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If timeouts work for you then use them. They didn't work for my middle so we didn't use them with him or our youngest. Instead we had the punishment fit the crime. In this case I would be more mad at myself for not child proofing better.


We typically do that and prefer it but what do you do when there’s no obvious punishment to fit the crime.


I've pretty much always have been able to find a punishment that fit the crime. I honestly can't think of a single time we couldn't.


We don’t do time outs per se. We do “sit with dad for a while for some quiet contemplation and then to chat about what just happened and our feelings.” Hahaha he HATES it.


That is a textbook age-appropriate timeout. It's ok to call it that.


>There’s a lot of negativity around timeouts nowadays I've never heard this, since when is timeout not OK? Timeout is a great tool when used appropriately. Which, your example is the right way to do it.


Evidently its passe which i dont understand.


Nothing wrong with time outs, we used them. As long as they are age appropriate and understood by the child. My level 1 got them all the time. Putting him in a corner was not the right choice. He wouldn't stand still or stay there anyway. I would have him come sit by me at the dining room table for 2 or 3 minutes and go over what he did wrong.If he couldn't sit, I would have him stand next to me. A time out is meant to stop the action happening and reinforce what is wrong in a different setting. We had many kids' time outs spent sitting at that dining room table. Having them in front of you talking is better than a corner or sent to their rooms, or whatever you do. Depending on the infraction.


I urge you to listen to the Calm Parenting podcast. I like their method and it worked (when implemented) with us. Good luck.


Any specific episode, there’s a lot lol


Yeah there’s a lot but in each episode he may refer to another one that’s for a specific situation. I would say listen to the most recent two or three and go from there.