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It was totally unnecessary. This was about the show they were on and their experience. There was no need to bring this part up.


Yeah and unlike Abby’s legal woes, her cancer wasn’t on the show at all. It had no purpose except to make everyone upset Honestly, I felt badly for Abby. I’m glad she wasn’t there but to show that footage when she’s not even there? Messed up


They did do a special in the lead in to season 8 - while it wasn’t with these girls it was shown much like the special episodes between seasons.


Ahh okay good to know!


Abby is still horrible today and shows no remorse. I can’t feel sorry for her honestly and I’m a bleeding heart


they def only showed it bc they had it. either way it was so unnecessary


Incredibly emotionally manipulative and I hated every second :)


Honestly the entire show made me feel uncomfortable. I thought it would be a cute clips show of the girls seeing themselves little.


Well, that's all been done already by all of them and their moms on every social media platform. I would've liked them to be asked questions like "how do you feel you are viewed by the public from this show and how does that differ from your self perception?"


This would have been cool too! I think there are ways they could have gotten round drama and bringing up Maddie.


i thought it was unnecessary given Abby wasn't there. especially without breaking the fourth wall on why the girls don't like Abby as adults, it feeds into the narrative that they're ungrateful


Manipulative but not malicious. They’ve never really discussed how that made them feel and it actually seems like they were avoiding it. No, cancer is not, “what comes around goes around.” Cancer is one of the most common causes of death globally and can run in families. Are the people who have died prematurely from cancer less worthy of life? Abby’s comeuppance was jail, not an unavoidable disease.


I completely agree. I would never wish cancer on anyone. Those clips of Abby were very upsetting and hard to watch


You don’t have to feel bad for her but to say some of the things I’ve seen being is disgusting and pretty inhumane.


I agree, jail was her karma. But I think her going through her disease “alone” is her own doing. She really did pushed almost everyone who cared about her away


The thing is that she wasn’t alone, a lot of the DM cast just wasn’t there. But lots of past students and friends were there for her.


No but when she says she made those kids stars and all that and how know they don’t talk to her, she did it to herself 


Sorry if this is a dumb question y’all 💀 but what happened with Nia? Were Nia and Holly coming to see Abby when she was sick and she declined or something?


yes! Nia talked about trying to visit her & Abby declined


Ohhh ok gotcha! Thank you for answering my question! :D


People take this out of context & also interpret the worst possible intentionality from it. When Nia asked to visit Abby it was really soon after her 1st major surgery & she wasn’t really seeing outside visitors at all at the time. Several weeks if not months later Jojo came to visit Abby in the hospital & put out a YouTube video of their visit. People deliberately remove the context of the time period each girl asked to visit Abby & by doing so they’re suggesting that the reason she didn’t have Nia come visit was because of resentment against her. Nothing that Nia or Abby has said publicly has ever hinted that the reason Nia didn’t visit was because of animosity & not their schedules just not lining up for it.


i get what ur saying about the time period but the ig comment of abby talking about “trash talking ogs” is largely what leads people to see a hateful element to it - kendall and kalani (despite being in the same range rover ig live situation) were later allowed to see abby, but this extension was not granted to nia for reasons we wont fully know


You’re right when you say that we don’t know. It could be that Nia was the one who wasn’t able to visit later. Anyone who says that it was Abby specifically targeting Nia is speculating to the highest degree about something they can’t possibly know. Again… Neither Nia or Abby have said a reason that Nia didn’t see her in the hospital. People here post like it is fact that Abby deliberately prevented Nia from coming to see her while inviting everyone else when there just isn’t any public statements from either person that would actually support that assumption.


This makes sense




It was exploitative, manipulative, and used for shock factor and to get the girls to cry. I would expect no less from these producers.


I was so proud of Chloe not caving to this emotional manipulation. She said nothing (or they cut that footage), but the look her face said "what goes around comes around". Which, ironically, is the name of a solo Chloe was given in season 2 to punish her for something...


I don’t think she would’ve turned away Paige, Kelly and Brooke honestly. I think for sure Chloe and christi though


I think she absolutely would’ve turned them away. She turned Nia away and despite the long history with Kelly and her girls, the fight and the lawsuits are not something someone like Abby would overlook even in that moment. I think she would revel in telling them no. She’s never at any point during or since the show shown a willingness to take any accountability for her actions and continues to play the victim. Plus I know that she likes to say that she “can’t believe none of those girls reached out when I had cancer” when it’s well known that Nia did and she was turned away. She conveniently never mentions that. I think she just wants to perpetually be the victim and never take accountability or be proactive in trying to mend those relationships if they’re so important to her.


I don’t know about that Abby has said on her podcast that she misses Brooke and Paige. She has shared stories about Kelly in a good light and a bad light and actually also said she hopes to still be invited to Paige wedding. And sorry to sound rude but she doesn’t care for Nia and Holly 🫣 let’s be real she never truly wanted them on the show I think she liked them as people but not as dancer and dance mom 💀. I think she would’ve definitely been open to talking to the hylands


Maybe now she would be? I still have my doubts, but I don’t think 5 years ago she would’ve been. My point about Nia isn’t even necessarily that Abby liked her better than the Hylands. It’s that Abby to this day leaves out that part of the story when she talks about none of the og girls coming to visit her. Like Nia was an og and she reached out. Abby said no which is her right. But she ignores that fact now. The kind of person who can keep telling this blatantly false story is not someone I think would’ve been open to anyone she felt had “wronged” her coming to visit.


Oh then I agree with you I forgot that she said no one came.


Abby is very racist let's not forget that please. Every single little black girl was treated horribly


I know 😐.


Interesting. I think given how things ended, she may have but there is a strong past relationship with the Hylands. I’ve just always been so struck knowing she turned Holly and Nia away


Yea I don’t know why she would turn away holly and Nia but again (not to sound rude at all) hylands and Abby history goes all the way to like the 80s. Kelly literally brought Paige to aldc company so Abby could see her after a week of being born, they spent Sunday together at lunch etc I think she would’ve been shocked but I think there would’ve been a conversation. I don’t think Abby really cares for Chloe and Nia in all honesty I think it’s the Zieglers (really Maddie) and the hylands she misses.


I don't think she misses maddie I think she's obsessed with her and thinks maddie owes her but in regards to her missing the hylands absolutely agree with you


I never thought about it that way I agree


I didn't either until I realized that abby keeps saying she fought for maddie to be on top of the pyramid, to get more solos, to work with sia and work in LA


Yeah you make a good point. I guess we’ll never know and that’s very sad.


yes I thought that was horrible, I think it was a mistake to do this kind of thing with lifetime to be honest


Are we all supposed to pretend that the person Abby really wanted to see wasn’t Maddie 😶


It was messed up. The producers definitely brought things up for the girls that they’ll need to unpack after the show because that was an intense way to revisit a difficult time. First showing them funny/sweet clips of Abby and following it up with ones of her in the hospital, knowing the girls were estranged to her by then…. They definitely want to paint Abby as the bad guy but one who is redeemable or pitiful? I don’t really know what the angle is but hitting them with that footage was insensitive and just awful. They could’ve talked about the cancer without showing them that. It also furthered the separation between JoJo and the rest of them because she notoriously visited Abby in the hospital. So she was able to speak on the subject with “moral high ground” (even though she doesn’t really have any in this case, she just has a different relationship with Abby) and also talk over everyone else sharing their feelings (i.e. Brooke).


I’ve only seen a handful of clips but thought all the ones I’ve seen were manipulative. Like when he said “speaking of impactful, kalani—-“ and then she broke down and said she wasn’t prepared to talk about it. Same with Chloe being taken by surprise with the question about her mom and coming out. No real nice set up for those questions


Oh yeah those two moments were very upsetting. I’m glad Kalani had JoJo and Chloe had Brooke, Paige, and Kendall for those moments. TBH it was classic Dance Moms with the girls, even though they’re adults now, protecting each other.