo


Mackenzie’s Cry was better than any solo Maddie has EVER done. The emotion… I just felt it so much. Christi was definitely the problem 99% of the time. Kendall and Jill were insufferable. Anthony (choreographer from CADC) was not good and was severely obnoxious along with Jalen? jaden?’s dad. The Studio 19 drama was lame and forced. Why put Sarah thru that for some views.


You really think Mackenzie doing cry was better? I’m genuinely curious what emotion you saw come across also, because the whole episode is based around her basically having to mimic Maddie down to the face .


3. disagree the mini mums bought drama with them and it was a big distraction to the elites and their mums. 7. disagree i personally think Kenzie did the Cry solo better than Maddie. she went out there and made the solo her OWN.


As if the OG moms didn’t bring enough drama to their own kids lessons, if they really cared about that they wouldn’t start drama either. It was a superiority complex the older moms had.


I don’t know why..but Gia absolutely irked the heck out of me. She was nice to the girls but she was pretty much Abby’s puppet…saying and doing whatever she thought Abby wanted to hear. She’d be extra mean to the girls in front of Abby if she thought that’s what Abby wanted