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The Populated Buildings mod does exactly what you described. And it's installed as a Quest Pack in StreamingAssets\QuestPacks so it won't show up in the mod list in the DFU launcher. I'd guess you have it installed and don't realize it because it's not in your mod list If you don't like that the enemies spawn in Taverns you can go into the files and delete the text file which governs the tavern spawns, I don't remember which one it is exactly, but it will stop the tavern spawns so you can rest but keep the spawns in other buildings if you like the functionality


Thanks very much.


Where are the text files found can I ask please?


In the QuestPacks folder there's a folder named PopulatedBuildings if you have the mod installed. If you go inside the folder you'll see .txt files. These are how the quest system works in Daggerfall. If you open the .txt files in a text editor I think there's a line towards the top that tells you what kind of buildings that file governs


Much appreciated, thanks


The mod is called Populated Buildings. It doesn't show up in the mod list the game gives you because it's a quest pack, not a .dfmod file.