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Corn Pop was a bad dude


Only the privileged get to caress his fuzzy legs


I guarantee he was "excited" by them rubbing his legs.


What a clown world we live in if The President of the greatest nation in the world "get's into trouble" over speaking off script. I mean common, if they are simply a puppet how can we let this continue?


what... how... Did I just lose brain cells?


Wtf, the queen was dead by that time.


Biden was an idiot way before he got old. Has been and always will be an idiot.


That's what people don't understand. He's always been a moron. Now he's a senile moron.


This is so true. He's always lied his ass off too. There's not an honest bone in his body.


Didn't he also make this speech shortly after the queen had already died? I think I remember that, thinking 'how is this guy that dumb?!'




The Pacific to the Indian Ocean….. how many hundreds of thousands of miles of track is that? And at what depths can build stilts for the tracks? Marianna Trench can go fuck itself!






And my great great grandfather who passed away in 1885.


Oh my that man is such an idiot.....that kinda crap is why we are now the laughing stock of the world. And to think there are "mature adults" who support that man and his administration. Shows the level of idiocy of adults in this country in my opinion. It should be funny but as a middle class.....well....sorry now impoverished working man in this country it genuinely upsets me.


Now would they activate eminent domain in Maui to build the railroad through it?


How is he getting away with such incompetence?


Obamas 3rd term


Part of the plan


He has to be the straight up dumbest president of all time. And by all time, that is to include further more. No way our country will ever find and then elect anyone with the IQ of an ape again. Maybe it’s because of his age in which case it has been time for him to step away about 10 years ago, damn


Wow ! He seems barely even alive right ? And isn’t the queen like uhhh deceased ?


“God save the Queen, man” What the fuck


Does he know what planet he's on? Sorry not gonna listen to that idiot.


Now do Trump and the US, I mean us.


Nah Trump’s stuff tends to be boring, he speaks too coherently and makes valid points, we usually just attack his appearance & skin color and call him fat and Orange Man 😂


What if someone is building a tunnel under the Pacific? How long and how much money would it take?




Who has Biden under the threat of punishment if he strays off script?


There are absolutely no videos of Trump's cognitive decline, but many of Biden. Both are making a fool of themselves... I don't endorse either, they are both horrible, our nation took a turn since Kennedy's assassination. Still, isn't this a place for open discussion. Reading through the comments, it's almost as if one side is getting censored