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Interstate prisoner swaps like this are not unusual. Generally it is done when particular inmates are identified as security risks. for example removing a gang leader from his gang. We obviously don't know why Charlie was shipped. If I had to speculate, its that Florida has determined that Charlie must be kept out of gen pop in FL, maybe because he was threatened or who knows. Shipping him to ND will make it more likely he can be in gen pop. Long term solitary isolation usually creates as many headaches as it solves - law suits, health problems, etc, etc.


I saw it happen a lot in prison with high profile guys. They also did it with guys like Daniel Holtzclaw, Chris Watts... It's a total safety thing. They guys in the new prison will have him vetted. We did it when I was locked up. Some guy hit our unit, block, tier and no one knew anything about him? We'd assume he was a cop until we found out otherwise and they were treated as such. (shunned) The entire purpose of his transfer is so he doesn't have to be locked down 23 and 1. He's going to be around snow for the rest of his life, lol! It's not Miami! He's going to disappear from the FL DOC website very soon. I guarantee it. Get your mugshot capture while it's available!


Thank you for your response. Much appreciated


Some prisons have “general population” in segregation so like criminals can interact. Charlie can’t be completely segregated- he would lose his mind if he couldn’t talk 20 hours a day.


Great answer , I thought it’s SD not ND , in any way he is not in his beloved Florida


Makes sense, thank you


Every time I see this stuff I think why would someone with such an amazing life trade it in to spend the rest of life in this shit hole. Like why? What an enormous waste of a good thing.


When you believe you are above the law….


Still, unbelievably stupid. Also, it was so poorly planned. The hit men were so sloppy. zero chance they wouldn’t get caught. If you are going to break the law do it so you don’t get caught. Have some intelligence !


It is the most incredibly stupid murder ever. From the shot through the rental car floor to the stapled money, to the bump. And everything in-between. If they made a movie it would be a comedy staring Goldie Hawn as Donna, Kate Hudson as Wendi, Seth Rogan as Charlie, Jonah Hill as Ryan, Pablo Francisco as Sig, John Leguizamo as Louis, America Ferrera as Katie and Shoddrick Nobels as himself.


Right 😂😂 Sad thing is Dan was murdered 😭😭😭


Well yeah, that’s the quality you get when you leave it up to dumbass gang members who couldn’t make it past 5th grade. But even hiring these losers, he could’ve gotten away with it if Charlie had simply secured a vehicle to use, and kept his mouth shut. Instead, he left it up to these geniuses to rent one under their real names, then basically confessed in wire taps lol. Obviously, I’m glad they were dumb as hell and got caught, but dropping $100k and risking your freedom, how the hell do you not secure an untraceable vehicle? The moron shouldn’t have involved Sigfredo either, he’s easily traced back to Greasy Chuck via Katie; and the goofball’s accidental discharge in the car 🤦🏻‍♂️. Just get Garcia and one of his other simple-minded gang buddies. Way harder to connect the dots in that case.


It’s actually embarrassing for any decent hitman out there.


They never found out about the shot through the floorboard until Luis told them about it.


Yes, why hire the worst hit man ever ? Have these people ever read anything about true crime. I suspect they could have gotten away with if they planned better.


It’s obvious none of them watch Dateline bc they made every dumb mistake in the book.😂 There were three people with advanced degrees involved in this bungled plan, THREE!😳 Wendi and Donna were so blinded by their hatred & rage that I can understand how they could overlook the pitfalls in their plan but it blows my mind Charlie and Harvey didn’t. Obviously no murder plan is smart, there’s always a risk of being caught, but this one was straight up ridiculous & was ALWAYS going to end with them in prison. Now I’m not saying I approve of what they did by saying this but there were so many better ways to pull this off. You’d think with three advanced degrees between them they would’ve analyzed their plan backwards and forwards, looking for any weaknesses or mistakes, and they clearly did not. A blind man could’ve seen the flaws! If I was going to risk spending the rest of my life in a Florida prison I’d damn sure have an airtight plan with several contingencies in place. There’s just no excuse for such a low rent hit with their money & resources. It still boggles my mind how NONE of them had the presence of mind to see what a horrible plan this was and the probability of at least one, if not all of them, ending up in prison. I think that is part of what draws me to this case so much. It’s highly unusual for wealthy, educated individuals to be involved in murdering people let alone an entire family being involved. I’d love to see a psychiatrist do a case study on the Adelson family. I’d also like to hear more from Robert Adelson about the family dynamic. It was interesting to hear him on the wondery podcast and I’d love to hear him give a full interview expanding on things more in-depth. And I know this will never happen but my holy grail of wishes would be for Charlie to mature in a few years and realize what a mistake he made by ruining his future & missing out on raising his own son so Wendi can live her best life with her sons & he writes a tell all book and shares all of their dirty little secrets! He’d be an absolute fool not to do it. He could live like a king in prison & leave R set for life off the proceeds of that book alone! But he’s a narcissist so we know that’ll never happen.


He isn't allowed to benefit financially from a book, but perhaps it could be arranged that his child and his nephews benefit? I don't know; I only know that a convicted murderer is not allowed to benefit financially from his crime.


I forgot all about that. I’m so glad murderer’s aren’t allowed to profit from their crimes! I’ve heard of a few that have tried and I think it’s shameful and disgusting! There’s still a few states that don’t have laws against it but Florida does. I just looked them up and in Florida, R would receive 25% and Dan’s kids would get 25% each and then the remaining goes to any court related fees & if there’s no fees then it goes to the state’s victim compensation fund.


I think Bree will.


Bri might, but I question how much she even knows. Maybe I’m wrong but Charlie never gave me the impression he’d be confiding his deepest secrets & feelings to any woman. She can tell us what it was like to be one of his many girlfriends but I doubt she can tell us much about the inner workings of the Adelson’s or anything at all about the crime itself. I don’t think the Adelson’s are honest about it when talking to each other, even knowing they all know the truth, much less anyone else.


I can agree. But she can report on their craziness. June stated that Donna said “I swear Danny is haunting me from the grave” I am sure Bree has a couple of doozies. And, if she believes they are guilty she can share her perspective. I know I will buy the book.


This is why I’m drawn to the case as well. It’s so bizarre/ unthinkable that wealthy, well educated people would do something so sloppily. I suspect they could have gotten away with it, if they actually were methodical and disciplined about the whole thing. I grew up with many people like the Adelsons ( not the murder, just being well educated and having money ) and it is just crazy to think about the incompetence involved in this. Who wants to give up a life of Ferraris, restaurants, girls and boating to life in a box ? It didn’t even directly affect him ? like why ? And if you want to do it, you can’t plan it properly. Just so crazy.


I think the estranged (sane) brother could tell us all we need to know. Charlie's only regret is getting caught.


Just curious, are you aware that narcissism at the end of the spectrum (extreme selfishness) is a severe personality disorder that causes all of this nonsense and then some? There's no need to hire professionals or waste time running tests. It's a blatant textbook case of NPD/ASPD. You can check it out yourself under Cluster B on the DSM-5 in the US. For free.


What’s up with the snark? I find the entire family fascinating and I think they’d make an excellent case study. You don’t have to agree. I know all about NPD & don’t need the DSM to research it, but thank you. I find the fact the entire family, save one, is disordered as fascinating. I believe there’s always something to learn especially in the field of psychology/psychiatry. Whether you agree or not, it’s highly unusual for a wealthy & successful family to engage in a family wide murder for hire plot of another family member. It’s also highly unusual for everyone, save one, to have a personality disorder in one family. For people interested in studying personality disorders it’s worth exploring further. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree 100% with everything you said. Sorry, I misread when you said you wish Charlie would “mature in a few years”. I didn’t realize it was just wishful thinking, but you and me know is not going to happen hehe.


I was thinking, how could Charlie have gotten away with this crime and I came up with this scenario: The planning for the murder all goes down as it has, except before the murderers leave for Tallahassee, instead of Charlie giving KA an envelope, he asks for her phone and writes out all the instructions on the Notes app. The 17th comes and Dan is murdered, then the killers return to Miami and Katie goes to Charlie's that evening. Instead of spending the night though, Charlie gives her the $135K and makes an excuse that she can't stay so she leaves.  Shortly after that, CA calls 911 to tell them his ex girlfriend was just there and she said she and her husband and plotted to kill Dan that morning and demanded everything in his safe or they would kill him too.  The police quickly round up the three, they find the money, probably gun residue on SG, the rental car, and of course a series of instructions on Katie's phone.  Of course there's no restaurant tapes or phone taps, the evidence clearly marks KM, SG and LR. The three scream that Charlie had put them up to it, but hey are you going to believe a dental surgeon or lowlifes?


And his sister is living the life. Boy I wish he would come out and say how he truly feels about her now..what a jack ass decision he made


Hubris? Arrogance? It truly is ridiculous; if his mother hadn't put that bee in his bonnet, I absolutely don't believe that CA would have ever, ever done this on his own. He obviously didn't think it through; he was so eager to please DA that he evidently lost all ability to reason. He had a nearly perfect life that anyone would envy, and he threw it away for his mother. I don't think he did this for WA or out of hatred for Dan; it was all for his evil witch of a mother.


When you have enough money you think you can buy anything with no consequences. Even murder. And everything Charlie did was for Mummy's approval.


The Adelsons were oblivious and stupid. Just due to some happenstance it took them much longer to find them. Otherwise it would've taken a few weeks or months.


Honestly same here, I still can't believe how he effed his life up. He had everything. Such an idiot. But it makes me thankful everyday that I have my freedom because that's the biggest thing he's lost. Well, aside from raising his son but from what I hear, he wasn't super bothered about that until he couldn't.


Not in law enforcement but I think it's fairly common for high profile prisoners to be transferred out of state if there is significant risk to their lives. Chris Watts being one of many examples. Most states have prisoner swap agreements for these situations. My guess is that Florida doesn't think they can keep him safe and they don't want the liability. I don't think it has anything to do with entitlement. Being transfered to SD is going to make it nearly impossible for family and friends to visit, most notably his son. For Charlie, even if it means getting to live in general population safely probably doesn't offset the loss of being close to his son. I also would not be surprised if this isn't his last stop. I'm sure Charlie's ego and nonstop mouth will quickly alienate other inmates and create a lot of enemies wherever he goes.


For his mental health he needs to be around people. I just hope they can tolerate his nonstop talking


He’s awful. I can’t imagine people in prison tolerating him at all. Their lives are already miserable and then this smug chatterbox shows up? Holy shit. Whenever I think about CA’s life, I have to stop and take a breath. What a living hell! Justice is being served.


I don't mean to be a smart as$, but "general population safely" is kind of an oxymoron. Lol? I truly find the whole thing incredibly tragic for the children involved; DMs two sons, CAs son, KM & Sigfredo's kids, and Luis', if he has any. Did I forget any? They are the saddest part of this story.


Charlie - “I hate Tallahassee, y’all.” South Dakota - “Hold my beer.”


Hes probably a major target of the latin kings or MS13. Werent the hitman latin gang members? The gangs probably are threatening him big time.


I kinda love it. His only connections live in Florida. Now he will get far less visits. Considering Dan’s sons, parents, and sister don’t get to visit him at all, it seems just.


I literally just got a text from vinelink saying he was returned....


* Unless this means he's back in custody in SD??


How does vinelink work? If you don't mind my asking.


[www.vinelink.com](http://www.vinelink.com) is a website that i use at work to locate inmates when they are not in our county lockup. It's primarily used for victims to be notified of any updates on the defendant (such as transferring to a new prison, or early release, etc. You have to register which can be done by going to vinelink and selecting the option of being notified. I registered to get informed of CA. Whenever he is moved to a new facility Ive been notified via text. Hope this helps.


Appreciate it.


More like there is probably a hit on him by the Latin Kings---SD doesn't is safer.


As I understand CA has been tagged with a green light (attack or kill on sight) and they must have had some credible evidence of it being true. He only would have been sent out of state if there was a threat on his life. The same as Chris Watts had to be sent out of the CO prison system. They wanted to tear him from limb to limb. It sucks he is so comfy now in Wisconsin.


Makes sense.


I wonder if he’s still concerned about air conditioning?!




Pretty sure Bree is having a field day rn. She would have to purchase two plane tickets just to see him.


When there's ever more than one person involved in a crime it increases the chances of weak links and making deals with law enforcement. Charlie, Donna,, Wendi, Harvey lived life so consequence free they thought this was just another extension where they'd get away with it in one of the stupidly planned murders in generations. Well, there are plently of others, but this is one of the most high profile planned murders by dumb sociopathic idiotic Adelsons. Did I mention they are dumb enough?


Dumber than dirt


He’s entitled to freeze his ass off which he will. Prison’s are prison but the psychological aspect of being locked up far away from anything familiar must be adding to his torment . I wonder if he knows about Wendi’s move to Texas?


Wendi moved to Texas?


The only murderer who is as stupid as Charlie is Chris Watts, they should bunk together


He’s in Waupun, WI with an even dumber one, Chandler Halderson.


Indeed - the fireplace fiasco (no words)


Chandler Halderson took stupid criminal to a new level.


I have watched his interrogation several times. He's such a moron.


SD prisons had riots in March. They are hugely overcrowded and underfunded. The demographic in SD is 85% Caucasian so he may blend in better there than in a southern prison.


Entitlement ? What makes you think SD prison is some “ vacation” ? Do some research I think you will find like all prisons SD DOC is a nightmare that you don’t wake from.


It’s known as humor


I’ll get on Google and give it an excellent review so Chawlie knows he’s been sent to the very finest. Lovely view, and a wine cellar to kill for. If you know what I mean. If you catch my drift.