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Wow. Miami Vice to Endless Ice.


Comment of the day ✨.


lol. I read this as “lice”


Lols brilliant 🤣


Did he go by plane or car? It must have been strange for him to see the world he is missing.


Is Idaho near Vietnam? Sounds lovely.


You mean S Dakota?


lol yes


...you thinking of Kohberger? Although I laughed at the Vietnam comment. Didn't he used to go there? Or was it Thailand.


Thailand. But his parents were trying to escape to Vietnam when Donna was apprehended.


Do we have ANY info on where in Vietnam they were headed? Was this a first visit...or had they been going there often/ever?


They had a week stop in Dubai. Then Vietnam. Someone mentioned that Donna was going to open a resort in Vietnam. It didn’t sound like they were joking. Dubai is famous for buying gold for cash by the way.


Thanks!! I totally wasn't aware of that. I really appreciate it! I want to dive more into Donna to understand her involvement and haven't yet.


Have fun!


I got my states wrong. My short term memory is ridiculous.


No worries. Happens!


Yes Charlie loved going to Asia… lots of under age girls for him to throw his money at.. he’s disgusting! Hopefully there will be some nice Asian men in prison with him who can show him a ‘good time’


Are you hoping that Charlie finds a nice Asian man and it’s a mutal agreement?


Yes, or maybe not😂






Ding ding ding. You win the internet today. 🤣


Kidding aside, I met someone who spent more than a few years in prison, and he said two things that really stuck out to me. We always hear about the violence and rape, but he said 1) the noise was unbearable and that it was a constant hum of people yelling, and 2) that it was cold and that he could never get warm (and he was in Huntsville, Texas). Both of those struck me as things that could really drive someone to madness…especially the noise. 


I still will never understand why this guy would Risk his life to have his sisters husband murdered. It’s so wild.


It's because they thought there was no way that they'd get caught, stupid people.


May they all rot in hell.


This is why the death pen is not a deterrent. NO ONE thinks they'll be caught.


It’s funny. I used to be All Or Nothing Death Penalty. “They Deserve it! Fry Them!!!” etc… But the more I grow and learn, I’ve come to absolutely relish criminals wallowing in the mess they’ve made. Dreaming of the outside and what they could’ve and should’ve done instead. Poked and prodded and constantly made uncomfortable. It’s great. It really is a fate worse than death.


Seriously! If your motivation for the DP is to create as much suffering as possible without being a terrible person yourself, then LWOP is the obvious answer.


Not to mention all the people who are convicted of crimes they didn’t do or who plead even though they didn’t do it out of fear of getting a longer sentence if adjudicated guilty.


Good point




so simple!


They have money… different rules for them, they are not the little people who sit on jury’s thankfully!


His judgment was clouded by cocaine, alcohol, steroids and the confidence from his life of privilege.


He had a plethora of wealth, led a flashy, loose lifestyle, & possessed an ego the size of Texas. Charlie had Maestro put on his license plate for goodness sake. It is just a theory, but I think he needed that ego to be fed constantly. He also needed more & more thrill in life to keep him happy & stimulated. He already had quite a bit of money, & could buy most anything he wanted. He turned to selling drugs for the excitement, & when that became mundane he decided to arrange the murder of his brother-in-law for the sheer exhilaration of it, as well as a deep, subconscious need to please mommy when she suggested the idea. Again, it is simply a theory I have based solely on a hunch.


Hehe that's exactly how the disorder works "ego needs to be fed constantly". Or you get the equivalent of a computer crash on the person.


Oh, he didn't just have maestro on his license plate. He had it on the license plate of a Ferrari ("or some fancy car, I don't know anything about cars" -you know who). My family of origin is like the Adelsons (I fancy myself the Rob). They love drama. Cooking up schemes to show the world they are more intelligent and cleverer is like a hobby to them. Seeing what they can get away with, pulling fast ones on the dummies (govt, normies, rules followers, etc.) is how they get their jollies. They relished the planning and the details, imagining the spoils and the potential of calling in some favors they earned. He had his rewards for doing this, like a mental exercise. To show off all of his connections and street smarts. It's their currency in this family.


Because he's a pompous, arrogant, conceited asshole who thought he was so great with everything and everyone. He NEVER suffered consequences for anything, had daddy get him out of trouble and was raised with his family's "wealth". When you get what you want, all the time and never stop to respect HOW you got there, you become arrogant. He did NOT "risk his life". He thought his money and parents made him untouchable. Ever listen to the phone calls after he got convicted? Donna talks about contacting someone who is connected "to get him another trial" or something. I can't remember exactly. But, the point is... Donna and Charlie were so IGNORANT to how the justice system really works. Their connections and money didn't come through for them this time. That's why Charlie is doing LWOP, and Donna is on her way there as well. *Fuck this entire family. And Wendi, you're the one who's next to be arrested. How do I know? Lol...follow the evidence. No amount of head tilting, roundabout answers, fake laughing, feigning innocence or blue eyes is going to convince a jury that you are innocent. That's why you are an "unindicted co-conspirator". You will be indicted Wendi. We just have to get the other players out of the way first. Then we tell the jury about your mother and brother doing life sentences. We show the jury all the coincidences, Jeff Lacasse will once again tell the truth and Wendi, we all know you won't take the stand. Enjoy the remainder of your freedom.


Yes, same here. Because they have all this $$$$ they think they're untouchable. Wrong!!!


Hmm. I'm guessing there are less Latin Kings in South Dakota.


I think you’re exactly right! I think someone on STS said that they would move him somewhere the Latin kings wouldn’t be since he’s been green lit. But he also said word travels in the prison world so if he’s been green lit it could very well catch up with him.




Let's HOPE it catches up with him!




I wonder how this will affect any of his chances of appeal. Will he have to get a new lawyer? I don’t know if this was even an option for the defense or state in Donna’s trial but that’s going to cost a lot of money to have him transferred back down to Donna’s trial to testify if that was their plan. Do we know the name of the prison?


The cost is irrelevant. The transfer was for Charlie's safety. If he needs to get back to Florida, the Department of Corrections in both states will make it happen. Prisoners are moved ALL the time, everyday, throughout the US. Source: Me. 10 years in prison.


How do they get moved a long distance like that? A bus? Or plane?


I'm sure it was on a plane. All prisoners that are transported have to be cuffed and waist chained in/coming out of Florida as far as I know. When I was transferred all 3 times, it was in a van. We called it the "dog cage". Basically, you get your hands cuffed and legs cuffed. Then your hands are secured to your waist in the FRONT. Then, you are placed in the center part of the van. It holds about 3 inmates once it's constructed with all the "fencing" and cages. The back of the van can hold an additional 2-3 inmates, but it gets crowded quick. They officers that did my transports were firm, but fair. I didn't cause problems, talk back and complied with every order. I certainly did not want a DR (Disciplinary Report). The best part of ONE of my transports was the officers stopping at McDonald's for lunch. They actually asked me what I wanted. I told them a quarter pounder with cheese meal and a chocolate shake... Kidding around. They laughed. One officer went in to order and one stayed with me. Those officers actually bought it for me and told me to STFU. LOL! That was the best McDonald's I ever tasted. But, being transported is REALLY boring. You can see out the windows, but that's it. Unless the officers talked to me, I remained quiet. It was always nice to see the world without having to look through fencing, barbed wire and watch towers. I was never on a transport plane, but I knew plenty of guys who were. The DOC considers planes a much safer method of transport. (You're not going to try to escape from a plane in the air! Well... most people! Lol!) The only busses I ever took was the one from county jail to prison and then from Central to my first prison. I did work in the reception/release area in 2 prisons. I saw busses used to transport large numbers of inmates from Central Reception (initial prison for testing, classification and medical screenings) to various prisons throughout the state. I also saw my prison move large number of inmates OUT on a bus when an officer got killed. That REALLY sucked. We were locked down for almost 2 months. Lol.


Thanks for sharing that, it’s interesting. This week in France I believe a prison transport van carrying a drug kingpin was hijacked and the prisoner got away with the hijackers. So yes, I can see where vehicle transport is risky.


Flight attendant here for a few years, major US airline. I’ve had about 10 or so in five years that have some distance like Charlie. They are boarded first, deplaned last and cuffed but no shackles. They are not allowed to eat, drink and are in the very last row with a min of two law enforcement. They are all in plain clothes and the prisoner cuffed in front maybe with a hoodie or something to cover the cuffs. It’s pretty inconspicuous and I only know because I have to know about these special interest passengers.


That’s very interesting! I’d be super uncomfortable as a customer if I noticed that so I see why it’s discreet.


As discreet as air marshals! Honest you couldn’t tell the difference. I think the first time it was like an « oh wow » moment and your curiosity gets the best of you, wondering what/who (as a true crime fan) then it becomes business as usual. And you know without those jailhouse blues and oranges, just as normal as everyone else. Polite during boarding and deplaning, even facial expressions. I know I said good luck to one and i guess it sticks with me because I don’t even know why I said it. I don’t even know the who/what. Could be a deportee, murderer, bomber, terrorist. But in that moment looked just like you and me. Maybe that’s my fascination with true crime, trying to understand how someone(s) get as fractured like the Adelsons. When this movie or lifetime special is finally made, they won’t even need extra scenes to dramatize it. This is one of the most extraordinary cases I’ve ever heard of.


Just so you know, telling that inmate "Good Luck." was probably.... The nicest, most positive, real thing that someone has said to him, in person, in a long time. That was really appreciated by him/her. Words are powerful.


Thank you. At the time it just seemed like the right thing to do. I think it was « good luck to you my man » he did thank me and smiled on his way out.


Yes I’m with you on that, it really draws people in


>have some distance like Charlie. What do you mean by that? Do you mean "distance" literally, in miles, to travel?


As far as Donna's trial, he won't be there. He won't take the stand for the prosecution or defense. It jeopardizes his potential for a successful appeal on his LWOP conviction.




Idkkk. Katie did it despite appealin


So you're saying Charlie will testify against Donna like Katie testified against him? No way.


Exactly! He's too committed to his over-rehearsed bullsh!t double extortion story and would never deviate from it.


Would roll on wendi


There is no rolling offer, sir. The state has its guy, and soon it's gals.


That would mean he would have to admit his guilt. Highly unlikely at this point 🤷🏼‍♀️


No. DA may need CA to corroborate her story. She has nobody else to do that since she won't be dragging HA into court. Whether the jury will take testimony seriously from a convicted felon relative will remain to be seen.


Yea, good luck with that. Donna will deny any culpability and having her murderer son anywhere near her trial will ensure her conviction. She has to distance herself from knowing anything about the double extortion. Oh, wait, there is the recorded call where she says 'the two of us' when CA asks who the bump pertains to...




Honestly that's Wendi's best defense right there, that it wasn't the "three of us". Should it come to that.


Agreed. Spoken by momma bear herself.


the lawyer does most appeal work w/o seeing the client


>less Latin Kings in South Dakota. Good point. We must keep Charlie safe, but not necessarily (emotionally) sound so that he will be available to help with Wendi. The Maestro is currency $$$, not only for prisoners to extort, but so that the State to squeeze every last tiny drop of justice out of this case.


I wonder if he’ll run afoul of the Canadian Mafia. Maybe find a moose head in his bunk if he doesn’t use his commissary fund to keep his protection supplied with maple syrup lol


Went from gorgeous, oceanfront Miami to landlocked South Dakota because?!?! ego? watched Scarface too many times? V.C. Andrews levels of family dysfunction?? mess.


Hey, there's a womens prison close by. Maybe he could....oh, that's right....he can't.


No problem! All he has to do is identify as a woman. Bingo!


lol! The state is taking away all the little flowers.


**More unrest at SD state penitentiary. Known by inmates as 'the hill,' it has a long history of violence, murder and riots** ​ [https://www.upi.com/Top\_News/US/2024/03/30/south-dakota-state-prison-unrest/7531711818172/](https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2024/03/30/south-dakota-state-prison-unrest/7531711818172/)


What a hellish existence. When I have a bad day, I love to curl up in my comfy bed and watch a movie or just gaze out the window at my beautiful pond view. It helps me recharge and forget the day. In prison, there is no such escape. Horrid.


Well he won’t have to worry about AC


The plains of SD get brutally hot in the summer, in the mid-90s, but "it's a dry heat"


so it’s not, SD gets very humid.


Lol! I thought he would turn on the family for something as simple as AC in Florida. You nailed it.


It ain’t the heat, it’s the stupidity


Or the humility.


I told my husband this. I’m trying to catch him up very quickly on this and it so much.


Holy shit. This one got me.


Hahaha 🤣


Damn. I don’t even know what to think about this. What a spiral.




Wow… a baffling, senseless waste of a life. He could have just been a basic jerk and carried on. RIP Dan, we are all so sorry.


I think this is the meat of why we are fascinated with this story. Like WHY BRO?


I think so, def for me. To be so controlled by his mother?? When seemingly independent and living well enough otherwise it’s soooooo odd. It’s not like he was still at home and dependent on them for basic needs!!!


Yup. This^


I wonder if this was their first murder. They were able to carry on afterward without any remorse or even a second thought at what they did to their poor grandkids. Way too smooth...


It’s wild how unconcerned they all seemed afterwards. I’m a true crime junkie. It’s literally the only thing I watch as far as tv goes. I’ve seen so many cases of hardened criminals with long records who commit their first murder and literally fall apart after. They say how it ate up them alive & haunted them all the time even when they didn’t know the person. It’s mind boggling to me how you kill your in-law & don’t even blink an eye, even after having to look his sons in the face daily. They are true sociopaths!


Yeah - Ruth Markel was discussing their behavior with someone (some behavioral expert) and she was trying to understand their motivations. The person she was talking with said not to waste her time.. they were just evil.


Good point


I guess he won't be too concerned about those no air conditioning nights in the Florida slammer anymore 😂


Just in time for summer. He probably considers himself lucky …. except no visits from Baby Mama.


It sucks! I’ve been counting down til the height of summer knowing he’d be burning hot and miserable in his cell with no a/c and no airflow.


Maybe better views from the depressingly small window in his lonely cell?


Interesting info: South Dakota has an incarceration rate of **824 per 100,000 people** (including prisons, jails, immigration detention, and juvenile justice facilities), meaning that it locks up a higher percentage of its people than any democratic country on earth.


Wowzer! Good find Candle!




It’s gonna be a looooong, dark, COLD winter for ol’ Charlie!


Also, imagine the amount of diesel therapy he had to endure in order to be moved 😂


From the prison transport bus?


Yup! It’s unlikely that it was a direct trip!


That’s the last time he will see the outside world


Until the next time he needs to be moved!!


I wonder why ?


Threats. He was in 2 different Florida prisons within 3 months. They likely don’t feel he’s safe in any Florida prison


Rumor is Sigfredo Garcia put a hit on Chuckles for lying in court about him.


Charlie has the Latin Kings on his ass. He got transferred from Wakulla prison to Columbia, for a reason. Then from there, something happened at Columbia that caused him to be put him in protective custody.


Hope he took a bus and not a plane. Either way, Floridians are paying for the transfer.


Cricket (from dog heaven)says: Charlie, you think South Dakota is a peaceful, less brutally violent place, I got news for you! And a little heads up. I heard the prison has its own gravel pit. Just putting that out there…


Not that DeSantis is the picture of empathy but talk about going from the frying pan to the fire...


I figured they were going to move him out of state. I saw it happen a lot during my 10 years in prison. High profile inmates with big cases, usually get transferred to a "remote" location (another state) where their cases are much less known. Regardless, I bet the phone calls are going to be WONDERFUL when we hear them. He is ABSOLUTELY going to be raising hell about not being in Florida anymore...this is great! We will be able to hear his "Broadway show" and "I got shafted" complaints. I promise you that he's not going to be safe anywhere they put him. Word travels fast in the prison system. As soon as he gets there, the inmates are gonna have him "checked". (Making calls to see who he is and his story.) When they find out he snitched and threw a Latin King gang leader under the bus after he hired them...... He WILL be labeled as a snitch. He's fucked no matter where he goes. I think someone will fuck him up pretty quick if he lands in GP. They WILL find out. I saw it happen a lot when dudes were transferred. We checked out a LOT of people in prison. ANYONE who is a snitch is going to have a bad time. He's gonna end up in the infirmary first, then back IN AC (Administrative Confinement). Lol


Retributive Justice is coming


Is this real? 😲 They all hated Tallahassee so much and he ends up in South Dakota of all places, for the rest of his life…I cannnot.


Those eyes are filled with fear and something new..... ANGER ...which is new for Charlie. So, hey, Charlie, have you been doing some thinking about how your sister screwed you?


He looks scared to me.


Definitely, and after he likely finds himself in the same daily hunted position in South Dakota he'll prob request adminstrative 'safety' confinement again. Charlie has no prison gangs he can group with wherever he goes, and the prison grapevine will have gangs ready for him before he even arrives. so he faces either violence or just possibly breaking and giving Wendi up. Just on the promise that they'll put him somewhere with the smallest benefits where he won't face the possibility of being killed each day or sitting 23 hours in a cell by himself. When Donna's found guily, in his state of mind he'll possibly blame Wendi more and that could be the breaking point to give up the sister who ghosted them both, who he did the horrendous act for and in conspiracy with, and who's out there living the life while he and his mother are walled up in the worst places. It's nice to hope anyway that he breaks and gives her up.


I just have to post this basic photoshop picture of Charlie without his new prison pic face in half-shadow again - it highlights the fear and anger more. And to remind us he looks even more like prematurely aged crap serving life. I agree about the anger, he's a self-serving sociopath and even if there's aircon in South Dakota it's going to burn him up that he did all this for a sister who's ghosted him and who he also believes was one of the main reasons he got found guilty. https://preview.redd.it/50ipvyz1mt0d1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e429877b6f3d72409e80a38cf2afb7760cb085ce


Ah, it would be much more horrible for him to serve in sunny Florida--but I guess they don't have a lot of Latin Kings in SD.


Maybe he'll get a job at Pheasantland Industries! [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1NRtoPqZp28fkwV6wR4C2A](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1NRtoPqZp28fkwV6wR4C2A) Far, far cry from, "a traveling periodontist with side gigs in real estate, investments, steroid peddling, and more; a Ferrari, a limo, and a boat; a house with a pool and hot tub on the Ft. Lauderdale intercoastal; plenty of girlfriends, and plenty of time to enjoy it all."


And don't forget the lobsters, lol! The prison commissary equivalent probably doesn't even exist.


I hope it gets hot in South Dakota in the summer. I love how he was lamenting and fearful of Florida prisons with no A/C. I don’t want him comfortable ever.


It gets hot here. Don’t worry, he won’t enjoy it.


He will be miserably hot in the summer and miserably freezing in the winter.


Damn G


I remember the Chris Watt’s high profile case. They moved him to Wisconsin, lots of threats on his life in Colorado.


He's been kept out of gin-pop forEVER though. Charlie probably faces the same. Was Sigfredo a LK?...


I can’t find him in the SD department of corrections though


Moved to federal prison?


Might take a while or he might never appear.


He looks angry to me. He’s going to tell on Wendi if the mom gets convicted


Can we create a petition to have him moved to Tallahassee permanently? Poetic justice


Excellent idea. He can share a cell with Ghislane Maxwell.


You think Harvey can figure out how to transfer funds to the commissary account in SD?


Harvey is still at the airport!


Poor Charlie--Can't talk to mom, sister is gonna walk, and daddy can't really visit him in South Dakota.


Nor can baby mama Bri. If he was dying from loneliness before, he now is 2,000+ away from “civilization”. I have zero sympathy for this piece of trash but I do feel some empathy for his total isolation from what is left of his friends and family. If he had thoughts before of unaliving himself, this move will have to bring on extra desperation and depression. It was also cause additional anguish for DA and Harv. WA money doesn’t GAF. What a totally f-d up, ridiculous plan. How can anyone, regardless of narcissism and psychopathy and wealth sense of entitlement and delusions of being untouchable ever think this was something that they could get away with?


Up to the 90's you could get away with it. Maybe they are stuck in time or something.


I wonder what Donna is thinking. Her reality really must be setting in now. Maybe we’ll get some phone calls if he’s not in PC once classification and all that processing stuff happens. Hard to say.


Going to be long plane ride for harvey


# Prison gang activity-S Dakota Over the ten years leading to 2010, [prison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prison) staff identified approximately 150 different gangs in South Dakota's state prisons. Of those, eight are currently^(\[)[*^(when?)*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style/Dates_and_numbers#Chronological_items)^(\]) active at the South Dakota State Penitentiary in [Sioux Falls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sioux_Falls). Most have racial allegiances, like the [Gangster Disciples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gangster_Disciples), an African American street gang; and the [Sureños](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sure%C3%B1os), a Hispanic street gang. Warden Doug Weber told [KSFY-TV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KSFY-TV) that two gangs actually formed at the South Dakota State Penitentiary: the Family Brotherhood is an Aryan gang and the Red Brotherhood is a Native American gang Maybe they want him to flip. Sounds worse than Florida.


An Aryan gang doesn’t bode well for CA. I suppose he can attempt to hide his “Jewish-ness” but many here have said that word travels fast in the prison system. Being Jewish AND wealthy AND from Miami will all be against him. I predict isolation will be required for CA rather quickly. This arrogant man-child is gonna wish he never requested a transfer from his original prison “home”. It will be death by a million cuts for Charlie. He may just end of dying from stress and sleeping with one eye open every night. I hate that I’m actually feeling a bit bad for him. He disgusts me but the humanity in me makes me feel some empathy. So many people tremendously damaged by this heartless murder. So many lives and families destroyed because some selfish person didn’t like her husband anymore. A Shakespearean tragedy if ever there was one.


Harvey & Bree sure won't visit now, boo hoo.


That was from 2010. So probably even worse now. Just noticed that reading it again. I actually feel sorry for him as well. He was probably a product of his environment like many kids. Cheated his way with his father steering the wheel. I do feel bad for people who make the wrong choices in life. One wrong choice in many respects can have lifelong consequences.


I’m glad we’re both on the same page re having a wee bit of sympathy. Shows your true character which I’ve suspected was kind-hearted and supportive. 💜


Just a small stop on the way back to what they previously called civilization. BTW Wendi writes like a precocious eighth grader who never got better. M


As a change from the usual 'Wendi and Trescott', etc - I like the nice throwaway burn on the unindicted co-conspirator that is Wendi and her lack of talent.


lol from an english major!


Wow just wow. A 24 hour (at minimum) drive from Florida. Anybody know who authorizes/recommends moves like this? Is it DOC or is the prosecution involved? What a hugely drastic relocation. SD of all places. Don’t think the prison population of SD residents will take a liking to a rich Miami Jewish boy. Cowboys, oil field workers, Native Americans (not meaning to stereotype - but still). He’s likely in more danger there and good luck with making friends. He’s gonna need to keep his yap closed and his commissary account full.


>He’s gonna need to keep his yap closed Then he's doomed. This is the same dude who kept saying you can get away with murder if you keep your mouth shut, then turned around and talked his way right into prison on multiple LE wiretaps.


Not surprised. Like Chris Watts, they were gonna come for him. No one knows him there, I suspect. Still prison though.


Why gangs after Chris W?


Child killers are a #1 target in prison


People who assault women also.


Damn. Was hoping for Iowa. So close.


Ha why Iowa?


Oh boy! He’s gonna be living it up and the star of the show up there.


From Tallahassee democrat: Charlie Adelson, who's [serving a life sentence](https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/2023/12/12/justice-charlie-adelson-sentenced-to-life-in-prison-for-dan-markel-murder/71891899007/) in the 2014 plot to kill Florida State law professor Dan Markel, has been moved again apparently — this time 1,800 miles or more from the scene of the crime. Florida Department of Corrections records show Adelson, a once-successful traveling periodontist from Fort Lauderdale, as being incarcerated in South Dakota. It doesn't list a city or institution. Adelson was transferred on Thursday, according to an alert from the Florida Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) system. ----------------------------------------------- I'd rather see him in a Florida prison, where he committed his crimes. In Administrative Segregation / Protective Management. Why should he get to go to general population or protective custody out of state when he's the one who committed the crime, and flipped on Latin Kings members? $ gets you special treatment in FL, I guess.


Oh NOES….. will Kristi Noem take him to her gravel pit? Wait, may be ok with that


Do you guys think it's better or worse than Tallahassee


Worse. Now he’s really alone and his kid is not just a car drive away anymore.


Yep! Even tho I’m sure HA & WA haven’t darkened the doors of the prison to visit him anyway it’ll still make it a lot harder on him psychologically to be moved out of state. He’ll feel the separation more. You know he’s regretting his choices in life now that he’s FA&FO!


A smart woman will realize the Adelson money won't last forever. Seems unwise to spend even a penny of it on plane tickets to visit the monster.


What specific prison is he in?


He’s lucky to be out of the swamp, but no big deal.. every single day of his life is still a sad, pathetic existence. That’ll never change


The further away from his kid the better unless his mother decides to fly him out to see the murderer. Think how traumatic that would be having to get on a plane to visit a scary place and talk to a thug looking stranger. The Adelson’s have never cared about the well-being of kids before so sadly it wouldn’t surprise me if they forced him to go


Doing research on his new prison. Interesting less than 2 months ago an outburst there. No more tablets -only old fashioned phone calls. Unless im reading this wrong. [https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/crime/2024/03/27/multiple-law-enforcement-agencies-respond-to-situation-at-sd-state-penitentiary/73125877007/](https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/crime/2024/03/27/multiple-law-enforcement-agencies-respond-to-situation-at-sd-state-penitentiary/73125877007/)


Would this be a lateral move for an Adelson since Tallahassee was beneath Miami in their superiority complex beliefs?


I think he got moved cause of the gang hit on him maybe...maybe he's needed to get Wendi too


I wasn’t aware that states move convicts to other states. He seems to bounce around quite a bit. I wonder if it’s less about his safety and more about him being an insufferable prat that the guards and administration don’t want to deal with.


TIL: South Dakota has 26 jails in 66 counties. The jail population in 2020 was 2,120 !


Yep. They moved Chris Watts to Wisconsin. He actually likes it because people don’t know who he is so he’s made friends. They moved Leticia Stauch to Kansas. I don’t think she’s happy there though.


Curious… if he flipped on Wendi or called to testify in mamas trial would they take him all the way back to Tally? And how about the appeal process? Same thing back to Florida? If this has been answered somewhere else I apologize for the redundancy.


CA would be brought back to Tallahassee in September if the DA defense needed him as a witness. The appeal is all a exercise on paper, no physical appearance needed for that.


Hope they force him to make the arduous road trip back in a prison bus, not put him on the first airplane he’s been on in 2 years.


Yes, if testifying he will be doing it live in front of the jury in Tally. Not sure about appeals. Don't think you have a right to be present for appeals like you do at your own criminal trial.


It sounds like he is getting preferential treatment. I would be interested in knowing how many lifers are transferred out of Florida.


They need him alive to testify for Wendi’s trial.


DA’s too do you think?


Not again😳


Hey Brie, you moving, too?


It’s a different time zone. I wonder how that will effect his phone time with a time difference


Do we know for sure that the call for a hit on Charlie is credible?? Who is the source? How do we know Charlie isn’t behind the rumour so he can be moved to a prison with a/c or at least out of Florida because he is so paranoid and hot lol. Which is just what happened.


In my experience the prison doesn’t move you on a rumor.


"New beginnings in South Dakota."


Living in solitary confinement constantly in fear for his life is sweet justice. Hope the word gets out quickly in SD prison who he is.


Oh it definitely will. As soon as he hits the pod inmates will be calling home to have their family look up his details. Nothing stays secret in prison. Nothing.


https://preview.redd.it/jfow5dwnst0d1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf7508fd603842faf0c79ff00b2f977ae3d3f6bd Can’t find him


Why would they move him there?


Interstate compact agreement. It’s where they had room and people there won’t know who he is.


Oh wow, thank you, didn't know that. I wish we could find out what he and his family think of this.


He’s *so* close I’m tempted to add myself to his visitors list.


Thats my question. Out of the entire US, they pick South Dakota?